Compiled by José Luis Caivano
with the assistance of Paulina Becerra
Collaborators: Juliana Agostinelli, Rodrigo Amuchástegui, Gracia Cutuli, Mario Echegaray, Julieta Garavaglia, Mabel López, Cristina Manganiello, María Luisa Musso, Manuel Net, Andrea Pappier, Pablo Valle
General Style
AUTHOR [birth-death]. Year of publication of 1st edition or year of writing. Title. Language (City of publication or writing, Country: Publisher). Posterior editions. {subject}.
Translations and posterior editions in each language.
Chronological Bibliography
circa 360 Before Christ
PLATO [428-347 BC]. -360 (circa). Timaios. Greek (Athens, Greece: manuscript). Greek ed., “Timaios”, in Platonis opera omnia, vol. VII, edited by Gottfried Stallbaum (Gotha-Erfurt, 1838). Greek ed., “Timaios”, in Platonis opera, vol IV, edited by John Burnet (Oxford, England: E. Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1905). {natural philosophy}.
English translation by Benjamin Jowett, “Timaeus”, in The Dialogues of Plato, vol. II (Oxford, 1871), reprinted in MacAdam, ed. 1970. English translation in Greek-English bilingual ed. by R. D. Archer-Hind, The Timaeus of Plato (London: MacMillan, 1888). English translation by Francis Macdonald Cornford, Plato’s Cosmology. The Timaeus (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1937).
French translation by Thomas-Henri Martin in Greek-French bilingual ed., Études sur le Timée de Platon (Paris, 1841). French translation by Albert Rivaud in Greek-French bilingual ed., Timée-Critias, in Oeuvres completes, vol. X (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1949). French translation by Luc Brisson and Michel Patillon, Platon. Timée / Critias (Paris: Flammarion, 1992).
German translation by Otto Apelt, Platons Dialoge Timaios und Kritias (Leipzig, 1922). German translation by R. Kapferer and A. Fingerle, Platons Timaios oder Die Schrift über die Natur (Stuttgart, 1952). German translation by F. Schleiermacher and H. Müller in Greek-German bilingual ed., Timaios, Kritias, Philebos (Darmstadt: Wiss. Buchg., 1972).
Italian translation by G. Giarratano, Timeo (Roma and Bari: Laterza, 1950). New ed. 1982. Italian translation by Giovanni Reale, Timeo (Milan: Rusconi, 1991).
Latin translation in Greek-Latin bilingual ed., “Timaios”, in Platonis opera, vol. I, edited by R. B. Hirschig (Paris: Ambrosio Firmin-Didot, 1873-1880).
Spanish translation by Patricio de Azcárate, “Timeo o de la naturaleza”, in Platón, Apología de Sócrates, Diálogos (Buenos Aires: El Ateneo, 1949), 645-758. Spanish translation by Francisco de P. Samaranch, Timeo (Buenos Aires: Aguilar, 1963). 2nd ed. 1966. Spanish translation by Francisco Lisi, Platón. Diálogos VI. Filebo, Timeo, Critias (Madrid: Gredos, Biblioteca Clásica, 1992). Spanish translation by Conrado Eggers Lan, Timeo (Buenos Aires: Colihue, 1999).
circa 350 Before Christ
ARISTOTLE [384-322 BC]. -350 (circa). Meteorologica (book III). Greek (Athens, Greece: manuscript). Included in Aristoteles opera, ed. by Bekker (Berlin, 1831-1870). Critical ed. by F. H. Fobes (Cambridge, Massachussets: Harvard University Press, 1919). {natural philosophy, astronomy}.
English translation by W. S. Hett in Greek-English bilingual ed. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1936).
French translation by J. Tricot, Les météorologiques (Paris: Vrin, 1941).
Latin translation by J. L. Ideler, in Greek-Latin bilingual ed., Aristotelis Meteorologicorum (Leipzig, 1834-1836). Latin translation in Greek-Latin bilingual ed., “Meteorologica”, in Aristotelis opera omnia (Paris: Ambrosio Firmin-Didot, 1874-1878).
ARISTOTLE [384-322 BC]. -350 (circa).Peri Aistheseos Kai Aistheton. Greek (Athens, Greece: manuscript). {sensation, perception}.
English translation by G. R. T. Ross (Cambridge, 1906). English translation by W. S. Hett in Greek-English bilingual ed., “On sense and sensible objects”, in Aristotle: On the soul, Parva naturalia, On breath (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1936).
Latin translation, De sensu et sensibilia.
ARISTOTLE [384-322 BC]. -350 (circa). Peri Psukhes (book II). Greek (Athens, Greece: manuscript). Greek ed. with introduction and commentary in English by W. D. Ross, De anima (London, 1961). {natural philosophy, metaphysics}.
English translation by W. S. Hett in Greek-English bilingual ed., “On the soul”, in Aristotle: On the soul, Parva naturalia, On breath (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1936). English translation by J. A. Smith, On the soul (Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1931).
French translation by J. Tricot, De l’ame (Paris, 1959). French translation by E. Barbotin in Greek-French bilingual ed., De l’ame (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1966).
Italian translation by P. Eusebietti, Dell’anima (Turin, Italy, 1931).
Latin translation, De anima.
Spanish translation by Alfredo Llanos, De anima (Buenos Aires: Leviatán, 1983).
circa 322 Before Christ
ARISTOTELIC SCHOOL [c.322-269 BC]. -322-269 (circa). Peri Khromaton. Greek (Athens, Greece: manuscript). {natural philosophy}.
English translation by W. S. Hett in Greek-English bilingual ed., “On colours”, in Aristotle: Minor works (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1936). New English ed. by Jonathan Barnes, “On colours”, in The complete works of Aristotle, vol.1 (Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Princeton University Press, 1984).
Latin translation, De coloribus libellus Aristotelis a Simone Portio interprete latinitate donatus et commentariis illustratus (Florence, Italy: Laurentii Torrentini, 1548). Latin translation, “Aristotelis stagiritae de coloribus a Coelio Calcagnino interprete”, in De urinis, comp. Joannes Actuarius (Paris, 1548).
THEOPHRASTUS [c.372-c.287 BC]. -322. Historía phuton. Greek (Athens, Greece: manuscript). {botanic}.
Latin translation by Theodoro Gaza, De historia plantarum (1483). New ed. (Lyon, 1552).
circa 300 Before Christ
EUCLID [c.300 BC]. -300 (circa). Optica. Greek (Alexandria, Egypt: manuscript). Edition by J. L. Heiberg, in Euclidis opera omnia, vol. 7 (Leipzig, Germany: Teubner, 1895). {optics}.
circa 200
HERON OF ALEXANDRIA [c.200 AC]. 200 (circa). Dioptra. Greek (Alexandria, Egypt: manuscript). Edition by H. Schöne, in Heronis Alexandrini opera, vol. 3 (Leipzig, Germany: Teubner, 1903).
circa 400
ANONYMOUS. 400 (circa). Papyrus leydensis (Thebes: manuscript). Included in R. Halleux, Les alchimistes grecs. Vol. 1, Papyrus de Leyde, Papyrus de Stockholm, Fragments de Recettes (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1981).
circa 780
ANONYMOUS. 780 (circa). Compositiones ad tingenda musiva, pelles et alia, ad deaurandum ferrum, ad mineralia, crysographiam, ad glutina quaedam conficienda, aliaque artium documenta. Latin (Luca, Italy: manuscript). Published in Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi, vol. 2, by Ludovico Antonio Muratori (Milan, 1738-1743).
circa 1000
HERACLIUS, Fl. 1000 (circa). De coloribus et artibus romanorum, book 2 [according to Codice 145, Public Library of Valenciennes]. Latin (manuscript). Edited and published by A. Giry (Paris, 1873). New Latin ed. reprint in Original treatises, edited by Mary P. Merrifield (1849).
German translation by Albert Ilg, Von den Farben und Künsten der Römer, Latin-German bilingual edition (Vienna, 1873).
circa 1025
ALHAZEN (Abu-‘Ali Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham) [c.965-1039]. 1025 (circa). [Treasury of optics]. {optics}.
circa 1120
THEOPHILUS (Roger of Helmarshausen) [c.1070-1125]. 1120 (circa). Schedula diversarum artium, or De diversis artibus. Latin (Germany: manuscript). Edition by Albert Ilg, Theophilus presbyter Schedula diversarum artium (Vienna, 1874). {arts, painting}.
English translation by R. Hendrie (London, 1847). English translation, Of many arts, 1961. English translation by C. R. Dodwell, The various arts (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986).
French translation, Essay sur divers arts, including the chapter (pp. 11-73) “La peinture, les couleurs et les matériaux” (1843).
circa 1230
GROSSETESTE, Robert [c.1175-1253]. 1230 (circa). De colore. Latin (England: manuscript). First published in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, vol. IX (Münster, Germany: Freie Kunstschule, 1912). {natural philosophy}.
GROSSETESTE, Robert [c.1175-1253]. 1230 (circa).De iride seu de iride et speculo. Latin (England: manuscript). First published in Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie des Mittelalters, vol. IX (Münster, Germany: Freie Kunstschule, 1912). {natural philosophy, optics}.
circa 1245
ANGLICUS, Bartholomaeus [c.1200]. 1245 (circa). De proprietatibus rerum [including “De coloribus”, chapter 19]. Latin (Magdeburg, Germany: manuscript). {natural philosophy, optics}.
English translation by Trevisa, and 1st printing, 1495.
circa 1304
THEODORIC OF FREIBURG. 1304 (circa). De iride. Latin. {optics}.
circa 1350
ANONYMOUS. 1350 (circa). De arte illuminandi. Latin (Venice, Italy: manuscript). Edited by Franco Brunello (Venice, 1975). {painting, graphic arts}.
SAINT-OMER, Pietro of (Brother Mauro). 1350 (circa). Liber magistri Petri de Sancto Audemaro de coloribus faciendis. Latin (manuscript). New Latin ed. in Original treatises, edited by Mary P. Merrifield (1849).
inter 1398-1411
ALCHERIUS. 1398-1411 (inter). De coloribus diversis modis tractatur… Ad tingendam rosam. Latin (manuscript).
circa 1430
COURTOIS, Jehan (Herald of Sicily). 1430 (circa). Trattato dei colori nelle arme, nelle livre e nelle divise. Italian (Naples, Italy: manuscript). New ed. (Pavia, Italy: A. Viani, 1593). {heraldry}.
French translation, Le blason des couleurs en armes, livres et divises (H. Cocheris, 1860).
ALBERTI, Leon Battista [1404-1472]. 1435. De pictura. Latin (Florence, Italy: manuscript). Printed version (Basel, Switzerland: Thomas Venatorium, 1540). Printed version (Leiden, The Netherlands: Elzevir, 1649). {arts, painting}.
English translation, “Of painting”, in The architecture of Leon Battista Alberti, ed. Giacomo Leoni (London, 1726). New ed. 1739. New ed. (London: Edward Owen, 1755). English translation by John R. Spencer, On painting (New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1956).
French translation (from the Bartoli Italian translation of 1568) by DuFresne (Paris, 1651). New ed. (Naples: Rispoli, 1733). New eds. (Bologna, 1782, 1786). French translation by Popelin (Paris, 1868).
German translation, in German-Italian bilingual ed. by Janitschek, part of Quellenschriften für Kunstgeschichte series (Vienna, 1877). Re-edition by Papini (Lanciano, Italy, 1913).
Italian translation by Leon Battista Alberti, Della pittura (Florence, 1436). Italian translation by Lodovico Domenichi (Venice, 1547). New ed. by Bartoli (Monte Regale, 1565). New ed. (Florence, 1568). Italian translation by Cosimo Bartoli, in Opere morali di Leon Battista Alberti (Venice, 1568). New ed. (Bologna, 1782). New eds. (Milan 1803, 1804). Italian ed. by Bonucci (Florence, 1847). Italian critical edition by Luigi Mallé (Florence: G. C. Sansoni, 1950).
Spanish translation by Diego Antonio Rejon de Silva (Madrid, 1784). New ed. 1827. Spanish translation, Sobre la pintura (Valencia: Fernando Torres Ed., 1976).
CENNINI, Cennino [c.1370-c.1440]. 1437. Il libro dell’arte o trattato della pittura. Italian (Florency, Italy: manuscript). First edition with notes by Giuseppe Tambroni (Rome, 1821). New ed. by C. Milanesi and G. Milanesi, Trattato della pittura di Cennino Cennini (Florence, Italy: Le Monnier, 1859). New ed. by Franco Brunello, Il libro dell’arte (Vicenza, Italy: Neri Pozza, 1971). {arts, painting}.
English translation by Mary P. Merrifeld, A treatise on painting (London, 1844). English translation by Christiana J. Herringham, The book of art of Cennino Cennini (London, 1899). English translation by Daniel Varney Thompson, The craftsman’s handbook (New York: Dover, 1954). New ed. 1960.
Spanish translation, Tratado de la pintura [El libro del arte] (Sucesores de E. Meseguer, 1979). New ed., El libro del arte (Madrid: Akal, 1988).
inter 1489-1518
LEONARDO DA VINCI [1452-1519]. 1489-1518 (inter). [Notebooks]. Italian (Florence, Milan, and Rome, Italy; and Cloux, France: manuscript). Compilation and edition of the manuscripts by Jean Paul Richter, The literary works of Leonardo da Vinci. Italian-English bilingual ed. with English translation by R. C. Bell (London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1883). New ed. reproducing the 1883 ed., The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci (New York: Dover, 1970).
English translation by Edward MacCurdy, The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci (New York: Reynal & Hitchcock, 1939).
LEONARDO DA VINCI [1452-1519]. 1489-1518 (inter). Trattata della pittura. Italian (Florence, Milan, and Rome, Italy; and Cloux, France: manuscript). First published in a selection made by Raphael Trichet Dufresne (Paris, 1651). New ed. based on the Codice Vaticano Urbinate 1720 (Rome: Unione Cooperative Editrice, 1890). {arts, painting}.
English translation, A treatise on painting (London: G. Bell & Sons, 1877). English translation by Philip McMahon, Treatise on painting (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1956). English translation by Martin Kemp and Margaret Walker (London: Yale University Press). English translation by John Francis Rigaud, The art of painting (New York: Philosophical Library, 1957).
German translation by Heinrich Ludwig, Das Buch der Malerei (Vienna, Austria: Wilhelm Braumüller, 1882). New ed. (Osnabrück, Germany: Otto Zeller, 1970).
Spanish translation by Mario Pittaluga, Tratado de la pintura (Buenos Aires: Losada, 1943). 2nd ed. 1944. New ed. (Mexico: Espasa Calpe, 1947). Spanish translation, Tratado de la pintura (Murcia, Spain: Colegio de Aparejadores y Arquitectos de Murcia, 1980). Spanish translation by Rafael Galvano, Tratado de la pintura (Buenos Aires: NEED, 1999).
EQUICOLA, Mario [1470-1525]. 1525. Libro de natura de amore. Italian (Venice, Italy).
TELESIO, Antonio [1482-1533]. 1528. De iride et coloribus. Latin (Venice, Italy: Opera). New ed. (Paris, 1548). {natural philosophy, optics, terminology}.
English translation by Don Pavey, On colours, accompanied by the Latin text, with introduction, annotations and indexes by Roy Osborne (London: Color Academy, Micro Academy, 2002).
MORATO, Fulvio Pellegrino [c.1495-1548]. 1535. Del significato dei colori e dei mazzolli. Italian (Venice, Italy). New ed. 1564.
English translation and with a commentary by Roy Osborne, On the signification of colours (Boca Raton, Florida, USA: BrownWalker Press, 2012).
SCALIGER, Julius Caesar [1484-1558]. 1537. Exotericarum exercitationum de subtilitate ad H. Cardanum [the thoughts on color appear in the 325th exercise, 20 pages]. Latin (Paris, France). {natural philosophy}.
ROSETTI, Giovanventura. 1540. Plichto de l’arte de tentori che insegna a tenger pani telle banbasi et sede si per larthe mahiore come per la comune. Italian (Venice, Italy). {dyeing}.
before 1541
PARACELSUS (Theophrastus Philipus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim) [1493-1541]. 1541 (before). De tinctura physicorum. Latin (Germany). {dyeing}.
PINO, Paolo. 1548. Dialogo di pittura. Italian (Venice, Italy). New ed. by C. Camesasca (Milan: Rizzoli, 1954). {arts, painting}.
inter 1521-1555
MAUROLYCUS, Franciscus [1494-1575]. 1521-1555 (inter). Photismi de lumine et umbra ad perspectivam, et radiorum incidentiam facientes [1st part]. Diaphanorum, seu trsparentium partes, seu libri tres [2nd part]. Latin (Messina, Italy: manuscript). First published (Naples: Tarquino Longo, 1611). {optics}.
French translation, De lumiere et umbre (Lyon, 1613).
Italian translation in Latin-Italian bilingual ed., “Fotismi sul lume e sull’ombra riguardo alla prospettiva e all’andamento dei raggi”, and “Dei corpi trasparenti”, in Scritti di ottica, ed. by Vasco Ronchi (Milan: Edizioni Il Polifilo, 1968), 69-131.
DOLCE, M. Ludovico [1508-1568]. 1565. Dialogo di M. Ludovico Dolce, nel quale si ragiona della qualità, diversità e proprietà dei colori. Italian (Venice, Italy: G. B. and M. Sessa, fratelli). {arts, painting}.
CORONATO OCCOLTI, M. 1568.Trattato dei colori. Italian (Parma, Italy: Viotto).
TELESIO, Franciscus Patritius Bernardino [1509-1588]. 1570. De colorum generatione opusculum. Latin (Naples, Italy: Iosephum Cacchiun).
FREISCHER, J. 1571. De iridibus doctrina Aristotelis et Vitellionis. Latin (Vitembergae).
before 1576
CARDANO, Gerolamo [1501-1576]. 1576 (before).De geminis et coloribus. Latin (Italy: manuscript). First published in Opera omnia, 10 vols., vol. II, chapter X, “De geminis et coloribus” (Lyon, France, 1663). {natural philosophy}.
LOMAZZO, Giovanni Paolo [1538-1600]. 1584. Trattato dell’arte della pittura, scultura ed architettura. Italian (Rome, Italy: Presso Savario del Monte). {painting, sculpture, architecture}.
English translation by John Donohue, Treatise on the arts of painting, sculpture and architecture, including the section “Symbolism of the principal colors”, 1844.
BOLTZ, Valentinus. 1589. Illuminirbuch, Künstlich alle Farben zu machen und bereyten. German (Frankfurt, Germany). {painting, graphic arts}.
LOMAZZO, Giovanni Paolo [1538-1600]. 1590. Idea del tempio della pittura. Italian (Italy). {arts, painting}.
RINALDI, Giovanni de. 1599. Il mostruosissimo mostro di G. de R. Nel primo de’quali si ragiona del significato de’colori, Nel secondo si tratta dell’herbe e fiori. Italian (Venice, Italy).
SCARMILIONIUS, V. A. 1601. De coloribus. Latin (Marburg, Germany). {natural philosophy, color-music}.
SAVOT, Louis. 1609. Nova, seu verius nova antiqua de causis colorum sententia. Latin (Paris, France).
DOMINIS, M. Antonius. 1611. De radiis visus et lucis in vitris perspectivis et iride. Latin (Venice, Italy).
FORSIUS, Sigfrid Aron [1550-1624]. 1611. Physica. Swedish (Uppsala, Sweden: manuscript in the Royal Library, Stockholm). Transcription by Johan Nordström, in Acta Universitatis Uppsaliensis 10, 1952. Also published in Acta Bibliothecae Stockholmiensis, 1971. {physics}.
AGUILONIUS, Franciscus [1567-1617]. 1613. Opticorum libri sex. Latin (Antwerp, Belgium: Plantin). {optics}.
FLUDD, Robert [1574-1637]. 1629-1631. Medicina catholica, 2 vols. Latin (Frankfurt, Germany: C. Rötelli). {order systems, medicine}.
DESCARTES, René [1596-1650]. 1637. Discours de la methode pour bien conduire la raison, & chercher la verité dans les sciences. Plus La dioptrique. Les meteores. Et La geometrie. French (Leiden, The Netherlands: Imprimerie de Ian Maire). {philosophy, optics}.
Latin translation by Étienne de Courcelles, revised by the author, Dissertatio de methodo. Recte regendae rationis, & veritatis in scientiis investigandae: Dioptrice, et Meteora (Amsterdam: Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1644). New French-Latin ed., Discours de la méthode & essais, vol. 6 of Oeuvres de Descartes, edited by Charles Adam and Paul Tannery (Paris: Leopold Cerf, 1902).
Spanish translation, Discurso del método, dióptrica, meteoros y geometría. Discurso octavo, Los meteoros (Madrid: Alfaguara, 1981).
JUNIUS, F. 1638. De pictura veterum. Latin. {painting, history}.
KIRCHER, Athanasius [1602-1680]. 1646. Ars magna lucis et umbrae. Latin (Rome, Italy). New ed. (Amsterdam: Jansson & Waesberge, 1671). {natural philosophy}.
MARCI, Joannes Marcus [1595-1667]. 1648. Thaumantias, liber de arcu coelesti, deque colorum apparentium natura ortu et causs. Latin (Prague, Czech Republic: Jiri Marek). New ed. (Prague Pragopress, 1968).
CUREAU DE LA CHAMBRE, Marin. 1650. Nouvelles observations et conjectures sur l’iris. French (Paris, France). {harmony, color-music}.
inter 1657-1659
SCHOTT, Caspar [1608-1666]. 1657-1659 (inter). Magia universalis naturae et artis, sive recondita naturalium et artificialium rerum scientia, 4 vols. Vol. 1, Optics. Vol. 2, Acoustics. Vol. 3, Mathematics. Vol. 4, Physics. Latin. {physics, optics}.
before 1663
GRIMALDI, Francesco Maria [1618-1663]. 1663 (before). Physico-mathesis de lumine, coloribus et iride. Latin (Bologna, Italy: manuscript). First ed. Bologna, Italy, 1665. {physics, optics}.
Italian translation in Latin-Italian bilingual ed., “Del lume”, in Scritti di ottica, ed. by Vasco Ronchi (Milan: Edizioni Il Polifilo, 1968), 453-501.
BOYLE, Robert [1626-1691]. 1664. Experiments and considerations touching colours. English (London, England: Henry Herringman). 2nd ed., 1670. Also included in The works of the honourable Robert Boyle, edited by Thomas Birch (London, 1744). Facsimilar reprint, with introduction by Marie Boas Hall (New York, USA: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1964). {natural philosophy, optics, chemistry}.
Latin edition, Experimenta et considerationes de coloribus (London, 1665). New ed. (Amsterdam: Gerbrandum Schagen, 1667). New ed. (Rotterdam, 1671). New ed. (Geneva, 1676).
SCHOTT, Caspar [1608-1666]. 1664. Technica curiosa sive mirabilis artis, 2 vols. Latin (Nuremberg, Germany).
inter 1666-1685
FÉLIBIEN, André [1619-1695]. 1666-1685 (inter).Entretiens sur les vies et sur les ouvrages des plus excellens peintres anciens et modernes, 6 vols. French (Paris, France). 2nd ed., 2 vols. (Paris, 1685-1688). 3rd ed., 4 vols. (London, 1705). 4th ed. (Amsterdam, 1706). {arts, painting, biography}.
PETTY, William [1623-1687]. 1667. An apparatus to the history of the common practices of dyeing, edited by T. Sprat. English (London, England: The Royal Society, History of the Royal Society of London). {dyeing, history}.
COLBERT, Jean-Baptiste [1619-1683]. 1671. Instruction générale pour la teinture des laines et manufactures de la laine de toutes couleurs, et pour la culture des drogues ou ingrédiens qu’on y employe. French (Paris, France: Muguey). {dyeing}.
BOUTET, Claude. 1673. École de la mignature. 2nd ed., Traité de mignature, pour apprendre aisément à peindre sans maistre. Et le secret de faire les plus belles couleurs, l’or bruny, & l’or en coquille (1674). French (Paris, France: Christophe Ballard). New ed., Traité de la peinture en mignature… auquel on a ajouté un petit traité de la peinture au pastel, avec la méthode de composer les pastels (The Hague: Louis and Henry van Dole, 1708). New ed. by Roger de Piles (Brussels: Moris, Jean, 1759). {painting}.
Dutch translation, Verhandeling van de schilderkunst in miniatuur (Utrecht: Lobedanius, 1744). New ed. translated by P. J. Verly (Amsterdam: Gerrit de Groot, 1759).
FÉLIBIEN, André [1619-1695]. 1676.Des principes de l’architecture, de la sculpture, de la peinture, et des autres arts qui en dependent. Avec un dictionnaire des termes propres à chacun de ces arts. French (Paris, France: Jean-Baptiste Coignard). New eds. 1690, 1699. {architecture, plastic arts, sculpture, painting}.
BRENNER, Elias [1647-1717]. 1680. Nomenclatura et species colorum. Latin (Stockholm, Sweden). {order systems}.
ROMANO, G. B. 1680 (circa). De luce et coloribus & De coloribus. Latin (manuscript).
MARIOTTE, Edme [1620-1684]. 1681. Essai de la nature des couleurs. French (Paris, France).
PIAZZA, Bartolomeo. 1682. L’iride sagra spiegata nei colori degli abiti ecclesiastici. Italian (Rome, Italy).
ANONYMOUS. 1683. Ars tinctoria fundamentalis. Latin (Frankfurt, Germany). {dyeing}.
ZAHN, Johannes [1641-1701]. 1685. Oculis artificialis teledioptricus sive telescopium. Latin (Würzburg, Germany: Heil). 2nd ed. (Nuremberg: Lochner, 1702). {optics, order systems}.
HUYGENS, Christiaan [1629-1695]. 1690. Traité de la lumière. French (Leiden, The Netherlands). {optics}.
English translation by S. P. Thomson, Treatise on light (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1945).
POMET, Pierre. 1694. Histoire générale des drogues. French (Paris, France).
PILES, Roger de. 1699. Dialogue sur le coloris. French (Paris, France: Nicolas Langlois).
circa 1700
NERI, A. [1662-?]. 1700 (circa). [Italian title not available]. Italian.
English translation by C. Merret, The art of glass (London).
ELAUM, John. 1704. The art of painting after the italian manner, with practical observations on the principal colours, and directions how to know a good picture. English (London, England: D. Brown, C. King). {painting}.
NEWTON, Isaac [1642-1727]. 1704. Opticks: or, a treatise of the reflections, refractions, inflections and colours of light. English (London, England). 2nd ed. 1717-1718. 3rd ed. 1721. 4th ed. 1730. New ed. (London: Innys, 1790). New ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1931). English re-edition, based on the 4th edition (New York: Dover, 1952). {optics}.
Latin ed. 1706. New Latin ed., Optices libri tres, accedunt eiusdem Lectiones opticae et opuscula omnia ad lucem et colores pertinentia (Padua, Italy: Typis Seminarii, 1749).
Portuguese translation by André Koch Torres Assis, Óptica (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Edusp, 1996).
Spanish translation by Carlos Solís, Óptica o tratado de las reflexiones, refracciones, inflexiones y colores de la luz (Madrid: Alfaguara, 1977).
TALLIER, Gallipido. 1704. Nuovo pico d’ogni sorte di tinture, arricchito di vari e bellissimi segreti per colorire animali, vegetali e minerali. Italian (Venice, Italy). {dyeing}.
PILES, Roger de. 1708. Cours de peinture par principes. French.
MARSILLI, Luigi Ferdinando. 1711. Annotazioni intorno alla grana de’ tintori detta kermes. Italian (Venice, Italy). {colorants}.
FUNCCIUS, Johann Caspar [16??-17??]. 1716. Liber de coloribus coeli. Latin (Ulm, Germany). {natural philosophy}.
LE BLON, Jacob Christoph [1667-1741]. 1725. Coloritto; or the harmony of colouring in painting, reduced to mechanical practice under easy percepts, and infallible rules. English (London, England). {harmony, painting}.
RIZZETTI, Giovanni. 1727. De luminis affectionibus. Specimen phisico-mathematicum. Latin (Bergamo, Italy).
BOUGUER, Pierre [1698-1758]. 1729. Essai d’optique sur la gradation de la lumière. French (Paris, France). {optics}.
RÜCHER, M. De. 1729.Histoire naturelle de la cochenille pietrifiée par des documents authentiques. French (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
MORTIMER, C. 1731. An account of… Le Blon’s principles of printing. English (London, England). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
HARDING, S. 1733. The school of miniature, erected for the instruction of the ignorant, the improvement of proficients, and the general information of such as are pleased with pictures in small. English (London, England: S. Harding). {painting, graphic arts}.
ALGAROTTI, Francesco [1712-1764]. 1737. Il newtonianismo o vero dialoghi sopra la luce, i colori e la attrazione. Italian (Naples, Italy: Giambatista Pasquali). New ed. 1746. New ed., Dialoghi sopra l’ottica newtoniana (Naples, Italy, 1832). {optics}.
HOOFNAIL, J. 1738. New practical improvements and observations on some of the experiments and considerations touching colours. English (London, England).
CASTEL, Louis Bertrand. 1740.L’optique des couleurs, fondée sur les simples observations, et tournée surtout à la pratique de la peinture, de la teinture et des autres arts coloristes. French (Paris, France: Briasson). {optics}.
German translation, Farben-Optick (Halle, 1747).
HELLOT, Jean [1685-1766]. 1750. L’art de la teinture des laines et des étoffes de laine en grand et petit teint avec une instruction sur les debrouillis. French (Paris, France: La Veuve Pissot). {dyeing}.
English translation, The art of dyeing wool, silk and cotton (London, 1901).
HOLBACH, P. H. T. 1752.[The art of stained glass windows] [German title not available]. German (Paris, France). {crafts}.
French translation by M. D. Paris, Art de la verrerie, de Henri, Merret et Kuckel, auquel on a ajouté le sol sine veste d’Orschall, l’Helioscopium videndi sine veste solem chymicum, le sol non sine veste, le chapitre XI du Flora saturnizans de Henckel. Un mémoire sur la manière de faire le saffre (Paris: 1752).
DE PILE, Robert. 1755. Recueil de divers ouvrages sur la peinture et le coloris. French (Paris, France). {painting}.
HOME, F. 1756. Experiments on bleaching. English (Edinburgh, Scotland).
before 1758
BOUGUER, Pierre [1698-1758]. 1758 (before).Traité d’optique sur la gradation de la lumière. French (Paris, France: manuscript). Posthumous edition arranged by Nicolas Louis de la Caille (Paris: H. L. Guerin & L. F. Delatour, 1760). Reprint (Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1921). {optics}.
English translation by W. E. Knowles Middleton, Pierre Bouguer’s optical treatise on the gradation of light (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1961).
Russian translation by N. A. Tolstoi and P. P. Feofilov, Opticheskii tractat o gradatsii sveta, with a commentary by A. A. Gershun (Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House, 1950).
MAYER, Tobias [1723-1762]. 1758. De affinitate colorum commentatio. Latin (Göttingen, Germany: manuscript). Published posthumously in Opera inedita Tobiae Mayeri, ed. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, vol. I (Göttingen, Germany: Dieterich, 1775). {order systems}.
English translation by Adriana Fiorentini, “On the relationships between colors”, with comments by Barry B. Lee, Color Research and Application 25 (1), 2000, 66-74.
LAMBERT, Johann Heinrich [1728-1777]. 1760. Photometria, sive de mensura et gradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae. Latin (Augsburg, Germany: Eberhard Klett). {optics, photometry}.
German translation by E. Anding, Lamberts photometrie (Leipzig: Wilhelm Englemann, 1892).
DOSSIE, Robert. 1764. The handmaid to the arts. A perfect knowledge of the materia pictorica; or the nature, use, preparation and composition of all the various substances employed in painting, 2nd ed. English (London, England: J. Nourse). {paints}.
D’ARCLAIS DE MONTAMY, Didier F. 1765 (before).Traité des couleurs pour la peinture en émail et pour la porcelaine; précédé de L’art de peindre sur l’émail. French (Paris, France: manuscript). Posthumous edition (Paris: Libraire G. Cavelier, 1765). {painting}.
MESMER, Franz Anton [1734-1815]. 1766. De planetarum influxu. French (Paris, France).
circa 1770
HARRIS, Moses [1731-1785]. 1770 (circa). The natural system of colours, wherein is displayed the regular and beautiful order and arrangement, arising from the three primitives, red, blue, and yellow, the manner in which each colour is formed, and its composition … English (London, England: Laidler). New ed. with additions by Thomas Martyn (London: Harrison and Leigh, 1811). Facsimilar reprint by Faber Birren (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1963). {natural philosophy, order systems}.
LAMBERT, Johann Heinrich [1728-1777]. 1772. Beschreibung einer mit dem Calauschen Wachse ausgemalten Farbenpyramide. German (Berlin, Germany: Hande und Spener). {order systems}.
PRIESTLEY, Joseph [1733-1804]. 1772. The history and present state of discoveries relating to vision, light and colours, 2 vols. English (London, England: Johnson). {optics, vision}.
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Ignaz [1727-1809]. 1772. Versuch eines Farbensystems. German (Vienna, Austria: Agustin Bernardi). {order systems}.
WATIN, Jean-Felix. 1773. L’art du peintre, doreur et vernisseur… pour la fabrication et l’application des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Librairie Grangé). 10th ed. 1828. {painting}.
DELAVAL, Edward Hussey. 1777. An experimental inquiry into the cause of the changes of colours in opake and coloured bodies. With an historical preface, 4th ed. English (London, England: J. Nourse).
French translation by D. B. Quatremére Dijonval, Recherches expérimentales sur la cause des changements de couleurs (Paris, 1778). New ed. 1797.
PALMER, George [1740-1795]. 1777. Theory of colours and vision. English (London, England: S. Leacroft). {optics, vision}.
PALMER, George [1740-1795]. 1777. Theory of light. English (London, England: S. Leacroft). {optics}.
PILEUR D’APLIGNY, Placide-Auguste le. 1779. Traité des coleurs matérielles, et de la maniére de colorer, relativement aux différens arts & métiers. French (Paris, France: Saugrain & Lami). Reedited (Ginebra, 1973).
AMATI, Pasquale. 1784. De restitutione purpurarum. Latin (Cesena, Italy).
MARAT, Jean-Paul [1743-1793]. 1784. Notions élémentaires d’optique. French (Paris, France). {optics}.
DAMBOURNEY, L. A. 1786.Recueil des procédés et d’expériences sur les teintures solides que nos végétaux indigénes communiquent aux laines & aux lainages. French (Paris, France). A supplement was published in 1788. {dyeing}.
HOFFMANN, J. L. 1786. Versuch einer Geschichte der malerischen Harmonie überhaupt und der Farbenharmonie insbesondere. German (Halle, Germany: Hendel).
ROSA, Michele. 1786. Dissertazione della porpora e della materia vestiaria presso gli antichi. Italian (Modena, Italy). {dyeing, textiles}.
CARVALHO E SAMPAYO, Diogo de [1750-?]. 1787. Tratado das cores. Portuguese (Malta). {natural philosophy}.
WILLIAMS, W. 1787. An essay on the mechanical oil colours. English (Bath, England).
before 1788
PFANNENSCHMIDT, August Ludwig. 1788 (before). Versuch einer Anleitung zur Mischung aller Farben aus Blau, Gelb und Roth nach beiliegenden Triangel. German.
French translation, ed. by Ernest Rodolphe Schulz, Essai sur la manière de mélanger et composer toutes les couleurs au moyen du bleu, du jaune et du rouge, & d’après le triangle anexé à cet ouvrage (Lausanne, Switzerland: Jean Mourer, 1788). 2nd ed. (Lausanne: L. Luquiens, 1792).
CARVALHO E SAMPAYO, Diogo de [1750-?]. 1788. Dissertação sobre as cores primitivas com um breve tratado da composição artificial das cores. Portuguese (Lisbon, Portugal: Regia Officina Typografica). {natural philosophy}.
DE CHAPERON, P.-R. 1788. Traité de la peinture au pastel. French (Paris, France: Defer de Maisoneuve). {painting}.
before 1791
POERNER. 1791 (before). [German title not available]. German. {dyeing}.
French translation by M. C., revised and enlarged by M. M. Desmarets & C. L. Berthollet, Instruction sur l’art de la teinture et particulièrement sur la teinture des laines (Paris, 1791).
BERTHOLLET, Claude-Louis. 1791.Eléments de l’art de la teinture. French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot). {dyeing}.
CARVALHO E SAMPAYO, Diogo de [1750-?]. 1791. Memória sobre a formação natural das cores. Portuguese (Madrid, Spain). {natural philosophy}.
GUIDOTTI, A. 1791.Metodo facile per formare qualisiasi sorte di vernice della Cina… Oltre a che innumerevoli, et utilissimi secreti. Italian (Venice, Italy).
HENNEMAN, Richard Hubard. 1791. A photometric study of the perception of object color. English (New York, USA: Archives of Psychology).
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von [1749-1832]. 1791-1792. Beiträge zur Optik, part 1 and part 2. German (Weimar, Germany). {optics}.
before 1792
REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua [1723-1792]. 1792 (before). Discourses, posthumous edition. English (London, England). New ed. by E. G. Johnson (Chicago: Clurg & Co., 1891). New ed. by Stephen O. Mitchell, Discourses on art (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965). {arts, painting}.
WÜNSCH, Christian Ernst. 1792. Versuch und Beobachtungen über die Farben des Lichts. German (Leipzig, Germany: Breitkopf).
TALIER, Angelo Natale. 1793. Dell’arte di tingere, opera ricavata dai piú celebri recenti autori inglesi e francesi. Italian (Venice, Italy). {dyeing}.
BANCROFT, Edward. 1794. Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours; and the best means of producing them, by dyeing, calico-printing, etc., 2 vols. English (London, England: T. Cadell and W. Davies). New ed. 1813. New ed. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1814). {dyeing}.
BURANO, Gioachino, and Giovanni BARICH. 1794. Trattato sopra l’arte della tintura. Italian (Venice, Italy). {dyeing}.
BARDWELL, Thomas. 1795. Practical treatise on painting in oil colours. English (London, England: B. and J. White). {painting}.
BARATTIERI, Carlo [c.1738-c.1803]. 1799.Compendio della nuova teoria de’ colori. Italian (Piacenza, Italy: G. Tedeschi).
VENTURI, G. B. 1800. Indagine fisica sui colori. Italian (Modena, Italy). 2nd ed. 1801. {optics}.
DUBURGUA, A. P. Justin. 1803. Le newtonianisme de l’amitié, ou Lettres philosophiques sur la lumière et les couleurs. French (Paris, France: P. A. Allut). {optics}.
RUMFORD, T. B. 1804.Recherche sur la couleur. French (Paris, France).
TINGRY, Pierre François [1743-1821]. 1804. The painter and varnisher’s guide, or A treatise, both in theory and practice, on the art of making and applying varnishes, on the different kinds of painting, and on the method of preparing colours both simple and compared. English (London, England: G. Kearlon). {painting}.
GARTSIDE, M. 1805. An essay on light and shade on colours and on composition in general. English (London, England: The author).
SCHREGER, C. H. T. 1805. Tabellarische Uebersicht der rohen und Künstlich zubereiteten Farben and Farbenmaterialen. German (Nuremberg, Germany).
BEMISS, E. 1806. The dyer’s companion. English (New London, Connecticut, USA). {dyeing}.
CHAPTAL, Jean Antoine [1756-1832]. 1807. L’art de la teinture du coton en rouge. French (Paris, France). {dyeing}.
YOUNG, Thomas [1773-1829]. 1807. Lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanical arts, 2 vols. English (London, England). Reprinted in 4 vols., with an introduction by Nicholas Wade [the papers on physiological optics are in vol. 4] (Bristol, England: Thoemmes Continuum, 2002). {natural philosophy, physics, physiology, vision}.
French edition of the papers on physiological optics, Oeuvres ophtalmologiques (Copenhagen, Denmark, 1894). New ed. by M. Tscherning, 1904.
GOETHE, Johann Wolfgang von [1749-1832]. 1808-1810. Zur Farbenlehre, 2 vols. German (Tübingen, Germany: Cotta). New ed. 1910. New ed. (Munich: DT, 1963). New ed. (Munich, 1971). New ed. (Stuttgart, Freies Geistesleben, 1979). New ed. by Rupprecht Matthaei (Ravensburg, 1988). New ed. by Manfred Wenzel (Frankfurt am Main: Deutscher Klassiker, 1991). {natural philosophy}.
English translation by Charles Lock Eastlake, Goethe’s theory of colours (London: Murray, 1840). New ed. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1963). New ed. with an introduction by Deane Brewster Judd (1970). English translation by Herb Aach, ed. arranged by Rupprecht Matthaei, Goethe’s color theory (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1971).
French translation by Henriette Bideau, Le traité des couleurs, with a preface, introduction and notes by Rudolf Steiner (Paris: Triades, 1973). 3rd revised ed. 1986.
Italian translation, La teoria dei colori (Milan: Il Saggiatori, 1979). New ed. by R. Troncon (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1983).
Portuguese translation by Marco Giannotti, Doutrina das cores (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Nova Alexandria, 1996).
Spanish translation by Pablo Simon, Teoría de los colores (Buenos Aires: Poseidón, 1945). Spanish translation by Rafael Cansinos Assens, included in Obras completas (1945). New ed. with an introduction by Javier Arnaldo (Valencia, Spain: Colegio de Arquitectos Técnicos de Murcia, 1992).
Swedish translation with introduction, comments and appendix by Pehr Sällström, Goethe Färglära (Järna, Sweden: Kosmos, 1979). New ed. 1996.
SOWERBY, James [1757-1822]. 1809. A new elucidation of colours, original, prismatic and material; showing their concordance in three primitives, yellow, red, and blue; and the means of producing mensuring, and mixing them: with some observations on the accuracy of Sir Isaac Newton. English (London, England: Richard Taylor & Co.). {optics}.
RUNGE, Philipp Otto [1777-1810]. 1810. Die Farben-Kugel, oder Konstruktion des Verhältnisses aller Mischungen der Farben zu einander, und ihrer vollständigen Affinität, mit angehängtem Versuch einer Ableitung der Harmonie in den Zusammenstellungen der Farben. German (Hamburg, Germany: Friedrich Perthes). Facsimilar reprint (Mittenwald, Germany: Mäander Kunstverlag, 1977). New ed. (Sttutgart: Freies Geistesleben, 1984). {painting, order systems, aesthetics, harmony}.
Italian edition by R. Troncon, La sfera del colore (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1985).
before 1812
MASSOUL, Constant de. 1812 (before). [French title not available]. French. {painting}.
English translation, A treatise on the art of painting, and the composition of colours containing instructions for all the various processes of painting (London: R. Ackerman, 1812).
QUATREMÈRE DE QUINCY, Antoine C. [1755-1849]. 1814.Le Jupiter olympien; ou l’art de la sculpture antique… ouvrage qui comprend un essai sur le goût de la sculpture polychrôme, l’analyse explicative de la toreutique, et l’histoire de la statuaire en or et ivoire chez les Grecs et les Romains. French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot). {sculpture}.
WERNER, Abraham G. 1814. Werner’s nomenclature of colors, edited by Patrick Syme. English (London, England: William Blackwell and T. Caddell).
PETRINI, P. 1815. Dei colori accidentali della luce, ossia della generazione dei colori ne’vari accidenti d’ombra e di luce. Italian (Pistoia, Italy). {optics}.
SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur [1788-1860]. 1816. Über das Sehen und die Farben. German (Leipzig, Germany: J. F. Hartknoch). 3rd ed. revised and updated, 1854.
English translation by E. F. J. Payne, edited by D. E. Cartwright, On vision and colors (Berg Pub., 1994).
French translation by M. Elie, Textes sur la vue et les couleurs (Paris: Vrin, 1986).
Italian translation from the 3rd German ed., edited by Mazzino Montinari, La vista e i colori (Milan: SE, 1995).
KLOTZ, Matthias [1784-1821]. 1816. Gründliche Farbenlehre. German (Munich, Germany).
FIELD, George [1777-1854]. 1817. Chromatics, or, an essay on the analogy and harmony of colours. English (London, England: The author; printed by A. J. Valpy). 2nd augmented ed., Chromatics, or the analogy, harmony and philosophy of colours (London: David Bogue, 1845). {aesthetics, harmony}.
READE, Joseph. 1818. Experimental outlines for a new theory of colours, light and vision, with critical remarks on Sir Isaac Newton’s opinions, and some new experiments on radiant caloric. English (London, England: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Browne). {optics, vision}.
FIELD, George [1777-1854]. 1820. Aesthetics, or the analogy of the sensible sciences indicated, with an appendix on light and colors. English (England: The Pamphleteer XVII). {aesthetics, harmony}.
GRÉGOIRE, Gaspard. 1820 (circa). Théorie des couleurs contenant explication de la table des couleurs. French (Paris, France: The author).
before 1821
TINGRY, Pierre François [1743-1821]. 1821 (before). The painter’s and colourman’s complete guide; being a practical and theoretical treatise on the preparation of colours, and their application to the different kinds of painting: in wich is particularly described the whole art of house painting. English (London, England). 1st American ed., from the 3rd London ed. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: E. L. Carey & A. Hart, 1831). {paints}.
SYMES, P. 1821. Werner’s nomenclature of colours, adapted to zoology, botany, chemistry, mineralogy, anatomy and the arts, 2nd ed. English.
CAWSE, J. 1822. Introduction to the art of painting in oil colours. English (London, England). {painting}.
inter 1822-1863
DELACROIX, Ferdinand-Victor Eugène [1798-1863]. 1822-1863 (inter). Journal. French (Paris, France: manuscript). Edited by A. Joubin, 3 vols. (Paris, 1936-1960). {aesthetics, harmony, painting}.
English translation by Walter Pach, The journal of Eugène Delacroix (Covici, Friede, Inc., 1937). New ed. of Pach translation (Crown Publishers, 1948). New ed. (New York: Grove Press, 1961). English translation by L. Norton (1980).
Italian translation, Diario, ed. by L. Vitali, 3 vols. (Turin, 1954).
PURKINJE, Jan Evangelista (Johann) [1787-1869]. 1823. Physiologie der Sinne, vol. 1. German (Prague, Czech Republic). Vol. 2, with the title Beobachtungen und Versuche zur Physiologie der Sinne (Berlin: Reimer, 1825). {physiology, vision}.
VITALIS, Jean-Baptiste. 1823. Cours élémentaire de teinture sur laine, soie, lin, chanvre et coton, et sur l’art d’imprimer les toiles. French (Paris, France: Galerie Bossange Père). {dyeing}.
HAYTER, Charles. 1826. A new practical treatise on the three primitive colours. English (London, England).
before 1827
FRESNEL, Augustin Jean [1788-1827]. 1827 (before). Théorie de la lumière. French. Included in Oeuvres complètes, vol. 1 (Paris, 1868). {optics}.
BURNET, John. 1827. Practical hints on colour in painting. English (London, England). {painting}.
DÉAL, J.-N. 1827.Nouvel essai sur la lumiére et les couleurs… ouvrage utile aux opticiens et aux peintres. French. 2nd ed. 1932. {optics, painting}.
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1829-1830. Leçons de chimie appliquée à la teinture, 2 vols. French (Paris, France: Pichon et Didier). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
LEUSHS, J. 1829. Traité complet des proprietés de la préparation et de l’émploi des matiéres tinctoriales et de couleurs. French (Paris, France: Malher et Cie.). {dyeing}.
VANHERMAN, T. H. 1829.Every man his own house-painter and colourman, the whole forming a complete system for the amelioration of the noxious quality of common paint; a number of invaluable inventions, discoveries and improvements, and a variety of other particulars that relate to the house-painting in general. English (London, England: I. F. Setchel). {paints}.
MÉRIMÉE, J. F. L. 1830. De la peinture á l’huile ou des procédés matériels employés dans ce genre de peinture, depuis Hubert et Jean Van-Eyck jusq’a nos jours. French (Paris, France: Chez Mme. Huzard). {painting}.
SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur [1788-1860]. 1830. Theoria colorum physiologica. Latin (Leipzig, Germany: Redam).
TOWERS, W., and T. J. TOWER. 1830.Every man his own painter: or, a complete guide to painting and graining, containing general instructions in the art of preparing, compounding, and applying all kinds of paints, and making variuous varnishes for house, chair and furniture … also, a treatise on the art of imitating fancy woods and marbles. English (Utica, New York, USA: J. Colwell). {paints}.
BEUTHER, Friedrich. 1833. Über Licht und Farbe, die prismatischen Farben und die Newtonische Farbenlehre. German (Kassel, Germany: J. J. Bohne). {optics}.
PLATEAU, J. 1834.Essai d’une théorie générale concernant l’ensemble des apparences visuelles qui succèdent à la contemplation des objects colorés et de celles qui accompagnent cette contemplation, c’est-à-dire la persistance des impressions de la rétine, les couleurs accidentelles, l’irradiation, les effets de la juxtaposition des couleurs, les ombres colorées, etc. French (Brussels, Belgium: M. Hayez).
FIELD, George [1777-1854]. 1835. Chromatography or a treatise on colours and pigments as used by artists. English (London, England: Charles Tilt). 2nd ed. 1841. New ed. arranged by T. W. Salter (London: Winsor & Newton, 1869). New ed. modernized by J. Scott Taylor, Field’s chromatography, a treatise on colours and pigments for the use of artists (London: Winsor & Newton, 1885).
KUGLER, Franz Theodor [1808-1858]. 1835. Über die polychromie der griechischen architektur und sculptur und ihre grenzen. German (Berlin, Germany: G. Gropius). {architecture, sculpture}.
BRANCHI, Giuseppe. 1836. Sopra alcuni colori che nei secoli XIV e XV furono adoptati per le pitture dell’insigne Campo Santo di Pisa e sulla compositione dell’intonaco che fu fatto per le pitture mesdesime. Italian (Pisa, Italy: Tipografis Nistri). {painting}.
HAY, David Ramsay [1798-1866]. 1836. The laws of harmonius colouring, adapted to interior decorations, manufactures and other useful purposes. English (Edinburgh, Scotland: W. and R. Chambers). New ed. (London, 1847). New ed. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1867). {aesthetics, harmony, interior design, crafts}.
German translation by L. Huettmann, Die Gestze der Farbenharmonie vorzüglich für die Zwecke der Haus, Stuben und Decorationsmalerei (Weimar: B. Y. Voigt, 1852).
PORTAL, P. P. Frédéric de. 1837.Des couleurs symboliques dans l’antiquité, le moyen âge et les temps modernes. French (Paris, France: Treuttel et Wurtz). Reedited, 1975. {religion}.
Spanish translation by Francesc Gutiérrez, El simbolismo de los colores. En la Antigüedad, la Edad Media y los tiempos modernos (Palma de Mallorca, Spain: José J. de Olañeta, Sophia Perennis, 2000).
BREWSTER, David [1781-1868]. 1838. A treatise on optics. English (London, England; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Lea & Blanchard). {optics}.
HOWARD, Frank [1805-1866]. 1838. Colour as a means of art, being an adaptation of the experience of professors to the practice of amateurs. English (London, England: Joseph Thomas). {education, arts}.
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1839. De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs et de l’assortiment des objets colorés considéré d’après cette loi dans ses rapports avec la peinture, etc. French (Paris, France: Pitois-Levrault). New ed. with an introduction by M. H. Chevreul, Jr. (Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1889). New ed. (Paris: L. Larget, 1969).
English translation by Charles Martel, The principles of harmony and contrast of colours, and their applications to the arts: including painting, interior decorations, etc. (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854). English translation by John Spanton, The laws of contrast of colour, and their application to the arts of painting, decoration of buildings, mosaic work, tapestry and carpet weaving, calico printing, dress, paper staining printing, etc. (London, 1857). New English ed. by Faber Birren (New York: Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1967). New ed. (New York: Garland Publishing Co., 1980). New ed. with an introduction and commentary by Faber Birren (West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer, 1987).
German translation, Die Farbenharmonie in ihrer anwendung bei der Malerei, dei der Fabrication von farbigen Waaren jeder Art (Stuttgart: Paul Neff, 1840).
FIELDING, T. H. A. 1839. On painting in oil and water colours for landscape and portraits, including the preparation of colours, vehicles in oil &c. English (London, England). {painting}.
GRÉGOIRE, Gaspard. 1839. Table des couleurs, sur trois feuilles précédée d’une planche indicative des couleurs. French (Paris, France: The author). {charts}.
ROUGET DE LISLE, A. 1839. Chromagraphie. French (Paris, France: The author).
CAWSE, J. 1840. The art of painting portraits… practically explained by coloured palettes. English (London, England). {painting}.
LASSAIGNE, I. L. 1840.Dizionario pittoresco e cromascopico dei reagenti chimici, 2 vols. Italian (Mantua, Italy). {applied chemistry}.
DELICOURT, E. 1842.Album du contraste simultané des couleurs, d’après le système de M. Chevreul, ou recueil d’examples de papiers peints les plus propes à démontrer la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs, à l’usage des peintres de tous genres, des décorateurs, des modistes, des fabricants d’étoffes de couleurs diverses, destinées à l’habillement et à l’ameublement, des fabricants de vitreaux colorés, etc. French (Paris, France: Imprimerie de Chassaignon). 2nd ed. 1847. {aesthetics, harmony, painting, interior design}.
FIELDING, T. H. A. 1842. On the theory of painting; to which is added an introduction to painting in water-colour with an index of mixed tints; also, an appendix containing a manual of lithography, 3rd ed. enlarged. English (London, England: Ackerman & Co.). {painting}.
WILLSON, Harry. 1842. The use of a box of colours, in a practical demostration on composition, light and shade, and colour. English (London, England: Tilt and Bogue).
JAMESON, D. D. 1844. Colour-music. English. {color-music}.
HAY, David Ramsay [1798-1866]. 1845. A nomenclature of colours, hues, tints and shades. English (Edinburgh, Scotland). {order systems}.
HAY, David Ramsay [1798-1866]. 1845. The principles of beauty in colour systematized. English (Edinburgh, Scotland: William Blackwood & Sons). 2nd ed. 1849. {aesthetics, harmony}.
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1846. Theorie des effets optiques que présentent les étoffes de soie. French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot). {optics}.
DUMAS, Jean Baptiste Andre [1800-1884]. 1846. Matiéres colorantes et teinture, vol. VIII of Traité de chimie apliquée aux arts. French (Paris, France: Bechet). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
PARNELL, E. A. 1846. A practical treatise on dyeing and calico-printing. English (New York, USA). {dyeing}.
PERSEZ, J. F. 1846. Traité théorique et practique de l’impression des tissus. French (Paris, France: Bibliotèque des Arts Industriels, Arts Chimiques). {textiles}.
TEIXEIRA, Marianno, and Vicente DE BASTOS. 1846. Breve tractado do berdade a matix, a patitpoint. Ornado de un mappa das côres, com os nomes mais conhecidos pelo vulgo, para milhor intelligencia, acompanhado do curioso, symbolo, e significaçao das côres. Portuguese (Lisbon, Portugal: Typografica da Gazeta dos Tribunaes).
EASTLAKE, Charles Lock [1793-1865]. 1847-1865. Materials for a history of oil painting, 2 vols. English. New ed., Methods and materials of painting of the great schools and masters (New York: Dover; London: Constable, 1960). {painting, history}.
PARTRIDGE, W. 1847. A practical treatise on dyeing woolen, cotton and silk. English (New York, USA). {dyeing}.
GONFREVILLE, M. D. 1848.Art de la teinture des laines. French (Paris, France). {dyeing}.
BOETTICHER, P. A. 1849. Initia chromatologiae arabicae. Latin (Berlin, Germany).
MERRIFIELD, Mary P. 1849. Original treatises dating from XIIth to XVIIIth century on the arts of painting in oil, miniature, mosaic, on glass. English (London, England: Murray). New ed. with an introduction and glossary by S. M. Alexander, 2 vols. (New York: Dover, 1967). {painting}.
FIELD, George [1777-1854]. 1850. Rudiments of the painter’s art: or, a grammar of colouring, applicable to operative painting, decorative architecture and arts. English (London, England: John Weale). 2nd ed. 1858. New revised ed. by Robert Mallet, The rudiments of colours and of colouring with the nature of pigments for the use of decorative artists, painters, etc. (London: Strahan & Co., 1870). New ed. (Crosby Lokwood & Son, 1888). {aesthetics, harmony, painting, interior design}.
RIDNER, J. P. 1850. The artists’ chromatic hand-book. English (New York, USA). {arts}.
HINCKLEY. 1851. The theory of effect; embracing the contrast of light and shade, of colour and harmony. By an artist. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: J. W. Moore). {aesthetics, harmony}.
HITTORFF, Jacques-Ignace [1792-1867]. 1851.Restitution du temple d’Empédocle a Sélinonte, ou l’architecture polychrôme chez les Grecs. French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot). {architecture}.
JONES, Owen [1809-1874]. 1852. An attempt to define the principles which should regulate the employment of colour in the decorative arts. English (London, England: G. Barclay). {aesthetics, harmony}.
LINTON, William James. 1852. Ancient and modern colours from the earliest periods to the present time: with their chemical and artistical properties. English (London, England: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans).
ZIEGLER, Jean Claude. 1852. Traité de la couleur et de la lumière. French (Paris, France: Typographie Hennuyer).
NAPIER, J. 1853. A manual of dyeings and dyeing receipts. English (London, England). 3rd ed. 1875. {dyeing}.
REDGRAVE, Richard. 1853. An elementary manual of colour, with a Catechism: to be used with the diagram illustrating the harmonious relations of colour. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). {aesthetics, harmony}.
SYREENI, O. 1853. Standards for colours and basic colour substances. English (Helsinki, Finland).
JONES, Owen [1809-1874]. 1854. Color in architecture and decoration. An apology for the colouring of the Greek court in the Crystal palace, with arguments by G. H. Lewes and W. Watkiss Lloys, and a fragment of the origin of polychromy by Gottfried Semper. English (London, England: Crystal Palace Library and Bradbury & Evans). {architecture, interior design}.
MINIFIE, William. 1854. An essay on the theory of color and its application to architectural and mechanical drawings. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The author). {drawing, architecture}.
TORTIMA, Giovanni. 1854. Richerche intorno all’idea del senso della vista, della luce e dei colori che un cieco può formarsi coi soli aiuti della propria esperienza. Italian (Padua, Italy). {vision}.
DELF, Thomas (pseudonym Charles Martel) [?-1865]. 1855. The principles of colouring in painting. English (London, England: Winsor & Newton). 11th ed. 1878. {painting}.
LEFORT, J. 1855. Chimie des couleurs pour la peinture à l’eau et à l’huile comprenant l’historique, la synonyme, les propriétés physiques et chimiques, la préparation, les variétés, les falsifications, l’action toxique et l’emploi des couleurs anciennes et nouvelles. French (Paris, France: Masson). {applied chemistry, paints}.
WILSON, George, ed. 1855. Researches on colour blindness with a supplement on the danger attending the present system of railway and marine signals. English (Edinburgh, Scotland: Sutherland & Knox). {color vision defects, signals}.
JONES, Owen [1809-1874]. 1856. The grammar of ornament. English (London: Day and Son). New ed. (London, England: Bernard Quaritch, 1910). {architecture, arts}.
GLADSTONE, William Ewart [1809-1898]. 1858. Studies on Homer and the homeric age, vol. 3. English (London, England: Oxford University Press). {philology, terminology}.
German translation, Der Farbensinn mit besonderer Berüchsichtigung der Farbenkenntniss des Homer (Breslau, Germany, 1878).
LLUCH, Francisco Javier. 1858. Arte de armonizar los colores o ley del contraste en la juxtaposición de los mismos. Con aplicación de dicha ley a las bellas artes. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: El Porvenir). {aesthetics, harmony}.
WILKINSON, J. Gardner [1797-1875]. 1858. On colour, and the necessity for a general diffusion of taste among all classes, with remarks on laying out dressed geometrical gardens. Examples of good and bad taste, illustrated by woodcuts and coloured plates in contrast. English (London, England: Murray). {aesthetics, harmony, gardening}.
FECHNER, Gustav Theodor [1801-1887]. 1860. Elemente der Psychophysik. German (Leipzig, Germany: Breitkopf und Härtel). 2nd ed. 1889. {psychophysics}.
English translation by H. E. Adler, Elements of psychophysics (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966).
GOODWIN, Thomas G. 1860. A short account of the art of polychrome, historycal and practical. English (London, England: Joseph Masters).
GRISON, T. 1860. La teinture au dix-neuvième siècle. French (Paris, France). 3rd ed. with 459 colored samples, 1884. {dyeing}.
SEMPER, Gottfried [1803-1879]. 1860-1863. Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Künsten. Ein Handbuch oder praktischen Aestetik für Techniker, Künstler und Kunstfreunde, 2 vols. German (Frankfurt, Germany). {architecture, aesthetics}.
English translation, The style… (1889).
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1861. Exposé d’un moyen de définir et de nommer les couleurs, d’aprés une méthode précise et experimentale, avec l’application de ce moyen a la définition et a la dénomination des couleurs d’un grand nombre de corps naturels et de produits artificiels: Atlas. French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot, Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences, vol. 33).
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1861. Recherches chimiques sur la teinture, 11th memory. French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
GORHAM, John. 1861. The rotation of coloured discs, applied to facilitate the study of the laws of harmonious colouring, by the multiplication of images of objects into kaleidoscopic combinations, 2nd ed. English (London, England: Robert Hardwicke). {aesthetics, harmony}.
LÖFFLER, C. 1861.Das Chinagrün (Lo-kao). German (Weimar, Germany).
ADAMS, Rudolf [1820-?]. 1862. Die Farben-Harmonie in ihre awendung auf die Damentoilette. German (Leipzig, Germany: J. J. Weber).
FAIVRE, Ernest. 1862. Oeuvres scientifiques de Goethe analysées et appréciées par Ernest Faivre. French (Paris, France: Hachette). {natural philosophy}.
CAVE, Marie Elisabeth Blavot. 1863. La couleur: ouvrage approuvé par M. Eugène Delacroix pour apprendre la peinture à l’huile et l’aquarelle. French (Paris, France). {painting}.
English translation from the 3rd ed., The Cave method of drawing for students. Second part: Color (New York, USA: G. P. Putnam & Son, 1869).
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1863. Recherches chimiques sur la teinture, 12th, 13th, and 14th memories. French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot, Mémoires de l’Academie des Sciences, vol. 34). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
ULRICH, M. L., and H. DUSSANCE. 1863. A complete treatise on the dyeing of cotton and wool. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). {dyeing}.
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1864. Des couleurs et de leurs applications aux arts industriels à l’aide des cercles chromatiques; avec 27 planches gravées sur acier et imprimées en couleur par René Digeon. French (Paris, France: Baillière et fils).
REGNIER, J. D. 1865.De la lumière et de la couleur chez les grands maîtres anciens. French.
BRÜCKE, Ernst Wilhelm [1819-1892]. 1866. Die Physiologie der Farben für die Zwecke der Kunstgewerbe. German (Leipzig, Germany: Hirzel). 2nd ed. (Leipzig: Hirzel, 1887). {optics, vision}.
French translation by J. Schutzenberg, Des couleurs au point de vue physique, physiologique, artistique et industriel (Paris: Baillière, 1866).
HELMHOLTZ, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von [1821-1894]. 1866. Handbuch der Physiologischen Optik. German (Hamburg, Germany: Leopold Voss). 2nd revised ed. 1896. 3rd ed. with supplements by A. Gullstrand, J. A. von Kries, and W. Nagel (Hamburg and Leipzig: Leopold Voss, 1909-1911). {physiology, vision}.
English translation from the 3rd German ed., Treatise on physiological optics, ed. James P. C. Southall, 3 vols. (Rochester, New York: The Optical Society of America, 1924-1925). Republication, 2 vols. (New York: Dover, 1962).
French translation by E. Javal and N. T. Klein, Optique physiologique (Paris: Masson, 1867).
before 1867
BAUDELAIRE, Charles Pierre [1821-1867]. 1867 (before). Le peinture de la vie moderne. French (France). {aesthetics, arts, painting}.
English translation and ed. by Jonathan Mayne, The painter of modern life, and other essays (London: Phaidon, 1965).
BAUDELAIRE, Charles Pierre [1821-1867]. 1867 (before). L’oeuvre et la vie de Delacroix. French (France). {arts, painting, biography}.
English translation by Joseph M. Bernstein, Delacroix, his life and work (New York: Lear Publishers, 1947).
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1867. Des arts qui parlent aux yeux au moyen de solides colorés d’une étendue sensible, et en particulier des arts du tapissier des Gobelins. French (Paris, France).
GEIGER, L. 1867. Über den Farbensinn der Urzeit. German (Frankfurt, Germany).
RICHTER, E., and W. BRAUN. 1867. Die Wollengarn-Färberei. German (Berlin, Germany).
SCHÜTZENBERGER, M. Paul. 1867. Traité des matières colorantes comprenant leurs applications à la teinture et à l’impression et des notices sur les fibres textiles, les épaississants et les mordants, 2 vols. French (Paris, France: Masson). {dyeing, textiles}.
BENSON, William. 1868. Principles of the science of colour concisely stated to aid and promote their useful application in the decorative arts. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). New ed. 1930.
CROSS, Chas. 1869.Solution générale du probléme de photographie des couleurs. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
DUCOS DU HAURON, Louis [1837-1920]. 1869. Les couleurs en photographie. Solution du problème. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
HASERICK, E. C. 1869.The secrets of the art of dyeing. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA). {dyeing}.
AUDSLEY, William James [1833-?], and George Ashdown AUDSLEY [1838-?]. 1870. Color in dress. English (London, England). Ned ed. adapted from the London ed., Color in dress: a manual for ladies (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: G. Maclean). {dress, fashion}.
SHARPE, Edmond [1809-1877]. 1870. Four letters on colour in churches, on walls and in windows. English (London, England: Spon Co.).
BENSON, William. 1871. Manual of the science of colour. On the true theory of the colour-sensations and the natural system, with a coloured frontispiece and other illustrations. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall).
CHURCH, Arthur Herbert [1834-1915]. 1871. Colour, an elementary manual for students. English (London, England: Cassell & Co.). 2nd enlarged ed. 1887. New ed. 1901.
HELMHOLTZ, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von [1821-1894]. 1871-1873. Optisches über Malerei. German. {physiology, vision, painting}.
French translation, L’optique et la peinture (Paris: Alcan, 1878). 4th ed. 1891.
inter 1872-1890
VAN GOGH, Vincent Willem [1853-1890]. 1872-1890 (inter). [Letters]. Dutch and French (The Hague, The Netherlands; Antwerp, Belgium; Arles, Saint-Rémy, Auvers-sur-Oise, France: manuscript). Posthumous edition, Verzamelde Brieven van Vincent van Gogh, compiled by J. van Gogh-Bonger, 4 vols. (Amsterdam and Antwerp: Wereld-Bibliotheek, 1953-1956). {painting}.
English translation by J. van Gogh-Bonger and C. de Dood, The complete letters of Vincent van Gogh, 3 vols. (Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, 1958). New ed. by Mark Roskill, The letters of Vincent van Gogh (New York: Atheneum, 1963).
French edition, Correspondance complète (Paris: Gallimard-Grasset, 1960).
Spanish translation, Cartas a Théo (Barcelona: Barral, 1971). Spanish translation by Francisco de Oraa, with introduction by Fayad Jamís, Cartas a Théo (Barcelona: Idea Books, 1998).
before 1874
RIFFAULT DES HETRES, Jean René Denis [1754-1826], VERGNAUD, and TOUSSAINT. 1874 (before). [French title not available]. French. {printing industry}.
English translation by A. A. Fesquet, A practical treatise on the manufacture of colors for printing. Comprising the origin, definition, and classification of colors: the treatment of the raw materials (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: H. C. Baird, 1874).
BEZOLD, J. F. Wilhelm von [1837-1907]. 1874. Die Farbenlehre im Hinblick auf Kunst und Kunstgewerbe. German (Brunswick, Germany: Georg Westermann). 2nd ed. (Brunswick: Friedrich Vieweg & Son, 1921).
English translation by S. R. Koehler, with an introduction and notes by E. C. Pickering, The theory of color; and its relation to art and art-industry (Boston: Prang, 1876).
CROOKES, W. 1874. A practical handbook of dyeing and calico-printing. English (London, England). {dyeing}.
CALVERT, F. C. 1876. Dyeing and calico printing. English (London, England). {dyeing}.
KLEMM, G. F. 1876. Unterricht im arrangement der damentoiletten von standpukte der Kleideraesthetik un der Farben-Harmonie. German (Dresden, Germany: H. Klemm). {aesthetics, harmony}.
STILLING, J. 1876.Pseudo-isochromatische Tafeln für die Prüfung des Farbensinnes. German (Strasbourg, France). {color vision defects}.
HOLMGREN, Alarik Frithiof. 1877. Om Färbenblindheten i dess Förhållande till Jernvögstrafken och Sjöväsendet. Swedish (Uppsala, Sweden: E. Berlings). {color vision defects}.
French translation, De la cécité des couleurs dans ses rapports avec les chemins de fer et la marine (Stockholm: Imprimerie Central, 1877).
German translation, Die Farbenblindheit (Leipzig, Germany: Vogel, 1878).
MAGNUS, Hugo F. 1877.Die Geschichtliche Entwickelung des Farbensinnes. German (Leipzig, Germany: Von Veit). {philology, terminology, vision}.
French translation by Jules Soury, Histoire de l’évolution du sens des couleurs (Paris: C. Reinwald, 1878).
Spanish translation by Carlos López Fuentes, Evolución del sentido de los colores (Buenos Aires: Hachette, 1976).
PANCOAST, N. 1877. Blue and red light. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: J. M. Stoddart).
PLEASONTON, Augustus James [1808-?]. 1877. The influence of the blue ray of the sunlight and of the blue colour of the sky, in developing animal and vegetable life; in arresting disease, and in restoring health in acute and chronic disorders to human and domestic animals. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger). {agriculture, health, chromotherapy}.
BABBITT, Edwin Dwight. 1878. The principles of light and color. English. Partial ed. with the title Dr. Babbitt’s color therapy (Malaga, New Jersey, 1925). New ed. by Faber Birren (New Hyde Park, New York: University Books, 1967). {health, chromotherapy}.
ELVEENA, C. 1878. The harmony of color. English (Detroit, USA). {aesthetics, harmony}.
GIBSON, R. H. 1878.The american dyer. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA). {dyeing}.
HERING, Ewald [1834-1918]. 1878. Zur Lehre vom Lichtsinne. German (Vienna, Austria: Carl Gerold’s Sohn). New ed., Grundzüge der Lehre vom Lichtsinne (Leipzig: Engelmann, 1905). New ed. (Berlin: Julius Springer, 1920). {vision}.
English translation by Leo M. Hurvich and Dorothea Jameson, Outlines of a theory of the light sense (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1964).
JAENNICKE, Friedrich [1831-1907]. 1878. Die farbenharmonie mit besonder rücksicht auf den gleichzeitgen contrast in ihrer anwendung in der malerei, in der decorativen kunst, bei ausschmückung der wohnräume sowie in kostum & toilette. German (Stuttgart, Germany: P. Neff). {aesthetics, harmony}.
O’NEILL, C. 1878. The practice and principles of calico printing. English (Manchester, England). {dyeing}.
PRÜFER, H. 1878. Die Wollen und Halbwollen-Stückfarberei. German (Leipzig, Germany).
SOURY, J. 1878. De l’evolution historique du sens des couleurs. French.
ALLEN, Grant [1848-1899]. 1879. The colour-sense, its origins and development. An essay in comparative psychology. English (London, England: Trübner & Co.; Boston, USA: Houghton, Osgood & Co.).
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1879. Compléments d’etudes sur la vision des couleurs: de l’influence exercée sur la vision par des objects colorés qui se mouvant circulairement autour d’un axe perpendiculaire à leur plan quand on les observe compartivement avec des objets en repos identiques aux premiers. French (Paris, France: Firmin-Didot, Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences, vol. 41). {vision}.
GUILLEMIN, Amédée Victor [1826-1893]. 1879. La lumière et les couleurs, 3rd ed. French (Paris, France: Hachette).
MAGNUS, Hugo F. 1879.Die methodische Erziehung des Farbensinnes. German (Breslau, Germany: Kern). New ed. 1902.
MARTY, Anton. 1879. Die Frage Nach der Geschichtlichen Entwickelung des Farbensinnes. German (Vienna, Austria: Carl Gerold’s Sohn).
ROLFE, Clapton Crabb. 1879. The ancient use of liturgical colours. English (Oxford, England: Parker & Co.). {religion}.
ROOD, Ogden Nicholas [1831-1902]. 1879. Students’ text-book of color; or Modern chromatics, with applications to art and industry. English (New York, USA: Appleton). New ed. 1881. 4th ed. (London, 1904). New ed. 1913. New ed. with notes by Faber Birren (New York: Van Nostrand, 1973).
French translation, Théorie scientifique des couleurs et de leurs applications à l’art et à l’industrie (Paris: Germer Baillière et Cie., 1881, Bibliothèque Scientifique Internationale, vol. 38).
German translation, Die Moderne Farbenlehre mit Hinweisung auf ihre Benutzungen in Malerei und Kunstgewerbe (Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1880).
GUICHARD, Edouard [1815-?]. 1880. L’harmonie des couleurs. French (Paris, France: A. Goubaud et fils). {aesthetics, harmony}.
German translation, Die Harmonie der Farben (Frankfut am Main: W. Rommel, 1882).
HIGGIN, L. 1880. Art as applied to dress, and to armonius colour. English (New York, USA: Scribner & Welford). 2nd ed. (London: Virtue, 1885). {dress, aesthetics}.
JEFFRIES, B. J. 1880. Color-blindness: its dangers and its detection. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton, Osgood). {vision, color vision defects}.
KOHLER, Henrich. 1880. Polychrome meinterwerke der monumentalen kunst in Italien vom V bis XVI Jahrhundert. Unter mitkirkung. Gottfried Kinkel (for the English language), Charles Hittorf (for the French language) and Max Jordan (for the Italian language). German (Leipzig, Germany).
MAGNUS, Hugo F. 1880.Untersuchungen über den Farbensinn der Naturvölker. German (Jena, Germany: F. Fisher).
MUCKLEY, William. 1880. A handbook for painters and art students on the character, nature and use of colours, their permanent or fugitive qualities, and the vehicles proper to employ. Also, short remarks on the practice of painting in oil and water colours. English (London, England: Baillière, Tindall and Cox). {painting}.
MAGNUS, Hugo F. 1881.Farben und Schöpfung. German (Breslau, Germany).
MIERZINSKI, S. 1881. Die Erd-, Mineral- und Lack-Farben. German (Leipzig, Germany).
SMITH, D. 1881. Practical dyer’s guide, 2nd ed. English (London, England). {dyeing}.
ALBERT, Eugen. 1882. Über die aenderung des farbentones von spectralfarben und pigmenten bei abnetomender lichtstärke. German (Leipzig, Germany: Johann Ambrosius Barth).
AUDSLEY, William James [1833-?], and George Ashdown AUDSLEY [1838-?]. 1882. Polychromatic decoration as applied to buildings in the medieval styles. English (London, England: Sotheran & Co.). {architecture}.
BIRD, F. J. 1882. The american practical dyer’s companion. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA). {dyeing}.
CHEVREUL, Michel Eugène [1786-1889]. 1882. Mémoire sur la vision des couleurs matérielles en mouvement de rotation et des vitesses numériques de cercles… French (Paris, France: Firmin Didot, Mémoires de l’Académie des Sciences, vol. 42). {vision}.
CROOKES, W. 1882. Dyeing and tissue printing. English (London, England). {dyeing, textiles}.
DONNELLY, Ignatius. 1882. Atlantis. English (New York, USA: Harper and Bros.).
GUICHARD, Edouard [1815-?]. 1882. La grammaire de la couleur, 3 vols. French (Paris, France: H. Gagnon).
CROCKER, Lucretia, ed. 1883.Lessons on colour in primary schools. English (Chicago, USA: Winchell & Co.). {education}.
GALTON, Francis. 1883. Inquiries into human faculty. English (London, England: MacMillan & Co.).
HUGHES, F. J. 1883. Harmonies of tones and colours developed by evolution. English (London, England: M. Ward & Co.). Supplement published in 1885.
KEERSMAECKER, A. de. 1883. Les sens des couleurs chez Homere. French.
MAGNUS, Hugo F. 1883.Über ethnologische Untersuchungen des Farbensinnes. German (Berlin, Germany: Carl Habel).
NATIONAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY. 1884. A color chart. English (New York, USA). {charts}.
RIFFAULT DES HETRES, Jean René Denis [1754-1826], VERGNAUD, TOUSSAINT, and MALEPEYRE. 1884. Nouveau manuel complet du fabricant de couleurs. French (Paris, France: Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret).
SCOTT, J. W. 1884. The standard color chart. English (New York, USA). {charts}.
BRACQUEMOND, J. Felix. 1885. Du dessin et de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Charpentier).
TAFFERNER, Béla [1850-?]. 1885. Szin és szinharmonia. Kivàlo tekintettel: a sikornamentikàra és a müipar igényeire. A szinstyl és a szinharmonia történétének vàzlatàval. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: Markus S.). {harmony}.
CAMPBELL, Janey S. 1886. Rainbow-music. English (London, England: B. Quaritch). {color-music}.
MACH, Ernst [1838-1916]. 1886. Die Analyse der Empfindungen und das Verhältniss des Physischen zum Psychischen. German (Jena, Germany: Gustav Fischer).
English translation by C. M. Williams, Contributions to the analysis of sensations (Chicago: Open Court, 1897). English translation by S. Waterlow, The analysis of sensations (New York: Dover, 1959).
RIDGWAY, Robert [1850-1929]. 1886. A nomenclature of colors for naturalists. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Little, Brown).
FODERA, Filippo Arturo. 1887. La funzione cromatica nei camaleoni. Italian (Palermo, Italy). {zoology}.
LECOY DE LA MARCHE, Albert. 1887. Il libro de i colori. Secreti del secolo XV, edited by O. Guerrini and C. Ricci. Italian (Bologna, Italy).
MIERZINSKI, S. 1887. Die Gerb und Farbstoff Extracte. German (Leipzig, Germany).
CHARPENTIER, Augustin. 1888. La lumière et les couleurs au point de vue physiologique. French (Paris, France: Baillière). {physiology, vision}.
DELITZSCH, Franz Julius [1813-1890]. 1888. Iris. Farbenstudien und Blumenstücke. German (Leipzig, Germany: Dorffling & Franke).
English translation by Alexander Cusin, Iris: Studies in color and talks about flowers.
GUIGNET, C. E. 1888. Fabrication des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Encyclopédie Chimique, tome X).
HENRY, Charles [1859-1926]. 1888. Cercle chromatique présentant tous les compléments et toutes les harmonies de couleurs avec une introduction sur la théorie générale du contraste, du rythme et de la mesure. French (Paris, France: Ch. Verdin). {aesthetics, harmony}.
SANSONE, A. 1888. Dyeing. English (Manchester, England). {dyeing}.
VECKENSTEDT, Edmund. 1888. Geschichte der griechischen Farbenlehre: das Farbenbezeichnungen der griechischen Epiker von Homer bis Quintus Smyrnäus. German (Paderborn, Germany: F. Schöningh).
GUIGNET, C. E. 1889. Les couleurs, 8th ed. French (Paris, France: Hachette).
PERSPACH, M. 1889 (circa).La mosaïque. French (Paris, France).
REISIG, F. W. 1889. The guide to piece-dyeing. English (New York, USA). {dyeing}.
BRADLEY, Milton [1836-1911]. 1890. Color in the school room. English (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA: M. Bradley & Co.).
EWALD, A. 1890. Die Farbenbewegund kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. German (Berlin, Germany: Weidman).
HOHENHEIM, A., and E. RICHARDS. 1890. Chic ein Ratgeber für Damen in allen Toilettenfragen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Greiner & Pfeiffer).
KIRSCHMANN, August [1860-1932]. 1890. Über dis quantitativem Verhaltnisse des Simultatenhelligkeits und farben Contrastes. German (Leipzig, Germany: W. Engleman).
LACOUTURE, Charles. 1890. Répertoire chromatique; solution raisonnée et pratique des problèmes les plus usuels dans l’étude et l’emploi des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Gauthier-Villars).
SALACIS, Gustave [1818-1899]. 1890. Manual training in France. Suggestion for the teaching of colour. English (New York, USA). {education}.
SUAREZ DE MENDOZA, E. 1890.L’audition colorée: étude sur les sensations secondaires phisiologiques et particulièrement sur les pseudo-sensations de couleurs associées aux perceptions objectives des sons. French (Paris, France: Octave Donin). {psychology, sensation, perception}.
ABNEY, William de Wiveleslie [1844-1920]. 1891. Colour measurement and mixture. English (London, England: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; New York, USA: E. & J. B. Young). {optics, colorimetry}.
ALLEN, Grant [1848-1899]. 1891. The colours of flowers as illustrated in the British flora. English (London, England). {botanic}.
HENRY, Charles [1859-1926]. 1891. Harmonies de formes et de couleurs, démonstrations pratiques, avec le rapporteur esthetique et le cercle chromatique, conference faite à la Bibliothèque Forney le 27 mars 1890. French (Paris, France: A. Hermann). {aesthetics, harmony}.
OSGOOD, A. H. 1891. How to apply royal Wercenter, matt, bronze, lacroix, and Dresden colors to china. Handbook for amateurs, containing methods, filding, mixing of colors, ground laying, etc. English (New York, USA).
ROBERT, Ulysse L. L. 1891.Les signes d’infamie du Moyen-Age, juifs, sarrasins, heretiques, lépreux, cegats et filles publiques. French (Paris, France: H. Champion).
SACCARDO, Pier Andrea. 1891. Chromotaxia seu nomenclator colorum polyglottus additis speciminibus coloratis ad usum botanicorum et zoologorum. Latin (Padua, Italy: Typis Seminarii). 2nd ed. 1894. {charts, terminology}.
VIBERT, J. G. 1891.La science de la peinture, 5th ed. French (Paris, France: Paul Allendorff). 8th ed. revised by the author, 1892. 15th ed. 1915.
English translation from the 8th ed. by Percy Young, retranslated and revised from the 15th ed., The science of painting (London, 1915).
HOFFMANN, Hermann. 1892. Systematische Farbenlehre. Für die Technik, insbesondere für den Gebrauch in Buchdruckereien, bearbeitet. German (Zwickau, Germany: Förster & Borries).
JAEGER, W. 1892. Untersuchungen der Farbkonstanz und Farbgedachtnis-Sitzber. German (Heidelberg, Germany: Springer).
KNIGHT, Richard Payne. 1892. The symbolical language of ancient art & mythology. English (New York, USA: J. W. Bonton).
MILLET, Jules. 1892. Auditión colorée. French (Montpellier, France: thesis). {psychology, sensation}.
PIEQUET, O. 1892. La chimie des teinturiers. Nouveau traité théorique et practique de l’art de la teinture et de l’impression des tissus. French (Paris, France: L. Camut). {applied chemistry, dyeing, textiles}.
WINSOR & NEWTON. 1892. A brief account of the composition and permanence of artists colours. English (London, England: Cassell & Co.).
BRADLEY, Milton [1836-1911]. 1893. Color in the kindergarten. English (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA: M. Bradley & Co.).
GUAITA, Luigi. 1893. La scienza dei colori e la pittura. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli).
KNECHT, E., RAWSON, and LOWENTHAL. 1893. A manual of dyeings. English (London, England). 6th ed. 1920. {dyeing}.
LEIDEL, Henry. 1893. Hints on tints and how to mix them, with an introductory essay on color and colors by the author. English (New York, USA: H. Leidel). 2nd ed. 1894.
LOVIBOND, Joseph W. 1893. Measurement of light and colour sensations. English (London, England: George Gill & Sons).
PRANG, Louis, et al. 1893.Color instruction; suggestions for a course of instruction in color for public schools. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Prang). {education}.
TERRY, G. 1893. Pigments, paint and painting. English (London, England).
TIVOLI, A. 1893. I colori nelle locuzioni italiane. Italian (Turin, Italy). {philology, terminology}.
MAUTHNER, Ludwig. 1894. Farbenlehre. German (Wiesbaden, Germany).
ABNEY, William de Wiveleslie [1844-1920]. 1895. Colour vision: being the Tyndall lectures delivered in 1894 at the Royal Institution. English (London, England: Sampson Low, Marston & Co.). {physiology, vision}.
BRADLEY, Milton [1836-1911]. 1895. Elementary color. English (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA: M. Bradley & Co.).
LAURIE, Arthur Pillans [1861-1949]. 1895. Facts about processes, pigments, and vehicles; a manual for art students. English (London, England: MacMillan & Co.). {painting}.
MAYCOCK, Mark. 1895. A class-book for color teachers. English (Buffalo, New York, USA: M. Bradley & Co.).
STEINBECK, C. H. 1895. Bleichen und Färben der Seide und Halbseide. German (Berlin, Germany).
CHACE, Helena P. 1896.Practical color work for primary and ungraded schools. English (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA: M. Bradley & Co.).
DUERR, G. 1896. Bleaching and calico printing. English (London, England).
LEFÉVRE, L. 1896. Traité des matieres colorantes. French (Paris, France).
ABNEY, William de Wiveleslie [1844-1920]. 1897. The scientific requirements of colour photography. English (London, England). {photography}.
BENAKY, N. P. 1897.Du sens chromatique dans l’antiquité sur la base des dernières découvertes de la prèhistorie, de l’étude des monuments écrits des anciens et des données de la glossologie. French (Paris, France: A. Maloine).
BONACINI, Carlo. 1897. La fotografia dei colori. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli). {photography}.
BRADLEY, Milton [1836-1911]. 1897. The color primer. English (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA: M. Bradley & Co.).
COZANET, Albert (pseudonym, Jean d’Udine). 1897. De la corrélation des sons et des couleurs an l’art. French (Paris, France: A. Jaconin).
DUCOS DU HAURON, Alcide. 1897. La triplice photographique des couleurs et l’imprimerie, système de photochromographie. French (Paris, France).
HUBL, Arthur Freiherr von [1853-1932]. 1897. Dreifarben Photographie. German (Halle, Germany). {photography}.
English translation by Henri Oscar Klein, Three-color photography: three-colour printing and the production of photographic pigments pictures in natural colours (London: A. W. Penrose & Co., 1904).
PRANG, Louis. 1897. The Prang standard of colors. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Prang).
SCHRÖDER, S. 1897. Die Farben-Harmonie in der damentoilette. German (Vienna, Austria: E. Berté und S. Zeiger).
STEWART, C. 1897. Guide to the colors of postage stamps. English (St. Louis, Missouri, USA).
GARBASSO, A. 1898. Lezioni sperimentali sulla luce, considerata come fenomeno elettromagnetico. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli).
LANE, Wilmot Burkemar. 1898. Space threshold of colour and its dependence on contrast phenomena. English (Toronto, Canada: The University Library).
MIERZINSKI, S. 1898. Handbuch der Farben-Fabrikation. German (Leipzig, Germany).
NEWBIGIN, Marion Isabel. 1898. Colour in nature, a study in biology. English (London, England: Murray).
PRATT, Alice Edwards. 1898. The use of color in the verse of the English romantic poets. English (Chicago, USA: The University of Chicago Press).
ROUX DE VALDONNE, Paul de. 1898. Recherches sur la perspective des couleurs dans la nature et son application dans les oeuvres des maîtres des diverses écoles depuis le XIVe siècle jusqu’au XVIIIe. French (Paris, France: H. Flaury).
CLERC, L.-P. 1899.La photographie des couleurs. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
DUCOS DU HAURON, Gaston. 1899. La photographie indirecte des couleurs. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
OTT, André G. 1899.Étude sur les terms de couleurs en vieux français. French (Paris, France: E. Bouillon).
SIGNAC, Paul [1863-1935]. 1899. D’Eugène Delacroix au néo-impressionisme. French (Paris, France). New ed. 1921. New ed. arranged by F. Cachin (Paris: Hermann, 1964). {painting, arts}.
Italian translation, Da Delacroix al neo-impressionismo (Naples, Italy, 1979).
Spanish translation by Julio E. Payró, De Eugenio Delacroix al neoimpresionismo (Buenos Aires: Poseidón, 1943).
WARHURST, B. W. 1899. A colour dictionary with about two hundred names of colours used in printing, etc., specially prepared for stamp collector. English (London, England). {terminology, dictionary}.
BACON, J. [1876-1931]. 1900 (after). The theory of colouring: being an analysis of the principles of contrast and harmony, in the arrangement of colours, with their application to the study of nature and hints on the composition of pictures. English (London, England: George Rowney & Co., Treatises on the Fine Arts Nr. 23). 24th ed. 1925. {aesthetics, harmony}.
Dutch translation by I. van Nes, Kleurenleer, harmonie, contrasts en mengen der kleure (Antwerp, Belgium: Maeyen, 1942).
CHURCH, Arthur Herbert [1834-1915]. 1900. Chemistry of paints and painting. English (London, England). {applied chemistry, paints}.
CROSS, Anson Kent [1862-?]. 1900. Color study, a manual for teachers and students. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Ginn & Co.).
DUCOS DU HAURON, Alcide. 1900 (circa). La photographie des couleurs et les découvertes de Louis Ducos du Hauron. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
FAVRE, Louis [1868-?]. 1900. La musique des couleurs et les musiques de l’avenir. French (Paris, France: Schleicher fréres).
GARÇON, Jules. 1900 (circa). Répertoire général ou dictionnaire de bibliographie des industries tinctoriales des industries & anexes depuis les origines jusqu’a la fin de l’anne 1896. French (Paris, France: Gauthier-Villars). {dyeing, bibliography}.
HURST, George Henry. 1900. Colour, a handbook of the theory of colour. English (London, England: Greenwood & Co.). {general, arts}.
LESCLUZE, G. De. 1900. Les secrets du coloris relevés par l’étude comparée du spectre et de l’échelle harmonique sonore. French (France: J. de Maester).
PATERSON, David [?-1927]. 1900. The science of colour mixing a manual intended for the use of dyers, calico printers and colour chemists. English (London, England: Scott, Greenwood & Co.). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
SEIDLITZ, Woldemar von. 1900. Über Farbengebung. German (Stuttgart, Germany: W. Spemann).
SHELDON, Frederick Martin. 1900. The practical colorist; a pathfinder for the artist printer. English (Burlington, Vermont, USA: The Owl Press).
BERGET, A. 1901. La photographie des couleurs par la méthode interferentielle de M. Lippmann. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
EAVES, A. Osborne. 1901. The color cure. English (London, England: Philip Welby). {chromotherapy}.
HURST, George Henry. 1901. Painter’s colours, oils, and varnishes, a practical manual. English (London, England). {painting}.
LOEWENTHAL, Wilhelm M. 1901. Die slavischen Farbenbezeichnungen. German (Leipzig, Germany: A. Preis).
PATERSON, David [?-1927]. 1901. Colour matching on textiles: a manual intended for the use of dyers, calico printers and colour chemists. English (London, England: Scott, Greenwood & Co.). {dyeing, textiles}.
RAEHLMANN, Eduard. 1901. Über Farbsehen und Malerei. German (Munich, Germany: E. Reinhardt).
BERSCH, J. 1902. Lexicon der Farben Technik. German (Leipzig, Germany).
GLOTH, Walter. 1902. Das Spiel von den sieben Farben. German (Kaliningrad, Russia: Gräfe & Unzer).
PERRET, Auguste [1874-1954]. 1902. Couleurs minérales. French (Paris, France).
WARD, James. 1902-1903. Colour harmony and contrast for the use of art students, designers and decorators. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). {aesthetics, harmony}.
WILLMS, Johannes E. 1902.Eine Untersuchung über den Gebrauch der Farbenbezeichnungen in der Poesie Altenglands. German (Mu (Nich, Germany: J. Krick).
WOOD, Francis A. 1902. Color-names and their congeners: a semasiological investigation. English (Halle, Germany: Max Niemeyer). {philology, terminology}.
COZANET, Albert (pseudonym, Jean d’Udine). 1903. L’orchestration des couleurs, analyse, classification et synthèse mathématiques des sensations colorées. French (Paris, France).
JODIN, André. 1903. Etude comparative sur les noms des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Chevalier-Marescq).
MAYER, Arthur. 1903. Uber die Abhängigkeit der Farbenschwellen von der Adaptation. German (Freiburg, Germany: Speyer & Kaener).
VAN HELDEN, Caroline. 1903. A note on color for teachers of elementary schools. English (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA: M. Bradley & Co.).
VANDERPOEL, Emily Noyes [1842-1939]. 1903. Color problems: a practical manual for the lay student of color. English (New York, USA: Longmans, Green & Co.).
VIDAL, L. 1903. Traité de photochromie. French (Paris, France).
CLIFFORD, Chandler Robbins [1858-1935]. 1904. The philosophy of color. English (New York, USA: Clifford & Lawton).
KÖNIG, Ernst. 1904. Die Farben-Photographie; eine gemeinverständ Darstellung der verschiedenen Verfahren nedst Anleitung zu ihrer Ausführung, Photographische Bibliotek vol. 19. German (Berlin, Germany: Schmidt). 2nd ed. 1906. {photography}.
English translation by E. J. Wall, Natural-color photography (London: Dawbarn & Ward, Ltd.).
NAGEL, Willibald [1870-1911], ed. 1904. Die Physiologie der Sinne, III. German (Brunswick, Germany: Vieweg). {vision}.
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1904. Malerbriefe. German (Leipzig, Germany: Hirzel). {general, optics, applied chemistry, painting}.
English translation by A. W. Morse, Letters to a painter on the theory and practice of painting (New York: Ginn & Co., 1906).
SCHULTZ, Wolfgang [1881-1936]. 1904. Das Farbenempfindungssystem der Hellenen. Mit drei farbigen Tafeln und Figuren im Text. German (Leipzig, Germany: Johann Ambrosius Barth). 7th ed. (Leipzig: Akad Verlagsgesellschaft, 1931).
WIETHE, A. C. H. E. 1904.Dreifarbenphotographie nach der Natur, nach dem photochemischen Laboratorium der technischen Hochschule zu Berlin angewandten methoden. German (Halle, Germany: Wilhelm Knapp). 4th ed. 1921. {photography}.
WILEY, W. 1904. Influence of artificial colours on digestion and healt. English (Washington DC, USA).
BAIRD, J. W. 1905. The color sensitivity of the peripheral retina. English (Washington DC, USA: Carnegie Institution). {vision, retina}.
CORNELISON, R. W. 1905. Light, color, and color harmony. English (Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA: H. B. Wiggin’s Sons).
LICHTWARK, Alfred. 1905. Die erziehung der farbensinnes, 3rd ed. German (Berlin, Germany).
LOVIBOND, Joseph W. 1905. An introduction to the study of colour phenomena. English (London, England: E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd.).
MUNSELL, Albert Henry [1858-1918]. 1905. A color notation. An illustrated system defining all colors and their relations by measured scales of hue, value, and chroma. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Ellis). 2nd ed. 1907. 3rd ed. 1913. 4th ed. 1916. 5th ed. and ff (Baltimore, Maryland: Munsell Color Company). 5th ed. 1923. 9th ed. 1941. 10th ed. 1947. 11th ed. 1961. 15th ed. 1988. {order systems}.
OBERTHUR, René, and Henri DAUTENAY. 1905. Répertoire de couleurs pour aider à la détermination de fleurs, de feuillages et de fruits. French (Paris, France: Société Française des Chrysanthémistes).
WICKERLIN, Jean-Baptiste. 1905. Le drap <escarlate> au Moyen-âge. Essai sur l’etymologie et la signification du mot écarlate et notes techniques sur la fabrication de ce drap de laine au Moyen-âge. French (Lyon, France).
WOOD, Robert Williams [1868-1955]. 1905. Physical optics. English (USA). 3rd ed. (New York: MacMillan, 1934).
before 1900
CÉZANNE, Paul [1839-1906]. 1906 (before). [Letters]. French (Aix-en-Provence, Paris, France: manuscript). {arts, painting}.
English translation by Marguerite Kay, Paul Cézanne, Letters (Oxford, England: Bruno Cassirer).
BRASS, A. 1906. Untersuchungen über das Licht und die Farbe. German.
FRANKAU, Julia Davis. 1906. Eighteenth century colour prints: an essay on certain stipple engravers & their work in colour. English (London, England: MacMilton & Co.).
GENTELE, J. G. 1906. Lehrbuch der Farbenfabrikation. German (Brunswick, Germany).
HARDIE, Martin. 1906. English coloured books. English (London, England: The Connoisseur’s Library).
JORGENSEN, Charles Julius. 1906.The mastery of color: A simple and perfect color system, based upon the spectral colors, for educational purposes and practical use in the arts and crafts. English (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA: The author).
LEHMANN, Hans. 1906. Beitrage zur Theorie und Praxis der direkten Farbenphotographie mittels stehender Lichtwellen Lippmanns Methode. German (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Graph. Lehr). {photography}.
OHRT, P., ed. 1906. Germania Farbtafeln für Postwertzeichen Sammler. German (Düsseldorf, Germany).
PREVIATI, Gaetano [1852-1920]. 1906. I principi scientifici del divisionismo. Italian (Turin, Italy: Fratelli Bocca). New ed. 1929.
Spanish translation, La técnica de la pintura y el divisionismo (Buenos Aires: Argos).
SALA FRANCÉS, Emilio [1847-1910]. 1906. Gramática del color. Spanish. New ed. (Zaragoza, Spain: Librería General, 1944). New ed. (Valencia, Spain: Diputación de Valencia, Institución Alfonso El Magnánimo, 1999). {physiology, aesthetics, harmony}.
BAKER, Thomas T. 1907. The spectroscope: its uses in general analytic chemistry. English (London, England: Baillière). {spectroscopy, chemistry}.
BARBER, Frank Louis [1877-?]. 1907. Binary combinations of tints and shades among themselves and with one another. English (Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto, Psychological Series vol. II Nr. 4).
CALMELS, H., and L.-P. CLERC. 1907. La reproduction photographique des couleurs. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
CLIFFORD, Chandler Robbins [1858-1935]. 1907. Color value. English (New York, USA: Clifford & Lawton).
GOLDBERG, E. 1907. Farbenphotographie und Farbendruck. German (Leipzig, Germany). {photography}.
GUSSOW, C. 1907. Maltechnische Winke und Erfahrungen. German (Munich, Germany: E. Reinhardt).
HEINE, Leopold [1870-?], and Lenz JENA. 1907. Über Farbensehen, besonders der Kunstmaler. German (Germany: A. Hartleben).
MUNSELL, Albert Henry [1858-1918]. 1907. Atlas of the Munsell Color System [a portfolio with 8 charts]. English (Malden, Massachusetts, USA: Wadsworth, Howland). New ed. with 15 charts, 1915. {order systems, atlas}.
ROSMANIT, J. 1907. Anleitung zur Feststellung der Farben. German (Vienna, Austria: Fr. Deuticke).
ROSMANIT, J. 1907.Zur Farbsinnprüfung im Eisenbahn- und Marinedienste. German (Vienna, Austria: Wilhelm Braumüller).
DIX, David S. 1908. Complementarism, physical and psychical. English (Toronto, Canada: The University Library).
FORMANEK, J. 1908. Untersuchung and Nachweiss organischer Farbstoffe auf specktropischen Wege. German (Berlin, Germany: Springer).
HOLME, Charles. 1908. Colour photography and other recent developments of the art of the camera. English (London, England). {photography}.
JEKYLL, G. 1908.Colour schemes for the flower garden. English (London, England: Country Life). {gardening}.
KLINCKSIECK, Paul, and Th. VALETTE. 1908. Code des couleurs. French (Paris, France).
TAYLOR, E. J. 1908. Colour-sense training and colour using. English (London, England: Blackie & Sons). New ed. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: David Mc Kay Co., 1927).
UTITZ, Emil [1883-?]. 1908. Grundzüge der ästhetischen Farbenlehre. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke).
ZERR, G., and R. RÜBENCAMP. 1908 (before). [German title not available]. German.
English translation by C. Maer, A treatise on colour manufacture (London, England, 1908).
EASTMAN KODAK. 1909. The photography of coloured objects. English (Rochester, New York, USA: Eastman Kodak). New ed. 1935. {photography}.
FOX DAVIES, Arthur Charles. 1909. Complete guide to heraldry. English (London, England: T. Nelson & Sons).
NAUMANN, Friedrich [1860-1919]. 1909. Form und Farbe. German (Berlin, Germany: Buchverlag den HILFE).
SALAMAN, Malcom Charles [1855-1940]. 1909. Old English colour prints, edited by Charles Holme. English (London, England; Paris, France; New York, USA: Offices of The Studio).
THAYER, Gerald Handerson [1863-?]. 1909. Concealing coloration in the animal kingdom; an exposition of the laws of disguise through color and pattern: being a summary of Abbot H. Thayer’s discoveries. English (New York, USA: MacMillan & Co.).
BABBITT, Irving [1865-1933]. 1910. The new Laokoon: an essay on the confusion of the arts. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin).
BURCH, R. M. 1910. Colour printing and colour printers; with a chapter on modern processes by W. Gamble, 2nd ed. English (London, England: Pitman). {reproduction devices, printing industry}.
CHURCHWARD, Albert. 1910. The signs and symbols of primordial man. English (London, England: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.). 2nd ed. (New York: Dutton, 1923).
GEIGEL, Robert. 1910. Licht und Farbe. German (Leipzig, Germany).
LAURIE, Arthur Pillans [1861-1949]. 1910. Greek and Roman methods of painting. English (Cambridge, England). {painting}.
SANFORD, John Ithiel. 1910. Sanford’s manual of color. English (New York, USA: Hugh Kelly & Co.).
ANDREWS, Emory Cobb. 1911. Color and its applications to printing. English (Chicago, USA: The Inland Printer Co.). {printing industry}.
BENDER, Edwald. 1911. Über farbige Komposition; ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis und Geschichte der Farbegebung. German (Eberswalde, Germany: A. Arendt).
DUVEEN, Edward J. 1911. Colour in the home; with notes on architecture, sculpture, painting, and upon decoration and good taste. English (London, England: Allen & Co.). {interior design}.
KATZ, David [1884-1953]. 1911. Die Erscheinungsweisen der Farben und ihre Beeinflussung durch die individuelle Erfahrung. German (Leipzig, Germany). 2nd ed. with the title Der Aufbau der Farbwelt (Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1930). {psychology, color perception}.
English translation by R. B. MacLeod and C. W. Fox, The world of color (London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1935). Reprinted (New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970).
LEWIS, Charles Thomas Couriney [1856-?]. 1911. The picture printer of the nineteenth century George Baxter, 1864-1967. English (London, England: S. Low, Marston & Co.).
PLEHN, Anna L. [1859-?]. 1911. Farbensymmetrie und farbenwechsel; prinzipien deutscher und italienischer farbenverteilung. German (Strasbourg, France: J. H. E. Heitz).
BAUMANN, P., and O. PRASE. 1912. Baumann-Prase Farbenkarte. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). {charts}.
BEAUMONT, Roberts. 1912. Colour in woven design, being a treatise on the science and technology of textile colouring (woollen, worsted, cotton and silk materials), 2nd ed. English (London, England: Whittaker & Co.). {dyeing, textiles}.
GRÜNEWALD, Maria. 1912. Das Kolorit in der venezianischen malerei. German (Berlin, Germany: Bruno Cassirer).
GUTTMANN, Alfred. 1912. Die Wirklichkeit und ihr künstlerisches Abbild. German (Berlin, Germany: Paul Cassirer).
KANDINSKY, Wassily [1866-1944]. 1912. Über das Geistige in der Kunst. German (Munich, Germany: R. Piper). New ed. with an introduction by Max Bill (Bern: Benteli, 1965). New ed. (Bern: Benteli, 1970). {arts}.
English translation by Michael T. H. Sadleir, The art of spiritual harmony (London: Constable, 1914). Retranslation by F.Golffing, M.Harrison and F.Ostertag, Concerning the spiritual in art (New York: Wittenborn, Schultz, 1947). New ed. (New York: Dover, 1977).
Italian translation, Lo espirituale nell’arte (Milan: De Donato, 1968).
French translation by P. Volvoudt, Du spirituel dans l’art et dans la peinture en particulier (Paris: Denoël/Gonthier, 1976). New ed. 1989.
Portuguese translation, Do espiritual na arte (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Martins Fontes, 1990).
Spanish translation, De lo espiritual en el arte (Labor, 1972). Spanish translation by Ester Sanares (Madrid: Alianza, 1982). New ed. (Barcelona: Barral, 1983). Spanish translation by Genoveva Dieterich (Barcelona: Paidós, 1996). Spanish translation by Meliana Trento, Sobre lo espiritual en el arte (Buenos Aires: NEED, 1997).
Swedish translation by Ulf Linde and Sonja Martinsson, Om det andliga i konsten (Gothenburg: Vinga Press, Konstakademiens Skriftserie 1).
KÖLLNER, Hans. 1912. Die Störungen des Farbensinnes, ihre klinische Bedeutung und ihre Diagnose. German (Berlin, Germany: Karger).
MOREAU-VAUTHIER, Charles. 1912. The technique of painting, with a preface by Etienne Dinet. English (London, England: W. Heinemann). New ed. (New York, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1928).
RAMÓN Y CAJAL, Santiago [1852-1934]. 1912. La fotografía de los colores. Bases científicas y reglas prácticas. Spanish (Madrid, Spain). New eds. (Madrid: Clan, 1994, 1999). {photography}.
RIDGWAY, Robert [1850-1929]. 1912. Color standards and color nomenclature. English (Washington DC, USA: The author). {charts, terminology}.
RIMINGTON, Alexander Wallace. 1912. Colour-music, the art of mobile colour. English (London, England: Hutchinson & Co.).
ROSS, Denman Waldo [1853-1935]. 1912. On drawing and painting. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin).
VALENTA, Eduard. 1912. Die photographie in natürlichen Farben mit besondered berücksichtigung des Lippmannschen verfahrens sowie jener methoden, welchebei einmaliger belichtung ein bild in farben liefern, 2nd ed. German (Halle, Germany: Wilhelm Knapp). {photography}.
WAHL, André. 1912. L’industrie des matiéres colorantes organiques. French (Paris, France).
ABNEY, William de Wiveleslie [1844-1920]. 1913. Researches in colour vision and the trichromatic theory. English (London, England: Longmans, Green & Co.). {physiology, vision}.
BROWN, Bolton. 1913. The painter’s palette and how to master it. English (New York, USA: Baker & Taylor).
CRACE, John Dibblee [1838-1919]. 1913. The art of colour decoration; being an explanation of the purposes to be kept in view and the means of attaining them. English (London, England: B. T. Batsford; New York, USA: Scribner’s Sons). {interior design}.
HARRISON, Jane Ellen. 1913. Ancient art and ritual. English (New York, USA: Henry Holt & Co.).
HATT, Joseph Arthur Henry [1861-?]. 1913.The colorist, designed to correct the commonly held theory that red, yellow, and blue are the primary colors, and to supply the much needed easy method of determinating color harmony; togheter with a system of color nomenclature and other practical information for artists and workers or designers in color, 2nd revised ed. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand). 3rd ed. 1925.
HELMUTH, Charles. 1913. Helmuth’s primary color combination chart. English (New York, USA: Kast & Khinger).
LINKO, Friedrich, and Emil ADAM. 1913. Die Malerfarben, mal und bidemittel, und ihre Verwendung in dor Maltechnik. German (Esslingen am Neckar, Germany).
MUNSELL, Albert Henry [1858-1918]. 1913. Color balance, illustrated. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: The author). {aesthetics, harmony}.
ROSENSTIEHL, M. Auguste [1839-1916]. 1913. Traité de la couleur au point de vue physique, physiologique et esthétique. Comprenant l’exposé de l’état actuel de la question de l’harmonie des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Dunod et Pinat). 2nd ed. updated by Julie Beaudeneau (Paris: Dunod, 1934). {general, harmony}.
COLVILLE, W. W. J. 1914. Light and color. English (New York, USA: Macoy).
LAURIE, Arthur Pillans [1861-1949]. 1914. The pigments and mediums of the old masters. English (London, England: MacMillan & Co.). New ed. 1949. {painting}.
LOUMYER, Guy. 1914. Les traditions techniques de la peinture médiévale. French (Brussels, Belgium: G. Van Oest & Cie.). New ed. (Liège, Belgium: Dynamo, 1943).
THOMPSON, Silvanus P. 1914. Radiations visibles et invisibles. French (Paris, France: Hermann et F.).
WARD, James. 1914. Colour decoration of architecture, treating on colour and decoration of the interiors and exteriors of buildings, with historical notices of the art and practice of colour decoration in Italy, France, Germany: and England. English (New York, USA: Dutton). {architecture, interior design}.
ADAMS, Rayne. 1915. The use of color in home decoration with notes on one-color effects for the living room. English (New York, USA: Butterick). {interior design}.
CARPENTER, Henry Barrett [1861-1930]. 1915. Colour: a manual of its theory and practice. English (London, England: B. T. Batsford). 3rd. ed. 1933.
CARPENTER, Henry Barrett [1861-1930]. 1915. Suggestions for the study of colour. English (Rochdale, Lancashire, England: H. B. Carpenter). 2nd ed. 1923.
LOVIBOND, Joseph W. 1915. Light and colour theories and their relation to light and colour standarization. English (London, England: X. & Y. N. Spon).
LUCKIESH, Matthew [1883-?]. 1915. Color and its applications. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand). 2nd revised ed. with the addition of a new chapter, 1921.
MALEVICH, Kazimir Severinovich [1878-1935]. 1915-1926 (inter).[Texts on color and light]. Russian (Russia). {arts}.
French posthumous edition, La lumière et la couleur: textes de 1915 à 1926 (Lausanne, Switzerland, 1981). New French ed. translated from the Russian by Jean-Claude Marcandé and Sylviane Siger, with a preface by Jean-Claude Marcandé (Paris, France: L’Age d’Homme, 1993).
MITRI, A. de. 1915. La fabricazione delle materie coloranti. Italian (Turin, Italy).
PARSONS, John Herbert. 1915. An introduction to the study of colour vision. English (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press). 2nd ed. 1924. {perception, vision}.
PATERSON, David [?-1927]. 1915. Textile colour mixing. English (London, England).
PHILLIPPS, Lisle March. 1915. Form and colour. English (London, England: Duckworth).
UNDERWOOD, N., and T. V. SULLIVAN. 1915. The chemistry and technology of printing inks. English (New York, USA).
FORICHON, F. 1916. La couleur, ses manifestations, son rôle dans les arts, ses harmonies; manuel du coloriste. French (Paris, France).
GANSWINDT, A. 1916.Die Gerb und Farb-Extracte. German (Leipzig, Germany).
HIGGINS, S. H. 1916. Dyeing in Germany: and America, 2nd ed. English (Manchester, England). {dyeing}.
HUFFEL, E. G. Van. 1916. Coloritto, bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de kunat… met een, herdrek van het boekje van J. C. Le Blon. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
IRWIN, Beatrice. 1916. The new science of colour. English (London, England: Rider & Sons).
LUCKEY, Bertha M. 1916. The specific brightness of colors. English (Lincoln, Nebraska, USA: The University of Nebraska).
MACH, Ernst [1838-1916]. 1916. Die Prinzipien der physikalischen Optik. German. Posthumous edition (Leipzig: Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1921).
English translation by John S. Anderson and A. F. A. Young, The principles of physical optics (New York: Dover, 1926).
MAIRET, E. M. 1916. A book on vegetable dyeing. English (London, England). {dyeing}.
MARATTA, H. G. 1916. The Maratta scales of artists’ oil pigments. English (New York, USA).
NAMIAS, Rodolfo. 1916. La fotografia in colori, l’autocromia, ecc. Italian (Milan, Italy). {photography}.
Spanish translation by Antonio Revenga Carbonell, La fotografía en colores. La autocromía y procedimientos con placas de mosaico en general (Madrid: Bailly-Bailliere, 1925).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1916. Die Farbenfibel. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). 7th ed. 1922. New ed. 1924. A total of 15 editions until 1931.
English version edited by Faber Birren, The color primer; a basic treatise on the color system of Wilhelm Ostwald (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969).
ROSE, F. 1916. Die Mineralfarben. German (Berlin, Germany).
SPELTZ, Alexander. 1916. The coloured ornament of all historical styles. English (Leipzig, Germany).
BLAAUW, A. H. 1917. De tropische natuur in schetsen en kleuren. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Koloniaal Instituut).
BOUASSE, H. 1917. Vision et reproduction des formes et des couleurs. French (Paris, France).
HURST, George Henry. 1917. A dictionary of chemical and raw products used in the manufacture of paints, colours, varnishes and allied preparations. English (London, England). {applied chemistry, paints, dictionary}.
ISHIHARA, Shinobu [1879-1963]. 1917. Tests for colour blindness. English (Tokyo, Japan: Handaya). 7th ed. (Tokyo: Kanahara, 1936). 10th revised ed. (Tokyo: Nippon Isho, 1951). 11th ed. 1954. New ed. (Tokyo: Kanehara, 1969). New ed. 1973. New ed. with 24 plates, 1989. New ed. 1992. {vision, color vision defects}.
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1917. Der Farbenatlas. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). {order systems, atlas}.
BOLL, F. 1918. Antike Beobachtungen farbiger Sterne. German (Germany: Abhandlungen der königliche Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophische, Philologische und Historische Klasse, XXX, I).
CRAIG, Katherine Taylor. 1918. The fabric of dreams. English (New York, USA: Dutton), New ed. (London: Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1920).
GUERLIN, Henri [1867-?]. 1918. L’art enseigné par les mâitres. La couleur; choix de textes précédés d’une étude par Henri Guerlin. French (Paris, France: H. Laurens).
HOPE, William Henry St. John [1854-?], and Edward G. Cuthbert F. ATCHLEY. 1918. English liturgical colours. English (London, England: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge). {religion, liturgy}.
LUCKIESH, Matthew [1883-?]. 1918. The language of color. English (New York, USA: Dodd, Mead & Co.). New ed. (New York: ISCC, 1920).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1918. Die Farbenlehre, I: Mathetische Farbenlehere. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). New ed. 1923.
English translation by J. Scott Taylor, Colour science, a handbook for advanced students in schools, colleges and the various arts, crafts and industries depending on the use of colour, 2 vols. Vol. 1, Colour theory and colour standardisation. Vol. 2, Applied colour science (London: Winsor & Newton, 1931-1933).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1918. Goethe, Schopenhauer und die Farbenlehre. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1919. Die Farbenlehre, II: Physikalische Farbenlehere. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). 2nd ed. 1923.
OVIO, Giuseppe. 1918. L’ottica di Euclide. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli). {optics}.
PERKIN, A. G., and A. E. EVEREST. 1918. The natural organic coloring matters. English (London, England: Longmans, Green & Co.).
POOL, Reverend John J. 1919. Colour and health. English (London, England: Cope and Fenwick). Reprinted (Kessinger Publishing’s Rare Reprints). {health, chromotherapy}.
SNOW, Bonnie E., and Hugo B. FROEHLICH. 1918. The theory and practice of color. English (New York, USA: Prang).
WEINBERG, Louis [1885-?]. 1918. Color in everyday life; a manual for lay students, artisans and artists; the principles of color combination and color arrangement, and their applications in dress, home, business, the theatre and community play. English (New York, USA: Moffat, Yard, & Co.).
WILDER, Louise Beede. 1918. Colour in my garden. English (Garden City, New York, USA: Doubleday, Page & Co.). {gardening}.
FROHNE, Henry W., Alice F. JACKSON, and Bettina JACKSON. 1919. Color schemes for the home and model interiors. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Lippincott; Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA: The Dean-Hicks Company).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1919. Der Farbkörper und seine Anwendung zur Herstellung farbiger Harmonien. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). 2nd revised ed., 1926.
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1919. Die Farbschule. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1919. Einführung in die Farbenlehre. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma).
PETERSEN, P. 1919. Goethe und Aristoteles. German (Berlin, Germany).
RICCIARDI, Achille. 1919. Il teatro del colore. Estetica del dopoguerra. Italian (Milan, Italy: Facchi).
ROSS, Denman Waldo [1853-1935]. 1919. The painter’s palette; a theory of tone relations, an instrument of expression. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin).
VERANI, Giovanni. 1919. Combinazione ed armonia dei colori. Note tecniche per gli allievi impressori tipografi. Italian (Milan, Italy: Stabilimento per le Arti Grafiche Alfieri & Lacroix).
EDRIDGE-GREEN, Frederick William. 1920. The physiology of vision, with special reference to colour blindness. English (London, England: Bell & Sons). {vision, color vision defects}.
GERARD, Gaston. 1920. Mélanges et associations de couleurs. French (Paris, France: S. Borneman).
GREEN, A. G. 1920. The analysis of dyestuffs, 3rd ed. English (London, England). {applied chemistry, colorants}.
HEIN, Alois Raimund [1852-?]. 1920. Kurzgefasster, praktischer Abrisa der Farbenlehre. Für Zeichner, Laler un Kunsthandwerker und für den Schulgebrauch. German (Vienna, Austria: Walter de Gruyter).
JAMES, H. Francis, and Edna G. BENSON. 1920. Color tablet; practical problems in applied color. English (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA: The Bruce Publishing Co.).
MATTHEWS, J. M. 1920. Application of dyestuffs to textiles, paper, etc. English (New York, USA). {dyes}.
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1920. Der Farbnormenatlas. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). {order systems, atlas}.
WIEDMER, Heinrich. 1920. Kritische und experimentelle Studien über die Pigmentierung des integuments mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihres Zusammenhanges mit der Wiederstandskraft und der Leistung unserer Haustiere. German (Säckingen am Rhein, Germany: G. Mehr).
BERNSTEIN, Martha. 1921. Die Schoenheit der Farbe in der Kunst und im täglichen Leben. German (Munich, Germany: Delphin).
English translation by R. Granger Watkin, Colour in art and daily life (New York: R. M. McBride & Co., 1928).
CLELAND, Thomas Maitland [1880-1964]. 1921. A practical description of the Munsell color system, with suggestions for its use. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Munsell Color Company). {order systems}.
CONROY, Ellen. 1921. The symbolism of colour. English (London, England: Rider & Sons).
ENGELHARDT, Rudolf A [1886-?]. 1921. Der Farbenreiz im Druckwerk; ein Ratgeber für alle, die im graphischen Gewerbe farbig schaffen. Zugleich Versuch einer Systematik der Farbnharmonie und der Werbekraft der Farben, 2nd ed. German (Leipzig, Germany: J. Mäser).
LAUBE, Eizens [1880-?]. 1921. Kràsu un formu logika (Riga, Latvia: Ekonomists).
MUNSELL, Albert Henry [1858-1918], and Thomas Maitland CLELAND [1880-1964]. 1921. A grammar of color. English (Mittineague, Massachusetts, USA: Strathmore Paper Company). New ed. annotated by Faber Birren (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969). {harmony, order systems}.
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1921. Die Grundlagen der messenden Farbenlehre. German (Leipzig, Germany: Johann Ambrosius Barth).
RORSCHACH, Hermann [1884-1922]. 1921. Psychodiagnostik. German (Bern, Switzerland: Hans Hubert). {psychology}.
English translation, Psychodiagnostics. A diagnostic test based on perception (Bern, Switzerland: Hans Hubert, 1942).
Italian translation, Psicodiagnostica (Rome: Kappa, 1981).
Spanish translation, Psicodiagnóstico (Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1972).
STEINER, Rudolf [1861-1925]. 1921. Das Wesen der Farben. German (Dornach, Switzerland). New ed. (Stuttgart, Germany, 1959). New ed. (Dornach, Switzerland: Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1973). {philosophy, arts, aesthetics}.
English translation, Colour: three lectures given in Dornach, 6th to 8th May, 1921, with extracts from his note-books (London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1970). New ed. 1996.
French translation by Henriette Bideau, Nature des couleurs: conférences faites à Dornach les 6-7-8 mai 1921 et entre 1914 et 1924 (Geneva, Switzerland: Éd. Antroposophiques Romandes, 1987).
Italian translation, L’essenza dei colori: tre conferenze tenute a Dornach il 6, 7 e 8 maggio 1921, seguite da altre nove conferenze riguardanti l’argomento dei colori, tratte da volumi diversi e tenute negli anni dal 1914 al 1924 (Milan: Editrice Antroposofica, 1977).
AUDSLEY, George Ashdown [1838-?]. 1922. Colour harmony in dress. English (New York, USA: R. M. McBride & Co.). {dress, fashion, aesthetics}.
BÜHLER, Karl [1879-1963]. 1922. Die Struktur der Wahrnehmungen, vol. 1 of Handbuch der Psychologie. German (Leipzig, Germany: G. Fischer). {perception}.
CREECH, James E. 1922. Presswork lecture “The theory of color as applied to the graphics arts”. English (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA: Carnegie Institute of Technology). {graphic arts}.
GIBBONS, Stanley. 1922. Colour guide for stamp collectors. English (London, England).
LOUMYER, Guy. 1922. L’outillage et le matériel du peintre dé l’antiquité grecque et romaine. French (Brussels, Belgium).
LOVELL, Richard Goulburn. 1922. Courage in colour, applied to personal attire and home surroundings; a simple exposition based upon the balanced primaries. English (London, England: C. Griffin & Company).
MULDER, N. E. 1922.The “Green Ray” or “Green Flash”. English (The Hague, The Netherlands).
MULLER-BORE, Kaete. 1922. Stilistische untersuchungen zum Farbwort und zur vermendung der farbe in der alteren en griechischen poesie. German (Berlin, Germany: E. Ebering).
PEDDIE, W. 1922. Colour vision. English (London, England: Arnold).
PODESTÁ, Hans. 1922. Die Farbenlehre, IV: Physiologische Farbenlehre. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma).
POPE, Arthur [1880-1974]. 1922. Tone relations in painting. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press). New ed. 1927.
SCHUMANN, K. B. 1922.Die Farben als Charackterisierungsmittel in den Dichtungen des Vergil und Horaz. German (Erlangen, Germany: University of Erlangen).
WALL, Edward John. 1922. Practical color photography. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: American Photographic Publishing). {photography}.
BEARN, J. G. 1923. The chemistry of paints, pigments, and varnishes. English (London, England). {applied chemistry, paints}.
BOIGEY, Maurice de. 1923.La science des couleurs et l’art du peintre, with a preface by J. F. Bouchor. French (Paris, France: Alcan).
English translation by J. B. Hewitt, The science of colours and the art of the painter (London: J. Bale, Sons & Danielsson, 1925).
BOWMAN, W. O. 1923. Paints and colours: how to mix and use them. English (London, England). {paints}.
CUTLER, Carl Gordon, and Stephen C. PEPPER. 1923. Modern color. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press).
GOODYEAR, A. A. 1923. Paint and stain formulas. English (Carlisle, Virginia, USA).
HOUSTON, Robert A. 1923. Light and colour. English (London, England: Longmans, Green & Co.). {general}.
ILLGNER, Franz. 1923. Der Farbenharmonie-Sucher B in Anwendung der Farbenlehre Prof. W. Ostwald. German (Berlin, Germany).
KING, J. L. 1923. Color mixing guide. English (New York, USA).
LUCKIESH, Matthew [1883-?]. 1923. Light and color in advertising and merchandising. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand). {advertising}.
MARTIN, L. C., and W. GAMBLE. 1923. Colour and methods of colour reproduction. English (New York, USA).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1923. Die Harmonie der Farben. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1923. Farbkunde. German (Leipzig, Germany: Hirzel).
SARGENT, Walter [1868-1927]. 1923. The enjoyment and use of color. English (New York, USA: Scribner’s Sons). Republished with revisions and new material (New York: Dover, 1964).
STEVENS, Ernest J. 1923. Light, colors, tones and nature’s finest forces. Marvelous discoveries basic and active principles. English (San Francisco, USA: E. J. Stevens Light, Color and Tone Research Laboratory).
THORPE, J. F., and C. K. INGOLD. 1923. Synthetic colouring matters. Vat colours. English (London, England: Longmans, Green & Co.). {colorants}.
TRILLICH, Heinrich. 1923. Das deutsche Farbenbuch; unter Berücksichtigung der bisherigen Vorarbeiten und Beschlüsse als Entwurf. German (Munich, Germany: B. Heller).
WEBER, Frederick W. 1923.Artists’ pigments; their chemical and physical properties. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand).
BALL, Hylda Rhodes. 1924. The psychology & tradition of colour. English (London, England: C. W. Daniel).
BOUARD, A. 1924. La couleur; physique et harmonie. French (Lausanne, Switzerland: Librairie Nouvelle de Lausanne).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1924. Compte Rendu des Séances, 6me Session, Geneva, 1924. French, English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
COFFIGNIER, Ch. 1924. Couleur et peintures. Encyclopédie de chimie industrielle. French (Paris, France: Baillière et fils). {applied chemistry, paints}.
ENGELHARDT, Rudolf A. [1886-?]. 1924. Farben-Klänge und Farben-Harmonien; praktische Farbenharmonielehre für das graphische Gewerbe nebst 34 Tafeln buchgewerblicher Arbeiten nach Entwürfen des Verfassers. German (Leipzig, Germany: J. Mäser).
GLOAG, John. 1924. Colour and comfort. English (London, England: Duckworth).
HIGGINS, S. H. 1924. History of bleaching. English (London, England).
JACOBS, Michel [1877-?]. 1924. The art of colour. English (Garden City, New York, USA: Doubleday, Page & Co.). 3rd ed. (Rumson, New Jersey: Primatic Art Co., 1948). 5th ed. 1956.
LAURENCE, Frederic. 1924. Color in architecture. English (New York, USA: National Terracotta Society). {architecture}.
MacDONALD-WRIGHT, Stanton [1890-?]. 1924. A treatise on color. English (Los Angeles, USA). Reprinted in the catalog of the exposition: The art of Stanton MacDonald-Wright, with an introduction by David W. Scott (Washington: Smithsonian Press, National Collection of Fine Art, 1967). {general, arts, aesthetics, harmony}.
MILLIAR, A. 1924. Scrumbling & colour gazing, 2nd ed. English (London, England).
MÜLLER, Georges Elias. 1924. Darstellung und Erklärung der verschiedenen Typen der Farbenblindheit nebst Erörterung der Funktion des Stabchenapparates sowie des Farbesinns der Biene und der Fische. German (Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht). {vision}.
RINOLDI, Luigi. 1924. Estetica scientifica delle combinazioni dei colori con speciale applicazione alle arti industriali. Italian (Italy: Biella).
ROWE, Frederick Maurice, ed. [?-1946]. 1924. Colour index. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists). Supplement, 1928. {applied chemistry, colorants}.
SOLON, Léon Victor [1872-?]. 1924. Polychromy: architectural and structural theory and practice, with an introduction by Ralph Adams Cram. English (New York, USA: The Architectural Record). {architecture}.
STEVENS, Ernest J. 1924. Science of colors and rhythm. English (San Francisco, USA: The author).
WEBER, Frederick W. 1924.The history, chemistry and technology of artists’ colors. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA).
ALLESCH, Gustav Johannes von [1882-?]. 1925. Die ästhetische Erscheinungsweise der Farben. German (Berlin, Germany: Springer).
BAILEY, Henry Turner, and Ethel POOL. 1925. Symbolism for artists: creative & appreciative. English (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA: The Davis Press). 2nd ed. 1928. {aesthetics}.
CARY, D. F. 1925. Colour mixing and paint work, a practical manual for painters, sign writers, artists, colourmen. English (London, England: Technical Press).
COLLINS, Mary. 1925. Colour blindness. With a comparison of different methods of testing colour-blindness. English (London, England: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.; New York, USA: Harcourt, Brace & Co.). {vision, color vision defects}.
JACOBS, Michel [1877-?]. 1925. The study of color, with lessons and exercises. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand). 5th ed. (Rumson, New Jersey: Primatic Art Co., 1948). 6th ed. 1956.
LÁSZLÓ, Alexander. 1925. Die Farblichtmusik. German (Leipzig, Germany: Breitkopf und Härtel).
RONCHETTI, Giuseppe [?-1925?]. 1925. La composizione della tinte nella pittura. Italian (Milan, Italy).
THOMPSON, R. C. 1925. On the chemistry of the ancient Assyrians. English (London, England).
TOCH, Maximilian [1864-?]. 1925. The chemistry and technology of paints, 3rd ed. English (New York, USA). {applied chemistry, paints}.
WALL, Edward John. 1925. The history of three-color photography. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: American Photographic Publishing). {photography}.
WUNDERLICH, E. 1925. Die Bedeutung der roten Farbe in Kultus des Griechen und Römer, erläutert mit Berücksichtigung entsprechende Bräuche bei anderen Völken. Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten XX, 1. German (Giessen, Germany: Töpelmann).
DESHAIRS, L. 1926. Intérieurs en couleurs. French (Paris, France). {interior design}.
HODGES, Myrtis. 1926. Life interpreted through color. English (Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA: The Elisabeth Towne Co.). New ed. (London: L. N. Fowler & Co.).
IONIDES, Basil. 1926. Colour and interior decoration. English (London, England: Country Life). {interior design}.
JENNINGS, Arthur Seimour. 1926. Paint & colour mixing. A practical handbook for painters, decorators, paint manufactures, artists, and all who have to mix colours, 7th ed. English (London, England: E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd.; New York, USA: Spon & Chamberlain).
KANDINSKY, Wassily [1866-1944]. 1926. Punkt und Linie zu Fläche. Beitrage zur Analyse der malerischen Elemente. German (Dessau, Germany: Bauhaus). {painting, aesthetics, harmony}.
English translation by Howard Dearstyne and Hilla Rebay, Point and line to plane (New York: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1947). Re-publication (New York: Dover, 1979).
French translation, Point-ligne-plan (Paris: Denoël, 1970).
Spanish translation, Punto y línea sobre el plano: contribución al análisis de los elementos pictóricos (Barcelona: Barral, 1971). New ed. 1984. New ed. (Barcelona: Paidós, 1998).
KNIGHTS, Charles C. 1926. Colour in advertising an merchandising display. English (London, England: Crosby Lockwood & Son). {advertising}.
LAURIE, Arthur Pillans [1861-1949]. 1926. The painter’s methods and materials. English (London, England). New ed. (New York: Dover, 1967). {painting}.
LUCKIESH, Matthew [1883-?], and A. J. PACINI. 1926. Light and health. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The Williams & Wilkins Co.).
LYTHGOE, R. J. 1926. Ilumination and visual capacities (a review of recent litterature), report of the Committee upon Physiology of Vision, Privy Council, Medical Research Council. English (London, England: Medical Research Council, Special Report Series Nr. 104).
MAYER, Max, P. BONOMI DA MONTE, and A. MIATELLO. 1926. Colori vernici e loro principali applicazioni. Italian (Milan, Italy).
McADORY, Margaret. 1926. Color in painting, a portfolio of eight leaflets with notes on the use of color in the paintings wich are reproduced in direct color from the originals. English (New York, USA: The author).
SANDER, C. G. 1926.Colour in health and disease. English (London, England: C. W. Daniel & Co.). {health, chromotherapy}.
WALSH, John W. T. 1926. Photometry. English (London, England: Constable & Co.). 2nd ed. 1953. New ed. (New York: Dover, 1965).
before 1927
ROOD, Roland [1863-1927]. 1927 (before). Color and light in painting, edited by George L. Stout. English (New York, USA: Columbia University Press). New ed. 1941.
ARGELANDER, Annelies. 1927. Das Farbenhören und der synästhetische Faktor der Wahrnehmung. German (Jena, Germany: G. Fischer). {psychology, sensation, perception}.
BRITISH ENGINEERING STANDARD ASOCIATION. 1927. Draft British standard schedule of colours for ready-mixed paints. English (London, England).
HAACK, H. 1927. Experimental-deskriptive Psychologie der Bewegungen, Konfigurationen und Farben unter Verwendung der Flimmerphänomens. German (Berlin, Germany).
HIRSCHFELD, Ludwig. 1927. Farbenlichtspiele. German (Leipzig, Germany).
LEUSCHNER. 1927. Key to color harmony. English (Los Angeles, USA: Educational Color Research Bureau).
LEVENGOOD, Sidney L. 1927. The use of color in the verse of the Pleiade. A dissertation presented to the Faculty of Princeton, Paris. English (Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France).
MATTHAEI, Rupprecht [1895-?]. 1927. Die Welt der Farbe. German (Bonn, Germany).
MEYER, K. 1927.Die Bedeutung der weissen Farbe im Kultus der Griechen und Römer. German (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: K. Henn).
MONCLIEFFE, Mona. 1927 (circa).The magic of colour harmony in dress. English (Sydney, Australia: Barbergald’s, Ltd.).
OVIO, Giuseppe. 1927. La scienza dei colori. Visione dei colori. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli). Reprint (Milan: Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1979).
French translation, La vision des couleurs (Paris: Alcan, 1932).
SARGENT, Frederick Le Roy [1868-?]. 1927. Working system of color for students of art and nature. English (New York, USA: Henry Holt & Co.).
WALLACE, Florence Elizabeth. 1927. Color in Homer and in ancient art, preliminary studies. English (Northampton, Massachusetts, USA: Smith College, Classical Studies 9).
WELLING, Jane Betsey [1896-?]. 1927. More color for you: color study developed by the experimental method. English (Chicago, USA: The Abbot Educational Company).
ALMACK, Mary Ruth. 1928. A quantitative study of chromatic adaptation. English (Princeton, New Jersey; Albany, New York, USA: Psych. Rev. Co., PhD thesis).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1928. Color in vision. English (Chicago, USA: C. V. Ritter).
BOSSERT, Helmuth Theodor [1889-1956]. 1928. An encyclopaedia of colour decoration from the earliest times to the middle of the XIX century, with explanatory text by Helmuth Bossert. English (New York, USA: E. Weyhe). {interior design}.
DESBLEDS, L. Blin. 1928. Exact color matching and specifying. French (Paris, France: Technological and Industrial Service).
GOLDSCHMIDT, R. H. 1928. Postulat der Farbwandelspiele. German (Heidelberg, Germany).
JANA (pseudonym). 1928. Vibration of colour. English (Pass-a-Grille, Florida, USA).
LEWIS, Charles Thomas Couriney [1856-?]. 1928. The story of picture printing in England: during the Nineteenth century; or forty years of wood and stone. English (London, England: S. Low, Marston & Co.).
LITTLEJOHNS, John [1874-?]. 1928. The essential colour system; its use and value. English (London, England: Winsor & Newton).
MARTINI, Herbert E. 1928.Color. English (Pelham, New York, USA: Bridgman). 3rd ed. 1930.
MISKELLA, W. J. 1928. Practical color simplified. English (Chicago, USA: Finishing Research Laboratory).
RANKIN, Herbert A. 1928.Simple lessons in colour. English (London, England).
REISER, Oliver Leslie. 1928. The alchemy of light and colour. English (New York, USA: Norton & Co.).
RUXTON, Philip, Inc. 1928. Ink secrets for pressmen. English (New York, USA: Philip Ruxton, Inc.). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
SJÖBLOM, A. 1928. Die koloristische Entwicklung in der niederländischen Malerei des XV und XVI Jahrhunderts. German.
TOMPKINS, A. George. 1928. Pastel for the standards. English (London, England: Pitman & Sons).
WAGNER, Günther. 1928. Die Welt der Farben. German (Hannover, Germany: G. Wagner).
WAGNER, Hans [1887-1948]. 1928. Die Körperfarben. German (Stuttgart, Germany).
YOE, J. H. 1928-1929. Photometric chemical analysis (colorimetry and nephelometry), 2 vols. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
BLUM, Paul, and E. SCHAAFF. 1929.Le daltonisme: son importance pratique, ses formes cliniques, son diagnostic. French (Paris, France: Masson et Cie.). {vision, color vision defects}.
BUSSET, Maurice [1880-?]. 1929. La technique moderne du tableau et le procédés secrets des grands coloristes des XIe XVIe et XVIIe siècles recueillis et restitués par un homme du métier. Édition arnée de dessins et de gravures de l’auteur de nombreuses reproductions d’aprés les maítres. French (Paris, France: Delagrave).
COOPER, F. G. 1929. Munsell manual of color. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Munsell Color Company).
GILLUM, Lulu Williams. 1929. Color secrets. English (Kirksville, Missouri, USA: The Journal Printing Company).
HEATON, Augustus George [1844-1930]. 1929. Color; a treatise. English (Columbia, South Carolina, USA: R. L. Bryan).
HESSEY, J. Dodson. 1929. Colour in the treatment of disease. English (London, England: Rider & Co.).
HEUCK, Ellen. 1929. Die Farbe in der französischen Kunsttheorie des 17 Jahrhunderts. German (Strasbourg, France: J. H. E. Heitz).
LADD-FRANKLIN, Christine [1847-1930]. 1929. Colour vision and colour theories. English (New York, USA: Harcourt, Brace & Co.). Facsimilar ed. (New York: Arno Press, 1973). New ed. (London, England: Routledge, 1999).
MONROE, Marion [1898-?]. 1929. The drawings and color preference of young children. English (Chicago, USA: University of Chicago, typescript). {psychology, color perception}.
MUNSELL COLOR COMPANY. 1929. Munsell book of color, defining, explaining, and illustraiting the fundamental characteristics of color; a revision and extension of “The atlas of the Munsell color system” by A. H. Munsell. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Munsell Color Company). New ed. 1942. New ed., Munsell book of color, matte finish collection (Baltimore, Maryland: Munsell Color Company, 1970). New ed., Munsell book of color, glossy finish collection (Baltimore, Maryland: Munsell Color Company, Macbeth Division of Kollmorgen Corporation, 1976). New ed. (New Windsor, New York: GretagMacbeth, 1999). {order systems, atlas}.
PANIAGUA PAJARES, Gudelio. 1929. Técnica del colorido. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Espasa-Calpe).
POPE, Arthur [1880-1974]. 1929. An introduction to the language of drawing and painting, 2 vols. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press).
POPE, Arthur [1880-1974]. 1929. The painter’s terms. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press).
POPE, Arthur [1880-1974]. 1929-1931. The painter’s modes of expression. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press).
SIMONS, James E., and E. C. HUSTAED. 1929. Colorology. English (Portland, Oregon, USA: Pacific College of Chromatics, Interior Decorating and the Arts).
TINLEY, HUMPHREYS, and IRVING. 1929. Colour planning of the garden. English (London, England). {gardening}.
WRIGHT, Richardson Little [1887-?], and Margaret McELROY, eds. 1929.House and garden’s book of color schemes, containing over two hundred color schemes and three hundred illustrations of halls, living rooms, dining rooms, bed chambers, sun rooms, roofs, garden rooms, kitchens and baths; the characteristic colors of each decorative period; how to select a color scheme, with unusual treatments for painter furniture and floors; a portfolio of crystal rooms and eight pages of unusual interiors in color. English (New York, USA: The Condé Nast Publications). {interior design, gardening}.
BAUMANN, A. F. 1930. Eighteen thousand color combinations. English (New York, USA: Helburn).
BIEMA, Carry van. 1930.Farben und Formen als lebendige Kräfte. German (Jena, Germany: Eugen Diederichs). Reprinted 1997.
BÜHLER, Hans Adolf. 1930. Das innere Gesetz der Farbe. German (Leipzig, Germany: Paul List Verlag).
CHASE, Joseph Cummings. 1930. An artist talks about color. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
FEULNER, Adolf. 1930. Farbige raumkunst der vergangenheit. Ansichten aus deutschen schlössern und bürgerhäusern. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Bauformen-bibliothek).
FISCHER, Martin Henry [1879-?]. 1930. The permanent palette. English (Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, USA: National Publishing Society). {arts}.
GATHERCOAL, E. N., ed. 1930. Color names in the US Pharmacopoeia and in the arts, sciences and industries. English (Chicago, USA: US Pharmacopeia, Committee of Revision, Suplement to the circulars). {terminology}.
GIDONI, G. I. 1930. Iskusstvo sveta i iveta [The art of light and color]. Russian (Leningrad, Russia: The author). {aesthetics}.
DINSHAH (pseudonym of Dinshah P. GHADIALI) [1873-1966]. 1930. Healing triangle of light. English (Malaga, New Jersey, USA: Spectro-Chrome Institute). {health, chromotherapy}.
IREDELL, C. E. 1930. Colour and cancer. English (London, England: H. K. Lewis & Co.).
IRWIN, Beatrice. 1930. The gates of light, a record of progress in the engineering of colour and light. English (London, England: Rider & Co.).
JAENSCH, Erich R. 1930.Eidetic imagery. English (London, England: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.).
JAENSCH, Erich R. 1930. Über Grundfragen der Farbenpsychologie. German (Leipzig, Germany).
KLEIN, Adrian Bernard Leopold [1892-?]. 1930. Colour music: the art of light. English (London, England: Crosby Lockwood & Son). 3rd enlarged ed., Colored light: an art and medium (London: Technical Press, 1937).
MAERZ, Aloys John [1885-?], and Marshall Rea PAUL. 1930. A dictionary of color. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). 2nd ed. 1950.
MÜLLER, Georges Elias. 1930. Über die Farbenempfindungen; psychophysische untersuchungen. German (Leipzig, Germany: Johann Ambrosius Barth). {vision}.
PAUL, Marshall Rea, and K. J. BOWMAN. 1930 (circa). Color in colonial times. English (New York, USA: National Lead Company).
PETIOT, André. 1930. Son et couleur. Trichomie harmonique des fonctions tonales. French (Dieppe, France: Imprimerie La Vigie).
PHLEPS, Hermann. 1930. Die farbige architektur bei den Römern und im Mittelalter. German (Berlin, Germany). {architecture, history}.
STOKES, Adrian Durham. 1930. Colour and form. English (London, England: Faber & Faber). New ed. 1937, 1950.
ANDRES, L. E. 1931. Oil colours and printers’ inks. English (London, England). {printing industry}.
DAVIS, R., and K. S. GIBSON. 1931. Filters for the reproduction of sunlight and daylight and the determination of color temperature. English (Washington DC, USA: National Bureau of Standards, Miscellaneous Publication 114).
ELLIS, Havelock [1859-1939]. 1931. The color sense in literature. English (London, England: The Ulises Book Shop).
GILLUM, Lulu Williams. 1931. Color and design, a practical art book. English (Kansas City, Missouri, USA: The Gillum Publishing Company).
HEMPSTEAD, Laurence. 1931. Color and line in dress, with sketches by Mary Highsmith. English (New York, USA: Prentice-Hall).
HOLMES, John M. 1931. Colour in interior decoration. English (London, England: The Architectural Press). {interior design}.
KOSTER, P. M. 1931. Color guide. English (New York, USA).
LE CORBUSIER (pseudonym of Charles-Edouard Jeanneret) [1887-1965]. 1931. Polychromie architecturale. French (Paris, France: manuscript, in Fondation Le Corbusier). Posthumous edition arranged by Arthur Rüegg in German, English and French, Le Corbusier – Polychromie architecturale / Farbenklaviaturen von 1931 und 1959 / Color keyboards from 1931 and 1959 / Les claviers de couleurs de 1931 et de 1959 (Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser, 1997). 2nd revised ed. 2006. {architecture}.
SWANKOVSKY, F. J. 1931. The use & power of color. English (Los Angeles, USA: Duncan, Vail).
THE NORTH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ARTS, Inc. 1931. A color dictionary. English (New York, USA: The North American Society of Arts, Inc.).
VILLALOBOS DOMÍNGUEZ, Cándido [1881-1954]. 1931. Investigation on impure spectra and its consequences for the theory of colours, translated from the Spanish by Ann E. Smith. English (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ruiz Hnos.). {optics}.
VIVIANI, Quirico. 1931. Indicazioni per riconoscere il vero colore della porpora… Italian (Udine, Italy).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1932. Proceedings of the 8th Session, Cambridge, 1931. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
COLLINS, Mary, and James DREVER. 1932. Group test for colour blindness. English (London, England: University of London Press). {vision, color vision defects}.
DICKSON, T. Elder. 1932. An introduction to colour. English (London, England).
ENGELS, Grace W. 1932. A study in the psychology of color preferences. English (New York, USA: New York University, thesis). {psychology, color perception}.
FARIGOULE, Louis (pseudonym of Jules Romains). 1932. La vision extra-retinienne et le sens paroptique, recherches de psychophysiologie experimentale et de physiologie histologique. French (Paris, France: Nouvelle Revue Française). New ed. (Paris: Gallimard, 1964).
English version, Eyeless sight (London, England: Putnam, 1932).
HOUSTON, Robert A. 1932. Vision and color vision. English (London, England; New York, USA: Longmans, Green & Co.). {vision}.
KOBER, Alice Elizabeth [1906-?]. 1932. The use of color terms in the Greek poets, including all the poets from Homer to 146 b.C. except the epigrammatists. English (New York, USA: The W. F. Humphrey Press).
KONDRATZKY, P. P. 1932.[Fundamentals of colorstatics]. Russian (Russia: Kalinin).
KRAVKOV, S. V. 1932. Rukovodstvo k prakticheckim zanayatiyam po tsvetovvedeniyu. Russian (Russia: GTTI).
LEWIS, E. H. 1932. Modern color charts and the new color theory. English (Albany, New York, USA).
MATIUSHIN, Mikhail [1866-1934]. 1932. Zakonomernost’ izmenjaemosti tsvetovykh sochetanii. Spravochnik po tsvetu [The laws governing the variability of color combinations. A reference book on color]. Russian (Moscow and Leningrad, Russia: OGIZ). {arts, aesthetics}.
MELHNISH, Fannie E. 1932. A study of children’s choices of colour combinations as conditioned by age. English (USA: Pennsylvania State College, MA thesis).
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932]. 1932. The Ostwald color album: a complete collection of colour standards for use in colour specification and the study of colour harmony, arranged by J. Scott Taylor. English (London, England: Winsor & Newton, 1932-1935).
PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1932. Discussion on vision, with articles by Guild, Richardson, et al. English (London, England: The Physical Society).
RICHARDSON, L. F. 1932. The measurability of sensations of hue, brightness or saturation. English (Cambridge, England: Physical and Optical Societies, Cambridge University Press).
WEISSEN-SZUMLANSKA, Marcelle. 1932. Les hommes rouges, éléments préhistoriques sur les origines civilisatrices d’aprés le rite occidental de l’ocre rouge, with a preface by Ed. Vignard. French (Paris, France: Adyar).
ANDERSON, Anna Marie [1890-?]. 1933. Syllabus of design and color. English (New York, USA: The Bruce Publishing Co.). New ed. (Champaign, Illinois: The Bruce Publishing Co., 1940). {education}.
BRAGG, William Henry [1862-1942]. 1933. The universe of light. English (New York, USA: MacMillan). New ed. (New York: Dover, 1959).
COPELAND, J. C., and Irving B. LUECK. 1933. Studies in duo-chrome refraction. English (Chicago, USA: Riggs Optical Co.).
DINSHAH (pseudonym of Dinshah P. GHADIALI) [1873-1966]. 1933. Spectro-chrome metry encyclopedia. English (Malaga, New Jersey, USA: Spectro-Chrome Institute). New ed. (Malaga, New Jersey: Dinshah Health Society, 1992). {health, chromotherapy}.
DOERNER, Max. 1933.Malmaterial und seine Verwendung im Bilde; nach den Vorträge an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München, 4th ed. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke). 8th ed. 1944.
English translation by Eugen Neuhaus, The materials of the artist and their use in painting, with notes on the techniques of the old masters (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1934).
Spanish translation, Los materiales de la pintura y su empleo en el arte (Barcelona: Reverte, 1965).
FANSTONE, Robert M. 1933. Colour photography. English (London, England: Pitman). {photography}.
GALE, Ann Van Nice. 1933.Children’s preferences for colours. Colour combinations, and colour arrangements. English (Chicago, USA: The University of Chicago Press). {psychology, color perception}.
KELLAM, Samuel B. 1933 (circa).Color in personality and dress characterizes charming and distinctive women. English (Seattle, Washington, USA: The author).
MacMORLAND, Arthur. 1933. Colour: theory and practice for schools and colleges. English (London, England).
MARTIN, L. C., F. L. WARBURTON, and W. J. MORGAN. 1933. Determination of the sensitiveness of the eye to differences in the saturation of colours, report of the Committee upon the Physiology of Vision, XIII. English (London, England: Medical Research Council, Special Report Series Nr. 188). {vision}.
NYUBERG, N. D. 1933. Matematicheskiye osnovy zadachi izmereniya tsveta. Prilozhenie v knige: N. T. Fedorov. Sovremennoe sostoyanie kolorimetrii. Russian (Russia: GTTI).
PATMORE, Derek. 1933. Colour schemes for the modern home. English (London, England: The Studio).
PIERCE, W. O’D. 1933. Individual differences in normal colour vision. English (London, England: Medical Research Council, Special Report Series Nr. 181). {vision}.
SCIENCE MUSEUM LIBRARY OF LONDON. 1933. Theory of colour mixture (1915-1932). English (London, England: Science Museum Library, Bibliographical Series Nr. 105).
TIKKANE, J. J. 1933. Studie über die Farbengebun in der mittelalterlichen Buchmalerei, nach dem Manuskript des Verfassers hrsg. Von Tancred Boreniur Helsingfors “Centraltryckerit”. German (Helsinki, Finland: Helsingfors Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes humanarum litterarum, v. 5).
ADROGUÉ, Esteban, and José A. SENÁ. 1934. La visión de los colores. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Ateneo). {vision, color vision defects}.
BATY, Thomas. 1934. Academic colours. English (Tokyo, Japan: Kenkyusha Press).
BINDER, Joseph. 1934. Colour in advertising. English (London, England: The Studio). {advertising}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1934. Color dimensions; creating new principles of color harmony and a practical equation in color definition. English (Chicago, USA: The Crimson Press). {aesthetics, harmony}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1934. The printer’s art of color: a comprehensive treatise defining those principles of color harmony that relate specificality to the craft of printing. English (Chicago, USA: The Crimson Press).
BRITISH COLOUR COUNCIL. 1934. Dictionary of colour standards, 2 vols. English (London, England: British Colour Council).
CHANDLER, Albert R. 1934.Beauty and human nature. English (New York, USA).
IONIDES, Basil. 1934. Colour in every day rooms, with remarks on sundry aspect of decoration. English (London, England: Country Life). {interior design}.
KARDOS, L. 1934.Ding und Schatten. Eine experimentelle Untersuchung über die Grundlagen des Farbensehens. German (Leipzig, German Johann Ambrosius Barth). {psychology}.
MANZ, Harry [1909-?]. 1934. Die Farbgebung in der italienischen Malerei des Protobarock und Manierismus. German (Berlin, Germany: P. Brandel).
PARSONS, Thos, & Sons, ed. 1934. Historical colours. English (London, England: T. Parsons & Sons).
PIERCE, W. O’D. 1934. The selection of colour workers. English (London, England: Pitman).
ROBERTS, Michael, and Ebenezer R. THOMAS. 1934. Newton and the origin of colours. English (London, England: Bell & Sons).
ROWE, Frederick Maurice [?-1946], and E. CLAYTON. 1934. The jubilee issue of the Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists (1884-1934). English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists).
STEBBING, M. E. 1934. Colour in the garden. English (London, England). {gardening}.
ALLEN, Arthur Bruce [1903-?]. 1935. The teaching of colour in schools, 2nd ed. English (London, England: Winsor & Newton). New ed. (London: Frederick Warne & Co., 1937). {education}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1935. Color in modern packaging. Being a sprightly discussion of color harmony principles rather than laws that affect the efforts of packaging artists. English (Chicago, USA: The Crimson Press).
BURRIS-MAYER, Elizabeth [1899-?]. 1935. Color and design in the decorative arts. English (New York, USA: Prentice-Hall).
ELLINGER, Richard Gordon. 1935. The organization of color. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: Edwards Brothers).
GUPTILL, Arthur Leighton [1891-1956]. 1935. Color in sketching and rendering, with an introduction by J. Floyd Yewell. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing).
HETZER, Theodor [1890-?]. 1935. Tizian; geschichte seinerfarbe. German (Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Vittorio Klostermann). New ed. 1948.
INTERNATIONAL PRINTING INK CORPORATION. 1935. Three monographs on color. Monograph Nr. 2, Color as light. English (New York, USA: International Printing Ink Corporation, Research Laboratories).
JUDSON, John Albert Victor. 1935. A handbook of colour, including the Ostwald theory and its practical application; a textbook for teachers, students of art, and all interested in colour. English (Leicester, England: The Dryad Press).
KHAUSTEN, N. K. 1935.Svet i tsveta. Russian (Russia: GTTI).
LO, Ch’uan-Fang [1903-?]. 1935. The values of color combinations. English (Chicago, USA).
PITT, F. H. G. 1935.Characteristics of dichromatic vision. English (London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, Medical Research Council, Special Report Series Nr. 200). {color vision defects}.
TAYLOR, J. Scott. 1935. A simple explanation of the Ostwald colour system. English (London, England: Winsor & Newton). {order systems}.
TEPLOV, B. M., and S. P. YAKOVLEVA. 1935. O zakonakh prostranstvyennogo i vryemyennogo smyeshyeniya tsvetov. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Sb. Zritelyne aschushcheniya i vospriyatiya).
TONKS, Oliver Jesse. 1935. Colour practice in schools, a graded course in colour seeing and using for children between the ages of five and fifteen. English (London, England: Winsor & Newton).
VANDERWALKER, Fred Norman [1885-?]. 1935. The mixing of colors and paints; description, properties, theory, harmony and management of colors; the mixing and use of colors and paints for interior decorating, house painting, arts and crafts, furniture and polychrome finishing. English (Chicago, USA: F. J. Drake & Co.). {interior design}.
ADAM HILGER, LTD. 1936. The Donaldson trichromatic colorimeter. English (London, England: Adam Hilger, Publication Nr. 250). {colorimetry, instruments}.
ALLEN, Arthur Bruce [1903-?]. 1936. Colour harmony for beginners. English (London, England: Frederick Warne). {order systems, aesthetics, harmony}.
BAILEY, Alice A. 1936. A treatise on the seven rays. English (London, England: Watkins). {health, chromotherapy}.
BINE, Jëkaba. 1936. Kràsu saskapas mäciba lidz ar apceri par glezniecibas sakaru ar müziku, dzeju un tëlniecibu (Riga, Latvia).
FLETCHER, Frank Morley [1866-?]. 1936. Colour-control; the organization and control of the artist’s palette. English (London, England: Faber & Faber).
HARDY, Arthur C. 1936. Handbook of colorimetry. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press).
KLEIN, Adrian Bernard Leopold [1892-?]. 1936. Colour cinematography. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). 2nd ed. 1939.
OSTWALD, Greta. 1936. Schriftenverzeichnis zur Farbenlehre. German (Leipzig, Germany: Theodor Martins).
SÉGUY, E. [1890-?]. 1936. Code universel des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Lechevalier).
SNELL, F. D., and C. T. SNELL. 1936. Colorimetric methods of analysis, 2 vols. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
TEXTILE COLOR CARD ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES, eds. 1936. Collection of colors dedicated to his Majesty King Edward VIII, and in commemoration of his coronation, May 12, 1937. English (New York, USA: The Textile Color Card Association of the United States).
WAGNER, Hans [1887-1948]. 1936. Taschenbuch der Farben und Werksoffkunde für Maler, Künstler, Kunstgewelbler, Drogisten, Architekten, Fachlehrer, Farbenhändler und die chemisch-technische Industrie, 2nd ed. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Verlagegesellschaft). 4th ed. 1940. 7th ed. 1949. 8th ed. 1953.
ALLEN, Arthur Bruce [1903-?]. 1937. Colour harmony, its theory and practice. English (London, England: Frederick Warne). {aesthetics, harmony}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1937. Functional color, a book of facts and research, meant to inspire more rational methods in the solution of color problems. English (New York, USA: The Crimson Press).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1937. The wonderful wonders of RYB (red-yellow-blue). English (New York, USA: McFarlane, Warde, McFarlane).
CONNICK, Ch. 1937. Adventure in light and color. English (New York, USA).
FORSYTHE, W. E. 1937. Measurement of radiant energy. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
HAEMMERLE, Albert. 1937. Der farbstich seine anfaenge und seine entwicklung bis zum Jahre MDCCLXV. German (Munich, Germany: Privatdruck).
HICKS, Ami Mali, and Catharine OGLESBY. 1937. Color in action. English (New York, USA: Funk & Wagnalls).
HILER, Hilaire [1898-1966]. 1937. Hiler color system. English (San Francisco, USA: Velvetone Poster Co.).
HUNT, Roland. 1937. Fragrant and radiant symphony. An enquiry into the wondrous correlation of the healing virtues of colour, sound and perfume, and a consideration of their influence and purpose. English (London, England: The C. W. Daniel Co.). {health, chromotherapy}.
ISCC (Inter-Society Color Council) [1931-]. 1937. Minutes of the Annual Meeting, 1st-26th, 1931. English (Washington DC, USA: Inter-Society Color Council).
JOHANSSON, Tryggve [1905-1960]. 1937. Färg. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Lindfors Bokförlag AB). 2nd ed., Färg: den allmänna färglärans grunder (Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1952).
LARGE, G. M. 1937. The teaching of colour and design to young children. English (London, England: Frederick Warne).
LUCKIESH, Matthew [1883-?], and Frank K. MOOS. 1937. The science of seeing. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
MINNAERT, Marcel Gilles Jozef [1893-1970]. 1937. De natuurkunde van ‘t vrije veld. I. Licht en Kleur in het landschap. Dutch (Zutphen, The Netherlands: B. V. W. J. Thieme & Cie.).
English translation by H. M. Kremer-Priest, The nature of light & colour in the open air (London: Bell & Sons, 1940). Re-publication (New York: Dover, 1954). English translation by Len Seymour, Light and color in the outdoors (New York: Springer, 1992). 2nd corrected printing, 1993.
POPE, Arthur [1880-1974]. 1937. Art, artist and layman. A study of the teaching of the visual arts. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press).
SOUTHALL, James P. C. 1937. Introduction to physiological optics. English (London, England: Oxford University Press). New ed. (New York: Dover, 1961).
ALBERT, Henri S., and Théodore F. KAROWSKI. 1938. Color music. English (Columbus, Ohio, USA: Ohio State University, Psychological Monography vol. 50 Nr. 2). {color-music}.
BARBIERI, C. Antonio. 1938. La estética de la visión y del color; sus fundamentos científicos. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Aniceto López). {general, vision, painting}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1938. Monument to color. English (New York, USA: McFarlane, Warde, McFarlane).
BURRIS-MAYER, Elizabeth [1899-?]. 1938. Historical color guide, primitive to modern times. English (New York, USA: William Helburn).
CRISP, Quentin. 1938. Colour in display. English (London, England: Blandford Press).
FEDOROV, N. T. 1938.Obshcheye tsvetovedeniye [Course of general color science]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Gonti). 2nd ed. 1939.
HEIDENTHAL, Gertrude [1908-?]. 1938. A colorimetric study of gemic effect on guines-pig coat color. English (Chicago, USA).
HONORÉ, Paul [1885-?]. 1938. Color light and vision, an investigation of the elemental nature of visual perception; a report of some studies inspired by Henry G. Stevens. English (Detroit, USA: Priv. Print.). {perception, vision}.
HOWATT, R. Douglas. 1938. Elements of chromotherapy. English (London, England: The Actinic Press). {health, chromotherapy}.
KARTFELD, K. P. 1938. The Leica book in color; the technique and possibilies of photography in natural colors, translated from the German by H. W. Zieler. English (Munich, Germany: Knorr & Hirth). {photography}.
KEPPLER, Victor. 1938. The eighth art, a life of color photography, with a foreword by Bruce Barton. English (New York, USA: Morrow & Co.). {photography}.
KRAUSE, H. 1938 (before). [German title not available]. German.
English translation from the 2nd German ed., Metal coloring and finishing (Brooklyn, USA, 1938).
LINDBERG, B. J. 1938.Experimental studies of colour and non-colour attitude in school children, and specially with regards to its condition in different types according to the individual psychology of Strömgren with two psychological tests. English (Copenhagen, Denmark: Munksgaard).
LUCKIESH, Matthew [1883-?]. 1938. Color and colors. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
MAYIZEL, S. O., and E. S. RATNER. 1938. [Computations and measurings in the field of coloristics]. Russian (Russia: Gosenergoizda).
MILLER, J. D. 1938.More colour schemes for the modern home. English (London, England). {interior design}.
NICKERSON, Dorothy [1900-1985]. 1938. Use of ICI tristimulus values in disk colorimetry. English (Washington DC, USA: US Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics).
PODOLSKY, Edward. 1938. The doctor prescribes colors, the influence of colors on health and personality. English (New York, USA: National Library Press). {health, chromotherapy}.
RICHTER, Manfred [1905-1990]. 1938. Das Schrifttum über Goethes Farbenlehre. German (Dresden, Germany: Technischen Universität Dresden, doctoral thesis).
ROWE, Frederick Maurice [?-1946]. 1938. Two lectures on the development of the chemistry of commercial synthetic dyes (1856-1938). English (London, England: Wheffer & Sons). {applied chemistry, colorants}.
SCHLECHTA, K. 1938. Goethe in seinem Verhältnis zu Aristoteles. German (Frankfurt, Germany).
SPENCER, D. A. 1938. Colour photography in practice. English (London, England: Pitman & Sons). 2nd ed. 1939. 3rd ed. 1948. Revised ed. by L. Andrew Mannheim and Viscount Hanworth (London: The Focal Press, 1966). {photography, general, vision}.
TRÜTZSCHLER, F. Von. 1938. Beseelte Farbenlehre. German (Weimar, Germany).
ALLEN, Arthur Bruce [1903-?]. 1939. Imagination and reality in colour. English (London, England: Frederick Warne).
BARNES, Albert C., and Violette DE MAZIA. 1939. The art of Cézanne. English (Merion, Pennsylvania, USA: The Barnes Foundation Press). {painting, arts, biography}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1939. Color more business: the voice of letterpress printing & photo-engraving. English (Chicago, USA: Photo-Engravors Association).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1939. The American colorist; a practical guide to color harmony and color identification. English (New York, USA: Prang). 2nd ed. 1948. New ed. 1962.
BRITISH COLOUR COUNCIL, in collaboration with the ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1939. Horticultural colour chart, vol. 1, prepared by Robert Francis Wilson. English (London, England: British Colour Council). {botanic, charts}.
BUSTANOBY, Jacques Henri. 1939. Bustanoby’s color manual. English (Harrington Park, New Jersey, USA: Pyramid Publications).
CHAMBERS, Bernice Gertrude. 1939. A work manual for the study of color, line and design in apparel, revised ed. English (New York, USA: New York University, School of Retailing). {dress, fashion, interior design}.
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1939. Die Sprache der Farben; vom Wesen des Lichts und der Farben in Natur und Kunst. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey).
GREGROIRE, B. 1939. Théorie des couleurs, contenant explication de la Table des couleurs. French (Paris, France: The author).
MURRAY, Humphrey Desmond, ed. 1939. Color in theory and practice. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA). New ed. revised, enlarged, and rewritten by R. Donaldson, V. J. Francis, P. Holliday, et al. (London: Chapman & Hall, 1952).
RABKIN, E. B. 1939. Polikhromatichie tablitsy dlya issledovaniya tsvetooshchushcheniya [Polychromatic plates for testing color vision], 2nd ed. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Ukrainian Ophtalmic Institute). New ed. (Moscow, 1946). 6th ed. [Polychromatic plates for studying color deficiency] (Moscow, Russia: State Pub. House for Med. Liter., 1954). {vision, color vision defects}.
Slovak translation, Polikromaticke Tabul’ku na vysetrenie farbocitu (Bratislava, Slovakia: SAV, 1957).
RONCHI, Vasco [1897-1988]. 1939. Storia della luce. Da Euclide a Einstein. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Zanichelli). 2nd ed. 1952. 3rd ed. (Bari: Laterza, 1983). {optics}.
English translation by V. Barocas, The nature of light, a historical survey (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1970).
French translation, Histoire de la lumière (Paris, France: Armand Colin, 1956).
SMITH, Henry Clay. 1939. Age differences in color discrimination. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Johns Hopkins University, thesis). {vision}.
THE TINTOMETER, Ltd. 1939. Colorimetry. English (Milford, Salisbury, England: The Tintometer). New ed. 1941.
WRIGHT, William David [1906-1997]. 1939. The perception of light. English (New York, USA: Chemical Publishing Company).
BEHNE, Adolf [1885-1948]. 1940 (circa). Der Sieg der Farbe, die entscheidende Zeit unserer Malerei. German (Berlin, Germany: Protographische gesellschaft).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1940. Character analysis through color. A new and accurate way of revealing the hidden secrets of personality. English (Westport, Connecticut, USA: The Crimson Press).
COTT, Hugh B. 1940. Adaptive coloration in animals. English (New York, USA: Oxford University Press). New ed. (London: Methuen, 1957). {zoology}.
FIATELLE, Inc. 1940. The color helm. English (Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA: N. J. Fiatelle, Inc., Color Research Laboratory).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1940. Kleine Farbenlehre. German (Leipzig, Germany).
KLEIN, Adrian Bernard Leopold [1892-?]. 1940. Coloured light and art medium. English.
McDONALD, Sterling B. 1940. Color; how to use it. English (Chicago, USA: Follet Book Co.).
MEYROWITZ SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS COMPANY, Inc. 1940. Pseudo isochromatic plates for testing color perception. English (New York, USA: Meyrowitz Surgical Instruments Co., Inc.). {vision, color vision defects}.
OUTERBRIDGE, Paul. 1940. Photographing in color. English (New York, USA: Random House). {photography}.
RABKIN, E. B. 1940. Opisanie binokulyarnogo anomaloskopa i kratkoye rukovodstvo k issledovaniyu tsvethogo zreniya. Russian (Khar’kov, Ukrania: Izd. Khar’k. Zavoda madapparatury).
RICHTER, Manfred [1905-1990]. 1940. Grundriss der Farbenlehre der Gegenwart. German (Dresden, Germany: Theodor Steinkopff).
RUDIN, N. 1940. Tablitsy-zadachi io tsvetovedeniyu. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Iskusstvo).
SARGANT, Florence Mary [1857-?]. 1940. Colour co-ordination. English (London, England: John Lane).
STANLEY, Thomas Blaine. 1940. The tecniques of advertising production. English (New York, USA: Prentice-Hall). {advertising}.
WEST, Levon (pseudonym, Ivan Dmitri) [1900-?]. 1940. Kodachrome and how to use it. English (New York, USA: Simon & Schuster).
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials), and ISCC (Inter-Society Color Council) [1931-]. 1941. Symposium on Color -Its Specification and Use in Evaluating the Appearance of Materials, Washington, March 5, 1941. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: ASTM).
BARTLEY, Samuel H. 1941. Vision. A study of its basis with an historical perspective by E. G. Boring. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1941. The story of color, from ancient mysticism to modern science. English (Westport, Connecticut; and New York, USA: The Crimson Press).
COOTE, Jack Howard Roy. 1941. Making color prints; practical graphic methods by Jack H. Coote, 2nd ed. English (London, England; New York, USA: The Focal Press). New ed. 1946. {graphic arts}.
GRAVES, Maitland [1902-?]. 1941. The art of color and design. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). 2nd ed. 1951.
HAUPT, G. 1941. Die Farbensymbolik in der Sakralen Kunst des abendländischen Mittelalters. German.
HORDH, Ulaus. 1941. Las materias colorantes en los productos alimenticios y utensilios, envases, envolturas, tejidos, etc. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Ateneo). {colorants}.
NICOLAIDES, Kimon. 1941. The natural way to draw, a working plan for art study. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Houghton Mifflin).
PHILLIPS MEMORIAL GALLERY. 1941. The function of color in painting. English (Washington DC, USA: Phillips Memorial Gallery).
PODESTÁ, Hans. 1941. Der ordnungswissenschaftliche Aufbau des Farbenkörpers. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Ferdinand Enke).
POLAK, A. 1941. Atlas pour l’examen de la vision des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Girard et Barriére).
POLYAK, Stephen L. 1941. The retina. English (Chicago, USA: The University of Chicago Press). {physiology, vision, retina}.
TEXTILE COLOR CARD ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES. 1941. Standard color card of America. English (New York, USA: The Textile Color Card Association of the United States).
WILTERBERGER, P. B. 1941.A new test for detection of color blindness. English (Columbus, Ohio, USA). {vision, color vision defects}.
WINDISCH, H. 1941.Schule der Farben-fotografie. German (Harzburg, Germany: Im Heering). {photography}.
BOOS-HAMBURGER, Hilde [1887-?]. 1942. Die schöpferische Kraft der Farbe; der Impuls Rudolf Steiners zu einer neuen Kunst der Farben-gestaltung. German (Dornach, Switzerland: Sektion für redende und Musische Künste am Goetheanum). {philosophy, arts, aesthetics}.
BORING, Edwin Garrigues [1886-1968]. 1942. Sensation and perception in the history of experimental psychology. English (New York, USA: Appleton-Century-Crofts).
BRITISH COLOUR COUNCIL, in collaboration with the ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1942. Horticultural colour chart, vol. 2, prepared by Robert Francis Wilson. English (London, England: British Colour Council). {botanic, charts}.
CHAMBERS, Bernice Gertrude. 1942. Color and design in apparel. English (New York, USA: Prentice-Hall).
ELLERY, Harvey. 1942. Bibliography on the lightfastness of coloring matter. English (Chicago, USA).
FRIEDMANN, Herbert [1900-?]. 1942. The natural history background of camouflage. English (Washington DC, USA: The Smithsonian Institution).
GETTENS, Rutherford J., and George L. STOUT. 1942. Painting materials; a short encyclopaedia. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand). New ed. (New York: Dover, 1966).
HILER, Hilaire [1898-1966]. 1942. Color harmony and pigments. English (Chicago, USA: Favor, Ruhl & Company).
HUNTER, Richard Sewall [1909-1991]. 1942. Photoelectric triestimulus colorimetry with three filters. English (Washington DC, USA: National Bureau of Standards, Circular 429).
ISCC (Inter-Society Color Council) [1931-]. 1942. A Symposium on Color in Art Education presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Inter-Society Color Council, held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, February 26-27, 1942. English (Washington DC, USA: Inter-Society Color Council).
JACOBSON, Egbert [1890-?]. 1942. The color harmony manual and how to use it, arranged according to the Ostwald system. English (Chicago, USA: Container Corporation of America). 2nd ed. 1946. 3rd ed. by Egbert Jacobson, Walter C. Granville, and Carl E. Foss, Color harmony manual, containing 37 charts with 973 chips, 1948. {order systems, harmony}.
RABEN, Hans, ed. 1942. Det moderna hemmet: inredningskonst i Sverige och andra Länder, utgiven av Hans Rabèn med 588 bilder och 24 färgplanscher. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden).
VINACKE, William Edgard. 1942. The discrimination of color and form at levels of ilumination below conscius awarness. English (New York, USA).
WALLS, Gordon Lynn [1905-1962]. 1942. The vertebrate eye and its adaptive radiation. English (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA: Cranbrook Institute of Science). {ophthalmology, vision}.
WATSON, Ernest W. 1942. Color and method in painting, as seen in the work of 12 American painters. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {painting}.
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). 1943. Symposium on Paint, Buffalo Spring Meeting, March 3, 1943. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: ASTM).
DADE, H. A. 1943.Colour terminology in biology. English (Kew, Surrey, England).
GRASSMANN, J., and W. RAHTS. 1943. Film und Farbe. German (Berlin, Germany: Max Hesses).
HEILMEYER, L. 1943. Spectrophotometry in medicine. English (London, England: Adam Hilger).
HSIA, Yun. 1943. Whiteness constancy as a function of difference in illumination. English (New York, USA: Columbia University, PhD thesis).
JOHANSSON, Tryggve [1905-1960]. 1943. Färglära. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: NKI-Skolan).
MAYER, F. 1943. The chemistry of the natural coloring matters, translated and revised by A. H. Cook. English (New York, USA).
NICKERSON, Dorothy [1900-1985]. 1943. A psychological color solid. English (New York, USA: American Institute of Physics).
SCHMIDT, R., and A. KOCHS. 1943. Farbfilmtechnik. German (Berlin, Germany: Max Hesses).
BONTCÉ, M. 1944. El arte del color: principios, armonías y aplicaciones prácticas. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Las Ediciones del Arte). {general}.
EMSLEY, H. H. 1944.Visual optics, 3rd ed. English (London, England: Halton P.).
FORTUNATO, Marino, and Pasquale GIANNOTTI. 1944. Rosso turco e rosso naftolo in tintura ed in stampa. Italian (Milan, Italy). {dyeing}.
GREENWALT, Mary Hallock. 1944. Nourathar. The fine art of light color playing. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: West-Brook Publishing).
HELINE, Corinne Dunklee. 1944. Healing and regeneration through color. English (Santa Barbara, California, USA: H. Huber). {health, chromotherapy}.
LEGGETT, William F. 1944. Ancient and Medieval dyes. English (Brooklyn, USA). {dyes, colorants}.
MÜLLER, Aemilius [1901-1989]. 1944. Das ABC der Farben. German (Zurich, Switzerland: Gebr. Scholl AG). {order systems, aesthetics, harmony}.
OSTWALD, Friedrich Wilhelm [1853-1932], and Eugen RISTENPART [1873-?]. 1944. Die Farbenlehre, III: Chemische Farbenlehere. German (Leipzig, Germany: Unesma). 2nd ed. 1951.
PRASE, O. 1944.Vorschläge und Versuche zu einer Universalfarbtonkarte auf Grund von Farbkriselmessungen, ausgeführt mit Nagrafarben. German (Lössnitz).
SANDELL, Ernest Birger. 1944. Colorimetric determination of traces of metals. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Interscience). 3rd ed. 1959. 4th revised ed. by Hiroshi Onishi, and Ernest Birger Sandell, Photometric determination of traces of metals, 2 vols. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986, 1989). {photometry, colorimetry}.
SLOAN, Raymond P. 1944. Hospital colour and decoration. English (Chicago, USA: Physicians’ Record Co.). {architecture, interior design}.
WRIGHT, William David [1906-1997]. 1944. The measurement of color. English (London, England: Adam Hilger). 2nd ed. (London: Hilger & Watts; New York: MacMillan, 1958). 3rd ed. (Princeton, New Jersey: Van Nostrand, 1964). 4th ed. (London: Hilger; New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969). {colorimetry}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1945. Selling with color. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
BUNN, C. E. 1945.Natural color process. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA).
FIATELLE, Inc. 1945. The story of color. English (Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA: N. J. Fiatelle, Inc., Color Research Laboratory).
FRIEDMAN, Joseph Solomon [1899-?]. 1945. History of color photography. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: American Photographic Publishing). 2nd ed. with introduction and appendix by Lloyd E. Varden (London, England; New York, USA: The Focal Press, 1974). {photography}.
GUIGARD, Geffredo. 1945. Nozioni di pittura applicata alla decorazione artistien di tessuti seterie tappezzerie, pareti, mobili, ad uso di artigiani decoratori e di lettani nozioni e ricettaire. Italian (Milan, Italy: A. Vallardi).
HARRISON, V. G. W. 1945. Definition and measurement of gloss. English (Cambridge, England: Printing and Allied Trades Research Association).
LEECHMAN, D. 1945. Vegetable dyes from North American plants. English (St. Paul, Minnesota, USA). {dyes, colorants}.
PATMORE, Derek. 1945. Colour schemes and modern furniture. English (London, England: The Studio). 2nd ed. 1947. {interior design}.
STOREY, Walter Rendell [1881-?]. 1945. Furnishing with color. English (New York, USA: American Studio Books).
VERONESI, Luigi. 1945. I colori. Italian (Milan, Italy: M. A. Denti).
BOLL, Marcel [1886-?], and Jean DOURGNON. 1946. Le secret des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France). 2nd ed. 1948.
BOUMA, Pieter Johannes [?-1947]. 1946. Kleuren en Kleurendrukken. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Meulenhoff). {general}.
English translation, Physical aspects of colour, an introduction to the scientific study of colour stimuli and color sensations (Eindhoven, The Netherlands: N. V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, 1947; London: Cleaver-Hume Press, 1948). 2nd. English ed. by W. de Groot, A. A. Kruithof, and Jan Lourens Ouweltjes (London: MacMillan; New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1971).
French translation, Les couleurs et leur perception visuelle (Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Philips, 1947). New ed. (Paris: Dunod, 1949).
German translation, Farbe und Farbwahrnehmung (Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Philips, 1951).
BRITISH COLOUR COUNCIL. 1946. Colour and lighting in factories and offices. English (London, England: British Colour Council). {lighting, architecture}.
ELWYN, H. 1946. Diseases of the retina. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Blakiston).
GARDNER, H. A., and G. S. SWARD. 1946. Paint testing manual -Physical and chemical examination of paints, varnishes, laquers and colors, 10th ed. English (Bethesda, Maryland, USA: Gardner Lab.). New ed. 1962. {applied chemistry, paints, dyes}.
GERMAINE, Ina May. 1946. Handbook of color and how to use it in your home. English (New York, USA: R. M. McBride & Co.). {interior design}.
LEHART, Avenir. 1946. Color harmony spectrum. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: American Photographic Publishing).
MATTIELLO, Joseph J., ed. 1946. Protective and decorative coatings. English (New York, USA).
MÜLLER, Aemilius [1901-1989]. 1946. Schweizer Farbenkombinator. German (Winterthur, Switzerland). {aesthetics, harmony, order systems}.
NICKERSON, Dorothy [1900-1985]. 1946. Color measurement and its application to the grading of agricultural products. English (Washington DC, USA: US Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publication 580).
PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, Committee of the Colour Group. 1946. Report on defective colour vision in industry. English (London, England: The Physical Society). {vision, color vision defects}.
PLOCHÈRE, Gustave, and Gladys Merwin PLOCHÈRE [1897-?]. 1946. Color and color names; sixty-four plates in color with fifteen hundred thirty-six colors. English (Los Angeles, USA: Fox Printing Company). {charts, terminology}.
SCHOBER, H. 1946. Adaptation of vision at night through use of red light and red spectacles. English (Washington DC, USA: US Department of Commerce). {vision}.
SOCONY VACUUM OIL COMPANY, Inc. 1946. Visualite color manual. English (New York, and Chicago, USA: Socony Vacuum Oil Company, Inc., Socony Paint Products Division).
WILLMER, Edward N. 1946. Retinal structure and colour vision: a restatement and a hypothesis. English (London, England: Cambridge University Press). {vision, retina}.
WRIGHT, William David [1906-1997]. 1946. Researches on normal and defective colour vision. English (London, England: Henry Kimpton). New ed. (St. Louis, Missouri: C. V. Mosby, 1947). {vision, color vision defects}.
ABBOTT, Arthur G. 1947. The color of life. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
ALSCHULER, Rose H., and Weiss H. LABERTA. 1947. Painting and personality: a study of young children, 2 vols. English (Chicago, USA: The University of Chicago Press). {psychology}.
BOLLER, Ernst [1916-?], Donald BRINKMANN, and Emil J. WALTER. 1947. Einführung in die Farbenlehre. German (Bern, Switzerland: A. Francke).
BOND, Fred [1893-?]. 1947. Kodachrome and Ektachrome from all angles; applicable to the common problems of all color enthusiasts; 35 mm, Bantam, movie and cut sheet Ektachrome. English (San Francisco, USA). 3rd ed. (Camera Craft Pub. Co. 1949). 4th ed. 1955.
BURRIS-MAYER, Elizabeth [1899-?]. 1947. Contemporary color guide; how controled color contributes to modern living. English (New York, USA: William Helburn).
BUSTANOBY, Jacques Henri. 1947. Principles of color and color mixing. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
CHESKIN, Louis [1907-]. 1947. Colors: what they can do for you. English (New York, USA: Liveright). New ed. (London: G. Routledge & Co., 1858).
FARNSWORTH, Dean. 1947. Farnsworth dichotomous test for color blindness. English (New York, USA: Psychological Corporation). {vision, color vision defects}.
GRANIT, Ragnar Arthur [1900-1991]. 1947. Sensory mechanisms of the retina. English (London, England: Oxford University Press). {physiology, vision, retina}.
HUBBARD, Eric Heaketh [1892-?]. 1947 (circa). Notes on color mixing. English (London, England: Winsor & Newton).
LOVICHI, A., and J. WECK. 1947.Bases colorimétriques de la trichromie application au film en couleurs. French (Paris, France: Éd. de la Revue d’Optique).
LÜSCHER, Max [1923-]. 1947. Die Lüscher Farben. German (Munich, Germany: Mosaik). New ed., Der Lüscher Test. Persönlichkeitsbeurteilung durch Farbwahl (Reinbeck: Rowohlt, 1971). New ed. 1989. {psychology}.
English translation, The Lüscher color test (New York: Random House, 1970).
Italian translation, Il test dei colori (Rome: Astrolabio, 1976).
Spanish translation by Alberto Conesa Pietscheck, Test de los colores [test de Lüscher] (Buenos Aires: Paidós, 1974). Spanish translation by Ana Tortajada Orriols, El test de los colores, para el análisis de la personalidad y la solución de conflictos (Barcelona: Ediciones Apóstrofe, 1993).
NYUBERG, N. D. 1947. Teoretiche osnovy tsvetnoy repoduktsii. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Sovetskaya Nauka).
RENNER, Paul [1878-?]. 1947. Ordnung und harmonie der Farben -Eine Farbenlehre für Künstler und Handwerker. German (Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier). {general, harmony, design}.
English translation by Alexander Nesbitt, Color: order and harmony. A color theory for artists and craftmen (New York: Reinhold Publishing; London: Studio Vista, 1964).
SCHUPBACH, Werner. 1947. Die Entwicklung des Farbsinnes und das Farberlebens des Menschen. German (Bern, Switzerland: Troxler). New ed. (Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany: Die Kommendan).
VILLALOBOS DOMÍNGUEZ, Cándido [1881-1954], and Julio VILLALOBOS. 1947. Atlas de los colores / Colour atlas, with English text by Aubrey Malyn Homer. Spanish-English bilingual edition (Buenos Aires, Argentina: El Ateneo). {order systems, atlas}.
ZOETHOUT, W. D. 1947. Physiological optics, 4th ed. English (Chicago, USA: Professional Press).
BEAUDENEAU, Julie, and Henri Ernest PFEIFER. 1948. Harmonie des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Dunod). New ed. 1952. New edition, completely reformed, 1957. {aesthetics, harmony}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1948. The application of color to shore establishment. English (Washington DC, USA: US Navy Department, Bureau of Yards and Docks). New revised ed. 1953.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1948. Proceedings of the 11th Session, Paris, 1948. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
EISENSTEIN, Sergei Mikhailovich [1898-1948]. 1948 (before). Izbrannye prorzvedenija v sesti tomach. Russian (Moscow, Russia). New ed. 1963-1970.
Italian translation from the 1963-1970 edition, vol. III (Moscow), in Il colore, comp. P. Montani (Venice, Italy, 1982).
EVANS, Ralph Merril [1915-1974]. 1948. An introduction to color. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {general, optics, colorimetry}.
FARNSWORTH, Dean. 1948. Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test. English (New York, USA: Psychological Corporation). {vision, color vision defects}.
HENNEY, K. 1948. Color photography for the amateur. English (New York, USA). {photography}.
JACOBSON, Egbert [1890-?]. 1948. Basic color; an interpretation of the Ostwald color system. English (Chicago, USA: Paul Theobald). {order systems, harmony, perception, painting}.
KORTÜM, Gustav Ferdinand Albert. 1948. Kolorimetrie und Spectralphotometrie, eine Anleitung zur Ausführung von Absorptions, Fluoreszenz und Trübungsmessungen an Lösungen, 2nd ed. German (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {colorimetry, photometry}.
LE GRAND, Yves [1908-1986]. 1948. Optique physiologique. Vol. 2, Lumière et couleurs. French (Paris, France: Éd. de la Revue d’Optique). 2nd ed. (Paris: Masson, 1972). {ophthalmology, vision, optics}.
English translation by Robert William Gainer Hunt, J. W. T. Walsh, and F. R. W. Hunt, Light, colour and vision (London: Chapman & Hall, 1957). 2nd ed. (Halsted, 1968).
LINZI, Carlo [1857-?]. 1948. Tecnica della pittura e dei colori (l’arte del dipinger ad olio) secondo Raffaello, Tiziano, Giorgione, Tintoretto, 3rd ed. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli).
LUNKEVITCH, V. V. 1948. [Colors and forms of animate nature]. Russian (Russia: Selkhozgiz).
LÜSCHER, Max [1923-]. 1948. Lüscher-Test. Anleitung und Farbtafeln. Klinischer Test zur psychosomatischen Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik. German (Basel, Switzerland: Test-Verlag). {psychology}.
MEDVEDEVA, N. G. 1948. Ob usloyiyakh izmenyayemosti tsvetnoy chuvstvitel’nosti glaza ot pobochnykh razdrazheniy. Sb. “Issledoyaniya po psikologii vospriyatiya”. Russian (Russia: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House).
MÜLLER, Aemilius [1901-1989]. 1948. Die Moderne Farbenharmonielehre, mit 166 handgefärbten Farbmustern für das textile, graphische und dekorative Kunstgewerbe sowie Gewerbeschulen dargestellt. German (Winterthur, Switzerland: Chromos). 2nd ed. 1959. {aesthetics, harmony}.
PARKER, G. H. 1948. Animal colour changes and their neurohumours. A survey of investigations. English (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press).
PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, Committee of the Colour Group. 1948. Report on colour terminology. English (London, England: The Physical Society).
PIRENNE, Maurice Henri. 1948. Vision and the eye. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). 2nd ed. 1967.
PLOCHÈRE, Gustave, and Gladys Merwin PLOCHÈRE [1897-?]. 1948. Plochère color system in book form, a guide to color and color harmony. English (Los Angeles, USA: G. et G. Plochère, Fox Printing Co.). {order systems, aesthetics, harmony}.
RISTENPART, Eugen [1873-?]. 1948. Die Ostwaldische Farbenlehre und ihr Nutzen. German (Berlin, Germany: H. Cram).
RIZZINI, E. 1948. Colore e colorificio. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli).
THOMAS, Maurice. 1948. Harmonie des couleurs. French (Brussels, Belgium: The author).
WATSON, William. 1948. Textile design and colour, elementary weaves and figured fabrics, 3rd ed. English (London, England; New York, USA: Longmans, Green & Co.). 6th ed. 1954. 7th ed. (London: Newnes-Butterworth, 1975).
ALEKSEYEV, S. S. 1949. Tsvetovedeniye. Russian (Russia: Gizlegprom).
ANDRÉ, Jacques. 1949. Étude sur les termes de couleur dans la langue latine. French (Paris, France: C. Klincksieck). {philology, terminology}.
BAY. 1949.Cómo se armonizan los colores. Principios científicos y aplicaciones prácticas, 4th ed. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Las Ediciones del Arte).
BOUMAN, M. A. 1949. On the quanta explanation of vision. English (The Hague, The Netherlands: W. Junk, thesis).
BRITISH COLOUR COUNCIL. 1949. The British Colour Council dictionary of colours for interior decoration, 3 vols., edited by Robert Francis Wilson and B. K. A. Battersby. English (London, England: British Colour Council). {dictionary, interior design}.
CATALA, René L. A. 1949.Contribution à l’étude des effets optiques sur les ailes des papillons. French (Paris, France: Lechevalier).
CHESKIN, Louis [1907-]. 1949. Notation on a color system; for color planning, color identification, color mixing-matching, printing with color. English (Chicago, USA: Color Research Institute of America).
DAVIDSON, Hugh R., and L. W. IMM. 1949. A report on the GAF Librascope tristimulus integrator. English (Easton, Pennsylvania, USA: Gen. Aniline and Film Corp.).
DAVSON, Hugh. 1949. The physiology of the eye. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Blakiston). 2nd ed. (Boston: Little, Brown, 1963). New ed. (New York: Academic Press, 1980). {ophthalmology, vision}.
FEDOROV, N. T., V. V. SKLYAREVICH, M. A. YUREV, and O. F. MASHIROKA. 1949. Ob osnovnykh zakonom ernostyakh v yavleniyakh tsvetnog kontrasta. Tret’e soveshchaniye po fiziol. Optike. Russian (Russia: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House, thesis).
FERNÁNDEZ ENCINAS, José Luis. 1949. Técnica del cine en color. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Patronato de Publicaciones, Escuela Especial de Ingenieros Industriales).
GARLICK, G. F. J. 1949.Luminiscent materials. English (London, England: Oxford University Press).
HALBERTSMA, Klaas Tjalling Agnus [1896-?]. 1949. A history of the theory of colour. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Swets & Zeitlinger).
HARTRIDGE, Hamilton [1886-?]. 1949. Colours and how we see them. English (London, England: Bell & Sons).
HUNTLEY, John [1921-]. 1949. British technicolor films. English (London, England: S. Robinson). {cinema}.
KARGERE, A. 1949.Color and personality. English (New York, USA: Philosophical Library).
KETCHAM, Howard [1902-?]. 1949. How to use color and decorating design in the home. English (New York, USA: Greystone Press). {interior design}.
KLAPPAUF, Gerhard [1912-?]. 1949. Einführung in die Farbenlehre. German (Leipzig, Germany: Teubner).
KOUWER, Benjamin J. 1949.Colors and their character, a psychological study, translated by H. C. Bos-van Kasteel. English (The Hague, The Netherlands: M. Nijhoff).
LAWRIE, L. G. 1949. Bibliography of dyeing and textile printing. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). {dyeing, textiles, bibliography}.
LONGYEAR, William Levwyn [1899-?]. 1949. How to use color in advertising design, illustration and painting. English (New York, USA: Pitman). {advertising}.
LOTHIAN. 1949. Absorption spectrophotometry. English (London, England: Hilger & Watts).
LÜSCHER, Max [1923-]. 1949. Der Farbe als Psychologisches Untersuchungs mittel St. Gallen. German (Hanke). {psychology}.
Italian translation, Colore e forma nell’indagine psicologica (Padua, Italy: Piovan, 1983).
LÜSCHER, Max [1923-]. 1949. Psychologie der Farben. Einführung in den psychosomatischen Farbtest. German (Basel, Switzerland: Test-Verlag). {psychology}.
McDONALD, Sterling B. 1949.Color harmony, with the McDonald calibrator. English (Chicago, USA: Wilcox & Follet Co.).
NATKIN, M., and C. SCHWERIN. 1949. La photographie en couleurs. French (Paris, France). {photography}.
NEWHALL, Sidney M., and Josephine G. BRENNAN, eds. 1949. Comparative list of color terms, a report of the Inter-Society Color Council. English (Washington DC, USA: Inter-Society Color Council). {terminology, dictionary}.
OTERO, José María. 1949. Teoría del color. Spanish (CSIC).
PIRAUX, Henry. 1949. La couleur dans la technique cinèmatographique. French (Paris, France: Nouvelles Éditions Film et Technique).
PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS Co. 1949. Color dynamics for industry. English (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA).
POPE, Arthur [1880-1974]. 1949. The language of drawing and painting. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Harvard University Press).
RICHMOND, Leonard. 1949. The technique of colour mixing. English (New York, USA: Pitman).
ROBERTS, Reginald. 1949. Course of training in colour psychology and colour therapy. An original system devised by Reginald Roberts. English. {psychology, health, chromotherapy}.
Spanish translation, Psicología del color (Mexico City: D. R. Editora y Distribuidora Yug, 1984). 2nd ed. 1986. 3rd ed. 1989. 4th ed. 1993.
SELLING, Hendrik Johannes. 1949. Enige toepassingen van de spectrofotometrie en colorimetrie in de textielen papierindustrie. Dutch (Delft, The Netherlands).
WASHINGTON, Ella Mae. 1949.Color in dress, for dark-skinned peoples. English (Oklahoma, USA: Langston).
WHITMAN, Bennett. 1949. A practical guide to American nineteenth century color plate books. English (New York, USA: Bennett Book Studios).
WRIGHT, William David [1906-1997]. 1949. Photometry and the eye. English (London, England: Hatton).
WULLEN-SCHOLTEN, Wilhelm van. 1949. Pigment-Tabellen; Ubersichten, Eigenschaften und Verwendungszwecke der Körperfarben, Farblacke, Farbstofle usw. Für Anstrich und verwandte Techniken. German (Hannover, Germany: C. R. Vicentz).
YUSTOVA, E. N. 1949. Novoye opredeleniye priyeminkov glaza iz opytov s tsvetnoslepymi. Tret’e soveshchaniye po fiziol. Optike. Russian (Russia: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House, thesis).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1950. Color psychology and color therapy: a factual study of the influence of color on human life. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). 2nd ed. (New Hyde Park, New York: University Books, 1961). New ed. 1972. New ed. 1977. New ed. (Secaucus, NJ: Citadel Press, 1978). New ed. with the title The power of color: how it can reduce fatigue, relieve monotony, enhance sexuality and more, 1997. {psychology, health, chromotherapy}.
French translation by Rosemarie Bélisle, Le pouvoir de la couleur: vaincre la monotonie, réduire la fatigue, stimuler l’appétit sexuel (Ivry sur Seine, France: Éditions de l’Homme, 1998).
BJÖRKBOM, Carl, Paul NYLÉN, and Karin SÖDERSTRÖM. 1950. Färg -och lackteknik. Bibliografisk översikt. Tekniska litteratursällskap. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Bibliografie, Nr. 1). {general, bibliography}.
BUACHMANN OLSEN, Bent. 1950. The objective measurement of colour and colour changes. English (Copenhagen, Denmark: Akademiet for de Tekniske Viedenskaber, G. E. C. Grad.).
CLAIRBORNE, Herbert A. 1950 (after). Some colonial Virginia paint colors (colors from Gunston Hall, Ampthill, Brandon, The Old Mansion, Claremont). English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Walpole Society).
CULBERTSON, James T. 1950. Consciousness and behavior: a neural analysis of behavior and consciousness. English (Iowa, USA: W. C. Brown Co.).
EASTMAN KODAK. 1950. Color as seen and photographed. English (Rochester, New York, USA: Eastman Kodak). 2nd ed. 1972. {photography}.
GIBSON, James Jerome [1904-1979]. 1950. The perception of the visual world. English (New York, USA: Houghton Mifflin). New ed. (Westport, Connecticut, USA: Greenwood Press, 1974). {psychology, perception, sight}.
GIBSON, Kasson J. 1950.Spectrophotometry (200 to 1000 millimicrons). English (Washington DC, USA: US Government Printing Office, Circular 484).
GREGOIRE, Brother. 1950. Le valeur du coloriage des croquis en pédagogie catéchistique. French (Montreal, Canada: Institut Pédagogique Saint-Georges, Bulletin Nr. 10).
GUREVITCH, M. M. 1950. Color and its measuring. English (Russia: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House).
HARTRIDGE, Hamilton [1886-?]. 1950. Recent advances in the physiology of vision. English (London, England: Churchill). {physiology, vision}.
HESS, Walter [1913-]. 1950. Das Farbproblem in den Selbstzeugnissen französicher und deutscher Maler im Ausgang des 19 und im ersten Viertel des 20. Jahrhunderts. German (Munich, Germany). New ed. (Munich: Prestel, 1953).
IORDANSKY, A. N., and V. S. TCHELTZOV. 1950. [Color in cinema]. Russian (Russia: Gosknigoizdat).
JUDD, Deane Brewster [1900-1972]. 1950. Colorimetry. English (Washington DC, USA: National Bureau of Standards, Circular 478). Revised ed. by Isadore Nimeroff (Washington DC: NBS, Monograph 104, 1968).
KELLOGG, J. L. 1950. Analogies between color and music. The Kellogg system. English (Palo Alto, California, USA: J. L. Kellogg).
KORNERUP, Andreas. 1950. Subtraktiv farveblanding, med saerligt henblik paa blanding af pigmenter. Danish (Copenhagen, Denmark: Teknisk).
LEVERENZ, H. W. 1950. An introduction to luminescence of solids. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
LOBECK, Fritz. 1950. Farben anders gesehen; neue Ergebnisse zur Farbenlehre Goethes. German (Strasbourg, France: P. H. Heitz). 2nd ed. (Basel, Switzerland: Die Pforte, 1954).
MELLON, Melvin Guy [1893-?]. 1950. Analytical absorption spectroscopy, absorptimetry and colorimetry. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {colorimetry, spectroscopy}.
PEREIRA, Harold B. 1950. The colour of chivalry. English (England: ICI, Imperial Chemical Industries).
PUERTO RICO UNIVERSITY. 1950. Estudio sobre preferencias cromáticas y tipos de ilustraciones; expresión de los alumnos de la escuela elemental. Spanish (Río Piedras, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico University, Superior Educational Council). {psychology, color perception}.
TAYLOR, Helen D., Lucille KNOCHE, and Walter C. GRANVILLE [1912-1993]. 1950. Descriptive color names dictionary, a suplement to the 3rd ed. of the Color harmony manual. English (Chicago, USA: Container Corporation of America). {terminology, dictionary}.
UEMURA, Rokuroo, and K. YAMAZAKI. 1950. Nihon Shikimei Taikan [A survey of Japanese color terms]. Japanese (Nara, Japan: Yootokusha).
WARNER, Samuel J. 1950. The color preferences of psychiatric groups. English (Washington DC, USA: American Psychological Association). {psychology, color perception}.
WERTHMULLER, Hans [1912-?]. 1950. Der Weltprozess und die Farben, Grundriss eines integralen Analogiesystems. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Klett).
WITTGENSTEIN, Ludwig [1889-1951]. 1950-1951. [Bemerkungen über die Farben]. German (Oxford and Cambridge, England: manuscript). German-English posthumous bilingual edition by G. E. M. Anscombe, with translation by Linda L. McAlister and Margarete Schättle, Bemerkungen über die Farben / Remarks on colour (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1977). New ed. 1978, 1979. {philosophy of language, logic}.
French translation by Gérard Granel, edited by G. E. M. Anscombe, Remarques sur les couleurs (Paris: Trans Euro Repress, 1983). 3rd ed. 1989.
Italian translation, Osservazioni sui colori (Turin: Giulio Einandi, 1977). New ed. 1981.
Portuguese translation, Anotações sobre as cores (Lisbon: Edições 70, 1997).
Spanish translation by Alejandro Tomasini Bassols, Observaciones sobre los colores (Barcelona: Paidós, 1994).
AHLENSTIEL, Heinz [1891-?]. 1951. Rotgrünblindheit als Erlebnis; Führer durch die Farbwelt für Rotgrünblinde. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). {vision, color vision defects}.
English translation by Robert W. Burnham, Red-green blindness as a personal experience, a guide through the world of color for the red-green blind, 2 vols. (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt, c.1951).
BARR, Alfred H. 1951. Matisse, his art and his public. English (New York, USA: The Museum of Modern Art). {arts, painting, biography}.
BLOTTIAU, F. 1951. Colorimétrie. French (Paris, France: Éd. de la Revue d’Optique).
BONI, Gianni. 1951. La fotografia a colori. Italian (Rome, Italy: Aldo Quinti). {photography}.
BRUNER, J. 1951.Expectation and perception of color. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
CHAMBERLIN, Gordon James [1905-1991]. 1951. The CIE international colour system explained; a simple explanation of the international system for the description of colour, written for the non technical reader, and showing its value for colour especification in industry. English (Salisbury, England: The Tintometer). {order systems}.
Italian translation, Il sistema internazionale CIE di misura del colore (Bologna, Italy: Zanichelli, 1955).
CHAMBERS, Bernice Gertrude. 1951. Color and design: fashion in men’s and women’s clothing and home furnishing. English (New York, USA: Prentice-Hall).
CHESKIN, Louis [1907-]. 1951. Color for profit. English (New York, USA: Liveright).
CHESKIN, Louis [1907-]. 1951. Colors and what they can do. English (London, England: Blandford Press).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1951. Proceedings of the 12th Session, Stockholm, 1951. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
CORNWELL-CLYNE, Adrian [1892-?]. 1951. Colour cinematography, 3rd ed. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall).
DOURGNON, Jean, and Paul KOWALISKI [1908-1977]. 1951. La reproduction des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France).
Spanish translation by Amelia García Iglesias, La reproducción de los colores (Buenos Aires: Compañía General Fabril Editora, 1963).
HEISS, Robert [1903-?], and Hildegard HILTMANN, eds. 1951.Der Farbpyramiden-Test nach Max Pfister eine Gemeinschaftsarbeit aus dem Institut für Psychologie und Charakterologie an der Universität Freibung. German (Bern, Switzerland: Hans Huber). {psychology}.
HELSON, Harry [1898-1977]. 1951. Theorethical foundation of psychology. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand).
KRAVKOV, S. V. 1951.Color vision. English (Russia: USSR Academy of Sciences Publishing House). {vision}.
German translation, Das Farbsehen (Berlin: Akademie, 1955).
OUSELEY S. G. J. 1951. The power of the rays: the science of colour healing. English (London, England: Fowler). {health, chromotherapy}.
PÉREZ DOLZ, Francisco. 1951. Teoría de los colores. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Sucesores de E. Meseguer). 6th ed. 1966.
PICKFORD, Ralph William [1903-?]. 1951. Individual differences in colour vision. English (London, England: Routledge & Kegan Paul). {vision}.
POTET, L. Robert. 1951. La couleur dans l’histoire du costume. French (Paris, France: L’Officiel de la Couleur).
PROSKAUER, Heinrich Oskar. 1951. Taschenbücher zum Studium von Goethes Farbenlehre. German (Basel, Switzerland: Zbinden).
ROBINET, M. 1951. Précis de teinture des fibres textiles. French (Paris, France: Teintex). {dyeing, textiles}.
SCHROEDER, C. 1951.Farbenpsychologie und Geburtsvorgang. German (Göttingen, Germany).
SCOTT, Robert Guillam. 1951. Design fundamentals. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). {aesthetics, design, arts}.
Spanish translation by Marta del Castillo de Molina y Vedia, Fundamentos del diseño (Buenos Aires: Víctor Lerú, 1951). New ed. (Mexico City: Limusa, 1991).
SESSA, Luigi. 1951. Soliditá delle tinte. Italian (Rome, Italy: ELSA).
SIPLEY, Louis Walton. 1951. A half century of color. English (New York, USA: MacMillan). {photography}.
STEVENS, Stanley S. 1951.Handbook of experimental psychology. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
VAN PUYVELDE, Leo. 1951.The sketches of Rubens, English translation by Eveline Winkworth. English. {arts, painting}.
VELS HEIJN, Nicolaas. 1951. Kleurnamen en Kleurbegrippen bij de Romeinen. Dutch (Utrecht, The Netherlands: Kemink en Zoon). {terminology}.
WALLACE, T. 1951. The diagnosis of mineral deficiencies of plants. A colour atlas and guide. English (London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office). {botanic}.
WEYL, Woldemar Anatol [1901-?]. 1951. Coloured glasses. English (London, England: Dawson’s). 2nd ed. 1959. {glass}.
ZWINSCHER, Oskar [1888-?]. 1951. Farbige Raumgestaltung; ein Fachbuch für Maler. German (Leipzig, Germany: FachbuchVerlag). 5th ed., Farbige Raumgestaltung; Farbwahl und Anstrichtechniken (Leipzig: Fachbuchverlag, 1958).
AIROLDI, Alberto. 1952. Il vaporizzaggio nella stampa con i coloranti di riduzione. Italian (Rome, Italy: ELSA).
ALEKSEYEV, S. S. 1952. [Color science]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Iskusstvo).
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). 1952. Symposium on Color Difference Specification, presented at a meeting held in Cleveland, Ohio, March 5-6, 1952. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: ASTM). {colorimetry}.
AUER, Xaver. 1952. Farbendynamik in öffentlichen Gebäuden. German (Munich, Germany).
AUER, Xaver. 1952. Farbendynamik, eine neue Wissenschaft. German (Munich, Germany).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1952. Your color and yourself; the significance of color preference in the study of human personality. English (Sandusky, Ohio, USA: Prang). {psychology, color perception}.
BRODY, Gertrude Gillenson [1920-]. 1952. A study of the effects of color on Rorschach responses. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
CHARLOT, Gaston, and Roland GAUGUIN. 1952. Dosages colorimétriques: principes et méthodes. French (Paris, France: Masson). {spectral analysis, colorimetry}.
English translation, Colorimetric determination of elements, principles and methods (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1964).
CLARKE, Ronald. 1952. Food colours. English (Leatherhead, Surrey, England: British Food Manufacturing Industries Association).
GRAVES, Maitland [1902-?]. 1952. Color fundamentals; with 100 color schemas. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
HAERSOLTE, R. Evert van. 1952. Magie und Symbol der Farbe vor der Mystic zum Farben test, 8th ed. German (Berlin, Germany: Schikowski).
HARTLEY, Paul. 1952. How to beautify your home with color. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
HESSELGREN, Sven [1907-1993]. 1952. Hesselgrens Färgatlas med kortfattad färglära. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: T. Palmer). {order systems, atlas}.
English translation, Hesselgren’s colour atlas with a short introduction to colour (Stockholm: T. Palmer, 1953).
HICKETHIER, Alfred [1901-1967]. 1952. Farbenordnung Hickethier. German (Hannover, Germany: H. Osterwald). {order systems, atlas, printing industry}.
English translation, Hickethier color system (Hannover: H. Osterwald, 1956).
JUDD, Deane Brewster [1900-1972], and Günter WYSZECKI [1925-1985]. 1952. Color in business, science, and industry. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons; London, England: Chapman & Hall). 2nd ed. 1963. 3rd ed. 1975.
KÖHLER, Walter. 1952. Lichttechnik. German (Berlin, Germany: Helios). {lighting}.
LE GRAND, Yves [1908-1986]. 1952. Optique physiologique. Vol. 1, La dioptrique de l’oeil et sa correction, 2nd ed. French (Paris, France: Éd. de la Revue d’Optique).
MIDDLETON, W. E. K. 1952. Vision through the atmosphere. English (Toronto, Canada: University Press).
MÜLLER, Aemilius [1901-1989]. 1952. Der ideale Farbenwürfel 125, in 13 Hauptschnitten. German (Winterthur, Switzerland: Chromos).
PLOSS, Emil [1925-]. 1952. Studien zu den deutschen Maler und Färberbüchern des Mittelalters, ein Beitrag zur deutschen Altertumskunde und Wortforschung. German (Munich, Germany).
RHAEL, E. W. 1952. Color & instrumentation, 8th ed. English (New York, USA: Sandoz Chem. Works, Inc.).
RICHTER, Manfred [1905-1990]. 1952. Internationale Bibliographie der Farbenlehre und ihrer Grenzgebiete. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). 2nd ed. 1963. {general, bibliography}.
SCHAPIRO, Meyer. 1952. Paul Cézanne, 2nd ed. English (New York, USA: Harry N. Abrams, The Library of Great Painters Series). {arts, painting}.
VELHAGEN, Karl. 1952. Tafeln zur Prüfung des Farbensinns. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme). New ed. 1974.
VENKATARAMAN, K., ed. 1952-1978.The chemistry of synthetic dyes, 8 vols. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {applied chemistry, dyes}.
WALLS, Gordon Lynn [1905-1962], and Ravenna W. MATHEWS. 1952. New means of studying color blindness and normal foveal color vision, with some results and their genetical implications. English (Berkeley, California, USA: University of California Press, Publications in Psychology vol. 7 Nr. 1). {vision}.
ZIMMERMANN, Klaus. 1952. Vergleichende Farbtabellem: Ridgway Ostwald, Ostwald Ridgway. Zum Gegrauch für Naturwissenschaft und Technik. German (Frankfurt, Germany: P. Schöps).
AATCC (American Association of Textile Colorists and Chemists). 1953. The application of vat dyes, prepared by a board of editors from the American Association of Textile Colorists and Chemists. English (Lowell, Massachusetts, USA: AATCC). {dyes, textiles}.
BUCHWALD, Eberhard. 1953. Fünf Kapitel Farbenlehre. German (Mosbach, Baden, Germany: Physik). {general}.
CHESKIN, Louis [1907-]. 1953. Color wheel for color planning. English (New York, USA: MacMillan).
CHOLET, Bertram. 1953. Color digest. English (Brooklyn, USA: Higgins Ink Co.).
CHRETIEN, L. 1953. La télévision en couleurs. French (Paris, France: Chiron). {television}.
CREWDSON, Frederik M. 1953. Color in decoration and design. English (Wilmette, Illinois, USA: F. J. Drake). {interior design}.
DAS, S. R. 1953. Binocular color mixture. English (Champaign, Illinois, USA: University of Illinois, thesis).
EVANS, Ralph Merril [1915-1974], W. T. HANSON, and W. Lyle BREWER. 1953. Principles of color photography. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall; New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {photography}.
FER, Edouard [1887-?]. 1953. Solfège de la couleur, with a preface by Yves Le Grand. French (Paris, France: Dunod). New ed. 1968. New ed. 1972.
FURRER, Walter. 1953. Die Farbe in der Persönlichkeitsdiagnostik; Lehrbuch des Lüscher Testes, für Artze, Psychologen und Pädagogen. German (Basel, Switzerland: Test-Verlag, Lüscher-Test Textbook). {psychology}.
HESS, Walter [1913-]. 1953. Das Problem der Farbe in den Selbstzeugnissen moderner Maler. German (Munich, Germany: Prestel). 2nd ed., Das Problem der Farbe in Selbstzeugnissen der Maler von Cézanne bis Mondrian (Mittenwald, Germany: Mäander Kunstverlag, 1981).
MANY, Fillette. 1953. Personality and color: in dress, in the home and in the garden. English (New York, USA: Vantage Press). {psychology, dress, fashion, interior design, gardening}.
MELKER, Felice H. 1953. Consistency in color responsiveness: a contribution to the rationale of Rorschach methodology. English (Storrs, Connecticut, USA).
OSA (Optical Society of America) [1916-], Committee on Colorimetry. 1953. The science of color. English (New York, USA: Crowell).
PRZIBRAM, Karl [1878-?]. 1953. Verfürbung und Lumineszenz: Beiträge zur Mineral-physik. German (Vienna, Austria: Springer).
English translation by J. E. Caffyn, Irradiation colours and luminescence (London: Pergamon Press).
RAT, Robert, and Pierre ROGER. 1953. Lumière et couleurs; notions d’optique et de chimie. French (Paris, France: Eyrolles).
Spanish translation by Juan Carlos Foix, Luz y colores. Óptica y química (Buenos Aires: Víctor Lerú, 1954).
READ, Herbert. 1953. Art and industry and the principles of industrial design. English (Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press).
RUSHTON, W. A. H. 1953. Aspect of retinal physiology. English (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Instituto de Biofisica, Universidade do Brasil). {physiology, vision, retina}.
SÉGAL, J. 1953. Le mécanisme de la vision des couleurs, phisiologie, pathologie, with a preface by Henri Piéron. French (Paris, France: Doin).
SPERLING, Harry George [1924-]. 1953. Some comparisons among spectral sensitivity data obtained in different retinal locations and with two sizes of foveal stimulus. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
U.S. ARMED FORCES FOOD AND CONTALNER INSTITUTE. 1953. Color and color changes in food, especially in fruits. English (Chicago, USA: US Armed Forces Food and Contalner Institute, Chicago Library Branch).
VIVIÉ, Jean. 1953. Cinéma & television en couleurs. French (Paris, France: Éditions BPI). {cinema, television}.
Italian translation by Gianni Boni, Cinema e televisione a colori (Rome: Dell’Ateneo, 1956).
WILSON, Robert Francis. 1953. Colour and light at work. English (London, England: Seven Oaks Press).
German translation, Farbe, Licht und Arbeit (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt, 1956).
ARNHEIM, Rudolf [1904-?]. 1954. Art and visual perception: a psychology of the creative eye. English (Berkeley, California, USA: University of California Press). 2nd ed. 1957. New version, 1974. {psychology, perception, sight, arts, aesthetics}.
German translation, Kunst und Sehen (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1965). New ed. 1978.
Italian translation, Arte e percezione visiva (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1962).
Portuguese translation, Arte & percepção visual: uma psicologia da visão criadora (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Pioneira, 1980). 8th ed. 1994.
Spanish translation by María Luisa Balseiro, Arte y percepción visual (Madrid: Alianza, 1979). Spanish translation by Rubén Masera, Arte y percepción visual. Psicología de la visión creadora (Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 1987). New ed. (Madrid, 1988).
BOND, Fred [1893-?]. 1954. Color, how to see and use it. English (San Francisco, USA: Camera Craft Publications).
CHESKIN, Louis [1907-]. 1954. Color guide for marketing media. English (New York, USA: MacMillan).
CLARK, William Horace [1901-?]. 1954. Gardening for color. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Little, Brown & Co.). {gardening}.
DUNN, Carlton E. 1954. Natural color processes, 5th ed. English (New York, USA: George Murphy, Inc.).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-], and Xaver AUER. 1954. Mensch-Farbe-Raum: angewandte Farbenpsychologie. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey). New ed. 1956. 3rd ed. 1961.
English translation, 3rd ed. 1961.
Italian translation, Il colore, l’uomo, l’ambiente (Milan, Italy: Il Castello, 1962).
GERSTRACKER, Ludwig. 1954 (circa). Das Farbenmischbuch. Le mélange des couleurs. Colour mixing handbook. Manual para misturar tintes. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Berliner Union).
GODLOVE, I. H. [1892-1954]. 1954 (before). Bibliography on color. English (Rochester, New York, USA: Inter-Society Color Council). {general, bibliography}.
HAINES, F. Merlin. 1954. Tone and colour in landscape painting. English (London, England: A. & C. Black).
HARTOGH, A. 1954. Het zien en toepassen van Kleuren in de praktijk. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: J. F. Duwaer).
HERNE, Alf A. Gunnar. 1954. Die slavischen Farbenbenennungen: eine semasiologische etymologische Untersuchung. German (Uppsala, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell). {philology, terminology}.
HESSELGREN, Sven [1907-1993]. 1954. Subjective color standardization. Excursus on a color atlas. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell). {psychophysics, psychometry, order systems}.
HUNT, Roland. 1954. The seven keys to colour healing (A complete outline of the practice), 8th ed. English (Ashingdon, Essex, England: The C. W. Daniel Co.). New ed. (Saffron Waldon, Essex, England: The C. W. Daniel Co., 1968). {health, chromotherapy}.
IRAM (Instituto Argentino de Racionalización de Materiales) [1935-]. 1954. Colores y señales de seguridad. Aplicación de los colores de seguridad en señalizaciones particulares. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: IRAM). New revised ed. 1984.
JUDD, Deane Brewster [1900-1972]. 1954. Problemas actuales del color [four conferences delivered in Madrid], translated by Lorenzo Plaza Montero. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto de Óptica “Daza de Valdés”). {colorimetry, vision}.
KAUFMAN, M., and H. THOMAS. 1954. Introduction to colour TV. English (New York, USA: Rider Publisher). {television}.
LÉGER, Fernand [1881-1955]. 1954. Problems de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Dunod).
LETOUZEY, Victor [1882-?]. 1954. Les couleurs et leur mesure dans les industries graphiques. French (Paris, France: Estienne). {colorimetry, printing industry}.
English translation by V. G. W. Harrison, Colour and colour measurement in the graphic industries (London: Pitman, 1957).
LOKE, J. R. 1954. Highlights of color television. English (New York, USA: Rider Publisher). {television}.
MARSHALL, Max Lloyd. 1954. A comparison of schizophrenics, children and normal adults on their use of color. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
MARTIN, Anthony William [1923-]. 1954. A correlation of affective states with the use of color on the mosaic test. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms). {psychology}.
MAYER, Gladis. 1954. Colour and the human soul. English (London, England: New Knowledge Books).
OEGEMA VAN DER WAAL, Theunis [1907-]. 1954. Proeve ener Practische Kleurenpsychologie. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Wereldbiblioteek).
RICCI, Anto. 1954. I colori per la pittura. Italian (Turin, Italy: G. Labagnolo).
SANTINI, Carlos Connio. 1954. Introducción al color. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Laboratorios Alex). {cinema, photography}.
SCHONE, Wolfgang. 1954. Über das Licht in der Malerei. German (Berlin, Germany: Gebr. Mann).
TRIMBLE, Lyne Starling [1912-]. 1954. Color in motion pictures and television. English (North Hollywood, California, USA). {cinema, television}.
U.K. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD, Food Standards Committee. 1954. First report on colouring matters, November 1954. English (London, England: UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee).
VYDRA, Joseph. 1954. L’imprime indigo dans l’art populaire slovaque. French (Prague, Czech Republic: Artia). {dyeing, folklore}.
English edition, Indigo blue print in Slovak art.
WILLIAMS, Rollo Gillepsie. 1954. Lighting for color and form. English (London, England: Pitman & Sons). {lighting}.
WILSON, Adelaide B. 1954. Color in flower arrangement, with color photographs by Roche. English (New York, USA: M. Barrows). {gardening}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1955. New horizons in color. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing).
FATIPEC (Fédération d’Associations de Techniciens des Industries des Peintures, Vernis, Emaux et Encres d’Imprimerie de l’Europe Continentale). 1955. Aspect theorique et practique du contretypage des couleurs, Proceedings of the 3rd Congress. French (Brussels, Belgium).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1955. Der Fabenspiegel ein Schnell-Test für Statistik und Charakrerskizze mit den Farben des Frieling-Tests. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). 2nd ed. 1970.
GRANIT, Ragnar Arthur [1900-1991]. 1955. Receptors and sensory perception. English (New Haven, Connecticut, USA: Yale University Press).
GUPTILL, Arthur Leighton [1891-1956]. 1955. Color manual for artists. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing). New ed. by Catherine Sullivan, 1963.
IVERSEN, Erik. 1955. Some ancient Egyptian paint and pigments, a lexicographical study. English (Copenhagen, Denmark: I Kommissionnos Munksgaard).
JACOBS, Michel [1877-?]. 1955. Colour in landscape painting. English (New York, USA: Citadel Press). {painting}.
KELLY, Kenneth Low [1910-1991], and Deane Brewster JUDD [1900-1972]. 1955. The ISCC-NBS method of designating colors and a dictionary of color names. English (Washington DC, USA: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Circular 553). {terminology, dictionary}.
KNIGHTON, P. H. 1955. The use of colour in Hospitals. English (Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Newcastle Regional Hospital).
KORTÜM, Gustav Ferdinand Albert. 1955. Kolorimetrie, Photometrie und Spektrometrie. German (Berlin, Germany: Springer).
KRUG LITHO ART COMPANY. 1955. True color process guide; a universal system for precise color control. English (Kansas City, USA: Krug Company).
LIBERMAN, Alexander [1912-], ed. 1955. The art and technique of color photography; a treasury of color photograph by the staff of photographers of Vogue, House & Garden, Glamour. English (New York, USA: Simon & Schuster). {photography}.
LINSKENS, H. F. [1921-]. 1955. Papierchromatographie in der Botanik bearb. von H. Dörfel. German (Berlin, Germany: Springer).
LUBS, Herbert A. 1955.Chemistry of synthetic dyes and pigments. English. {applied chemistry, dyes}.
MATTHAEI, Rupprecht [1895-?]. 1955. Gang durch die Farbenlehre im Goethe Nationalmuseum. German (Weimar, Germany: Goethe Nationalmuseum und Klassische Stätten).
McKAY, H. 1955. Tricks of light and colour. English (London, England: Oxford University Press).
NAY, Ernst Wilhelm. 1955. Von Gestaltwert der Farbe, Fläche, Zahi und Phythmus. German (Munich, Germany: Prestel).
PIEBENGA, H. T. 1955. Frequentie verdelingen van de kleurkeuzen bij 400 Friezen door. Dutch (Basel, Switzerland: Test-Verlag).
German ed., Frequenzverteilung der Farbwahlen bei 400 Friesen (Basel, Switzerland: Test-Verlag, 1955).
RONCHI, Vasco [1897-1988]. 1955. L’ottica, scienza della visione. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Zanichelli). {optics}.
English translation by Edward Rosen, Optics, the science of vision (New York: University Press, 1957). Republication (New York: Dover, 1991).
French translation, L’optique, science de la vision (Paris: Masson, 1966).
SEUFFERT, Georg. 1955. Die Farbe im Leben Frau. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt).
SEUFFERT, Georg. 1955. Farbnamenlexikon von A-Z. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). {dictionary, terminology}.
SMEDLEY, Delbert W. 1955. Color for elementary teacher and the secondary teacher. English (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA: Granite School District, Art Education, Pub. Nr. 2).
SOLANET, Emilio [1887-1979]. 1955. Pelajes criollos. Spanish (Argentina). New ed. (Buenos Aires: Letemendia, 2001).
TAGLIAVENTI, Ivo. 1955. Introduzione allo studio dei colori. Italian (Bologna, Italy: R. Pàtron).
TUCKER, W. T. 1955.Experiments in aesthetic comunications. English (Champaign, Illinois, USA: University of Illinois, PhD dissertation).
U.K. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD, Food Standards Committee. 1955. Supplementary report on colouring matters, November 1955. English (London, England: UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee).
WENTWORTH, John W. 1955. Color television engineering. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). {television}.
ARCHER, Blair Clifford. 1956. The measurement of change in certain aspects of art ability. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
ARENS, Hans [1890-?]. 1956. Farbmetrik. German (Berlin, Germany: Akademie). {colorimetry}.
English translation by Keith Harrhy Ruddock, revised and rewritten by the author, Colour measurement (London: The Focal Press, 1967).
ASHLEY, Cyril. 1956. Cosmetics, hair design and colour. English (London, England: Odhams). {cosmetics}.
BIGGS, Ernest. 1956. Colour in advertising. English (London, England: Studio Publications). {advertising}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1956. Selling color to people: a book on how to sell color in commercial products and advertising to the American public, based on practical methods of consumer reserch, styling, merchandising, promotion and public relations. English (New York, USA: University Books). {advertising}.
BRAUN, Frantz. 1956. Manuel d’initiation à l’etude de la science des couleurs. French (Brussels, Belgium: ELPI).
BRAUN, Frantz. 1956. Recueil des formules et tables de colorimetrie à l’usage des laboratoires industriels. French (Brussels, Belgium: ELPI).
CARLSON, Charles. 1956. Simplified color mixing. English (New York, USA: Melior Books).
CHAMPETIER, G., H. RABATE, and J.-L. RABATE. 1956. Chimie des peintures, vernis et pigments. French (Paris, France: Dunod). {applied chemistry, paints}.
CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. 1956. Recent advances in the chemistry of colouring matters; report of a symposium held at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, January 19, 1956, organised by E. A. Braude. English (London, England: J. A. Elvidge).
COOTE, Jack Howard Roy. 1956. Colour prints. Principles, techniques, processes, materials and formulas for: Trichrome Carbo Process. English (London, England: The Focal Press).
DODSON, Margaret. 1956. An easy guide to color for flower arrangers, with arrangements and floral wheel in full color. English (New York, USA: Heathside Press). {gardening}.
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1956. Farbpsychologische Raumgestaltung und Farbdynamik mit Farbenkarte. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). 4th ed. 1957.
French translation, Influence psychologique et dynamisme des couleurs dans les intérieurs, avec carte des couleurs, 5th ed. (Frankfurt, Germany: Muster-Schmidt; Paris: Dunod, 1964).
GATZ, Konrad. 1956. Farbige Raum. German (Munich, Germany).
KÖHLER, Walter. 1956. Lichtarchitektur; Licht und Farbe als raumgestaltende Elemente. Idee und Gestaltung der Bildfolge von Wassili Luckhardt. German (Berlin, Germany: Bauwelt Verlag). {lighting, architecture}.
English translation by Bertrand Languages, Inc., Lighting in architecture Lichtarchitektur – Architecture in light. Light and color as stereoplastic elements. Pictorial narrative conceived and arranged by W. Luckhard (New York: Reinhold Publishing, 1959).
LE GRAND, Yves [1908-1986]. 1956. Optique physiologique. Vol. 3, L’espace visuel. French (Paris, France: Éd. de la Revue d’Optique).
MALAT, Miroslav. 1956. Kolorimetrie. Czech (Prague, Czech Republic: Cheskoslovenské Akademie Véd.). {colorimetry}.
MAUREL, Rosy, and Jean BRUNAIS. 1956. La conquête de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Denoël).
McILWAIN, Knox, and Charles E. DEAN. 1956. Principles of color television. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {television}.
MELLINGER, John J. [1925-]. 1956. An investigation of psychological color space. English (Chicago, USA: Chicago Library, Dept. of Photographic Reproduction, University of Chicago).
OEGEMA VAN DER WAAL, Theunis [1907-]. 1956. Proeve ener Theoretische Kleurenpsychologie. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Wereldbiblioteek).
PAVEY, Don [1922-]. 1956. Colour and humanism: colour expression over history. English (London, England: typescript). Published version, edited by Roy Osborne (London: Colour Academy, Universal Publishers, 2003). {history, arts, aesthetics, painting}.
PIGG, Leroy Dale [1922-]. 1956. Psychophysics of peripheral color perception in relation to methodology. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
RABKIN, E. B. 1956. [Atlas of colors]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Medgiz). {order systems, atlas}.
RESEARCH ASOCIATION OF BRITISH PAINT. 1956. Colour in surface coatings. English (Teddington, England: RABP, Colour and Varnish Manufacturers).
RUDIN, N. G. 1956. [Handbook of color science]. Russian (Russia: Gizlegprom).
SIMMONS, Harold Champion. 1956. A study of light as a medium of creative expression in the visual and practical arts. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
SINCLAIR, Edith Jean [1924-]. 1956. The relationship of color and form-dominance to perception. English (Chicago, USA: Chicago Library, Dept. of Photographic Reproduction, University of Chicago).
STOCK, Erich [1889-?]. 1956. Das buch der Farben. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt).
TONNELAT, Marie Antoinette. 1956. L’évolution des idées sur la nature des couleurs, conférence faite au Palais de la Découverte le 3 mars 1956. French (Paris, France).
WYATT, R. C. [1923-]. 1956. The symbolism of color in the drama of German expressionism. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
BONOME, Rodrigo [1906-]. 1957. ¿Qué es el color?. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Columba).
BRAUN, Frantz. 1957. Nouvelles tables de la colorimétrie appliquée a la physiologie de la couleur. French (Brussels, Belgium: ELPI).
COOK, J. Gordon. 1957. We live by the sun. English (New York, USA: Dial Press).
DANNENBERG, E. G. E. 1957.Tablas para la lectura directa de los resultados en foto-colorimetría y colorimetría. Spanish (Santiago del Estero, Argentina). {colorimetry}.
DARTNALL, H. J. A. 1957. The visual pigments. English (London, England: Methuen).
DE ZEEUV, Johannes. 1957. Psychodiagnostic; De kleurenvoorkeur in de psychodiagnostiek, bijdrage tot het empirische en experimentele onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van het gebruik van de kleuren-voorkeur als psychodiagnosticum. Dutch (The Hague, The Netherlands: Taylor & Francis).
FARNSWORTH, Dean. 1957. The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test for the examination of color discrimination, manual. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Munsell Color Company). New ed., Quick guide to operation FM test (Munsell Color, Gretag Macbeth, 1997). {vision, color vision defects}.
HUNT, Robert William Gainer [1923-]. 1957. The reproduction of colour in photography, printing and television, with a foreword by William David Wright. English (London, England: Fountain Press). Revised ed. 1961. 2nd ed. (Tolworth, England: Fountain Press, 1967). 3rd ed. 1975. 4th ed. 1988. 5th ed. (Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England: Fountain Press, 1995). 6th ed. (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2004). {photography, printing industry, television, reproduction devices}.
JENKINS, Francis A., and Harvey B. WHITE. 1957. Fundamentals of optics, 3rd ed. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). 4th ed. 1976. {optics}.
KELLERSHOHN, Claude. 1957. L’adaptation coloreé. French (Paris, France: SEVPEN). {vision}.
KROCHTA, William George [1930-]. 1957. Investigations of color system and methods. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
LEPRINCE, A. 1957. Couleurs et métaux qui gérissent. French (Paris, France: Dangles).
LEWIS, H. Spencer. 1957. La couleur: son influence mystique. French (Villeneuve-Saint Georges Rosicruciennes).
LOCQUIN, Marcel. 1957. Chromotaxia; code mycologique et pédologique des couleurs. French (Paris, France).
MEYERSON, Ignace, ed. 1957.Problèmes de la couleur: Colloque du Centre de Recherche de Psychologie Comparative, Paris, May 18-20, 1954. French (Paris, France: SEVPEN).
PRISMA, ed. 1957. Encyclopedie Prisme de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Prisma).
ROBINSON, Tibor. 1957. Koloristické problémy v textilnom priemysle; nové poznatky pri farbeni a ustalovani celulozovych a zmesovych vlaken (Bratislava, Slovakia: Slovenské vydavatelstvo technickej literatury).
SCHULTZE, Werner. 1957. Fabenlehre und Farbenmessung. German (Berlin, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). 2nd ed. (Berlin: Springer, 1966). 3rd ed. (Berlin, and New York: Springer, 1975). {colorimetry}.
SIMON, Frederick T., and W. J. GOODWIN. 1957-1958. Rapid graphical computation of small color differences. English (South Charleston, Virginia, and New York, USA: Union Carbide Chemical Co.). {colorimetry}.
SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers). 1957. Elements of color in professional motion pictures, prepared by a special committe, Wilton R. Holm, et al. English (New York, USA: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers).
TEYSSÈDRE, Bernard. 1957. Roger de Piles et les débats sur le coloris au siècle de Louis XIV. French (Paris, France: La Bibliotéque des Arts). New ed. 1965.
TOKYO MEDICAL COLLEGE. 1957. Color vision test. English (Tokyo, Japan: Murakami Color Research Laboratory). {vision, color vision defects}.
U.K. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD, Food Standards Committee. 1957. Supplementary report on colouring matters, revised and reclassificated. English (London, England: UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Food Standards Committee).
WICKES, Thomas A [1928-]. 1957. On the relationship of manifesty anxiety to lerning from colored and non-colored stimuli. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
WILSON, Robert Francis. 1957. The practical Wilson colour system. English (Zurich, Switzerland: Muster-Schmidt).
BALARAMAN, Shakuntala [1922-]. 1958. The wevelength discrimination of dichromats. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms). {color vision defects}.
BRANDT, Frithiof [1892-?]. 1958. Formkolorism: bidrag til kromatismernes faenomenologi. Danish (Copenhagen, Denmark: Munksgaard).
BROWN, M. W. 1958. The color kittens. English (New York, USA: Golden Press). {general, for children}.
DÉRIBÉRÉ, Maurice [1907-1997]. 1958. La couleur dans les activités humaines. French (Paris, France: Dunod). 2nd ed. 1959. 3rd ed. 1968.
Spanish translation, El color en las actividades humanas (Madrid: Tecnos, 1964).
FRY, Roger. 1958. Cézanne; a study of his development, reprinted from the 2nd ed. English (New York, USA: Noonday Press). {biography, arts, painting}.
GERARD, R. M. 1958.Differential effects of colored lights on psychophysiological functions. English (Los Angeles, USA: University of California at Los Angeles, PhD dissertation).
GRIMM, Reinhold. 1958. Gottfried Benn: die farbliche Chiffre in der Dichtung. German (Nuremberg, Germany).
HASS, Walter Alexander. 1958. Changes in emotional tone as reflected by color preferences following experimentally induced frustration and success. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms). {psychology, color perception}.
IACC (International Association of Colour-Consultants). 1958. Verslag der referaten van de Internationale Kleurenstudiedagen op 26 en 27 Juli 1957, te Laren gehouden onder auspicien van de International Association of Colour-Consultants. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IACC).
ISCC (Inter-Society Color Council) [1931-]. 1958. Report of the 27th Annual Meeting, 1958. English (Washington DC, USA: Inter-Society Color Council).
KETCHAM, Howard [1902-?]. 1958. Color planning for business and industry. English (New York, USA: Harper).
NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, Teddington, England. 1958. Visual problems of color, 2 vols., National Physical Laboratory Symposium No. 8, 1957. English (London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office). {vision}.
STRONG, John Donavan. 1958. Concept on classical optic. English (San Francisco, USA: H. Freeman).
THE HERALDRY SOCIETY. 1958. The colour of heraldry. English (Surrey, England: The Heraldry Society).
WITZEMANN, H. M. 1958. Farbige Raumkombinationen. German (Stuttgart, Germany).
YEATMAN, John Newton [1920-], and Arthur P. SIDWELL. 1958. Judging quality of tomatoes for processing by objective color evaluation, with subjective estimation of defects. English (Washington DC, USA: US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Marketing Research Division).
BOYER, C. B. 1959. The rainbow from myth to mathematics. English (New York, USA: Thomas Yoseloff).
BRITISH STANDARD INSTITUTION. 1959. Safety colours for use in industry. English (London, England: BSI, Standard 2929:1957).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1959. Proceedings of the 14th Session, Brussels, 1959. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
COLLIS, John Stewart. 1959. Paths of light. English (London, England: Cassell & Co.).
DÉRIBÉRÉ, Maurice [1907-1997], and L. CAILLAUD, eds. 1959.Encyclopédie Prisma de la couleur photo cinéma. French (Paris, France: Prisma).
EVANS, Ralph Merril [1915-1974]. 1959. Eye, film and camera in color photography. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {photography}.
FREAN, R. Merle, and D. M. CALDERWOOD. 1959. Colour and the child, colour and its contribution to school and hostel buildings. English (Pretoria, South Africa: Union of South Africa National Building Research Institute, Report of the School Buildings Committee).
HAYTEN, Peter J. 1959.El color en la publicidad y artes gráficas. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Las Ediciones del Arte). {advertisement, graphic arts}.
KHERUMIAN, Rouben [1900-?], and Ralph William PICKFORD [1903-?]. 1959. Hérédité et fréquence des anomalies congénitales du sens chromatique (dyschromatopsies). French (Paris, France: Vigot Fréres).
KLAASSEN, A. L. 1959.Kleuren in bedrijf in woning. Dutch (Leeuwarden, The Netherlands: Eisma).
LOPES, Octacilio de Carvalho [1904-?]. 1959. A côr do gôsto. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Anhanguera).
MONTINARI, M. 1959. Arthur Schopenhauer, la vista e i colori e il carteggio con Goethe. Italian (Turin, Italy: Boringhieri).
OHM, Wilhelm, and Wilhelm KRUSE. 1959. Mit Farben wohnen; ein Gespräch zwischen Bauherr, Architekt und Malermeister. German (Hamburg, Germany: Verlag der Werkberichte J. Buekschmitt).
PASCHEL, Herbert P. 1959.The first book of color, drawings by Caru Studios. English (New York, USA: Watts). {general, for children}.
ROUSSEAU, René Lucien. 1959. Les couleurs. French (Paris, France: Flammarion).
RUSSELL, John. 1959. G. Braque. English (London, England: Phaidon). {arts, painting, biography}.
SPEARS, Charleszine. 1959. How to wear color, with emphasis on dark skins, 3rd ed. English (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: Burgess). 5th ed. 1973.
STERLING, Mac Edward [1921-]. 1959. Color shock on the Rorschach test. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms). {psychology}.
STONE, John Truman. 1959. An experimental investigation of the effect of mode of color stimulation on inkblot response times. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
WOLPIN, Milton. 1959. A test of the form-color incongruity hypothesis. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: University Microfilms).
ZAUSZNICA, Adam. 1959. Nauka o barwie. Polish (Warsaw, Poland: Naukowe).
ZIEGENSPECK, Hermann [1891-?]. 1959. Wie sehen die Insekten die Bluetenfarbe! Neue Ergebnisse fotografisch-optischer Untersuchungen mit Ultraviolett und Farbfotografie in ihre Bedeutung für die moderne Blütenbiologie. German (Augsburg, Germany: Selbstverlag des Naturwissen-schaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben).
ADAMS, Danton F. 1960.Musical colour, a new and revolutionary method of creating colour schemes for the artist. English (London, England: Douglass & Gilson). {color-music, harmony}.
BERGMANS, Jan [1898-?]. 1960. Seeing colours, translated from the Dutch by T. Holmes. English (New York, USA: MacMillan). {vision}.
Spanish translation by Juan de la Quintana Oriol, La visión de los colores (Madrid: Paraninfo, 1961).
BRINDLEY, G. S. 1960.Physiology of the retina and the visual pathway. English (London, England: Edward Arnold, Monographs of the Physiological Society Nr. 6). {physiology, vision, retina}.
CAMARERO, Antonio. 1960. Estética del color en la lengua latina. Spanish (Bahía Blanca, Argentina: Instituto de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional del Sur). {philology, terminology}.
COOPER UNION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE & ART, ed. 1960. The logic and magic of color. English (New York, USA: Cooper Union).
DOGLIANI, P., and G. SENINI. 1960. Il colore nella psico-diagnostica clinica. Italian (Parma, Italy: Maccari). {psychology}.
DUNCAN, G. S. 1960.Bibliography of glass (from the earlies records to 1940). English (Sheffield, England: Dawsons of Paul Mall, for the Society of Glass Technology). {glass, bibliography}.
ELLIS, E. Norman. 1960 (after). The use of coloured rods in teaching primary number work. English (Vancouver, Canada: The British Educational Reserch Council, Studies and Reports Nr. 2).
GAGE, John. 1960. Color in Turner: poetry and truth. English (New York, USA: Praeger). {arts, painting}.
GATZ, Konrad, and Wilhelm O. WALLENFANG. 1960. Farbige Bauten. Colour on buildings. Bâtiments polychromes. Handbuch für farbige Bauten und Puts. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey). {architecture}.
GREGORY, Albert. 1960. Color in line. English (New Haven, Connecticut, USA: Yale University Press).
GUILLERME, Jacques. 1960. Lumière et couleur. French (Monte Carlo, Monaco).
GUSTAFSON, Charles E. 1960. A method of estimating surface color discriminability for coding training equipment and predicting label legibility. English (Ohio, USA: Wright Air Development Division, Air Research and Development Command, US Air Force, WADD technical note 60-83).
HOMOLACS, Karol. 1960. Kolorystyka malarska. Polish (Warsaw, Poland: Arkady).
INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS. 1960. Mechanisms of colour discrimination, Proceedings of an international symposium, Paris, July 25-29, 1958, edited by Y. Gallifret. English (New York, USA: Pergamon Press). {vision}.
KLAR, H. 1960. Die Dokumentation des Lüscher-Farbtests mit Hadlochkarten. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Ordo-Verlag). {psychology}.
MATTHAEI, Rupprecht [1895-?]. 1960. Gestalt und Farbe. Gestalthaftes Sehen. Ergebnisse und Aufgaben der Morphologie. German (Darmstadt, Germany: Wiss. Buchgesellsch).
ONETTO, Rafael [?-1967], with the collaboration of María Luisa Fago de Mattiello [1935-]. 1960 (circa). Dimensiones y ordenación del color. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Buenos Aires). {psychophysics, colorimetry, order systems}.
PARIS, Clark D., W. J. HANEY, and G. B. WILSON. 1960. A survey of the interactions of genes for flower color. English (East Lansing, Michigan, USA: Michigan State University, Agricultural Experiment Station, Departments of Horticulture Botany and Plant Pathology). {genetics, botanic}.
PREISWERK, F. 1960. Intelligenz-Leistungstabellen zum Lüscher-Test. German (Zurich, Switzerland: SelbstVerlag). {psychology}.
WILSON, Robert Francis. 1960. Colour in industry today: a practical book on the functional use of colour. English (London, England: Allen & Unwin).
WYSZECKI, Günter [1925-1985]. 1960. Farbsysteme. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). 2nd ed. 1962. {order systems}.
BADT, Kurt. 1961. Die Farbenlehre van Goghs. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont Schauberg). New ed. 1981.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1961. Color, form and space. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1961. Creative color. A dynamic approach for artists and designers. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). New ed. 1965. New ed. (West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer, 1987). {arts, theory, aesthetics, harmony}
BOOS-HAMBURGER, Hilde [1887-?]. 1961. Die farbige Gestaltung der Kuppeln des ersten Goetheanum; Polarität, Steigerung und Ausgleich ihrer Grundlagen Vortrag. German (Basel, Switzerland: R. G. Zbinden). {philosophy, arts, aesthetics}.
CARNT, P. S., and G. B. TOWNSEND. 1961. Color television: NTSC principles and practice. English (London, England: Illife). {television}.
CENTRE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE DU BATIMENT. 1961. La polychromie architecturale. French (Paris, France: Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment, Cahier 423). {architecture}.
CHARLOT, Gaston. 1961. Dosages colorimétriques des éléments minéraux: principes et méthodes, 2nd ed. French (Paris, France: Masson). {spectral analysis, colorimetry}.
FRIEL, Edward. 1961. The Friel system: a language of color. English (Seattle, Washington, USA: E. Friel).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-], and E. Th. SCHMIDT. 1961. Der Frieling-Test. German (Marquartstein, Bavaria, Germany: Institut für Farbenpsychologie). New ed. (Göttingen, 1974). {psychology}.
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1961. Farbe hilft verkaufen; Farbenlehre und Farbenpsychologie für Handel und Werbung. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). 2nd ed. 1967.
GLOAG, H. L. 1961. Colouring in factories. English (London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, Factory Building Studies Nr. 8). {architecture, interior design}.
GOTTLIEB, Suzanne. 1961. Wath is red?, illustrated by Vladimir Bobri. English (New York, USA: Lothrop). {general, for children}.
HEIMENDAHL, Eckart. 1961. Licht und Farbe, Ordnung und Funktion der Farbwelt. German (Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter).
ITTEN, Johannes [1888-1967]. 1961. Kunst der Farbe; subjektives Erleben und objektives Erkennen als Wege zur Kunst. German (Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier). New ed. 1970. New ed. 1987. {arts, aesthetics, harmony}.
English translation by Ernst van Hagen, The art of color; the subjective experience and objective rationale of color (New York: Reinhold Publishing, 1961). New ed. 1966.
English condensed version by Ernst van Hagen, The elements of color: a treatise on the color system of Johannes Itten based on his book The art of color, ed. Faber Birren (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1970). New ed. 1973.
French translation by R. Spupant, Art de la couleur: approche subjective et description objective (Paris: Dessain et Tolra, 1981). New French abridged ed. 1984. New ed. 1985.
Hungarian translation, A szinek müvészete (Budapest: Corvina, 1978).
Italian translation, Arte del colore: esperienza soggettiva e conoscenza oggettiva come vie per l’arte (Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1965). New ed. 1982. New ed. 2002.
Spanish translation by V. Lamiquiz, Arte del color. Aproximación subjetiva y descripción objetiva del arte (Paris: Bouret, 1975). Spanish translation, El arte del color (Mexico City: Limusa, 1992).
JUNG, R., and H. KORNHUBER, eds. 1961. The visual system. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {vision}.
KORNERUP, Andreas, and Johann Heinrich WANSCHER. 1961. Farver i farver. Danish (Copenhagen, Denmark).
English edition, The Methuen handbook of colour and colour dictionary, edited by Don Pavey (London: Methuen, 1963). 2nd revised ed. 1967. 3rd ed. 1978.
LAUDE-CIRTAUTAS, Il. 1961. Der Gebrauch der Farbbezeichnungen in den Türkdialekten. German (Wiesbaden, Germany: O. Harrassowitz).
LEONTYEV, K. L. 1961. Muzyka i tsvet [Music and color]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Znaniye). {color-music}.
NATIONAL PHYSICAL LABORATORY, Teddington, England. 1961. Visual problems of color, Symposium, 2 vols. English (New York, USA: Chemical Publishing Company). {vision}.
O’NEILL, Mary. 1961. Hailstones and hailbut bones; adventures in color, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard. English (Garden City, New York, USA: Doubleday). {general, for children}.
PLÁ DELFINA, J. María. 1961. Los colorantes sintéticos en bromatología y farmacia. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Publicaciones de la Sociedad Española de Farmacotecnia).
SCHMITZ, Karl Heinz Theodor [1933-]. 1961. Die Sprache der Farben in der Lyrik Paul Eluards. German (Erlangen, Germany).
SHARONOV, V. V. 1961. [Light and color]. Russian (Russia: Fizmatgiz).
TEEVAN, Richard Collier [1919-], and Robert C. BIRNEY, eds. 1961. Color vision; an enduring problem in psychology. Selected readings. English (Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {physiology, vision}.
ADLER, Irving. 1962. Color in your life, illustrated by Ruth Adler. English (New York, USA: John Day Co.).
ALEKSEYEV, S. S. 1962. [On color and paints]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Iskusstvo).
BARTRUM, Douglas. 1962. Colours and contrasts in the garden. English (London, England: Gifford). {gardening}.
BAUER, G. 1962. Strahlungsmessung im optischen Spektralbereich. German (Brunswick, Germany: Vieweg). {optics, photometry, colorimetry}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1962. Color in your world. English (New York, USA: Collier Books).
BOPST, Harland. 1962. Color and personality, compiled by Flora Bopst. English (New York, USA: Vantage Press).
CENTRE D’INFORMATION DE LA COULEUR. 1962. Actes, V Journée Internationale de la Couleur, Düsseldorf, 1961. French (mainly), German, English (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt).
CHESKIN, Louis [1907-]. 1962. How to color-tune your home, revised edition. English (Chicago, USA: Quadrangle Books).
CRUZ, Antonio. 1962. Determinación de las funciones de mezcla de colores para observadores españoles. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, doctoral thesis). {psychophysics, colorimetry}.
DAVSON, Hugh, ed. 1962. The eye, 2 vols. Vol. 2, The visual process. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {vision}.
GILBERT, Pierre. 1962. Couleurs de L’Egypte ancienne. French (Brussels, Belgium: P. F. Merckx).
GUARNER, José Luis, and José María OTERO, comp. 1962. La nueva frontera del color. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Ediciones Rialp).
HEALEY, Frederick. 1962. Light and colour, illustrated by Patricia Hamilton. English (London, England: Wiedenfeld & Nicholson). {general, for children}.
JEDLICKA, Gotthard. 1962. Macht der Farbe in der Malerei des XX. Jahrhunderts. German (Stuttgart, Germany: C. Belser).
LAVINE, Sigmund A. 1962. Wonders of animal disguises, illustrated by Margaret Cosgrove. English (New York, USA: Dodd Mead). {zoology, for children}.
MacKINNEY, Gordon, and Angela C. LITTLE. 1962. Color of foods. English (Westport, Connecticut, USA: Avi Publishing Co.). {food industry}.
MARLETTA, C. 1962. L’interpretazione di colori. Italian (Milan, Italy: Urano).
MÜLLER, Aemilius [1901-1989]. 1962. Swiss colour atlas 2541. English (Winterthur, Switzerland: Chromos). 2nd ed. 1964-1965. 3rd ed. 1965. {order systems, atlas}.
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL. 1962. Identification of colors for building. Report of a program held as part of the BRI 1961 Fall Conferences, Washington, DC. English (Washington DC, USA: Building Research Institute).
PFEIFER, Henri Ernest. 1962. Solfège de la couleur, 2nd ed. French (Paris, France: Dunod).
PLOSS, Emil [1925-]. 1962. Ein Buch von Alten Farben. German.
REITER, G. 1962. Die Griechischen Bezeichnungen der Farben Weiss, Grau und Braun. German.
RUSHTON, W. A. H. 1962. Visual pigments in man. English (Liverpool, England: Liverpool University Press). {physiology, vision}.
SANDFORD, Brian P. 1962. Auroral and low light level color photography. English (Washington DC, USA: Arctic Institute of North America). {photography}.
SHAW, Kenneth. 1962. Ceramic colours and pottery decoration. English (London, England: Maclaren). New ed. (New York: Praeger, 1969). {ceramics, crafts}.
TAYLOR, Frank A. 1962. Colour technology for artists, craftsmen and industrial designers. English (London, England: Oxford University Press).
WALRAVEN, Pieter L. 1962 [1931-2013]. On the mechanisms of colour vision. English (Utrecht, The Netherlands: doctoral thesis). Published (Soesterberg, The Netherlands: Institute for Perception RVO-TNO, 1963). {vision}.
ALBERS, Josef [1888-1976]. 1963. Interaction of color. English (New Haven, Connecticut, USA: Yale University Press). New ed. (Cologne, Germany: DuMont Schauberg, 1970). New eds., text of the original edition with selected plates, 1971, 1975 (Yale University Press). New ed. (Westford, 1980). New ed. with a CD-ROM for Macintosh (London: Yale University Press, 1994). {general, arts}.
French translation (Paris: Hachette, 1974).
Italian translation, Interazione del colore (Pratiche, 1997).
Spanish translation by María Luisa Balseiro, La interacción del color (Madrid: Alianza, 1979). 2nd ed. 1980. 3rd ed. 1982. 4th ed. 1984.
Swedish translation by K. G. Nilson, Albers färglära (Sweden: Forum, 1982).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1963. Color for interiors, historical and modern; an essential reference work covering the major period styles of history and including modern palettes for the authentic decoration of homes. Institutional and comercial interiors. English (New York, USA: Whitney Library of Design). {interior design}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1963. Color: a survey in words and pictures, from ancient mysticism to modern science. English (New Hyde Park, New York, USA: University Books).
BJERKE, A. 1963. Neue Beiträge zu Goethes Farbenlehre. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Freies Geistesleben).
BURNHAM, Robert Ward [1913-1977], Randall M. HANES, and C. James BARTLESON [1929-1987]. 1963. Color: a guide to basic facts and concepts. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
CAROL, C. W. 1963. Color: industrial color measurement. English (Midwester, Oklahoma, USA: International Business Machines Corp., Laboratory Color Matching, Production Color Control). {colorimetry, technology}.
CENTRE D’INFORMATION DE LA COULEUR. 1963. Actes, VII Journée Internationale de la Couleur, Florence-Prato-Padua, 1963. French (mainly), German, English.
DOWDALL, Roberto C. 1963.Ensayo de clasificación de los pelajes del caballo. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina). {zoology}.
ELLINGER, Richard Gordon. 1963. Color structure and design. English (Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA: International Textbook Co.). New ed. (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1980).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1963. Farbe in Kultur und Leben. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Battenberg).
GOLDMAN, Simao. 1963. Grande pesquisa sôbre côres e motivacôes, com sinteses em inglês e francês, 2nd ed. Portuguese (Porto Alegre, Brazil: Tipografia Champagnat).
GRADWOHL, Roland. 1963. Die Farben im Alten Testament: eine terminologische Studie. German (Berlin, Germany: Töpelmann).
HICKETHIER, Alfred [1901-1967]. 1963. Ein-mal-eins der Farbe. Zur Farbenordnung Hickethier; methodische Einführung in die Gesetzmässigkeiten des Farbenraumes un des Farbenmischens. German (Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier). {order systems, atlas, printing industry}.
Danish ed. (Copenhagen: Andr. Fred. Host & Sons, 1985).
Dutch ed. (De Bilt, The Netherlands: Cantecleer, 1985).
English translation by F. Bradley, Color mixing by numbers: color matching and mixing (London: B. T. Batsford; New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1970).
French ed., Le cube des couleurs (Paris: Dessain et Tolra, 1985).
Spanish ed., El cubo de los colores (Paris: Bouret, 1985).
HIGHLAND, Harold Joseph. 1963. The how and why wonder book of light and color, illustrated by George J. Zaffo. English (New York, USA: Grosset & Dunlap). {general, for children}.
HOLM, W. A. 1963. Colour television explained. English (London, England: Cleaver-Hume Press). {television}.
Spanish translation by Esau Rodríguez Pertusa and Daniel Santano León, Televisión en color explicada (Madrid: Paraninfo, 1966).
IVANOV, S. 1963. [Seven hours in rainbow]. Russian (Russia: Molodaya Gvardia).
KLAR, H. 1963. Psychologie des couleurs et la médecine. French (Mannheim, Germany: Boehringer).
KOBLO, Martin. 1963. World of color, an introduction to the theory and use of color in art, translation from the German by Ian F. Finlay. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
KRAMER, Hans, and Otto MATSCHOSS. 1963. Farben in Kultur und Leben. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Battenberg).
MARKS, W. B. 1963. Difference spectra of the visual pigments in single goldfish cones. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Johns Hopkins University, PhD dissertation). {physiology, vision}.
McLEAN, Ruari. 1963. Victorian book design & colour printing. English (London, England: Faber & Faber). New ed. 1972. {graphic arts, printing industry}.
NAEF, Emil. 1963. Farbenlehre. German (Olten, Switzerland: Talens).
REIT, Seymour. 1963. Adventures with color, pictures by J. P. Miller. English (New York, USA: Golden Book Educational Services). {general, for children}.
SABURO-OHBA, S. 1963.On the color emotive value of Japanese people. English (Tokyo, Japan).
SERRANO, Luis G. 1963. Las sensaciones psicológicas que producen los colores; ejercicios teórico prácticos para su aprovechamiento artístico. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).
SHTEINGAUZ, A. I. 1963.[Nine colors of rainbow]. Russian (Russia: Detgiz).
English translation by David Sobolev, The nine colours of the rainbow (Universal Distributors, 1966).
WARING, H. 1963. Color change mechanisms of cold-blooded vertebrates. English (New York, USA: Academic Press).
WOLFF, Janet, and Bernard OWETT. 1963. Let’s imagine colors. English (New York, USA: Dutton). {general, for children}.
ZEUGNER, Gerhard. 1963. Farbenlehre für Maler. German (Berlin, Germany: Verlag für Bauwesen). 2nd ed. 1969.
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS. 1964. Seminar on Color in Print, Transcript, New York, 1964. English (New York, USA: American Institute of Graphic Arts). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
BEDA, G. V. 1964.[Intertonal and intercolor relationships in paintry]. Russian (Russia: Sovetsky Khudozhnik).
BERGER, Anni, Andreas BROCKES, and N. DANAL. 1964. Color measurement in the textile industry, Bayer Farben Revue special ed. 3.1. English (Leverkusen, Germany: Farben Fabriken Bayer AG). 2nd ed. 1971. {colorimetry, textiles}.
Italian translation, La misura del colore nell’industria tessile (1966).
Spanish translation, La colorimetría en la industria textil (Bayer Farben Revue, 1971).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1964. Color vision in art. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing). {vision, arts}.
BROUGHTON, W. B., ed. 1964. Colour and life. Symposia of the Institute of Biology No. 12. English (London, England: The Institute of Biology). {biology, zoology, botanic, vision}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1964. Proceedings of the 15th Session, Vienna, 1963. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
DÉRIBÉRÉ, Maurice [1907-1997]. 1964. La couleur. French (Paris, France). 7th ed. 1991. 8th emended ed. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1993). 9th emended ed. 1996.
GUILLERME, Jacques. 1964. L’atelier du temps. Italian (Paris, France).
HOMER, William Innes. 1964. Seurat and the science or painting. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press). 2nd ed. 1970. {arts, painting}.
JARAMILLO, Hernán. 1964. Colorantes naturales. Artesanías de América. Spanish (Ecuador: CIDAP).
KLEE, Felix. 1964. The diaries of Paul Klee, 1898-1918. English (Los Angeles, USA: University of California Press). {biography, arts, painting}.
KRANTZ, D. H. 1964.The scaling of small and large color differences. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: University of Pennsylvania, PhD thesis). {psychophysics, colorimetry}.
KREVITSKY, Nik. 1964. Batik: art and craft. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing). {dyeing, textiles, crafts}.
LINKSZ, Arthur. 1964. An essay on color vision and clinical color vision texts. English (New York, USA: Lyane & Statton). {vision, color vision defects}.
MASSONET. 1964. L’art du dessin et de la couleur. French (Paris, France: H. Laurens).
NEAL, Charles D. 1964. Exploring light and color, illustrated by Paul Cassidy. English (Chicago, USA: Childrens Press). {general, for children}.
NEIL, E. H. 1964.An analysis of color changes and social behavior of Tilapia mossambica. English (Berkeley, California, USA: University of California Press).
PEDRETTI, Carlo. 1964. Leonardo da Vinci on painting. A last book. English (Berkeley, California, USA).
RABKIN, E. B., and E. SOKOLOVA. 1964. [Color around us]. Russian (Russia: Znaniye).
RAGON, Michel. 1964. Les Delaunay, un couple fou de couleurs. French (Paris, France: Albin-Michel, La Vie des Grands Peintres). {painting, arts, biography}.
SCHAIE, Klaus Warner, and Robert HEISS [1903-?]. 1964. Color and personality; a manual for color pyramid-test. English (New York, USA: Grune and Stratton; Bern, Switzerland: Hans Huber). {psychology}.
SCHINDLER, Maria. 1964. Goethe’s theory of colour, applied by Maria Schindler, revised and greatly enlarged ed. English (London, England: New Knowledge Books).
SMITH, Hugh Madison [1922-], and Robert E. FRYE. 1964. How color of red delicious apples affects their sales. English (Washington DC, USA: US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Marketing Economics Division).
SQUIRES, T. L. 1964. Beginner’s guide to colour television. English (London, England: Newnes). {television}.
TAYLOR, John F. A. 1964. Desing and expression in the visual arts. English (New York, USA: Dover).
THRALL, James, et al. 1964. Bonnard and his environment. English (New York, USA: Museum of Modern Art). {aesthetics, arts, painting}.
VERRIEST, Guy [1926-?]. 1964. Les déficiences acquises de la discrimination chromatique. French (Brussels, Belgium: Imprimerie Médicale et Scientifique, Mem. Acad. Roy. Méd. Belg., series 2, vol. 4, fasc. 5). {vision, color vision defects}.
WECKROTH, Johan. 1964. Studies in colour after images, presentation of basic data and previous studies with some new observation and a theorical discussion. English (Helsinki, Finland: Academiae Scient. Fennicae Sarja Annales Ser. B. Nide. Tom. 134, 1).
WILSON, B. C. 1964. An experimental examination of the spectral luminosity construct. English (New York, USA: New York University, doctoral dissertation). {colorimetry, psychophysics}.
WOLF, Thomas H. 1964. The magic of color. English (New York, USA: Odyssey Press).
AGEE, W. C. 1965. Synchromism and color principles in American painting, 1910-1930. English (New York, USA: Knoedler & Co.). {painting}.
AMBER, Reuben B. 1965. Color therapy; healing with color. English (Calcutta, India: A. M. Babey-Brooke). New ed. (New York: Santa Barbara Press, 1967). New ed. 1980. New ed. (New York: Aurora Press, 1983). {health, chromotherapy}.
Italian translation, Cromoterapia: colori e qualità della vita (Xenia, 1993).
BAUER, G. 1965. Measurement of optical radiations. English (London, England; New York, USA: The Focal Press). {optics, photometry, colorimetry}.
BALINKIN, I. 1965. The color tree. English (New York, USA).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1965. History of color in painting, with new principles of color expression. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). New ed. 1981. {painting, history}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1965. Method of measuring and specifying colour rendering properties of light sources / Verfahren zur Messung und Kennzeichnung der Farbwiedergabe-Eigenschaften von Lichtquellen / Méthode de mesure et de spécification des qualités de rendu des couleurs des sources de lumière. English, German, French (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 13). 2nd ed. (CIE Pub. 13.2, 1974). 3rd ed. in English with summary in French and German (Vienna: CIE, Pub. 13.3, 1995). {colorimetry, lighting}.
FISCHER, W. 1965.Farb-und Formenbezeichnungen in der sprache der altarabischen Dichtung. German.
GRAHAM, Clarence Henry [1906-], and John L. BROWN, eds. 1965. Vision and visual perception. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {vision, perception, sight}.
INSTITUTO DE DISEÑO. 1965. El color: nociones fundamentales. Spanish (Montevideo, Uruguay: Instituto de Diseño, Facultad de Arquitectura, Universidad de la República).
KALMUS, Hans [1906-]. 1965. Diagnosis and genetics of defective colour vision. English (Oxford, England; New York, USA: Pergamon Press). {vision, color vision defects}.
KLEIN, Bernat. 1965. Eye for colour. English (London, England: Collins).
KNIGHT, Julie, and A. V. S. REUCK, eds. 1965. Colour Vision Physiology & Experimental Psychology, Ciba Foundation Symposium, London, 1964. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Little, Brown & Co.).
LEONTYEV, K. L. 1965. Tsvet Prometeya [Color of Prometheus]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Znaniye). {color-music}.
MAIONE, Mario, and E. PISANO. 1965. Il colore e la visione del colore. Italian (Parma, Italy: Maccari). {vision}.
PFEIFER, Henri Ernest. 1965. L’harmonie des couleurs; cours théorique et pratique. French (Paris, France: Dunod). 3rd ed. 1966. 4th ed. 1972.
POPPER, Frank. 1965. Physichromies de Cruz-Diez. Oeuvres de 1954 a 1965. French (Paris, France: J. Kerchache).
SCHMIDT, Peter [1937-]. 1965. Goethes Farbensymbolik. Untersuchen zu Verwendung und Bedeutung der Farben in den Dichtungen und Schriften Goethes. German (Berlin, Germany: Schmidt).
SCHÖNFELDER, H. 1965, 1966, 1968. Farbfernsehen, 3 vols. German (Darmstadt, Germany: Liebig). {television}.
SCOTT, Rochelle. 1965. Colors, colors all around, illustrated by Leonard Kessler. English (New York, USA: Grosset & Dunlap). {general, for children}.
SMITH, Charles N. 1965. Student handbook of color. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing).
THURNER, Karl. 1965. Colorimetry in textile dyeing: theory and practice. English (Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany: Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik, BASF). {colorimetry, dyeing, textiles}.
VAILLANT, Annette. 1965. Bonnard, with a dialogue between Jean Cassou and Raymond Cogniat, and commentaries by Hans R. Hahnloser, English translation by David Britt. English (Greenwich, Connecticut, USA: New York Graphic Society). {aesthetics, arts, painting, biography}.
VLADIMIROV, A., and N. OSIPOV. 1965. [Magic of color]. Russian (Russia: Znaniye).
VOLKOV, N. N. 1965.[Color in paintry]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Iskusstvo).
WAHLSTROM, Carl R. 1965 (circa). Ecliptic spectral philosophy (Ecliptic color philosophy). English (Los Angeles, USA: Philosophical Research Society).
ALPHONSOV, V. 1966. Slova i kraski: ocherki iz istorii tvyazey poetov i khudozhnikov [Words and colors: essays on the history of the creative communications of poets and artists]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Sovetsky Pisatel). {aesthetics}.
AMARAL, Fernando de Villemor. 1966. Piramides coloridas de Pfister. Spanish (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: CEPA).
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS. 1966. Second Seminar on Color in Print: Copy Preparation for Color, Transcript, New York, 1965. English (New York, USA: American Institute of Graphic Arts). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
BARNES, Donald Kay [1935-]. 1966. Flower color inheritance in diploid and tetraploid alfalfa; a reevaluation. English (Washington DC, USA: US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service). {genetics, botanic}.
BILLMEYER Jr., Fred Wallace [1919-2004], and Max SALTZMAN [1917-2001]. 1966. Principles of color technology. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). 1st corrected printing, 1967. 2nd ed. 1981. {colorimetry, technology}.
German translation, Grundlagen der Farbtechnologie (Göttingen: Muster-Schmidt, 1993).
BORELIUS, Birgit. 1966. Oscar Wilde, Whistler and colours. English (Lund, Sweden: Gleerup).
BROOKS, Walter [1921-]. 1966. The art of color mixing. English (New York, USA: Odyssey Press).
CAMPBELL, Ann Raymond. 1966. Let’s find out about color, pictures by Boche Kaplan and Roz Abisch. English (New York, USA: Watts). 2nd ed. 1975. {general, for children}.
CENTRE D’INFORMATION DE LA COULEUR. 1966. Proceedings of the International Colour Meeting, Luzern, 1965, 2 vols. English, French, German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt).
CRAIN, Lloyd. 1966. Color & design. English (Los Angeles, USA: Crandrich Studios).
DI VALENTIN, Maria [1911-], and Louis DI VALENTIN. 1966. Color in oil painting. English (New York, USA: Sterling Publishing).
DÖRINGER, W. 1966. Das Malen und die Zugänge zu Werkwn der Malerei; fachliche und didaktische Grundiagen des Malens und der Bildwerkbetrachtung mit Beiträgen. German (Berlin, Germany: Rembrandt).
EASTMAN KODAK. 1966. Kodak color dataguide. English (Rochester, New York, USA: Eastman Kodak).
GATZ, Konrad, and Gerhard ACHTERBERG, with the collaboration of Klaus Halmburger. 1966. Architektur farbig: Handbuch zur farbigen Ausprägung von Bau-Aussenstrukturen. Entwurf und Technik. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey). {architecture}.
English translation, Colour and architecture (London: B. T. Batsford, 1967).
French translation and adaptation by William Magoni, La couleur en architecture (Paris: Eyrolles, 1967).
Spanish translation, El color en la arquitectura actual (Barcelona, Spain: Gustavo Gili, i.1966-1970).
GOWING, Lawrence. 1966. Turner: imagination and reality. English (New York, USA: The Museum of Modern Art). {arts, painting}.
GREGORY, Albert. 1966. Numbers of colors. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA).
GREGORY, Richard Laugton. 1966. Eye and brain. The psychology of seeing. English (Cambridge and London, England: Weidenfeld and Nicholson). 3rd ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978). 4th ed. (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1990). {psychology, perception, sight}.
Spanish translation, Ojo y cerebro. Psicología de la visión (Madrid: Guadarrama, s.d.).
HERBERTS, Kurt & Co. 1966. Eine Welt voller Farben; die Phänomen der Oberfläche. German (Wuppertal, Germany: Dr Kurt Herberts & Co.).
HUNZIKER, Henrich Martin. 1966. Die bleiche. Hautfarbe in der Sicht des Sweitzerdeutschen. German (Zurich, Switzerland: Juris).
HURVICH, Leo Maurice [1910-2009], and Dorothea JAMESON [1920-1998]. 1966. The perception of brightness and darkness. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Allyn and Bacon).
INGLINGS Jr., Carl R. 1966. [Title not available]. English (Rochester, New York, USA: University of Rochester, PhD thesis).
KELLER, Ila. 1966. Batik: the art and craft. English (Rutland, Vermont, USA: Tuttle). {dyeing, textiles, crafts}.
MUELLER, Conrad G., and Mae RUDOLPH. 1966. Light and vision. L’oeil et la lumière. English-French bilingual edition (New York, USA: Time, Inc., Life Science Library).
Slovenian translation, Svetloba in vid (Ljubljana: MK, 1970).
PARRA, François [1934-1985]. 1966. Thèse de doctorat. French (Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Nr. 1122). {physics, colorimetry, physiology, vision}.
PURDY, Susan. 1966. If you have a yellow lion. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Lippincott). {for children}.
RICHTER, Klaus [1940-]. 1966. Antagonistische Signale beim Farbensehen und ihr Zusammenhang mit der empfindungsgemässen Farbordnung. German (Basel, Switzerland: Universität Basel, dissertation). {vision, colorimetry}.
ROYAL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. 1966. The RHS colour chart, 4 fans. English (London, England: Royal Horticultural Society, in association with the Flower Council of Holland). {botanic, horticulture, charts}.
SHEPPARD Jr., Joseph J. 1966. A critical review of the experimental foundation of human color perception. English (Santa Monica, California, USA: Rand Corporation). {vision}.
SHEPPARD Jr., Joseph J. 1966. Temporal factors in subjective color. English (Santa Monica, California, USA: Rand Corporation). {vision}.
SMITHELLS, Roger. 1966. Colour in interior decoration. English (London, England: B. T. Batsford). {interior design}.
SOCIETA OFTALMOLOGICA ITALIANA, ed. 1966. Atti del XLIX Congresso della Societá Oftalmologica Italiana, Rome, 1965. Italian (Parma, Italy: Maccari).
TERSTIEGE, Heinz [1934-2001]. 1966. Untersuchungen zum Persistenz- und Koeffizientensatz. German (Berlin, Germany: doctoral thesis). {vision, psychophysics}.
THROWER, Perey. 1966. Guide to colour in your garden. English (London, England: Colligridge). {gardening}.
WENDLANDT, Wesley W., and Harry G. HECHT. 1966. Reflectance spectroscopy. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {spectroscopy}.
YAGER, D. 1966.Behavioural measurements and theoretical analysis of spectral sensitivity and spectral saturation in the goldfish, Carassius Auratus. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: University of Pennsylvania, PhD dissertation). {vision}.
ADRIAN, Edgar D. 1967. The physical background of perception. English (London, England: Oxford University Press).
ASP (American Society of Photogrammetry). 1967. Manual of color aerial photography. English (USA: ASP). {photography}.
AUGUSTI, Selim. 1967. I colori pompeiani. Italian (Rome, Italy: De Luca).
BRECKENRIDGE, F. C. 1967.Colors of signal lights. English (Washington DC, USA: National Bureau of Standards, Monograph Nr. 75). {lighting, signals}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1967. Proceedings of the 16th Session, Washington, 1967. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
COLMEY, Mary Jane. 1967. Red, yellow and blue. English (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: T. S. Denison). {general, for children}.
DAW, N. W. 1967. Colour-coded units in the goldfish retina. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Johns Hopkins University, PhD dissertation). {physiology, vision}.
DE ANGELIS, Rino. 1967. Il colore nella Divina Comedia (nell’Inferno e nel Purgatorio). Italian (Naples, Italy: Loffredo).
DORFMAN, Bruce [1936-]. 1967. Color mixing. English (New York, USA: Pitman).
DZIEGIELEWSKI, Tadeusz. 1967. Bibliografia dotyczaca kolorystyki w budownictwie przemys lowym. Polish (Warsaw, Poland: Klara Hermelinska). {bibliography}.
FABRI, Ralph [1894-?]. 1967. Color; a complete guide for artists. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {general, arts}.
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1967. Farbe kann zaubern. German (Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Regionalpresse, Arbeitgemenschaft Regionaler Abonnementzeitungen).
HANSEN, William. 1967. Den elementaere farvelaere. Danish (Copenhagen, Denmark: Host).
HARDY, Alexander Charles, and Eric de MARI, eds. 1967. Colour in architecture. English (London, England: L. Hill). {architecture}.
HEATH, Frederick John. 1967. Colour: how to see it and how it is measured: illustrated lectures notes for teachers and students. English (Salisbury, England: The Tintometer).
HEINRICH, Fritz. 1967. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum farbigen Simultankontrast. German (Munich, Germany: Universität München, dissertation). {psychology, perception, physiology, vision}.
HELLMAN, Harold [1927-]. 1967. The art and science of color, illustrated by Mark Binn. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
HINTERREITER, Hans [1902-?]. 1967. A theory of form and color. English (Barcelona, Spain: Ebusus).
ITTEN, Johannes [1888-1967]. 1967 (before). Der Farbstern, with text by Anneliese Itten. English (Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier, 1985).
English translation, The color star (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986).
JONES, K. 1967. Colour story reading. English (London, England: Nelson).
KAMPMANN, Lothar. 1967. Bunt Papiere. German (Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier, Pelikan-Bücher für bildnerisches Gestalten).
KOCH, Walter Albert [1895-?]. 1967. Deine Farbe, dein Charakter. Farbentyp und Menschenkunde, 2nd ed. German (Neunkirchen, Saarland, Germany: Schaeck).
LAÜPPI, Walter. 1967. Farbenknigge. Theorie Kleidung. German (Bern, Switzerland: Paul Haupt).
LEIJONHIELM, Christer. 1967. Colours, forms, and art. Studies in differential aesthetic psychology. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell).
LITTLE, Clarence Cook [1888-?]. 1967. The inheritance of coat color in dogs. English (New York, USA: Comstock Pub. Associates).
MALASZKIEWICZ, J. 1967.Chromogene und Farbstoff-Komponenten der Purpurschnicke Murex trunculus. German (Saarbrücken, Germany: thesis). {colorants}.
MUTTER, E. 1967. Farbphotographie, Theorie und Praxis. Vol. 4 of Die wissenschaftliche und angewandte Photographie. German (Vienna, Austria; New York, USA: Springer). {photography}.
ORE, Oystein. 1967. The four-color problem. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {mathematics}.
PATCHETT, G. N. 1967. Color television with particular reference to the PAL system. English (London, England: Norman Price). {television}.
PATTERSON, David, ed. 1967. Pigments: an introduction to their physical chemistry. English. {chemistry, pigments}.
PELUZZI, Giulio, ed. 1967.The modern room: from the color in interior decoration, translated from the Italian by Ruth A. Marsden. English (London, England: Studio Vista). {interior design}.
PUGNO, Giuseppe Antonio. 1967. Colore funzionale ed architettura. Italian (Turin, Italy: Quaderni di Studio). {architecture}.
REED, C. R. G. 1967. Principles of colour television systems. English (London, England: Pitman). {television}.
ROOSEN-RUNGE, Heinz. 1967. Farbgebung und Technik frühmitrelalterlichen Buchmalerei; studien zu den Traktaten Mappae clavicula und Heraclius. German (Munich, Germany: Deutscher KunstVerlag).
SMITS, Willem Canisius Maria. 1967. Symboliek van de kleur. Achtergrond in formatie voor hen die belangstelling hebben voor het verschijnsel kleur als psychologisch gegeven. Dutch (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Argus).
VENZMER, R. 1967. J. B. Oudry: Farbige Gemäldewiedergaben. German.
VERITY, B. 1967. Colour. English (London, England: L. Frewin).
VRIESEN, Gustav, and Max IMDAHL. 1967. Robert Delaunay: light and color, English translation by Maria Pelikan. English (New York, USA: Harry N. Abrams).
WAALER, Georg Henrik Magnus [1895-?]. 1967. The heredity of normal and defective colour vision. English (Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget).
WRIGHT, William David [1906-1997]. 1967. The rays are not coloured: essays on the science of vision and colour. English (London, England: Adam Hilger). New ed. (New York: Elsevier, 1968). {colorimetry, vision}.
WYSZECKI, Günter [1925-1985], and Walter Stanley STILES [1901-1985]. 1967. Color science: concepts and methods, quantitative data and formulas. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). 2nd ed. 1982. 3rd ed. 1987. {colorimetry}.
YULE, John A. C. [1906-2002]. 1967. Principles of color reproduction applied to photo-mechanical reproduction, color photography and the ink, paper and other related industries. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). New ed. (Sewickley, Pennsylvania: GATF Press, 2001). {colorimetry, reproduction devices, photography}.
BROWER, Ab de. 1968. Vorm en kleur. Het activeren van creatieve expressie [Form and color]. Dutch (Wageningen, The Netherlands: Zomer & Keuning).
BRUNELLO, Franco. 1968. L’arte della tintura nella storia dell’umanità. Italian (Vicenza, Italy: Neri Pozza). {dyeing, history}.
COHEN, Robert. 1968 (circa). The color of man, with an afterword by Juan Camos. English (New York, USA: Random House). {genetics}.
COHN, E. A. 1968.Der 8-Farbentest in seiner heutigen Form. German (Berlin, Germany).
COLOUR GROUP, Great Britain [1940-]. 1968. Symposium on Colour Measurement in Industry, Imperial College, 1967, Proceedings. English (London, England: Colour Group of Great Britain). {colorimetry}.
DANGER, Eric Paxton. 1968. Using color to sell. English (London, England: Gower Technical Press).
DAVIS, Derek C., and Keith MIDDLEMAS. 1968. Coloured glass. English (London, England: Jenkins). {glass}.
FAVRE, Jean-Paul. 1968. Le choix des couleurs en merchandising. French (Zurich, Switzerland: ABC).
FLETCHER, Geoffrey S. 1968. Sketching in colour. English (London, England: Allen & Unwin).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1968. Das Gesetz der Farbe. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt).
GROSS, Walter Oskar. 1968. Einführung in die Durchschauende Kunstuntersuchung. German (Zurich, Switzerland: Freie Kunstschule).
HALSE, Albert O. [1910-]. 1968. The use of color in interiors. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
HAYTEN, Peter J. 1968.El color en la industria, 2nd ed. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Las Ediciones del Arte). {technology}.
KAMPMANN, Lothar. 1968. Creating with colored paper. English (New York, USA: Reinhold Publishing).
LINDSTONE, John, Stanley, T. LEWIS, and Sheldon BRODY, eds. 1968. Reinhold visuals, aids for art teaching. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand).
LOZANO, Roberto Daniel [1934-]. 1968. Color – Medición del color. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Centro de Investigación de Métodos y Técnicas para Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas).
MARÉ, E. De. 1968.Colour photography. English (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin). {photography}.
MAYER, N. 1968. Technik des Farbfernsehens in Theorie und Praxis. German (Berlin, Germany: Verlag für Radio-Foto-Kinotechnik). {television}.
MERIK, Boris. 1968 (circa). Light and color measurements of small light sources. English (Cleveland, USA: Miniature Lamp Dept., General Electric). New ed. 1971.
MURRAY, G. C. 1968. Visual pigment multiplicity in cones of the primate fovea. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Johns Hopkins University, PhD dissertation). {physiology, vision}.
OEGEMA VAN DER WAAL, Theunis [1907-]. 1968. Toegepaste kleurenpsychologie. Dutch (Utrecht, The Netherlands: Het Spectrum).
SCHWARZ, Hans. 1968.Colour for the artist. English (London, England: Studio Vista).
SEHHER-THOSS, S. 1968. Design and color in islamic architecture, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey. English (Washington DC, USA: Smithsonian Institution Press). {architecture}.
SHEPPARD Jr., Joseph J. 1968. Human color perception: a critical study of the experimental foundation. English (New York, USA: Elsevier). {vision}.
SLOANE, Patricia. 1968. Colour: basic principles, new directions. English (London, England: Studio Vista).
SRIVASTAVA, R. J., and T. S. PEEL. 1968. Human movement as a function of color stimulation. English (Topeka, Kansas, USA: Environmental Research Foundation).
STREMNES, Asmund Lenning. 1968. Fargenamn og referentdiskrimering skoleaderen. Norwegian (Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget).
WAALER, Georg Henrik Magnus [1895-?]. 1968. New facts in the genetics of colour vision besides ideas of the colour perception. English (Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget).
WICK, Kurt, and Rainer WICK. 1968. Form und Farbe: Gestaltungslehre für Maler undverwandte Berufe. German (Bonn, Germany: Dümmler).
WOLFF, Robert Jay [1905-?]. 1968. Feeling blue. English (New York, USA: Scribner). {for children}.
WOLFF, Robert Jay [1905-?]. 1968. Seeing red. English (New York, USA: Scribner). {for children}.
BEGBIE, G. Hugh. 1969. Seeing and the eye. English (Garden City, New York, USA: The American Museum of Natural History, The Natural History Press). New ed. (Garden City, New York, USA: Anchor Books1973).
Spanish translation by Sara Carmen Orbea, La visión y el ojo (Buenos Aires: Eudeba, 1977).
BERLIN, Brent, and Paul KAY. 1969. Basic color terms; their universality and evolution. English (Berkeley, California, USA: University of California Press). New ed. 1991. New ed. 1999. {philology, terminology, anthropology}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1969. Light, color and the environment; a thorough presentation of facts on the biological and psychological effects of color, plus historical data and detailed recommendations for the resultful use of color in modern human environments. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). Revised ed. 1982. New ed. (West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer, 1988).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1969. Principles of color; a review of past traditions and modern theories of color harmony. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). 2nd revised ed. (New Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer, 1987). {arts, aesthetics, harmony}.
CLAY, Jean. 1969. Cruz-Diez et les trois etapes de la couleur moderne. French (Paris, France: Éd. Denise Rene).
COLLI, Aldo. 1969.Elementi di colorimetria tristimolo, 2nd ed. Italian (Milan, Italy: ACNA, Aziena Colori Nazionali Affini). {colorimetry}.
DÉRIBÉRÉ, Maurice [1907-1997]. 1969. La couleur dans la publicité et la vente. French (Paris, France: Dunod). {marketing, advertisement}.
FAVRE, Jean-Paul. 1969.La couleur vend votre emballage. French (Zurich, Switzerland: ABC).
English translation, Color sells you package (Zurich: ABC, 1969).
German translation, Richtige Farbe – Erfolgreiche Packung (Zurich: ABC, 1969).
FILLACIER, Jacques [1913-1986]. 1969. Recherche et application de la couleur dans ses rapports avec l’homme. French (Warsaw, Poland: Naukowe).
GERICKE, Lothar, R. SCHMITZ, Otto RICHTER, and Klaus SCHÖNE. 1969. Farbenkatalog für die Gestaltung. German (Berlin, Germany: Zentralinstitut für Gestaltung und Dt. Bauakademie). {psychology}.
GREAT BRITAIN, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE. 1969. Colour in school buildings, 4th ed. English (London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office).
ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries), Ltd. [1926-]. 1969. ICI colour atlas. English (Blackley, Manchester, England: ICI). {order systems, atlas}.
KORTÜM, Gustav Ferdinand Albert. 1969. Reflexionsspektroskopie. German (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {spectroscopy}.
English translation, Reflectance spectroscopy, principles, methods and applications (New York: Springer, 1969).
LIMBACHER, James L. 1969.Four aspects of the film. English (New York, USA: Brussel & Brussel).
LOHNE, Johannes August [1908-], and Bernhard STICKER. 1969. Newtons theorie der Prismenfarben. Mit Ubersetzung und Erlëuterung der Abhandlung von 1672. German (Munich, Germany: Werner Fritsch).
LOZANO, Roberto Daniel [1934-]. 1969. Compilación bibliográfica sobre temas relacionados con la visión, la luz y el color. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, Boletín Técnico 4). {general, optics, vision, bibliography}.
LUNDSTAD, Arne [1915-]. 1969. Fargenavn til THS colour chart (Utg av) Norges landbruskshogskole. Norwegian (Vollebekk Institut for Dendrologi og Planteskoledrift).
MAGRINI, Cigliola. 1969. Disegno e colore nel mondo della flors. Italian (Milan, Italy: Görlich).
MAILE, Anne. 1969. Tie-and-dye as a present day craft, revised ed. English (New York, USA: Taplinger). {dyeing, textiles, crafts}.
NABHOLZ-KARTASCHOFF, Marie Louise. 1969. Ikatgewebe aus Nord- und Südeuropa. German (Basel, Switzerland: Pharos-Verlag Hansrudolf Schwabe, Basler Beiträgezur Ethnologie, vol. 6). {dyeing, textiles, ethnology}.
NABHOLZ-KARTASCHOFF, Marie Louise. 1969. Plangi: Formen und Verbreitung eines Reserveverfahrens zur Musterung von Textilien. German (Basel, Switzerland: Museum für Völkerkunde and Schweizerische Museum für Volkskunde). {dyeing, textiles, ethnology}.
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 1969. [Chromatics]. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: Tankönyvkiadó).
NORMAN, Richard B. 1969. Electronic color. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
PAWLIK, Johannes [1923-]. 1969. Theorie der Farbe. Eine Einführung in begriffliche Gebiete der ästhetischen Farbenlehre. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont Schauberg). New ed. (Cologne: DuMont, 1979).
Spanish translation by Carlos Fortea, Teoría del color (Barcelona: Paidós, 1996).
POTELET, Pierre. 1969. Couleurs et interprétation. French (Paris, France: Institut National des Industries et Arts Graphiques).
RICCIARDI, Adelino. 1969. Algumas noticias do mundo da côr, o verde. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Emir).
ROBINSON, Stuart. 1969. A history of dyed textiles: dyes, fibres, painted bark, starch-resist, discharge, tie-dye, further sources for research. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press). {dyeing, textiles, history}.
RUITER, A. 1969. E. En chemische bijjdrage tot de kennis van het roken van vis. Dutch (Doorn, The Netherlands: A. Ruiter, Wagenigen, H. Veenman).
STEARNS, Edwin Ira [1911-1992]. 1969. The practice of absorption spectroscopy. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Interscience). {spectroscopy}.
THOMAS, David Bowen. 1969. The first colour motion pictures. English (London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office).
THOMKE, Sigvard. 1969. Mätning av svinmuskulaturens färg och variation. Fortsatta undersökningar Uppsala. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Lantbrukshögskolan).
TRITTEN, Gottfried. 1969. Erziehung durch Farbe und Form. Ein methodisches Handbuch für das bildnerische Gestalten un Denken. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Klett).
UNBEHAUN, Klaus. 1969. Film themen-Klippund Klar. German (Munich, Germany: Winterthur).
VUILLAUME, Monique. 1969. Les pigments des invertébrés, biochimie et biologie des coloration. French (Paris, France: Masson).
WAALER, Georg Henrik Magnus [1895-?]. 1969. Studies in colour vision. English (Oslo, Norway: Universitetsforlaget).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1970. AIC Color 69, Proceedings of the 1st Congress, Stockholm, June 9-13, 1969, 2 vols., edited by Manfred Richter. English (mainly), German, French (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). {psychology, physics, physiology, applied chemistry}.
AISBERG, Eugène [1905-?]. 1970. La télévision en couleurs. French (Paris, France: Radio). {television}.
ARTYUSHIN, L. F. 1970. [Fundamentals of color reproduction]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Iskusstvo).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1970. The elements of color. English. New ed. (London: Chapman & Hall, 1996). {general}.
CARREL, Clive Lawrence. 1970. Color in Caesar’s Bellum gallicum. English (Columbus, Ohio, USA).
CHOCRON, Y. 1970. Color natural. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones del Grupo Montana).
COLT, Priscilla. 1970. Color and field. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: World Wide Books).
CORNSWEET, Tom N. 1970. Visual perception. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {perception, vision}.
CRUZ-COKE, Madrid Ricardo. 1970. Color blindness; an evolutionary approach. English (Springfield, Illinois, USA: Thomas).
DOUGLAS SCOTTI, Fulco, ed. 1970. Atlante cromatico. Italian (Florence, Italy: Sansoni). New ed. (Bologna: Zanichelli, 1989). {order systems, atlas}.
FIEANDT, Kai von, and Jaakko HARLAHTI. 1970. New studies on perimetric thresholds of pigment colour. English (Helsinki, Finland: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemis).
FOUQUET, H. 1970. Bau und Reaktionen natürlicher Chromogene indigoider Farbstoffe bei Purpurschnecken. German (Saarbrücken, Germany: Universität Saarbrücken, PhD thesis). {dyeing, colorants}.
GERICKE, Lothar, and Klaus SCHÖNE. 1970. Das Phänomen Farbe. Zur Geschichte und Theorie ihrer Anwendung. German (Berlin, Germany: Henschel). 2nd ed. 1973.
HANDSCHUR, E. 1970. Die Farb-und Glanzwörter bei Homer und Hesiod. German.
HARLEY, Rosamond D. 1970. Artist’s pigments c.1600-1835, a study in English documentary sources. English (London, England: Butterworth). 2nd ed. 1982.
HENDERSON, Stanley Thomas. 1970. Daylight and its spectrum. English (Chatham, Kent, England: W. & J. Mackay, Ltd.). 2nd ed. (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons, 1977). {optics, daylight}.
HESS, Lilo. 1970. Animal that hide, imitate and bluff. Story and photos. English (New York, USA: Scribner). {zoology, for children}.
INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS, Inc. 1970. The color of man: an instructional program exploring human differences, prepared for Random Hause by Instructional Systems, Inc. English (New York, USA: Random House School & Library Service).
JAMESON, Norma. 1970. Batik for beginners. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {dyeing, textiles}.
LA GRANGE, Adriaan Johannes. 1970. Die psychologie van modes en kleur. Dutch (Kaapstadt Academic).
LOLIS, J., Otto RICHTER, and F. WAHL. 1970. Beleuchtung und Farbe im Arbeitsraum. German (Berlin, Germany: Tribüne).
MacADAM, David Lewis [1910-1998], ed. 1970. Sources of colour science. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press). {general, history}.
MANTE, Harald. 1970. Farb-Design in der Fotografie. German (Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier). {photography}.
MEHNERT, Hilmar. 1970. Verhaltensregeln und Verfahrensweisen für die Vorbereitung und die Produktion von Farbfilmen für das Farbfernsehen. German (Babelsberg, Germany).
MOTOKAWA, Koiti [1908-]. 1970. Physiology of color and pattern vision. English (Tokyo, Japan: Igaku Shoin). {physiology, vision}.
NATH, R. 1970. Colour decoration in Mughal architecture. English (Bombay, India: D. B. Taraporevala Sons). {architecture}.
NAVA, A., and O. HECH. 1970.Selección de superficies de diferente color por Musca domostien, a distintas temperaturas. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Museo de Historia Natural de México).
O’BRIEN, Richard S., ed. 1970. Color television – Selections from the Journal of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers. English (New York, USA: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers). {television}.
PIRENNE, Maurice Henri. 1970. Optics, paintings & photography. English (London, England: Cambridge University Press).
Spanish translation by Luis Arena, Óptica, perspectiva, visión, en la pintura, arquitectura y fotografía (Buenos Aires: Víctor Lerú, 1974).
POPPER, Frank. 1970. Cruz-Diez. L’evenement couleur, catalog of the XXXV Venice Biennale, Italy. French (Paris, France: Imprimerie Mazarine). {arts, painting}.
REBORA, Giovanni. 1970. Un manuale di tintoria del Quattrocento. Italian (Milan, Italy).
REINHOLD, Meyer [1909-]. 1970. History of purple as a status symbol in antiquity. English (Brussels, Belgium: Latomus).
SALEMME, Lucia A. 1970.Color exercises for the painter. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {painting}.
SCANZONI, Erika von. 1970. Blüten und Farben. Das Jahres-Lexikon für den Garten. German (Munich, Germany: Kindler).
SCHALL, L. R. 1970.The influence of the expressive meanings of color on form, interpreted in terms on a sensory-tonic theory of perception. English (Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University, PhD dissertation).
SCHULMAN, Ivan A. 1970 (circa). Símbolo y color en la obra de José Martí. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Gredos).
SCIASCIA, S. 1970. Colore ambiente. Ricerche sperimentali su colore-ambiente e reazioni di comportamento. Italian (Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy).
SIVIK, Lars [1933-]. 1970. Om färgers betydelser [On colour meaning]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F9). New ed. 1979. {psychology, semiotics}.
TAMPIERI, Giorgio. 1970. Forma e colore nel mondo visivo dei bambini. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Capelli).
TOWNSEND, G. B. 1970. PAL colour television. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Cambridge University Press). {television}.
WOOTEN, B. R. 1970. The effects of simultaneous and successive chromatic contrast on spectral hue. English (Providence, Rhode Island, USA: Brown University, PhD thesis). {perception, psychophysics}.
ADROSKO, Rita J. 1971. Natural dyes and home dyeing. English (New York, USA: Dover). {dyeing, history}.
ALLEN, Reginald Lancelot M. 1971. Colour chemistry. English (New York, USA: Appleton-Century-Crofts). {applied chemistry}.
AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 1971. Industrial color technology, Symposium at the 156th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, NJ, September 11, 1968. English (Washington DC, USA: American Chemical Society).
AMSTER, Arnold A. 1971. The evolution of color as a primary element in painting, 1850-1970. English (New York, USA: New York University, dissertation).
ATTERBURY, Rowley S. 1971. Colour: the art of its uses. English (London, England: Watts). {design}.
BARTRAN, Margaret. 1971. A guide to color reproductions. English (Metuchen, New Jersey, USA: Scarecrow Press). {graphic arts}.
BREATHNACH, A. S. 1971. Melanin pigmentation of the skin. English (London, England: Oxford University Press).
CAPRILE, Jean Pierre [1942-]. 1971. La denomination des couleurs chez les Mbay de Moïssala: une ethnie Sara du sud du Tchad. French (Paris, France: Société pour l’Étude des Lengues Africaines).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1971. Colorimetry / Colorimétrie / Farbmessung, official recommendations of the CIE. English, with summary in English, French, and German (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 15). 2nd ed. (CIE Publ. 15.2, 1986). {colorimetry}.
French translation by Centre Français de la Couleur and the Comité National Français de l’Éclairage (Paris: CIE Pub. 15.2, 1991).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1971. Proceedings of the 17th Session, Barcelona, 1971. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
CRUZ, Antonio. 1971. El color: su medida y problemas actuales. Spanish (Arbor). {colorimetry}.
CRUZ-DIEZ, Carlos [1923-]. 1971. Physichromies, couleur additive, induction chromatique, chromointerferences. French (New York, USA: Galerie Denise René).
DAMASE, Jacques. 1971. Sonia Delaunay, rythmes et couleurs. French (Paris, France: Hermann). English translation, Sonia Delaunay rhythms and colours (Greenwich, Connecticut: New York Graphic Society, 1972). {painting}.
DEN TANDT, Jan-Baptist. 1971. Vorm en kleur bij het kind [Form and color among children]. Dutch (Antwerp, Belgium: Standaard Uitgeverij). {psychology, color perception}.
ETTLINGER, Elisabeth, and Ruth STEIGER. 1971. Formen und Farbe römischer Keramik. German (Basel, Switzerland: Stiftung Pro Augusta Raurica).
GALL, Ludwig. 1971. The colour science of pigments. German (Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany: Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik, BASF).
HARING, Elda. 1971. Color for your yard and garden. English (New York, USA: Hawthorn Books). {gardening}.
HÁROSI, Ferenc I. 1971. Frog rhodopsin in situ: orientational and spectral changes in the chromaphores of isolated retinal rod cells. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Johns Hopkins University, PhD dissertation). {physiology, vision}.
HARVEY, Virginia I. 1971. Color and design in macrame. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
HOFMANN, Walter Jürgen. 1971. Über Dürers Farbe. German (Nuremberg, Germany: H. Carl).
HOLMBERG, Lennart. 1971. Size estimations and color vision dimensions. English (Lund, Sweden: Lund University).
HOUZE, Roger Charles. 1971. Cours de base: TV couleur Paris. French (Paris, France: Chiron).
HUTSON, G. H. 1971. Colour television theory. English (London, England: McGraw-Hill). {television}.
ISCC (Inter-Society Color Council) [1931-]. 1971. Proceedings. English (USA: Inter-Society Color Council).
JUSTEMA, William [1904-?], and Doris JUSTEMA. 1971. Weaving & needlecraft color course. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
KANAYER, I. I. 1971.The color vision physiology problem history from antiquity to XXth century. English (Nauka). {vision, history}.
KEYES, Harriett I. 1971. The rainbow in rags. English (Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA: Pearl K. McGown, Inc.).
LEWITT, Sol [1928-]. 1971. Four basic colours and their combinations. English (London, England: Lisson Publications). {painting}.
LOEB, Arthur Lee [1923-2002]. 1971. Color and symmetry. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
MAGNANI, Franco. 1971. Form und Farbe in der Raumgestaltung. German (Tübingen, Germany: Wasmuth).
MEIER, A. 1971. The chemistry of synthetic dyes. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {applied chemistry, dyes}.
MÜHLING, Ernst. 1971. The book of batik, revised ed. English (New York, USA: Taplinger). {dyeing, textiles}.
NÉA, Sara. 1971. Batik: designs, materials, technique. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
NÉA, Sara. 1971. Tye-dye: designs, materials, technique. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
PALAU I FABRE, Josep. 1971. Théorie des couleurs, French translation from the Catalan by the author. French (Barcelona, Spain).
PINCKERS, Alfred Joseph Lambert Gérard. 1971. Verworven stoornissen van kleurzin een klinisch onderzoek. Dutch (Nijmegen, The Netherlands: Drukkerij Janssen).
PODENDORF, Illa. 1971. Color, illustrated by Wayne Stuart. English (Chicago, USA: Childrens Press). {general, for children}.
RAINWATER, Clarence [1920-]. 1971. Light and color. English (New York, USA: Golden Press).
Spanish translation, Luz y color (Barcelona: Daimon, 1971).
REUSCHE, Ehrhardn [1917-]. 1971. Polychromes Sichtmauerwerk byzantinischer und von Byzanz beeinflusster Bauten Südosteuropas; Uberlieferung und Entwicklung einer handwerklchen Technik. German (Cologne, Germany).
SCHMID, H. Rainer. 1971. Lux incorporats: zur ontologischen Begründung einer Systematik des farbigen Aufbaus in der Malerei. German (Munich, Germany: thesis, manuscript). Published (Hildesheim, Germany: G. Olms, 1975).
SDC and AATCC (Society of Dyers and Colourists, and American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists). 1971. The colour index. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists, and American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists). 4th ed. 1990. {applied chemistry, colorants}.
SIMON, Hilda. 1971. The splendor of iridescence, structural colors in the animal world. English (New York, USA: Dodd Mead & Co.).
TRITTEN, Gottfried. 1971. Color and form methods and ideas for children’s art. English (London, England: B. T. Batsford).
TRITTEN, Gottfried. 1971. Teaching color and form. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
TUCKER, M. 1971. The structure of color. English (New York, USA: Whitney Museum of American Art).
WALCH, Margaret [c.1940-2013]. 1971. The colour source book. An essential reference work for fashion designers, interior designers, graphic artists, craftmen, teachers & students. English (New York, USA: Scribner’s Sons). New ed. 1979. {design, graphic arts, crafts}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1972. Color metrics, Proceedings of the Helmholtz Memorial Symposium, Driebergen, The Netherlands, September 1-3, 1971, edited by Johannes J. Vos, Ludwig F. C. Friele, and Pieter L. Walraven. English (mainly), German, French (Soesterberg, The Netherlands: Institute for Perception TNO).
ASOCIACIÓN DE INVESTIGACIÓN DE LA INDUSTRIA GRÁFICA, ed. 1972. Ejercicios prácticos de mezclas de colores. Spanish (Bilbao, Spain: Asociación de Investigación de la Industria Gráfica).
BECK, Jacob. 1972. Surface color perception. English (Ithaca, New York, USA: Cornell University Press). {vision}.
BELFER, Nancy. 1972. Designing in batik and tie dye. English (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA: Davis). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
BLAKE, Wendon. 1972. Creative color: a practical guide for oil painters. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {painting}.
BORDIER, Roger. 1972. Cruz-Diez ou la couleur comme evenement. French (Paris, France: Cimaise).
BÜHLER, Alfred. 1972. Ikat, Batik, Plangi: Reservemusterungen auf Garn und Stoff aus Vorderasien, Zentralasien, Südosteuropa und Nordafrika, 3 vols. German (Basel, Switzerland: Pharos-Verlag Hansrudolf Schwabe). {dyeing, textiles, ethnology}.
CABANELAS RODRÍGUEZ, Darío. 1972. La antigua policromía del techo de Comares. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Cuadernos de la Alhambra).
CLAUSEN, Anke-Usche, and Martin RIEDEL. 1972. Schöpferisches Gestalten mit Farben: method. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Mellinger).
CLULOW, Frederik W. 1972. Colour: its principles and their applications. English (London, England: Morgan & Morgan).
CORN, Wanda M. 1972. The color of mood: American tonalism, 1880-1910. English (San Francisco, USA: M. H. De Young Memorial Museum).
DARTNALL, H. J. A., ed. 1972. Handbook of sensory physiology. Vol. VII/1, Photochemistry of vision. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {vision}.
FABRIS, S., and R. GERMANI. 1972. Colore, disegno ed estetica nell’arte grafica. Italian (Turin, Italy: SEI-CITS R/GEC).
Spanish translation, Color: proyecto y estética en las artes gráficas (Barcelona: Ediciones Don Bosco, Edebé, 1973).
FAULKNER, Waldron. 1972. Architecture and color. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {architecture}.
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1972. Mensch und Farbe. German (Munich, Germany: Heyne). New ed. 1977.
FUORTES, M. G. F., ed. 1972. Handbook of sensory physiology. Vol. VII/2, Physiology of photoreceptor organs. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {physiology, vision}.
GERSTNER, Karl [1930-]. 1972. Color sound 7: extra version. English (Düsseldorf, Germany: Galerie Denise René).
GROSS, Walter Oskar. 1972. Farbenlehre für Malende. Mit Farbenkurs. German (Zurich, Switzerland: Freie Kunstschule). {painting}.
HAY, Roy, and Patrick M. SYNGE. 1972. The color dictonary of flowers and plants for homes and garden. English (New York, USA: Crown Publishers). {botanic, gardening}.
HAYWARD, D. Geoffrey. 1972. The psychology and physiology of light and color as an issue in the planning and managing of environments. English (Monticello, Illinois, USA: Council of Planning Librarians).
HICKETHIER, Alfred [1901-1967], and Siegfried RÖSCH. 1972. Die grosse Farbenordnung Hickethier. German (Ravensburg, Germany). {order systems, atlas}.
English translation, Hickethier color atlas [1,000 printed samples] (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1974).
HILL, Peter M. 1972.Die Farbwörter der russichen und bulgarischen Schriftsprache der Gegenwart. German (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
JAMESON, Dorothea [1920-1998], and Leo Maurice HURVICH [1910-2009], eds. 1972. Handbook of sensory physiology. Vol. VII/4, Visual psychophysics. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {vision, psychophysics}.
JONES, Tom Douglas. 1972. The art of light and color; featuring mobile color expression, lumia, kinetic light -with instructions for the creation of dramatic color and light instruments, with an introduction by Faber Birren. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
JUDD, Deane Brewster [1900-1972]. 1972 (before). Contributions to color science, edited by David Lewis MacAdam. English (USA). Posthumous edition arranged by David Lewis MacAdam (Washington DC: National Bureau of Standards, Special Publ. 545, 1979).
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1972. Farbe – Ursprung, Systematik, Anwendung. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey). 3rd ed. 1977. 4th ed. 1987. New ed. (Cologne, Germany: DuMont, 1999).
English translation by F. Bradley, Color; origin, systems, uses (London: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1973).
French translation, La couleur. Origine, méthodologie, application (Fribourg, Switzerland: Office du Livre, 1975).
Spanish translation, Color origen, metodología, sistematización, aplicación (Caracas, Venezuela: Lectura, 1973).
LLOBERA, José. 1972. Alive to art: exploring colours and crafts, English translation from the Spanish and adaptation by W. J. Strachan. English (London, England: Frederick Warne).
MARX, Ellen [1939-]. 1972. Les contrastes de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Dessain et Tolra). {aesthetics, harmony}.
English translation, The contrast of colors (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1973).
German translation, Die Farbkontraste (Ravensburg: Otto Maier, 1973).
McDANIEL, Chad K. 1972. Hue perception and hue naming. English (Harvard College, honors thesis). {perception, linguistics, terminology}.
MOORE, Nicholas Lister [1946-], comp. 1972. Electronic colour scanners: a select bibliography. English. {reproduction devices, bibliography}.
OLING-JELLINEK, Elisabeth. 1972. Vom Wesen der Farbe in der Eurythmie und Malerei Rudolf Steiners. German (Dornach, Switzerland: Engelhardt-Verlag). {philosophy, arts, aesthetics}.
PETRENKO, A., and V. FESECHKO. 1972. [Objects colors recognition techniques and equipment]. Russian (Russia: Energya).
PLUMB, Barbara. 1972. Young designs in color. English (New York, USA: Viking Press).
ROWE, Stephen C. H. 1972. The subjective scaling of hue and saturation. English (London, England: The City University, PhD thesis). {psychophysics}.
RYS, P., and Heinrich ZOLLINGER. 1972. Fundamentals of the chemistry and application of dyes. English (London, England: John Wiley & Sons). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
SCANLON, James V., and Jean ROBERTS. 1972.Color vision deficiencies in children in United States; prevalence of color vision deficiencies, as identified on examination with plates from the Ishihara test and typed with the Hardy-Rand-Riter test, among children of 6-11 years by age, sex, race, family income, and area of residence. English (Rockville, Maryland, USA: National Center for Health Statistics). {vision, color vision defects}.
STRAUSS, Ernst. 1972. Koloritgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Malerei seit Giotto. German (Munich, Germany: Deutscher KunstVerlag). 2nd ed. by L. Dittmann, 1983.
VARNEY, Carleton. 1972. Decorating with color. English (Des Moines, Iowa, USA: Creative Home Library). {interior design}.
VERRIEST, Guy, ed. [1926-?]. 1972. Acquired colour vision deficiencies, 1st International Symposium, Ghent, 1971. English (Basel, Switzerland: Karger). {vision, color vision defects}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1973. AIC Colour 73, survey lectures and abstracts of the papers presented at the 2nd Congress, University of York, July 2-6, 1973. English (mainly), French, German (London, England: Adam Hilger). {psychology, physics, physiology, lighting, applied chemistry, arts, architecture}.
ASTRUA, Massimo. 1973. Manual of color reproduction for printing and the graphics arts, translated from the Italian by Edward S. Bomback. English (Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England: Fountain Press). {printing industry, graphic arts, reproduction devices}.
BAGNARA, J. T., and M. E. HADLEY. 1973. Chromatophores and color change: the comparative physiology of animal pigmentation. English.
BEMMELEN, Daniel. 1973. Rudolf Steiners farbige Gestaltung des Goetheanum. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Mellinger). {philosophy, arts, aesthetics}.
DZJUBENKO, A. G. 1973. Tsvetomuzyka [Color-music]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Znaniye). {color-music}.
EYNARD, Raymond A., ed. 1973. Color: theory and imaging systems. English (Washington DC, USA: Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers).
FRISCH, Otto von. 1973.Animal camouflage. English (London, England: Collins; New York, USA: Watts).
GOODMAND, S. 1973. Colour. English (England: Oxford Polytechnic, Department of Architecture).
HAMILTON, William John [1931-]. 1973. Life’s color code. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill).
HASKINS, Ilma. 1973 (circa). Color seems. English (New York, USA: Vanguard Press). {general, for children}.
INDOW, Tarow [1923-2007]. 1973. Colour atlas and colour scaling. English (London, England: Adam Hilger).
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1973. Design color for architecture. English (Tokyo, Japan: Nihon Shikiken Enterprise). {architecture}.
JUNG, R., ed. 1973.Handbook of sensory physiology. Vol. VII/3, Visual centers in the brain. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {vision}.
KATZENBERG, Dena S. 1973.Blue traditions: indigo dyed textiles and related cobalt glazed ceramics from the 17th through the 19th century. English (Baltimore, Maryland, USA: Baltimore Museum of Art). {dyeing, textiles, ceramics, history}.
KETTLEWELL, Bernard. 1973. The evolution of melanism. English (Oxford, England: Clarendon Press).
MATILE, Heinz. 1973. Die Farbenlehre Philipp Otto Runges: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Kunstfarbenlehre. German (Bern, Switzerland: Benteli). 2nd ed. (Munich: Mäander-Verlag, 1979).
McCLUNG, Robert M. 1973. How animals hide. English (Washington DC, USA: National Geographic Society). {zoology, for children}.
MEILACH, Dona Z. 1973.Contemporary batik and tie-dye: methods, inspiration, dyes. English (New York, USA: Crown Publishers). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
MILDRED, E. Mathias, ed. 1973 (circa). Color for the landscape: flowering plants for subtropical climates, photography by Ralph D. Cornell. English (Los Angeles, USA: Los Angeles Beautiful). {landscape design}.
MÜLLER, Aemilius [1901-1989]. 1973. Aesthetik der Farbe in natürlichen Harmonien. German (Winterthur, Switzerland: Chromos). {aesthetics, harmony}.
NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 1973. Color vision. Symposium conducted at the Spring Meeting, Washington DC, 1971, Committee on Vision, Division of Behavioral Sciences. English (Washington DC, USA: National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council). {vision}.
NICHOLSON, Robert A. 1973. Color in your winter garden with flowers, fruits and foliage. English (Vancouver, Canada: Douglas, David and Charles). {gardening}.
PANIGRAHI, G. [1947-]. 1973. Penetron land color display system (PENTECOST) and some observations concerning color perception. English (Urbana, Illinois, USA: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Dept. of Computer Science).
PATTON, Temple C., ed. 1973. Pigment handbook, 2 vols. Vol. 2, Applications and markets. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {pigments}.
POLING, Clark V. 1973. Color theories of the Bauhaus artists. English (New York, USA: University of Columbia, PhD thesis). {arts, design}.
SACHS, Viola. 1973 (circa). The myth of America essays in the structure of literary imagination. English (The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton).
SÄLLSTRÖM, P. 1973. Colour and physics: some remarks concerning the physical aspects of human color vision. English (Stockholm, Sweden: University of Stockholm, Institute of Physics, Report 73-09). {optics, vision}.
SDC (Society of Dyers and Colourists). 1973. Colour terms and definitions. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists).
SIMON, Hilda. 1973. Chamelons and other quick-change artists. English (New York, USA: Dodd Mead). {zoology, for children}.
STRAUSS-FISHER, Esther. 1973. Die Farben und ihre Bedeutung im dichterischen werk Gottfried Kellers. German (Bern, Switzerland).
SUNSET BOOKS, ed. 1973. Color in your garden, 3rd ed. English (Menlo Park, California, USA: Lane Books). {gardening}.
VERRIEST, Guy [1926-?], Lucia Rositani RONCHI [1927-], and Carlo CASTELLINI. 1973. Glossario dei termini usati nello studio delle deficienze della visione dei colori. Italian (Florence, Italy: Baccini & Chiappi). {vision, color vision defects}.
VIERA, John David. 1973. Reflections on color and general visual reflections. Selection from a book on the art of cinematography. English (San Francisco, USA: California State University, manuscript).
WILSON, José, and Arthur LEAMAN. 1973. Color in decoration. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {interior design}.
ZARCHY, Harry. 1973. Color and the Edgar Cayce readings. English (Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA: ARE Press).
ALBERT-VANEL, Michel [1935-]. 1974. Couleur-lumière. French (Paris, France: Ecole des Arts Décoratifs).
ALBRECHT, Hans Joachim. 1974. Farbe als Sprache: Robert Delaunay, Josef Albers, Richard Paul Lohse. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont Schauberg).
AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF GRAPHIC ARTS. 1974. Color. English (Hamilton, Ohio, USA: Champion Papers).
BOULEAU, Charles [1906-]. 1974. Synthèses: une chromatique pour notre temps. French (Paris, France: J. Fréal).
BYSTRØM, Ellen. 1974. Creating with batik. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
COOTE, Jack Howard Roy. 1974. Colour prints: the photographic technique of the colour positive, 5th ed. English (London, England; New York, USA: The Focal Press). {photography}.
COPEN, Bruce. 1974. A rainbow of health. English (Danehill, Uckfield, Sussex, England: Academic Publications). 2nd revised ed. (Haywards Heat, Cuckfield, Sussex, England: Academic Publications, 1975). {health, chromotherapy}.
DUPLESSIS, Yvonne. 1974. La vision parapsychologique des couleurs. French (Paris, France: Epi).
Italian translation, La percezione para-psicologica del colore (Rome: Astrolabio, 1976).
EVANS, Ralph Merril [1915-1974]. 1974. The perception of color. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
FOGDEN, Michael, and Patricia FOGDEN. 1974. Animals and their colors, camouflage warning coloration, courtship and territorial display, mimicry. English (New York, USA: Crown Publishers).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-], E. L. BROWERS, and S. KNECHT. 1974. Lebendige Farbe: von der Umgang mit Farben und ihrer Macht. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1974. Farbe im Raum: angewandte Farbenpsychologie. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey).
GATTO, Joseph A. 1974. Color and value: design elements. English (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA: Davis).
GÉNARD, Paul, and André BARRET. 1974. Lumière les premières photographies en couleurs. French (Paris, France: A. Barret). {photography}.
GERRITSEN, Frans Jan. 1974. Het fenomeen kleur: de nieuwe kleurenleer gebaseerd of wetmatigheden van kleurperceptie. Dutch (De Bilt, The Netherlands: Cantecleer).
English translation by Ruth de Vriendt, Theory and practice of color: a color theory based on laws of perception (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1975). 2nd revised ed. 1983.
French translation by Monique Chevanne, Présence de la couleur (Paris: Dessain et Tolra, 1975).
German translation, Farbe -Optische Erscheinung, physikalisches Phänomen und künstlerische Erscheinung (Ravensburg, Germany: Otto Maier, 1975).
Spanish translation by Eduardo Sans, Color. Apariencia óptica, medio de expresión artística y fenómeno físico (Barcelona: Blume, 1976).
GIRARD, Robert. 1974. Color and composition. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
GOLU, Mihai, and Aurel DICU. 1974.Culoare si comportament. Rumanian (Craiova, Rumania).
GREEN, Ben K. 1974. The color of horses. English (Flagstaff, Arizona, USA: Northland Press).
GUEVARA, Roberto. 1974. Carlos Cruz-Diez, génesis, eclosión y absoluto del color, catalog. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo). {arts, painting}.
HARDY, Arthur C. 1974. Colour finishes for static caravans. English (The Caravan Council).
IRWIN, Eleanor. 1974. Colour terms in Greek poetry. English (Toronto, Canada: A. M. Hakkert).
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1974. Chart system of color names. English (Tokyo, Japan). {charts, terminology}.
KELLY, Kenneth Low [1910-1991]. 1974. Colorimetry and spectrophotometry: a bibliography of NBS publications, January 1906 trough January 1973. English (Washington DC, USA: National Bureau of Standards). {colorimetry, bibliography}.
LIBBY, William Charles. 1974. Color and the structural sense. English (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall).
LOEF, C. 1974. Farbe – Musik – Form. German (Göttingen, Germany). {aesthetics, color-music}.
LYTTLE, Richard B. 1974. Paints, inks, and dyes. The story of colors at work. English (New York, USA: Holiday House). {applied chemistry, dyes, history}.
MARTIN, Juan. 1974. Fundamentos del color. Spanish (Bilbao, Spain: Asociación de Investigación de la Industria Gráfica).
MAVIGNIER, Almir [1925-]. 1974. Almir Mavignier: serielle Farbprogressionen. German (Zurich, Switzerland: Ausstellung Kunstgewerbemuseum).
MEHNERT, Hilmar. 1974 (circa). Die Farbe in Film und Fernsehen: Physik und Technik, Philosophie, Physiologie und Phsychologie , Asthetik, Anwendung und Dramaturgie der Farben. German (Leipzig, Germany: FotokinoVerlag).
MORGAN, Alan, ed. 1974. Planning colour for your home: all you need to know about colour. English (London, England: Laurie Larson Publications). {interior design}.
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-], and P. ESZTERGAR. 1974. [Quality control of colours]. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: KSZMB).
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 1974. [Colour design for hospital rooms]. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: HMV).
PAWLIK, Johannes [1923-]. 1974. Goethe – Farbenlehre. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont).
PERRY, Robin. 1974. Creative color photography. English (Garden City, New York, USA: American Photographic Book Pub. Co.). {photography}.
PETTIT, Florence Harvey. 1974. America’s indigo blues: resist-printed and dyed textiles of the eighteenth century. English (New York, USA: Hastings House). {dyeing, textiles, history}.
POPE, Arthur [1880-1974], Howard T. FISHER, and James Morton CARPENTER [1914-]. 1974. Color in art. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University).
PORTMANN, Adolf, and Rudolf RITSEMA, eds. 1974. The realms of colour = Die Welt der Farben = Le monde des couleurs, Eranos Conference, Ascona, Switzerland, 1972. English, German, French (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill).
PREUSS, Harold P. 1974. Pigments in paint. English.
RATLIFF, F. 1974. Studies on excitation and inhibition in the retina. English (New York, USA: The Rockefeller University Press). {vision, retina}.
REGLER, Fritz [1901-?]. 1974. Licht und Farbe: physikalische Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Light and colour. German (Munich, Germany: Thiemig).
SACHS, Viola, ed. 1974.Le blanc et le noir chez Melville et Faulkner. French (The Hague, The Netherlands: Mouton).
SHARPE, Deborah T. 1974. The psychology of color and design. English (Chicago, USA: Nelson-Hall). New ed. 1982.
SHAW, Robin, and Jennifer SHAW. 1974. Batik: new look at an ancient art. English (Garden City, New York, USA: Doubleday). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
SIVIK, Lars [1933-]. 1974. Colour meaning and perceptual colour dimensions: a study of exterior colours. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports vol. 4, Nr. 11). {psychology, semiotics}.
SIVIK, Lars [1933-]. 1974. Colour meaning and perceptual colour dimensions: a study of colour samples. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports vol. 4, Nr. 1). {psychology, semiotics}.
SIVIK, Lars [1933-]. 1974. Measuring the meaning of colors: problems of semantic bipolarity. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports vol. 4, Nr. 12). {psychology, semiotics}.
SIVIK, Lars [1933-]. 1974. Measuring the meaning of colors: reliability and stability. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports). {psychology, semiotics}.
SLABY, David, and Jean ROBERTS. 1974. Color vision deficiencies in youths 12-17 years of age, United States. English (Rockville, Maryland, USA: National Center for Health Statistics). {vision, color vision defects}.
SOUTHWORTH, Miles. 1974. Color separation tecniques. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: North American Publishing Company).
STIER, Olga. 1974. Wohnen mit Farbe. German (Salzburg, Austria: Andreas).
TIMMONS, Christine. 1974. The colors book. English (Chicago, USA: Encyclopaedia Britannica). {general, for children}.
VERRIEST, Guy, ed. [1926-?]. 1974. Colour vision deficiencies II, Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies, Edinburgh, June 28-30, 1973. English (Basel, Switzerland: Karger). {vision, color vision defects}.
VERRIEST, Guy. [1926-?]. 1974. Recent advances in the study of the acquired deficiencies of colour vision. Italian (Florence, Italy: Baccini & Chiappi). {vision, color vision defects}.
WASSERMANN, Hercules Petrus. 1974. Ethnic pigmentation: historical physiological and clinical aspects. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Excerpta Medica; New York, USA: Elsevier).
WEALE, R. A. 1974. Theories of light and colour in relation to the history of painting. English (London, England: University of London, doctoral thesis).
WEIGLE, Palmy [1920-]. 1974. Ancient dyes for modern weavers. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {dyes, textiles, crafts}.
ZAKIA, Richard D. 1974. Perception and photography. English (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall). {perception, photography}.
ZAKIA, Richard D., and Hollis N. TODD. 1974. Color primer I & II. English (Dobbs Ferry, New York, USA: Morgan & Morgan).
ZAKIA, Richard D., and Hillis N. TODD. 1974. Photographic sensitometry, 2nd ed. English (Dobbs Ferry, New York, USA: Morgan & Morgan). {photography}.
ALMAN, David H. 1975.A method for determining excitation spectra of opaque fluorescent samples. English (Troy, New York, USA: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
ANDERSON, Mary [1921-]. 1975. Colour healing: chromotherapy, and how it works. English (Wellingborough, England: ThorSons). {health, chromotherapy}.
ARLINKER, R. 1975. Fluorescent whitening agents. English (Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme).
ARNOLD, Wolfgang. 1975. Farbgestaltung: Wissensspeicher mit Aufgabensammlung. German (Berlin, Germany: Verlag für Bauwesen).
BAIXAS F., Isabel, and Francisca PHILIPPI Y. 1975.Teñidos vegetales. Spanish (Santiago de Chile, Chile: Editora Nacional Gabriela Mistral). {dyeing}.
BIRD, Charles Lawrence, and W. S. BOSTON. 1975. The theory of coloration of textiles. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists, Dyers’ Company Publications Trust). {dyeing, textiles}.
BOULTON, Alfredo. 1975. Cruz-Diez. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Ernesto Armitano).
BROBERG, Sidsel [1950-], and Catherine PAUES. 1975. Fargsättning av putsfasader i Stockholm 1880-1930. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Norniedt).
BUCKLEY, Mary L. [1926-], and David BAUM. 1975. Color theory: a guide to information sources. English (Detroit, USA: Gale Research Co.). {arts, bibliography}.
CARTERETTE, Edward C., and Morton P. FRIEDMAN, eds. 1975. Handbook of perception. Vol. 5, Seeing. English (New York, USA: Academic Press).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1975. Colors of light signals: official recommendations. English, French, and German (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 02.2). {lighting, signals}.
CLARK, Linda A. 1975. The ancient art of color therapy; updated, including gem therapy, auras, and amulets. English (Old Green, Connecticut, USA: Devin Adair Co.). {health, chromotherapy}.
Italian translation, Cromoterapia (1989).
ENABNIT, Merlin. 1975. Nature’s basic color concept. English (Des Moines, Iowa, USA: Midwest Advertising Service).
ESCHMANN, Karl. 1975. Die Farbe als Gestaltungsmittel. German (Saarbrücken, Germany: Universitäts- und SchulbuchVerlag).
EUSEMANN, Stephan. 1975. Farbklänge im Innenausbau. German (Würzburg, Germany: Stürtz).
FRANCIS, F. J., and F. M. CLYDESDALE. 1975. Food colorimetry: theory and applications. English (Westport, Connecticut, USA: Avi Publishing Co.). {food industry, colorimetry}.
FRESNAULT-DERUELLE, Pierre. 1975. La couleur et l’espace dans les comics. Italian (Urbino, Italy: Centro Internazionale di Semiotica e di Linguistica, Università di Urbino, Documents de Travail Nr. 40 F).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-], and E. RIB. 1975. Weltbild Farbe. German (Göttingen, Germany).
GASS, William H. 1975. On being blue: a philosophical inquiry. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: D. R. Godine).
GEIGER, Rupprecht [1908-]. 1975. Farbe ist Element. German (Düsseldorf, Germany: Concept Verlag).
GRENDER, Iris. 1975. You and your child playing with colors. English (New York, USA: Knopf Pantheon).
HILL, Tom [1922-]. 1975. Color for the watercolor painter. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {painting}.
HUNTER, Richard Sewall [1909-1991]. 1975. The measurement of appearance. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). 2nd ed. by Richard Sewall Hunter and Richard W. Harold, 1987.
JACOBSEN, N. 1975. The sense of color. A portfolio of visuals. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1975. Harmonic color charts. English (Tokyo, Japan).
KAITERA, Heikk [1937-], Hanno KARTTUNEN, and Juha KYTÖMÄKI. 1975. Värit asuntoalueella. Finnish (Otaniemi, Finland: Otakustantamo).
KUEHNI, Rolf G. [1938-]. 1975. Computer colorant formulation. English (Lexington, Massachusetts, USA: Lexington Books).
LANIER, Graham F., ed. 1975.The rainbow book, being a collection of essays & illustrations devoted to rainbows in particular & spectral sequences in general, focusing on the meaning of color from ancient to modern times. English (San Francisco, USA: Fine Arts Museum).
LEMIRE, Paul A., and Bruce BURK. 1975. Color in dentistry, including a “Supplement to color in dentistry”, with Ney shade guide-simulator in pocket. English (Hartford, Connecticut, USA: Ney).
LEWITT, Sol [1928-]. 1975. Lines and color. English (Zurich, Switzerland: Annemarie Verna). {painting}.
MITCHELL, Bob. 1975 (circa). Color printing. English (Los Angeles, USA: Petersen Pub. Co.). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
PADGHAM, C. A., and J. E. SAUNDERS. 1975. The perception of light and colour. English (New York, USA: Academic Press).
PARKS, Berkeley. 1975. Psychological response to surface color. English (Monticello, Illinois, USA: Council of Planning Librarians).
RAYNAK, Larry, Pat RAYNAK, and LUCIANO. 1975. Batik leather. English (Palo Alto, California, USA: Hidden House / Flash Books). {dyeing, leather, crafts}.
ROIGT, Hubert [1943-], ed. 1975.La couleur. French (Trois Rivières, Quebec, Canada: Éditions BRS).
ROVESTI, P., and G. BONETTI. 1975. Alla ricerci dei cosmestici perduti. Italian (Venice, Italy: Marsilio, Blow-Up).
SCHEERER, G. 1975 (before). Farbfoto-Handbuch. German (Seebruck am Chiemsee, Germany: Heering). {photography}.
Spanish translation, Manual de fotografía en color (Barcelona: Omega, 1975).
SMITHE, Frank B. 1975. Naturalist’s color guide. English (New York, USA: American Museum of Natural History).
STURZAKER, Doreen. 1975. Colour and the Kabbalah. English (Wellingborough, England: ThorSons).
WEBER, Jürgen [1928-]. 1975. Gestalt, Bewegung, Farbe: Kunst u. anschaul. Denken. German (Brunswick, Germany: Westermann).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1976. Proceedings of the AIC Color Dynamics Conference, Budapest, June 8-11, 1976. English, German, French (Budapest, Hungary: OMKDK).
BARTHOLOMEW, Robert. 1976. The use of color in physical environment planning. English (Monticello, Illinois, USA: Council of Planning Librarians). {interior design}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1976. Color perception in art. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1976. Proceedings of the 18th Session, London, 1975. English (Paris, France: CIE). {general, lighting}.
CLARK, Linda A., and Yvonne MARTINE. 1976 (circa). Healt youth, and beauty through color breathing. English (Milbrae, California, USA: Celestial Arts).
DUCRET, Siegfried. 1976 (circa). The color treasury of eghteenth century porcelain, translated by Christine Friedlander. English (New York, USA: Crowell).
EASTMAN KODAK. 1976 (circa). Adventures in color slide photography: a photo slides book from Kodak. English (Rochester, New York, USA: Eastman Kodak). {photography}.
FOX, Denis Llewellyn [1901-?]. 1976 (circa). Animal biochromes and structural colours: physical, chemical, distributional & physiological features of coloured bodies in the animal world, 2nd ed. English (Berkeley, California, USA: University of California Press).
FRIEDMAN, Julius, and Nathan FELDE. 1976. Consider colour; book design, photography and text by images. English (Louisville, Kentucky, USA: Pinaire Lithographing Corp.).
GRIFFITHS, John. 1976. Colour and constitution of organic molecules. English (London, England: Academic Press). {chemistry, organic pigments, dyes}.
HAGEN, Catherine. 1976. Color: a guide for every painter. English (New York, USA: H. Z. Walck). {painting}.
HERAN, Ivan. 1976. Animal coloration: the nature and purpose of colours in vertebrates, translated from the Czech by Stuart Amor. English (London, England; New York, USA: Hamlyn).
HOWARD, Constance. 1976. Embroidery and colour. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
INUI, Masao. 1976. Kenchiku-no shikisai-sekkei [Color design of buildings]. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Kajima Institute Publishing Co.). {architecture}.
KELLY, Kenneth Low [1910-1991], and Deane Brewster JUDD [1900-1972]. 1976. Color: universal language and dictionary of names. English (Washington DC, USA: US Government Printing Office, National Bureau of Standards Special Pub. 440). {terminology, dictionary}.
KRIEG, M. L. 1976. Semantic fields of color words in old French, old English, and middle English. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: UMI Dissertation Services [1995], dissertation).
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1976. Die Logik der Farbe: theoretische Grundlagen der Farbenlehre. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey). 2nd. ed. 1983.
LANDWEHR, John. 1976. Studies in dutch books with coloured plates published 1662-1875. English (The Hague, The Netherlands: Junk).
LARSEN, Jack Lenor, Alfred BÜHLER, Bronwen SOLYON, and Garrett SOLYON. 1976. The dyer’s art: ikat, batik, plangi. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
LEMONNIER, André. 1976. Echelles et schémas. Couleur. French (Paris, France: Centre Pompidou).
LEWINSKI, Jerge, and Bob CLARK. 1976. Colour in focus. English (Kings Langley, Hertfordshire, England: Fountain Press).
LINDBERG, David C. 1976 (circa). Theories of vision from Al-Kindi to Kepler. English (Chicago, USA: The University of Chicago Press).
MARSICH, Ellen E. 1976.Pigment section-raw materials index. English (Washington DC, USA: National Paint and Coatings Association).
MORADIAN, S. 1976. Indices of metamerism. English (Bradford, York, England: University of Bradford, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
NORDENFALK, Carl. 1976. Color of the Middle Ages. A survey of books illumination, based on color facsimiles of Medieval manuscripts. English (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA: University Art Gallery). {painting, graphic arts}.
OATA, Akio, and Eisuke KAWARA. 1976. Shikisai to Haishoku [Color harmony]. Japanese (Japan: Graphic-sha Co.).
PASCO, Allan H. 1976.The color-keys to A la recherche du temps perdu. English (Geneva, Switzerland: Droz).
POLING, Clark V. 1976. Bauhaus color, catalog of the exhibition, High Museum of Art, January 31 – March 14, 1976. English (Atlanta, USA: High Museum of Art). {arts, design}.
PORTER, Tom, and Byron MIKELLIDES [1943-], eds. 1976. Colour for architecture. English (London, England: Studio Vista). New ed., Colour for architecture today (London, England: Taylor & Francis, 2008). {architecture}.
POWELL, William F. 1976. Understanding color. English (Laguna Hills, California, USA: Walter Foster Publishing).
RICHTER, Manfred [1905-1990]. 1976. Einführung in die Farbmetrik. German (Berlin, Germany: Mouton de Gruyter). {colorimetry}.
ROMESKIE, M. I. 1976. Chromatic opponent-response functions of anomalous trichromats. English (Providence, Rhode Island, USA: Brown University, doctoral thesis). {vision, color vision defects}.
SIVIK, Lars [1933-]. 1976. Distances between colors: a comparison of different structures. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg). {psychology, psychometry}.
THOMPSON, Neil [1929-]. 1976. Colour and chaos. English (London, England).
TIME-LIFE BOOKS. 1976 (circa). Color. English (New York, USA: Time-Life Books).
TURNER, G. P. A. 1976. Introduction to paint chemistry. English (London, England: Science paperbacks). {applied chemistry, paints}.
VERRIEST, Guy, ed. [1926-?]. 1976. Colour vision deficiencies III. English (Basel, Switzerland: Karger). {vision, color vision defects}.
WAKEMAN, Geoffrey. 1976. The production of the nineteenth century colour illustration. English (Loughbourgh, England: Plough Press).
WEIGLE, Palmy [1920-]. 1976. Color exercises for the weaver. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {crafts}.
ABRAHART, E. N. 1977. Dyes and their intermediates. English (London, England: Edward Arnold). {dyes}.
BARTLESON, C. James [1929-1987]. 1977. Factors affecting color appearance and measurement by psychophysical methods. English (London, England: The City University, doctoral dissertation). {colorimetry, psychophysics}.
BAMFORD, G. R. 1977. Glass science and technology: 2. Colour generation and control in glass. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier). {glass}.
BRUNO, Vincent J. 1977. Form and color in Greek painting. English (New York, USA: Norton). {painting}.
CAIRO, James E. 1977. The neurophysiological basis of basic color terms. English (Binghamton, New York, USA: State University of New York, PhD dissertation).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1977. Radiometric and photometric characteristics of materials and their measurement. English (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 38, TC-2.3). {optics, photometry, radiometry}.
Spanish translation of the previous report on which this publication is based, Características radiométricas y fotométricas de los materiales y su medición (Buenos Aires: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial, 1975).
COCK, Alfons, and Floor Van DUSSELDORP. 1977. Colour finishes for farm buildings. English (London, England: Design Council).
CURTIS, Roger Williman [1910-]. 1977. Color in outdoor painting, edited by Charles Movalli. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {painting}.
DÜRBECK, H. 1977.Zur Charakteristik der griechischen Farbenbezeichnungen. German.
ENGDAHL, David A. 1977 (circa). Color printing: materials, processes, color control, 4th ed. English (Garden City, New York, USA: American Photographic Book Pub. Co.). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
HAILMAN, Jack Parker [1936-]. 1977. Optical signals: animal comunication and light. English (Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press). {zoology}.
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1977. Color arrangement for interiors. English (Tokyo, Japan).
JELER, Stanislava (Slava), et al. 1977.Slovar barvne metrike [Vocabulary of colorimetric terms]. Slovenian (Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor, Faculty of Technical Sciences). {colorimetry}.
KOWALISKI, Paul [1908-1977]. 1977 (before). Vision et mesure de la couleur, posthumous edition. French (Paris, France: Masson, 1978). 2nd ed. updated by Françoise Viénot and Robert Sève, 1990. {vision, colorimetry}.
LEE, Welton L., ed. 1977 (circa). Carotenoproteins in animal coloration. English (Strasburg, Pennsylvania, USA: Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross).
LÜSCHER, Max [1923-]. 1977. Der Vierfarbenmensch oder der Weg zum inneren Gleichgewicht. German (Munich, Germany: Mosaik). {psychology}.
English translation by Joachim Neugroschel, The four-color person (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1979).
PAO, Y. H., ed. 1977. Optoacustic spectroscopy and detection. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {spectroscopy}.
PORTMANN, Adolf, et al. 1977. Color symbolism: six excerpts from the Eranos Yearbook, 1972. English (Dallas, USA: Spring Publications).
PROSKAUER, Heinrich Oskar. 1977. Zum Studium von Goethes Farbenlehre. German (Basel, Switzerland: Zbinden).
RODNYJ, N. I., and Ju. I. SOLOWJEW. 1977. Wilhelm Ostwald. German (Leipzig, Germany: Teubner). {biography}.
RÜTH, U. M. 1977. Die Farbgebung in der Byzantinischen Wandmalerei der spätpaläologischen Epoche (1341-1453). German (Bonn, Germany: PhD thesis).
RYAN, Roderick T. 1977. A history of motion picture color technology. English (London, England; New York, USA: The Focal Press).
SAATY, Thomas Lorie, and Paul C. KAINEN. 1977. The four-color problem, assaults and conquest. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). {mathematics}.
VAN ZANTEN, David [1943-]. 1977. The architectural polychromy of the 1830’s. English (New York, USA: Garland Publishing). {architecture}.
WILLIS, Victoria Jane. 1977. Bibliography on color & light; theory and aplications. English (London, England: Council of Planning Librairians). {general, bibliography}.
WITHERS, Daniel. 1977. San Antonio: a history of color and graphics. English (San Antonio, Texas, USA: San Antonio Conservation Society).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1978. AIC Color 77, Proceedings of the 3rd Congress, Troy, New York, July 10-15, 1977, edited by Fred Wallace Billmeyer Jr. and Günter Wyszecki. English (Bristol, England: Adam Hilger).
BALDWIN, H. 1978. Colour on buildings: 1500-1800. English (England: Oxford Polytechnic, Department of Architecture).
BARASCH, Moshe. 1978. Light and color in the Italian Renaissance theory of art. English (New York, USA: New York University Press). {arts}.
Italian translation, Luce e colore nella teoria artistica del Rinascimento (Genova: Marietti, 1992).
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1978. Color and human response: aspects of light and color bearing on the reactions of living things and the welfare of humans beings. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). New ed. 1984.
BLAKEY, R. R., and G. LANDON. 1978. Measuring colour. English (Billingham, England: BTP Dioxide). {colorimetry}.
BRANLEY, Franklyn M. 1978. Color: from rainbows to lasers. English (New York, USA: Crowell).
CHAKRAVARTI, Tapo Nath. 1978.The universe of colour: modern Western and ancient Indian perspectives. English (Calcutta, India: Putul Chakravarti).
COOTE, Jack A. 1978. The photoguide to colour printing from negatives & slides. English (London, England: The Focal Press). {photography}.
Spanish translation by Elena Torres, Copias en color de negativos y diapositivas (Barcelona: Omega, 1978).
FRIEDMAN, J. M. 1978.Color printing in England: 1486-1870. English (New Haven, Connecticut, USA: Yale Center for British Art). {printing industry, graphic arts, history}.
FSCT (Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology), ed. 1978. Color matching aptitude test. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: FSCT).
GLOAG, H. L., and Mary J. GOLD. 1978. Colour co-ordination handbook. Background to the British Standard framework for co-ordinating colours of building materials. English, with introduction also in French, German, Russian, and Spanish (London, England: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office).
HAYTEN, Peter J. 1978.El color en la arquitectura y decoración. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Las Ediciones del Arte). {architecture, interior design}.
HEATH, T. 1978. Colour for structures in the landscape. English (New Zealand: Lincoln College).
HEDGECOE, John. 1978. The art of colour photography. English (London, England: Mitchell Beazley). {photography}.
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1978. Chroma Cosmos 5000. English (Tokyo, Japan).
KOCIK, J., J. NEBRENSKY, and I. FANDERLIK. 1978. Barveni skla. Czech (Prague, Czech Republic: Nakladetelstvi Techniké Literatury).
KRISTOL, A. M. 1978.Color. Las langues romanes devant le phénoméne de la couleur. French (Zurich, Switzerland: Franke Berne).
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1978. Das Grundgesetz der Farbenlehre. Eine didaktische Konzeption der Farbenlehre für den Unterricht und ein Kompendium für den Lernenden Tachenbuch. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont). 4th ed. 1985. 5th ed. 1988. {general}.
English translation by Roger Marcinik, The basic law of color theory (Woodbury, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 1982).
Spanish translation by Michael Faber-Kaiser, Fundamentos de la teoría de los colores (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1980). 4th ed. 1992.
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1978. DuMont’s Farben Atlas. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont). 3rd ed. 1984. 5th ed. 1988. New ed. (Cologne, Germany: DuMont, 1999). {order systems, atlas}.
English ed., translated by Roger Marcinik, Color atlas: a practical guide for color mixing (Woodbury, New York: Barron’s Educational Series, 1982).
Spanish ed., translated by Félix de la Fuente, Atlas de los colores. Más de 5.500 matices con su caracterización y las instrucciones para su mezcla (Barcelona: Blume, 1979). 4th ed. 1992. New Spanish ed., translated by Margarita Gutiérrez Manuel, Atlas de los colores (Barcelona: Blume, 2002).
LANG, Heinwig. 1978. Farbmetrik und Farbfernsehen. German (Munich, Germany: Oldenbourg). {colorimetry, television}.
LEVIN, G. 1978. Synchromism and American color abstraction 1910-1925. English.
LOZANO, Roberto Daniel [1934-]. 1978. El color y su medición. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Américalee). {general, colorimetry}.
MARCOLLI, Atilio. 1978. Teoria del campo 2. Corso di metodologia della visione. Italian (Florence, Italy: Sansoni).
Spanish translation, Teoría del campo (Madrid: Xarait, 1978).
PIERMAN, Brian C., ed. 1978. Color in the health care environment. English (Washington DC, USA: National Bureau of Standards, Special Pub. 516).
STILES, Walter Stanley [1901-1985]. 1978. Mechanisms of colour vision. English (London, England: Academic Press).
STOREY, Joyce. 1978. The Thames and Hudson manual of dyes and fabrics. English (London, England: Thames and Hudson). {dyeing}.
TAUBERT, J. 1978. Farbige Skulpturen: Bedeutung, Fassung, Restaurierung. German.
TERK-DELAUNAY, Sonia [1885-1979], and Robert DELAUNAY [1885-1941]. 1978. The new art of color. The writings of Robert and Sonia Delaunay, edited by Arthur A. Cohen. English (New York, USA: Viking Press).
TRSTENJAK, Anton [?-2000?]. 1978. Clovek in barve [Men and colors]. Slovenian (Ljubljana, Slovenia: Dopisma delavska univerza Univerzum).
TSUKADA, Kan. 1978. Shinrisai no Bigaku [Aesthetics of colors]. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Kinokuniya Shoten).
WASSERMAN, Gerald S. [1937-]. 1978. Color vision: an historical introduction. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
AGOSTON, George A. 1979. Color theory and its application in art and design. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). 2nd revised and updated ed., 1987.
AHMED, Mukhtar. 1979. Coloring of plastics: theory and practice. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {plastics}.
BAROCCHI, Paola, ed. 1979. Scritti d’arte del Cinquecento. Vol. 9, Colore. Italian (Turin, Italy: Einaudi).
BOOS-HAMBURGER, Hilde [1887-?]. 1979. Die schöpferische Kraft der Farbe. English (Basel, Switzerland: R. G. Zbinden).
BOYNTON, Robert M. 1979. Human color vision. English (New York, USA: Holt and Rinehart-Winston). 2nd revised and enlarged ed. by Peter K. Kaiser and Robert M. Boynton (Washington DC: Optical Society of America, 1996). {vision}.
ESTÉVEZ USCANGA, Oscar. 1979. On the fundamental data-base of normal and dichromatic color vision. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: University of Amsterdam, PhD thesis). {vision, color vision defects}.
FAVRE, Jean-Paul, and André NOVEMBER. 1979. Color and und et communication. English-German-French trilingual edition: English translation by Sandra Favre-Byles, German translation by Peter Naujack (Zurich, Switzerland: ABC). {marketing, advertising}.
FOX, Dennis Llewellyn [1901-?]. 1979. Biochromy. English.
GAVEL, J. 1979. Colour: a study of its position in the art theory of the Quattro- and Cinquecento. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Studies in the History of Art, XXXII). {arts, history}.
GRUM, Franc [1922-1985], and R. BECHERER. 1979. Optical radiation measurement. Vol. 1, Radiometry. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {radiometry}.
HÅRD, Anders [1922-2009], and Lars SIVIK [1933-]. 1979. Färganalys av byggnadsmaterial. Resultatspridning vid färgbedömningar med likare samt jämförelse med fysikalisk inmätning [Color analysis of building materials]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F19). {architecture}.
HERON, P. 1979. The colour of colour. English (Austin, Texas, USA: University of Texas).
HOGG, J. H. 1979. The experience of colour. English (London, England: New Society).
ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries), Ltd. [1926-]. 1979. Reactive dyes. English (London, England: ICI). {dyes}.
LEWITT, Sol [1928-]. 1979. Geometric figures & color. English (New York, USA: Harry N. Abrams). {painting}.
MAFFEI, Lamberto, and Luciano MECACCI. 1979. La visione dalla neurofisiologia alla psicologia. Italian (Milan, Italy). {physiology, vision, psychology}.
MARTIN, Maurice. 1979. Die Kontroverse um die Farbenlehre. German (Switzerland: Novalis).
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 1979. Die Farbe als ein Bauelement des architektonischen Raumes. Fragen der Farbenharmonie. German (Budapest, Hungary: dissertation). {aesthetics, harmony, architecture}.
NUNN, D. M. 1979. The dyeing of synthetic-polymer and acetate fibres. English (Bradford, York, England: Dyers’ Company Publications Trust). {dyeing}.
PARRIS, N. G. 1979. Adolf Hoelzel’s structural and color theory and its relationship to the development of the basic course at the Bauhaus. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: University of Pennsylvania, PhD thesis).
POKORNY, Joel, Vivianne C. SMITH, Guy VERRIEST [1926-?], et al., eds. 1979. Congenital and acquired color vision defects. English (New York, USA: Grune and Stratton). {vision, color vision defects}.
ROSSET, Roland, and Pascale LIGER. 1979. La couleur de la viande. French (Paris, France: APRIA, Actualités scientifiques et techniques en industries agro-alimentaires. Série Synthèse Bibliographique 22). {food industry}.
SALICE, Maria Elda. 1979. La tintura naturale. Italian (Milan, Italy: Sonzogno). {dyeing}.
SCNEIDER, Gudrun. 1979. Färben mit Naturfarben. German (Germany).
SIVIK, Lars [1933-], and Anders HÅRD [1922-2009]. 1979. Färg och varierande yttre betingelser [Color and varying external conditions]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F17).
SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. 1979. Färgbeteckningar [Color notation]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: SIS, Swedish Standard SS 01 91 00).
SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. 1979. NCS colour atlas. English, Swedish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish (Stockholm, Sweden: SIS, Swedish Standard SS 01 91 02). 2nd ed. 1989. 3rd ed. 1996. {order systems, atlas}.
TORNAY, Serge, ed. 1979. Voir et nommer les couleurs. French (Nanterre, France: Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative). New ed. 1979. New ed. (Paris, France: Klincksiek, 1994).
VAN DER LEIJ, M. 1979.Spectral selective surface for thermal conversion of solar energy. English (Delft, The Netherlands: Delft University of Technology, PhD thesis). {sources of energy}.
WEBBER, Thomas G. 1979. Coloring of plastics. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {plastics}.
ZUMBÜHL, Hugo. 1979.Tintes naturales para lana de oveja. Spanish (Huancayo, Peru: Kamaq Maki). 2nd ed. 1986.
ASTRUA, Massimo. 1980. Principi di fotocromia. Italian (Milan, Italy: Editoriale A-Z). {photometry, colorimetry, photography, reproduction devices}.
Spanish translation by L. Tapiz, Fotocromía básica. Tecnología convencional y electrónica (Barcelona: Ediciones Don Bosco, 1982).
BASTEN, Fred E. 1980. Glorious technicolor: the movies’ magic rainbow. English (South Brunswick, New York, USA: Barnes). {cinema}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1980. Color systems and standards. English (Stamford, Connecticut, USA: The author). {order systems}.
BIRREN, Faber [1900-1988]. 1980. The textile colorist. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
BOXALL, J., and J. A. VON FRAUNHOFER. 1980. Paint formulation. English.
BRINO, Giovanni, and Franco ROSSO. 1980. Colore e città. Il piano del colore di Torino 1800-1850. Italian, with an English text (Milan, Italy: Idea Books). 2nd ed. 1987. {urban planning, architecture, restoration}.
CHAMBERLIN, Gordon James [1905-1991]. 1980. Colour, its measurement, computation, and application. English (London, England: Heyden). {colorimetry}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1980. Proceedings of the 19th Session, Kyoto, 1979. English (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 50).
CRUZ-DIEZ, Carlos [1923-]. 1980. Didáctica y dialéctica del color. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Universidad Simón Bolívar, Museo de Arte).
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 1980. Handbook of color science. English (Tokyo, Japan: University of Tokyo Press). 2nd ed. 1998.
DOUMET, Joseph E. 1980.Étude sur la couleur pourpre ancienne et tentative de reproduction du procédé de teinture de la ville de Tyr décrit par Pline l’Ancien. French (Beirut, Lebanon: Imprimerie Catholique). {dyeing}.
DÜTTMANN, Martina, Friedrich SCHMUCK, and Johannes UHL. 1980. Farbe im Stadtbild. German (Berlin, Germany: Archibook Verlagsgesellschaft).
English translation by John William Bagriel, Color in townscape (San Francisco, California: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1981).
Spanish translation by Ramón Ribalta Ribalta, El color en la arquitectura (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1982).
ECKER, H. 1980. Versuch einer psychologischen Phänomenologie der Unbuntfarben. German (Salzburg, Austria: dissertation). {psychology}.
FABIAN, J., and H. HARTMANN. 1980. Light absorption of organic colorants: theoretical treatment and empirical rules. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {colorants}.
GARCÍA BERMEJO, S. 1980. Código forma/color. Una concepción integral del color y de la forma con aplicaciones y comprobaciones psicológicas. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Oriens). {psychology}.
GIMBEL, Theo. 1980.Healing through colour. English (Saffron Waldon, Essex, England: The C. W. Daniel Co.). {health, chromotherapy}.
GREENLER, Robert. 1980. Rainbows, haloes and glories. English (Cambridge University Press).
GRUM, Franc [1922-1985], and C. James BARTLESON [1929-1987], eds. 1980. Optical radiation measurement. Vol. 2, Color measurement. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {colorimetry}.
HERING-MITGAU, M., et al. 1980. Von Farbe und Farben: Albert Knoepffli zum 70. Geburtstag. German.
IZMAILOV, C. A. 1980.Spherical model of color recognition mechanism. English (MGU Press).
LUZZATTO, Lia, and Renata POMPAS. 1980. Il linguaggio del colore. Italian (Milan, Italy: Il Castello). 3rd ed. 1988. 5th ed. 1995.
MELNIKOV, L. N. 1980. Programmy, algorytmy, konstruktsii: sintez tsveta i muzyki [Program, algorithms, constructions: the synthesis of color and music]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Nauka). {color-music}.
OSBORNE, Roy M. [1948-]. 1980. Lights and pigments, colour principles for artists. English (London, England: Murray). {painting}.
PARINI, Pino, and Maurizio CALVESI. 1980. Il linguaggio visivo. Italian (Florence, Italy).
ROUSSEAU, René-Lucien. 1980. Le langage des couleurs. Energie, symbolisme, vibrations et cycles des structures colorées. French (Saint Jean de Braye, France: Dangles).
Portuguese translation, A linguagem das cores: a energia, o simbolismo, as vibrações e os ciclos das estruturas coloridas (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Pensamento, 1980).
Spanish translation by Alberto Vázquez-Prego, El lenguaje de los colores. Energía, simbolismo, vibraciones y ciclos de las estructuras coloreadas (Buenos Aires: Lidiun, 1985).
VARLEY, Helen, H. ARMSTRONG, and P. MORGAN, eds. 1980. Colour. English (London, England: Marshall Editions). {general}.
Italian translation, Colore (Milan: Idea Libri, 1982). 2nd ed. 1987.
Spanish translation and scientific revision by Pawlowsky, El gran libro del color (Barcelona: Blume, 1982).
VERITY, Enid. 1980. Color observed. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
VERRIEST, Guy, ed. [1926-?]. 1980. Colour vision deficiencies V. English (Bristol, England: Adam Hilger). {vision, color vision defects}.
VOKE, Janet. 1980. Colour vision testing. English (London, England: Keeler). { vision, color vision defects}.
WILLUMSEN, Urban. 1980. Different colour theories and systems. English (Sandefjord, Norway: Norsk Farveforum).
YURYEV, Florian I. 1980. [On color, music of color, and color music of word]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Diafilm). {aesthetics, color-music}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1981. AIC Color 81, Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the International Color Association, Berlin, September 21-25, 1981, 2 vols., edited by Manfred Richter. English (mainly), German (some), French (few) (Berlin, Germany: Deutsche Farbwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft).
BUCKLEY, Robert R. 1981. Digital color image coding and the geometry of color space. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD thesis). {computers, order systems}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1981. A method for assessing the quality of daylight simulators for colorimetry. English (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 51). 2nd ed., including a supplement (Vienna: CIE, Pub. 51.2, 1999). {colorimetry, lighting}.
COUNSELL, J. N., ed. 1981. Natural colours for food and other uses. English (London, England: Applied Science Publishers).
FIELER, Gretel. 1981. Färben aus Natur. German (Germany).
FSCT (Federation of Societies for Coatings Technology). 1981. Glossary of color terms. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: FSCT).
GASSAN, Arnold. 1981. The color print book. English (Rochester, New York, USA: Light Impressions Corp.). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
GERICKE, Lothar, Otto RICHTER, and Klaus SCHÖNE. 1981. Farbgestaltung in der Arbeitsumwelt. German (Berlin, Germany: Tribüne).
GERSTNER, Karl [1930-]. 1981. The spirit of color. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press). {arts}.
HÅRD, Anders [1922-2009], Lars SIVIK [1933-], and Åke SVEDMYR [1948-]. 1981. Färgskillnad. En studie av begreppet [Color difference. A study of the concept]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F20).
HAUSCHKA-STAVENHAGEN, Margarethe. 1981. Zur Kuensterischen Therapie. German (Göppingen, Germany: Boll). {health, chromotherapy}.
English translation by Vera Taberner, Fundamentals of artistic therapy based on spiritual science (Spring Valley, New York: Mercury Press, 1997).
HITA VILLAVERDE, Enrique. 1981. La visión del color y sus anomalías. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada). {vision, color vision defects}.
HURVICH, Leo Maurice [1910-2009]. 1981. Color vision. English (Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA: Sinauer Associates). {vision}.
JACOBS, Gerald H. 1981. Comparative color vision. English (Toronto, Canada: Academic Press). {vision}.
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1981. Chromaton 707. English (Tokyo, Japan).
KÜLLER, Rikard [1938-2009]. 1981. Non-visual effects of light and colour: annotated bibliography. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Council for Building Research).
MacADAM, David Lewis [1910-1998]. 1981. Color measurement: theme and variations. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). 2nd ed. 1985. {colorimetry}.
MAXWELL-STUART, P. G. 1981. Studies in Greek colour terminology, 2 vols. Vol. 1, Glaucos. Vol. 2, Kharopos. English (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill). {philology, terminology}.
NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL, Committee on Vision, Working-Group 41. 1981. Procedures for testing color vision. English (Washington DC, USA: National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council). Also available at, or {vision, color vision defects}.
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 1981. [Importance of color harmonies in architecture]. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: Publications of the TUB Scientific Session). {harmony, architecture}.
NOORLANDER, Cornelis [1952-]. 1981. The spatiotemporal line element in colour space. English (Utrecht, The Netherlands: Drukkerij Elinkwijk, doctoral thesis). {vision}
PIERANTONI, Ruggero. 1981. L’occhio e l’idea. Fisiologia e storia della visione. Italian (Turin, Italy).
Spanish translation, El ojo y la idea (Barcelona, Spain: Paidós, 1985).
ROQUERO, Ana, and Carmen CÓRDOBA. 1981. Manual de tintes de origen natural para lanas. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Serbal).
SDC (Society of Dyers and Colourists). 1981. Golden jubilee of colour in the CIE. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists).
SHERMAN, Paul D. 1981. Colour vision in the nineteenth century: the Young-Helmholtz-Maxwell theory. English (Bristol, England: Adam Hilger). {vision}.
STIERLIN, Henri, ed. 1981.The spirit of colours: the art of Karl Gerstner. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press). {aesthetics}.
SU, Yexin. 1981. Basic theory of colour optics. English (China: Shangdong Science and Technical Publishing House). {optics}.
VINROOT, Sally, and Jennie CROWDER. 1981. The new dyer. English (Loveland, Colorado, USA: Interweave Press). {dyeing}.
WALRAVEN, Jan. 1981. Chromatic induction. English (Utrecht, The Netherlands: University of Utrecht, doctoral dissertation).
WARFEL, William B., and Walter R. KLAPPERT. 1981. Color science for lighting the stage. English (New Haven, Connecticut, USA: Yale University Press). {lighting, theater}.
BONAVERA, Vittorio T. 1982.Modelo biofísico relativo a sensaciones de los colores. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: The author).
BRENNER, Athalya. 1982. Color terms in the Old Testament. English (Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press).
BRINO, Giovanni. 1982. Colore e arredo urbano. Giulianova. Italian (Florence, Italy: Alinea). {urban planning, architecture, restoration}.
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1982. Licht und Farbe am Arbeitsplatz. German (Bad Wörishofen, Germany: Verlagsgemeinschaft für Wirtschaftpublizistik).
GALLY, Rosa. 1982. Teñido de lana con plantas. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Arbol). {dyeing}.
GÖRTZ, W. 1982.Photoakustikspektroskopische Untersuchungen an festen Stoffen und festen Lösungen. German (Düsseldorf, Germany: Universität Düsseldorf, dissertation). {spectroscopy}.
HERWIG, Ellis. 1982. The handbook of color photography. How to see and photograph color in all situations with any camera and get the results you want. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill, AMPHOTO Books). {photography}.
IVTPA. 1982. Proprietà meccaniche e colore degli alimenti. Italian (Milan, Italy: IVTPA, Monografia).
LENCLOS, Jean-Philippe [1938-], and Dominique LENCLOS. 1982. Couleurs de la France. Géographie de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Le Moniteur).
English ed., The colors of France: architecture and landscape (Paris, France: Le Moniteur, 1982).
LOZANO, Roberto Daniel [1934-], ed. 1982.Simposio sobre Color en Alimentos, Actas. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial).
LUKACS, Georgy. 1982. [Colorimetry]. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: Müszaki Kiadó).
MARZOTTO CAOTORTA, Francesca. 1982. I segreti dei colori naturali. Italian (Milan, Italy: Rizzoli).
MONTANI, P., comp. 1982. Il colore. Italian (Venice, Italy).
OVERHEIM, R. Daniel, and David L. WAGNER. 1982. Light and color. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
PEASE, P. 1982. Color and color vision. English (USA: American Association of Physics Teachers). {vision}.
PEDROSA, Israel. 1982. Da cor à cor inexistente. Portuguese (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Leo Christiano Editora).
POLING, Clark V. 1982.Kandinsky – Unterricht am Bauhaus; Farben seminar und analytisches Zeichnen. German (Weingarten, Germany: Kunstverlag Weingarten). {painting, drawing}.
Dutch edition (DeBilt, The Netherlands: Cantecleer, 1983).
English ed., Kandinsky’s teaching at the Bauhaus: Color theory and analytical drawings (New York: Rizzoli, 1987).
PORTER, Tom. 1982. Architectural color: a design guide to using color on buildings. English (New York, USA: Whitney Library of Design). {architecture}.
PORTER, Tom. 1982. Colour outside. English (London, England: Architectural Press). {architecture}.
Spanish translation by Jeane Grant de Jiménez and Ann Grenville Mulbry, Color ambiental. Aplicaciones en arquitectura (Mexico City: Trillas, 1988).
REHFUS-DECHÊNE, B. 1982.Farbesgebung und Farbenlehre in der deutschen Malerei um 1800. German.
REVELLI, Clare. 1982. Color & you. Discover now the right colors can make you look your best, enhace your wardrobe, your image, and everything you do!. English (New York, USA: Simon & Schuster, a Wallaby book). {dress}.
SCANDINAVIAN COLOUR INSTITUTE [1978-]. 1982. Färgdag 1982 [Color day 1982]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F25).
SILVESTRINI, Narciso, ed. 1982. Colore, codice e norma. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Zanichelli).
SORTE, G. J. 1982.Visuellt urskiljbara egenskaper hos föremål i den byggda miljön [Visually distinguishable attributes in the built environment]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Council for Building Research, BFR R5 1982).
SPILLMANN, Werner [1933-]. 1982. Farbe als Gestaltungselement der Architektur. German (Zurich, Switzerland: Swiss Research Center for Building Rationalization, textbook of color courses). {architecture}.
STEINER, Wendy. 1982. The colors of rhetoric. English (Chicago, USA: University of Chicago).
SWEDISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. 1982. Färg och lack. Mättning av speglande glans hos icke-metallpigmenterade färgskikt vid 20 grader, 60 grader och 85 grader [Paint and varnish. Measuring reflecting gloss in non-metallic pigmented paint coatings at 20, 60, and 85 degrees]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: SIS, Swedish Standard SS 18 41 84).
AATCC (American Association of Textile Colorists and Chemists), Committee RA36 on Color Measurement. 1983. Color technology in the textile industry. English (Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA: AATCC). 2nd ed. 1997 {textiles}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1983. The Forsius Symposium on Colour Order Systems, AIC Midterm Meeting, Kungälv, Sweden, August 25-28, 1983, 2 vols. Vol. 1, Papers received in advance as a basis for discussion. Vol 2, Invited lectures, glimpses from discussions and moderators reports, edited by Anders Hård and Lars Sivik. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Reports F26 and F28). {order systems}.
ASTALS COMA, Francesc. 1983. El color y su aplicación en la industria gráfica. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona). {printing industry}.
BELL, J. 1983. Color and theory in Seicento art: Zaccolini’s “prospettiva del colore” and the heritage of Leonardo. English (Providence, Rhode Island, USA: Brown University, doctoral thesis).
BLAY, Michel. 1983. La conceptualisation newtonienne des phénomènes de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Vrin). {optics}.
BOULOGNE, Daniel. 1983. Les raisons de la couleur, dans les espaces de vie et de travail. French (Paris, France: Éditions Alternatives).
BRINO, Giovanni. 1983. Colore e arredo urbano. Banchette. Italian (Florence, Italy: Alinea). {urban planning, architecture, restoration}.
BRUSATIN, Manlio. 1983. Storia dei colori. Italian (Turin, Italy: Einaudi). {history, arts, dyes}.
English translation, A history of colors (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Shambala, 1992).
French translation by Claude Lauriol, with a preface by Louis Marin, Histoire des couleurs (Paris: Flammarion, 1986). New eds., 1992, 1996.
Spanish translation by Rosa Premat, Historia de los colores (Barcelona: Paidós, 1987).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1983. Proceedings of the 20th Session, Amsterdam, 1983. English (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 56). {general, lighting}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1983. Recommendations for surface colours for visual signalling. English (Paris, France: CIE, Pub. 39.2). {lighting, signals}.
EISEMAN, Leatrice. 1983. Alive with color. English (Reston, Virginia, USA: Acropolis Books).
FADEYEV, G. N. 1983. [Chemistry and color]. Russian (Russia: Prosveshenye).
GORDON, P. F., and Peter GREGORY. 1983. Organic chemistry in colour. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {chemistry, organic pigments}.
HÅRD, Anders [1922-2009], Lars SIVIK [1933-], and Åke SVEDMYR [1948-]. 1983. Belysning och färgseende II. Undersökning av färgade föremåls olika färg under tre vanligen förekommande ljuskällor [Light and color vision II. Study of colored objects’ different color and the three commonly occurring light sources]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F23). {psychology, color perception}.
HEALEY, Deryck. 1983. Living with colour. English (London, England: MacMillan).
HEBING, Julius. 1983. Welt, Farbe und Mensch -Studien und Übungen zur Farbenlehre. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Freies Geistesleben).
JACKSON, Carole. 1983. Colour me beautiful – Entdecken Sie Ihre natürliche Schönheit durch Ihre Farben. German (Bern, Switzerland: Hallwag Verlag).
KÓS-DIENES, D. 1983. Om Färgtermernas Symboliska Använding. Swedish (Gothenburg, Sweden: Papers in Anthropological Linguistics 10).
KREWINKEL, Heinz W. 1983. Baugestaltung mit Farbe. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt).
KUEHNI, Rolf G. [1938-]. 1983. Color, essence and logic. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
LEE, Mahn-Young. 1983. A study of elemental hues with color-naming techniques. English (Seoul, Korea: Korea University, PhD dissertation). {terminology}.
MARX, Ellen [1939-]. 1983. Couleur optique. French (Paris, France: Dessain et Tolra). {aesthetics, harmony}.
English translation by Geoffrey O’Brien, Optical color & simultaneity (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1983).
McLAREN, Keith [?-1990]. 1983. The colour science of dyes and pigments. English (Bristol, England: Adam Hilger). 2nd ed. 1986. {colorimetry, dyes, colorants, paints}.
MOLLON, John D., and Lindsay T. SHARPE, eds. 1983. Colour vision: physiology and psychophysics. English (London, England: Academic Press). {physiology, vision, psychophysics}.
NASSAU, Kurt. 1983. The physics and chemistry of color: the fifteen causes of color. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). 2nd ed. 2001. {optics, applied chemistry}.
NIXDORFF, H., and H. MÜLLER. 1983. Weisse Westen- Rote Roben: von der Farbordnung des Mittelalters zum individuellen Farbgeschmack. German (Berlin, Germany: Staatische Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz).
RASKE, Hilde. 1983. Das Farbenwort. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Freies Geistesleben). {philosophy, arts, aesthetics}.
English translation, The language of color in the first Goetheanum: a study of Rudolf Steiner’s art (Dornach, Switzerland: Walter Keller).
SPROSON, William Noel. 1983.Colour science in television and display systems. English (Bristol, England: Adam Hilger). {television, reproduction devices}.
TORNQUIST, Jorrit [1938-]. 1983. Colore-luce (basic design). Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli). {general, color, lighting}.
WALDMAN, Gary. 1983. Introduction to light. The physics of light, vision and color. English (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall).
WILLIAMSON, Samuel Johns [1939-], and Herman Zachary CUMMINS [1933-]. 1983. Light and color in nature and art. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {general, arts}.
ZRENNER, Eberhart. 1983. Neurophysiological aspects of color vision in primates. Comparative studies on simian retinal ganglion cells and the human visual system. English (New York, USA: Springer). {vision}.
ARCO PUBLISHING, Inc. 1984. Sight, light and color. English (New York, USA: Arco Publishing, Inc.).
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). 1984. ASTM standards on color and appearance measurement. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: ASTM). 5th ed. 1996. 6th ed., including a CD-ROM, 2000.
BENCUYA, A. K. 1984.Relation between the Natural Color System and the Munsell color order system (Troy, New York, USA: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, PhD thesis). {order systems}.
BENNETT, T. J. A. 1984.The celebrated phenomena of colours. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Whipple Museum of the History of Science).
BRITISH CERAMIC RESEARCH ASSOCIATION. 1984. Ceramic colour standards manual, series II. English (Stoke-on-Trent, England: British Ceramic Research Association). {ceramics}.
CFC (Centre Français de la Couleur) [1976-]. 1984. Journée nationale sur la couleur. French (Paris, France: Centre Français de la Couleur).
CHEUNG, M. 1984. Three-dimensional aspects of color discrimination. English (Bradford, York, England: University of Bradford, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
DARMSTADT, Christel. 1984. Fassaden gestalten mit Farbe. German (Bochum, Germany: F. H. Kleffmann). {architecture}.
DE GRANDIS, Luigina. 1984. Teoria e uso del colore. Italian (Milan, Italy: Arnoldo Mondadori). 6th ed. 2009. {general, arts}.
English translation by John Gilbert, Theory and use of colour (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall; New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1986).
Spanish translation, Teoría y uso del color (Madrid: Cátedra, 1985).
FRIELING, Heinrich [1910-]. 1984. Farbe am Arbeitsplatz. German (Munich, Germany: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit und Sozialordnung).
FROVA, A. 1984. Luce, colore, visione. Italian (Rome, Italy: Editori Riuniti).
FRUMKINA, R. M. 1984. [Color, sense, similarity: psycholinguistic analysis aspects]. Russian (Russia: Nauka).
GARAU, Augusto. 1984. Le armonie del colore. Italian (Milan, Italy: Feltrinelli). New ed. (Milan: Hoepli, 1999). {aesthetics, harmony}.
English translation by Nicola Bruno, with a foreword by Rudolf Arnheim, Color harmonies (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993).
Spanish translation by Rosa Premat, Las armonías del color (Barcelona: Paidós, 1986). 2nd ed. 1992.
GIBSON, C. P., ed. 1984. Proceedings, Workshop on Color Codes vs Monochrome Electronic Displays, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, England, February 28 – March 1, 1984. English (Farnborough, England: Royal Aircraft Establishment).
GRIFFITHS, John, ed. 1984. Developments in the chemistry and technology of organic dyes. English (Oxford, England: Society of Chemical Industry, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Critical Reports on Applied Chemistry, vol. 7). {dyeing}.
GRUM, Franc [1922-1985], and C. James BARTLESON [1929-1987], eds. 1984. Optical radiation measurement. Vol. 5, Visual measurements. English (New York, USA: Academic Press). {colorimetry}.
GUCKENBERGER, Otmar. 1984. Farbenlehre für Handwerksberufe. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt).
INDERGAND, Michel. 1984. Bibliographie de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Société des Amis de la Bibliothèque Forney). {general, bibliography}.
KOBAYASHI, Shigenobu [1925-2010], with the assistance of Ronald Sternberg. 1984. Haishoku Imeiji Bukku. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha). {aesthetics, harmony, psychology}.
English version, A book of colors (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1987).
KOBAYASHI, Shigenobu [1925-2010]. 1984. Colour image coordination book. English (Tokyo, Japan: Nippon Color and Design Research Institute). {aesthetics, harmony, psychology}.
KRIVOSHIEV, G. P. 1984. Objective quality assessment and sorting of fruits and vegetables by their color, degree of ripeness and defects by means of measuring their light transmission. English (Plovdiv, Bulgaria: Higher Institute of Food and Flavor Industries, doctoral dissertation). {colorimetry, horticulture}.
LANCASTER, Michael [1928-2004]. 1984. Britain in view. Colour and the landscape. English (London, England: Quiller Press).
LEVER, A. P. 1984. Inorganic electronic spectroscopy. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier). {spectroscopy}.
LOZANO, Roberto Daniel [1934-], ed. 1984. Segundo Simposio sobre Color en Alimentos, Actas. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial).
MALIN, David [1941-], and Paul MURDIN. 1984. Colours of the stars. English (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press).
French edition, Couleurs des étoiles (Paris: Masson, 1986).
German edition, Farbige Welt der Sterne (Weinheim, Germany: CH Verlagsgesellschaft, 1986).
MILLER, Dorothy. 1984. Indigo from seed to dye. English. {dyeing}.
MINAH, Galen F. 1984. Color language. English (Seattle, Washington, USA: Arcade).
MIRONOVA, L. N. 1984.[Color science manual]. Russian (Russia: Vysheysha Shkola).
NENCKI, Lydie. 1984. Die Kunst des Färbens mit natürlichen Stoffen. German (Bern, Switzerland: Paul Haupt).
OSBORNE, N. N., and G. J. CHADER, eds. 1984. Progress in retinal research. English (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press). {physiology, vision, retina}.
PAVEY, Don [1922-]. 1984. The artist’s colourmen’s story. English (London, England: Reckitt & Colman). {paints, painting}.
POWELL, William F. 1984. Color, and how to use it. English (Laguna Hills, California, USA: Walter Foster Publishing).
RILEY, B. 1984. Working with colour. English (England: Arts Council of Great Britain).
SHIBUKAWA, Ikuyoshi, and Yumi TAKAHASHI. 1984. Haishoku-Jiten Part 2. Japanese (Japan: Kawade Shobo Shinsha). {aesthetics, harmony}.
French ed. adapted from the Japanese by H. Kiri, Couleur: designer’s guide 2 (Paris: Arthaud, 1988).
SIVIK, Lars [1933-], and Anders HÅRD [1922-2009]. 1984. Namn på färger. En kartäggning i NCS av de vanligaste färgorden [Color names: a survey using the NCS]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F24). {philology, terminology}.
SPIVACK, Mayer, and Johanna TAMER. 1984. Light and color: a designer’s guide. English (USA: American Institute of Architects Service Corporation, Press Division).
TAGLIASACCHI, Germano. 1984. Colore e ambiente. Italian (Turin, Italy: Sikkens).
TROTMAN, E. R. 1984. Dyeing and chemical technology of textile fibers, 6th ed. English (High Wycombe, England: C. Griffin & Company). {applied chemistry, dyeing, textiles}.
VERRIEST, Guy, ed. [1926-?]. 1984. Colour vision deficiencies VII. English (The Hague, The Netherlands). {vision, color vision defects}.
WOOD, B. 1984. The healing power of color. English (Vermont, USA: Destiny Books). {health, chromotherapy}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1985. Mondial Couleur 85, Proceedings of the 5th Congress, Monte Carlo, Monaco, June 16-22, 1985. English (mainly), French, German (Paris, France: Centre Français de la Couleur).
ASHKENAZI, G. I. 1985.[Color in nature and in technology]. Russian (Russia: Energoatomizdat).
BRAEM, Harald. 1985. Die Macht der Farben. German (Munich, Germany: Wirtschaftsverlag Langen-Müller, Herbing).
BRINO, Giovanni. 1985. Colore e territorio. La banca dati dei colori del Piemonte. Italian (Milan, Italy: Idea Books). {urban planning, architecture, restoration}.
BRÜCHER, K. H. 1985. Photoakustikspektroskopische Untersuchungen an Pigmentfarbstoffen. German (Düsseldorf, Germany: Universität Düsseldorf, dissertation). {spectroscopy}.
COLLOT D’HERBOIS, Liane [1907-c.2000]. 1985. Color. English (Driebergen, The Netherlands: Stichting Magenta). {philosophy, arts, chromotherapy}.
French translation, Couleur (une étude) (EAR, Éd. Anthroposophiques Romandes, 2001).
CONRAC-DIVISION. 1985. Raster graphics handbook. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand).
DE BOECK, Willy. 1985. Aplicación de la colorimetría a la televisión en color. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Instituto Oficial de Radio y Televisión). New ed. 1991. {colorimetry, television}.
DINSHAH, Darius. 1985. Let there be light: a practical manual for spectro-chrome therapy. English (Malaga, New Jersey, USA: Dinshah Health Society). 5th ed. 1999. 6th ed. 2001. Condensed version with the title Spectro-chrome guide. {health, chromotherapy}.
German translation, Es werde Licht, Praktischer Leitfaden für Dinshahs 12-Farben Chromopathie (1989).
FLETCHER, Robert, and Janet VOKE. 1985. Defective colour vision. Fundamentals, diagnosis and management. English (Bristol, England: Adam Hilger). {vision, color vision defects}.
GARCÍA CODOÑER, Ángela [1944-]. 1985. Estructuras cromáticas del paisaje urbano. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, doctoral thesis). {architecture}.
GRONINGEN MUSEUM. 1985. Goethe, Kirchner, Wiegers: de invloed van Goethe Kleurenleer, 2nd ed. Dutch (Groningen, The Netherlands: Groningen Museum).
INSTITUTION OF ELECTRONIC AND RADIO ENGINEERS. 1985. Color in information technology and information displays. English (London, England: Institution of Electronic and Radio Engineers). {computers, reproduction devices}.
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1985. Die Farbenlehre der Fernseh-, Foto- und Drucktechnik. Farbentheorie der visuellen Kommunikationsmedien. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont).
LAM, K. M. 1985. Metamerism and colour constancy. English (Bradford, York, England: University of Bradford, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
LEHNHAUSER, W. 1985. Glazuren und ihre Farben. German (Düsseldorf, Germany: Wilhelm Knapp).
LELAND, Nita. 1985. Exploring color: how to use and control color in your painting. English (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: North Light Books). New ed. 1998.
LILIEN, Otto M. 1985. Jacob Christoph Le Blon, 1667-1741: inventor of three and four color printing. English (Stuttgart, Germany: A. Hiersemann). {printing industry, graphic arts, history}.
LINTON, Harold [1947-]. 1985. Color model environments: color and light in three-dimensional design. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
MEHTA, K. T. 1985. Experimental and theoretical studies of spectral reflectance of paint films using many-flux technique. English (India: South Gujarat University, PhD thesis). {colorimetry, spectral analysis}.
NAVARRO, F. 1985. Test delle figure da colorare. Italian (Florence, Italy: O. S.).
ODRIOZOLA, Miguel. 1985. A los colores del caballo: guía entre la variedad de ellos y pesquisas de cómo se originan. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Instituto de Estudios Agrarios, Pesqueros y Alimentarios). {zoology}.
OTTOSON, D., and S. ZEKI, eds. 1985. Central and peripheral mechanisms of color vision. English (London, England: MacMillan). {vision}.
ROSSOTTI, Hazel. 1985. Colour -why the world isn’t gray?. English (Princeton, New Jersey, USA: Princeton University Press).
SANZ, Juan Carlos. 1985. El lenguaje del color. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Hermann Blume). {psychology, arts, aesthetics}.
SIDELINGER, S. 1985. Color manual. English (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall).
SLOWSON, Wayne. 1985. Sound color. English (Berkeley, California, USA: University of California Press).
SOUTHWORTH, Miles. 1985. Pocket guide to color reproduction, communication & control. English (USA: Graphic Arts Publishing Company). {reproduction devices}.
STEPANO, N. N. 1985. [Color usage in interior]. Russian (Russia: Visha Shkola Publishing House). {interior design}.
TAGLIASACCHI, Germano, et al. 1985.Kleur in de architectuur [Colour in architecture]. Dutch (Turin, Italy: Sikkens). {architecture}.
VENTURINI, R., M. LOMBARDO RADICE, and M. G. IMPERIALE. 1985. Color world test. English (Florence, Italy: O. S.).
WAGNER, C. 1985. The Wagner colour response report. English (Chicago, USA: Wagner Institute for Colour Research).
ZWIMPFER, Moritz. 1985. Farbe, Licht, Sehen, Empfinden. German (Bern, Switzerland: Paul Haupt).
English translation, Color, light, sight, sense (West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer, 1988).
ALLEN, Jeanne. 1986. Designer’s guide to color 3. English (San Francisco, USA: Chronicle Books).
ALLEN, Jeanne. 1986. Showing your colours: a designers guide to coordinating your wardrobe. English (San Francisco, USA: Chronicle Books). {dress, fashion}.
ANDERSON, C., and E. SMITH. 1986. Children’s conception of light and color: understanding the role of unseen rays. English (East Lansing, Michigan, USA: Michigan State University, Institute for Research and Teaching).
BADU, S. A. 1986.Large colour differences between surface colours. English (Bradford, York, England: University of Bradford, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
BERGER, Ruth H. 1986. The secret is the rainbow. English (New York, USA: Weiser). {chromotherapy}.
BOFF, K. R., L. KAUFMAN, and J. P. THOMAS, eds. 1986. Handbook of perception and human performance. Vol. 1, Sensory processes and perception. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
BOULOGNE, Daniel. 1986. Les raisons de la couleur dans les espaces de vie et de travail. French (Paris, France: Éditions Alternatives).
BRUNO, Michael H. 1986. Principles of color proofing. A manual on the measurement and control of tone and color reproduction. English (Salem, New Hampshire, USA: Gama Publications). {graphic arts, printing industry, reproduction devices}.
BURGESS, Chris, and K. D. MIELENZ, eds. 1986. Advances in standards and methodology in spectrophotometry, Proceedings of the 1st Joint Conference of the UV Spectrometry Group of the United Kingdom and the Council of Optical Radiation Measurements of the United States, Oxford, September 14-17, 1986. English (New York, USA: Elsevier).
BURWICK, F. 1986. The damnation of Newton: Goethe’s colour theory and romantic reception. English.
CFC (Centre Français de la Couleur) [1976-]. 1986. Actes du colloque: La couleur à l’école, la couleur et l’école. French (Paris, France: Centre Français de la Couleur).
CHASTEL, A., et al. 1986. La Capella Sistina, I: primi restauri, la scoperta del colore. Italian.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1986. Standard on colorimetric illuminants. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. S 001). {colorimetry}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1986. Standard on colorimetric observers. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. S 002). New ed., in English and French, as Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Colorimetric observers (Pub. ISO/CIE 10527, 1991). {colorimetry}.
ERDTMANN, Johanna E. 1986.Man(n) bekennt Farbe – Unterstreichen Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit durch richtige Kleidung. German (Lech, Austria: Moderne Verlagsgesellschaft).
FALK, David S., Dieter BRILL, and David STORK. 1986. Seeing the light: optics in nature, photography, color, vision, and holography. English (New York, USA: Harper & Row). {optics}.
FEHRMAN, Kenneth R. 1986.The effects of interior pigment color on school task performance mediated by arousal. English (San Francisco, USA: University of San Francisco, PhD dissertation). {psychology}.
FELLER, Robert L., ed. 1986.Artists pigments. A handbook of their history and characteristics, vol. 1. English (Cambridge University Press). {pigments}.
FILLACIER, Jacques [1913-1986]. 1986. La pratique de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Dunod).
GAYA, José. 1986. La magia del color. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Salvat).
GERSTNER, Karl [1930-]. 1986. Die Formen der Farben. German (Frankfurt, Germany: Athenäum). {aesthetics}.
English translation, The forms of color (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1986).
French translation by Georges Monnier, Les formes des couleurs (Paris: Bibliotèque des Arts, 1986).
Spanish translation by Juan Manuel Ibeas, Las formas del color: la interacción de elementos visuales (Madrid: Hermann Blume, 1988).
GRIERSON, Su. 1986. The colour cauldron. English (Perth: S. Grierson). {dyeing}.
HOLTER, A. 1986. Photoakustikspektroskopische Amplituden- und Phasenwinkelunter-suchungen wässriger Farbstofflösungen. German (Düsseldorf, Germany: Universität Düsseldorf, dissertation). {spectroscopy}.
HUTTRON, Iain. 1986. Colored pencil drawing techniques. English (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: North Light Books). {drawing}.
JACKSON, Carole. 1986. Color for men – Unterstreichen Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit durch Ihre Farben. German (Bern, Switzerland: Hallwag Verlag).
LAMBERT, Patricia, Barbara STAEPELAERE, and Mary G. FRY. 1986. Color and fiber. English (West Chester, Pennsylvania, USA: Schiffer). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
LEE, H. K. 1986.[The glamour of color]. Chinese (Taipei, Taiwan, China: Hann Colour).
LUO, Ming Ronnier [1958-]. 1986. New colour difference formulae for surface colours. English (Bradford, York, England: University of Bradford, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
MacLAURY, Robert E. [1944-]. 1986. Color in Mesoamerica. English (Berkeley, California, USA: University of California, PhD dissertation). {philology, terminology, anthropology}.
MILLER, R. K. 1986.Color machine vision. English (Seal Technical Publications). {reproduction devices}.
NICHOLSON, Joanne, and Judy LEWIS-CRUM, with Jacqueline THOMPSON. 1986. Color wonderful: the revolutionary Color 1 Associates wardrobe and makeup program. English (Toronto, Canada: Bantam Books). {dress}.
OBERASCHER, Leonhard [1955-]. 1986. Die Bedeutung Neuronaler Farbsehmechanismen für die Kognitive Repräsentation des Natürlichen Farbenraums. German (Salzburg, Austria: Universität Salzburg, doctoral dissertation). {psychology, cognition, vision, perception, linguistics}.
PASTOUREAU, Michel [1947-]. 1986. Figures et couleurs: études sur la symbolique et la sensibilité médiévales. French (Paris, France: Le Léopard d’Or).
PRESTON, Clifford. 1986. The dyeing of cellulosic fibres. English (Bradford, York, England: Dyers’ Company Publications Trust). {dyeing, paper industry}.
RENNILSON, Justin J., and William Nick HALE, eds. 1986. Review and evaluation of appearance: methods and techniques. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: ASTM, Special Technical Publication, STP 914).
SANDBERG, Gösta. 1986. Indigo textiles: technique and history. English (England: A. & C. Black). New ed. 1989 {dyeing, colorants, textiles}.
SPSE (Society of Photographic Scientists and Engineers), and CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY [1917-]. 1986. Proceedings of the International Symposium: The Stability and Conservation of Photographic Images: Chemical, Electronic and Mechanical, Bangkok, November 3-5, 1986. English (Bangkok, Thailand: SPSE, and Chulalongkorn University, Department of Photographic Science and Printing Technology). {reproduction devices, photography}.
SHASHLOV, B. A. 1986. [Color and its reproduction]. Russian (Russia: Kniga).
TOSCA, Theano Fanny [1955-]. 1986. La couleur des bâtiments moyen d’expression plastique, facteur de qualité de la vie urbaine: la coloration d’un nouveau quartier de Thessaloniki. French (Paris, France: Université de Paris I, doctoral thesis). {architecture}.
WOHLFAHRT, H. 1986. Colour and light effects on students’ achievement, behaviour, and physiology. English (Edmonton, Canada: Alberta Education).
ZUCCOLI, N. 1986. Mantova: intonaci e coloriture architettoniche. Italian (Florence, Italy: Alinea). {architecture}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1987. Proceedings of the AIC Interim Meeting “Wyszecki-Stiles Memorial Symposium on Color Vision Models”,Florence, Italy, June 10-13, 1987. English (mainly), French, German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). {vision}.
ALLORA, Leonardo. 1987. Il colore ragionato. Italian (Padua, Italy: Piovan).
BALDESCHI, Camillo. 1987. Il manuale del colore. Italian (Milan, Italy: Istituto del Colore). 2nd ed. 2004. {general}.
BAKER, Caroline. 1987. Benetton colour style file: fashion looks to suit your personality. English (London, England: Conran Octopus). {dress, fashion}.
BEAUMONT, Michael. 1987. Type & colour. English (Oxford, England: Quarto Publishing). {printing industry, graphic arts, typography}.
Spanish translation by Catalina Martínez Muñoz, Tipo & color (Madrid: Hermann Blume, 1988).
BILLMEYER Jr., Fred Wallace [1919-2004]. 1987. AIC Annotated bibliography on color order systems. English (Beltsville, Maryland, USA: Mimeoform Services, Inc.). {order systems, bibliography}.
BUNTINX, Leopoldo A. 1987. Curso de teoría del color y su aplicación en dibujo y pintura. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Panamericana).
CAJÍAS, Martha, and Betsabé FERNÁNDEZ. 1987. Manual de tintes naturales. Spanish (La Paz, Bolivia: SEMTA, Servicios Múltiples de Tecnologías Apropiadas).
CHIJIIWA, Hideaki. 1987. Color harmony. A guide to creative color combinations. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1987. Proceedings of the 21st Session, Venice, 1987. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 71). {general, lighting}.
CURRENT, Ira. 1987. Photographic color printing. Theory and technique. English (Stoneham, Massachusetts, USA: Butterworth). {photography}.
DANGER, Eric Paxton. 1987. Selecting colour for packaging. English (Aldershot, England: Gower Technical Press).
DANGER, Eric Paxton. 1987. Selecting colour for print. English (Aldershot, England: Gower Technical Press). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
DANGER, Eric Paxton. 1987. The colour handbook. English (Aldershot, England: Gower Technical Press).
DITTMANN, L. 1987. Farbgestaltung und Farbtheorie in der abendländischen Malerei. German.
DON, Frank. 1987. Colour magic. English (The Aquaman Press).
DURRETT, H. John, ed. 1987. Color and the computer. English (San Diego, California, USA: Academic Press). {computers}.
GAVAZZI, G., and C. TONELLI. 1987. La genetica dei pigmenti delle piante. Italian (Padua, Italy: Piccin, Quaderni di Biologia 11). {colorants}.
GERRITSEN, Frans Jan. 1987.Evolutie van de kleurenleer. Dutch (The Netherlands).
English translation by Edward Force and Ruth de Vriendt, Evolution in color (West Chester, Pennsylvania: Schiffer, 1988).
GIMBEL, Theo. 1987. Form, sound, colour and healing. English (Saffron Waldon, Essex, England: The C. W. Daniel Co.). {health, chromotherapy}.
GOTTSEGEN, Mark D. 1987. A manual of painting materials and techniques. English (New York, USA: Harper & Row).
GRUPPO COLORSCAPE. 1987. I piani dei colori. Manuale per la regolamentazione cromatica ambientale. Italian (Rimini, Italy: Maggioli). {urban planning, architecture}.
HALL, Marcia B., ed. 1987.Color and technique in Renaissance painting: Italy and the North. English.
HILBERT, David R. 1987. Color and color perception: a study in anthropocentric realism. English (Stanford, California, USA: Standford University, Center for the Study of Language and Information). {philosophy, psychology}.
HUNT, Robert William Gainer [1923-]. 1987. Measuring colour. English (Chichester, England: Ellis Horwood). 2nd ed. 1991. 3rd ed. (Surrey, England: Fountain Press, 1998). {colorimetry}.
IMDAHL, Max. 1987. Farbe: Kunsttheoretische Reflexionen aus Frankreich. German (Munich, Germany: Wilhelm Fink).
ISCC (Inter-Society Color Council) [1931-]. 1987. Proceedings of the ISCC Williamsburg Conference on Appearance, Williamsburg, Virginia, February 8-11, 1987. English (Inter-Society Color Council).
KOCH, E., and G. WAGNER. 1987. Die Individualität der Farbe. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Freies Geistesleben).
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1987. Der grosse Küppers-Farbenatlas. German (Munich, Germany: Callwey). {order systems, atlas}.
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1987. Die Farben-sonne. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt).
MAHNKE, Frank H. [1947-], and Rudolf H. MAHNKE [1925-]. 1987. Color and light in man-made environments. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
McDONALD, Roderick, ed. 1987. Colour physics for industry. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists). 2nd ed. 1997. {colorimetry, technology}.
OSA (Optical Society of America) [1916-]. 1987. Topical Meeting on Color Appearance. Summaries of papers presented, Annapolis, Maryland, June 29-30, 1987. English (Washington DC, USA: Optical Society of America, Technical Digest Series vol. 15). {vision}.
PERNI, Andy. 1987. The technology of electronic color scanning and four-color lithographing printing of art reproductions and their effect on the image transference of an artist’s original painting. English (New York, USA: New York University, Art Department, doctoral dissertation, available at University Microfilms International). {reproduction devices, graphic arts}.
SAINT-MARTIN, Fernande. 1987. Sémiologie du langage visuel. French (Montreal, Canada: Presses de l’Université du Québec). {semiotics}.
English translation, Semiotics of visual language (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1990).
SPANIER, E., ed. 1987.The royal blue and the biblical purple; Argaman and Tekhelet. English (Jerusalem, Israel: Keter Publishing House Jerusalem, Ltd.). {colorants}.
STANLAW, James M. 1987. Color, culture, and contact: English loanwords and problems of color nomenclature in modern Japanese. English (Champaign, Illinois, USA: University of Illinois, PhD dissertation).
STICHTING KLEUR BUITEN. 1987. Almere-stad, een stadsplanning in kleur. Dutch (Hendrik Ido Ambach, The Netherlands: Stichting Kleur Buiten, Nr. 1). {urban planning, architecture}.
STICHTING KLEUR BUITEN. 1987. Zoetermeer, drie kleurenwandelingen. Dutch (Hendrik Ido Ambach, The Netherlands: Stichting Kleur Buiten, Nr. 2).
VERRIEST, Guy, ed. [1926-?]. 1987. Colour vision deficiencies VIII. English. {vision, color vision defects}.
WESTPHAL, Jonathan. 1987. Colour: some philosophical problems from Wittgenstein. English (London, England: Basil Blackwell). 2nd ed. 1991, entitled Colour: a philosophical introduction.
WILCOX, Michael. 1987. Blue and yellow don’t make green: or how to mix the color you want -every time. English (Perth, Australia: Artways). New ed. (Cincinnati, Ohio: F & W Publications, Inc., 1994).
WISE, Barbara Krysa, and James A. WISE. 1987. The human factors of color in environmental design, final report. English (Washington DC, USA: NASA Technical Report NCC 2-404, Department of Psychology, The University of Washington).
WONG, Wucius. 1987. Principles of color design. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). 2nd augmented ed., Principles of color design. Designing with electronic color.
Spanish translation by Emili Olcina i Aya, Principios del diseño en color (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1988). 2nd ed. 1990. 3rd ed. 1992. 4th ed. 1995. 5th augmented ed., Principios del diseño en color. Diseñar con colores electrónicos (1999). New ed. 2001.
YURYEV, Florian I. 1987. [Color in book artwork]. Russian (Kiev, Russia: Vyshcha Shkola). {aesthetics, semiotics}.
ZOLLINGER, Heinrich. 1987. Color chemistry: synthesis, properties and application of organic dyes and pigments. English (New York, USA: VCH). 2nd revised ed. 1991. {chemistry, organic pigments}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1988. Colour in environmental design, Proceedings of the AIC symposium, Winterthur, Switzerland, August 8-11, 1988, edited by Werner Spillmann. English, French, German (Winterthur, Switzerland: Winterthur Polytechnic). {urban planning, architecture, design}.
BENNETT, T. J. A. 1988.Aspects of English colour collocations and idioms. English (Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter).
BENZING, G., ed. 1988. Pigmente für Anstrichmittel. German (Ehingen, Germany: Expert Verlag).
BÜRGI, Bernhard, ed. 1988. Rot, Gelb, Blau -Die Primärfarben in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts. German (Kassel, Germany: Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, Museum Friedericianum, Ausstellungskatalog).
CASTELLÓ YTURBIDE, Teresa. 1988. Colorantes naturales de México. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Industrias Resistol). {colorants}.
CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY [1917-]. 1988. Proceedings for International Conference on Standardization of Color Reproduction and Printing, Bangkok, June 6-8, 1988. English (Bangkok, Thailand: Chulalongkorn University, Department of Photographic Science and Printing Technology). {printing industry, reproduction devices}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1988. Spectral luminous efficiency functions based upon brightness matching for monochromatic point sources, 2° and 10° fields. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 75). {colorimetry, vision}.
COLORCURVE SYSTEMS, Inc. 1988. Colorcurve master atlas. English (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA: Colorcurve Systems, Inc.). {order systems, atlas}.
COMUNE DI SASSUOLO. 1988. Il colore: il metodo, le tecniche, i materiali. Italian (Modena, Italy: Edizioni Panini). {architecture, restoration}.
DEMTROEDER, Roger S. 1988. Laser spectroscopy: basic concepts and instrumentation. English (Springer). {spectroscopy}.
ERDTMANN, Johanna E. 1988.Schöner und erfolgreicher durch die richtigen Farben. German (Lech, Austria: Moderne Verlagsgesellschaft).
GEKELER, Hans. 1988. DuMont’s Handbuch der Farbe. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont).
GROGNARDI, Daniela, and Germano TAGLIASACCHI. 1988. Colore in un ambiente barocco. Tinte e attrezzature urbane di Via e Piazza Palazzo di Città a Torino, 1600-1900. Italian (Turin, Italy: U. Allemandi & Co.).
GROSSMANN, Maria. 1988. Lessico e colori. Studi sulla struttura semantica degli aggettivi di colore in catalano, castigliano, italiano, romeno, latino ed ungherese. Italian (Tübingen, Germany: Gunter Narr). {linguistics, philology, terminology}.
HÅRD, Anders [1922-2009]. 1988. Differences in colour appearance between matt and glossy coloured objects and how to measure them. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F33).
HARDIN, Clyde Larry. 1988. Color for philosophers: unweaving the rainbow. English (Indianapolis, USA: Hackett). Expanded ed. 1993. {philosophy}.
HIHARA, Motoko., Akira KODAMA, and H. MATSUI. 1988. Interior color coordination system. English (Ibaraki-Ken, Japan: Industrial Products Research Institute).
KIM, Kong-Joo. 1988. Chemistry of dyes. English (Seoul, Korea: HyungSul Publisher). {applied chemistry, dyes}.
LEWIS, P. A., ed. 1988. Pigment handbook, 2nd ed. English. (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons). {pigments}.
LUZZATTO, Lia, and Renata POMPAS. 1988. Conoscere e capire il colore. Italian (Milan, Italy: Il Castello). 2nd ed. 1996. {general}.
LUZZATTO, Lia, and Renata POMPAS. 1988. Il significato dei colori nelle civiltà antiche. Italian (Milan, Italy: Rusconi). New ed. (Milan: Bompiani, 2001).
MACOMBER, Roger S. 1988. NMR spectroscopy. English (Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich). {spectroscopy}.
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 1988. Coloroid colour atlas. English (Budapest, Hungary: Innofinance). New ed. 2000. {order systems, atlas}.
NEUMEYER, C. 1988. Das Farbensehen des Goldfisches: eine verhaltenphysiologische Analyse. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Georg Thieme). {physiology, vision}.
NICOLÁS, Francisco R. 1988. Colorimetría. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Instituto Oficial de Radio y Televisión). {colorimetry}.
PRIETO, Sonia. 1988. Cor na arquitetura européia desde o século XIX e atual desempenho do coloriste-conseil na França. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: PhD thesis). {architecture}.
SEPPER, Dennis L. 1988. Goethe contra Newton: polemics and the project for a new science of color. English (New York, USA: Cambridge University Press).
SERRANO, Horacio. 1988. El enigma del color. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Sociedad Venezolana de Oftalmología). {vision}.
STICHTING KLEUR BUITEN. 1988. Amsterdam, oud en niew – kleurroute. Dutch (Hendrik Ido Ambach, The Netherlands: Stichting Kleur Buiten, Nr. 4). {architecture}.
English translation, Amsterdam, old and new. Colour route.
STICHTING KLEUR BUITEN. 1988. Twaalf kleurstellingen. Dutch (Hendrik Ido Ambach, The Netherlands: Stichting Kleur Buiten, Nr. 3). {urban planning, architecture}.
English translation, Twelve propositions on colour.
SWIRNOFF, Lois. 1988. Dimensional color. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Birkhäuser, Design Science Collection). {psychology, perception, environment, architecture}.
TUROK, Marta. 1988. El caracol púrpura: una tradición milenaria de Oaxaca. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Dirección General de Culturas Populares, PACUP, SEP). {colorants}.
VANHOOF, K. 1988. Segmentatiecompressie voor kleurenbeelden [Compression of color images]. Dutch (Leuven, Belgium: Leuven Catholic University, PhD thesis).
WIDMANN, Claudio. 1988. Il simbolismo dei colori. Italian (Padua, Italy: Piovan). New ed. (Rome: Edizioni Scientifiche Magi, 2000).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1989. AIC Color 89, Proceedings of the 6th Congress, Buenos Aires, March 13-17, 1989, 2 vols. English (mainly), French, German (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color). {psychology, education, physics, order systems, colorimetry, vision, technology, architecture}.
ALBERT-VANEL, Michel [1935-]. 1989. Atlas cosmologique des couleurs. French (France). {order systems, atlas}.
BAYON, Damián. 1989. Forma y color en la obra de Carlos Cruz-Diez, catalog of the exhibition “Aventura de la óptica: Soto y Cruz-Diez”. Spanish (Granada, Spain). {arts, painting}.
BOULTON, Alfredo. 1989. La cromoestructura radial “Homenaje al sol” de Carlos Cruz-Diez. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Macanao).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1989. Special metamerism index: change in observer. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 80). {colorimetry}.
COMITÉ ESPAÑOL DEL COLOR [1965-]. 1989. Actas del I Congreso Nacional del Color, Logroño, Spain, June 19-21, 1989. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Comité Español del Color, SEDO). {colorimetry, vision, technology, food industry, arts}.
COOK, Alton, and Robert FLEURY. 1989. Type & color. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {printing industry, graphic arts, typography}.
Spanish edition, Tipo y color. Un manual de combinaciones creativas (Buenos Aires: Documenta; Mexico City: Somohano Eds., 1994).
CRUZ-DIEZ, Carlos [1923-]. 1989. Reflexión sobre el color. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Fabriart).
DA CUNHA, C. 1989.Le lapis-lazuli, son histoire, ses gisements, ses imitations. French (Paris, France: Éditions du Rocher).
DAINIPPON INK AND CHEMICALS, Inc. 1989. Pigments and pigments preparations. English (Tokyo, Japan: Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc.).
FRIDELL ANTER, Karin [1950-], and Henrik WANNFORS [1944-]. 1989. Så målade man. Svenskt byggnadsmåleri från senmedeltid till nutid [Thus they painted. The painting of Swedish buildings from the late Middle Ages up til today]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Svensk Byggtjänst). 2nd ed. including a new appendix and some additional literature, 1997.
HALL, Roy. 1989. Illumination and color in computer generated imagery. English (New York, USA: Springer). {computers}.
HELLER, Eva. 1989. Wie Farben wirken. German (Reinbeck, Germany: Rowohlt).
HIRSCH, Robert. 1989. Exploring color photography. English (Dubuque, Iowa, USA: Wm. C. Brown). {photography}.
HURLBERT, A. C. 1989.The computation of color. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD thesis).
IZMAILOV, C. A., E. N. SOKOLOV, and A. M. CHERNORIZOV. 1989. Color vision psychophysiology. English (MGU Press). {vision, psychology, color perception}.
JACQUES, B. 1989. Colour and style file. English (London, England: Piatkus).
JOHNSON, Alan, ed. 1989. The theory of coloration of textiles, 2nd ed. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists, Dyers’ Company Publications Trust). {dyeing, textiles}.
KULIKOWSKI, J. J., Christine M. DICKINSON, and Ian J. MURRAY, eds. 1989. Seeing contour and colour. English (Oxford, England: Pergamon Press). {vision}.
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1989. Farbe als Gestaltungsmittel. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont).
KÜPPERS, Harald [1928-]. 1989. Harmonielehre der Farben: Theoretische Grundlagen der Farbgestaltung. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont).
LADAU, Robert, Jennifer PLACE, and Brent SMITH. 1989. Color in interior design and architecture. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {interior design, architecture}.
LANDESMAN, C. 1989. Color and consciousness: an essay in metaphysics. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: Temple University Press).
LASSUS, Bernard [1929-]. 1989. Villes-paysages: couleurs en Lorraine. French (France: Batigère). {landscape design, architecture}.
LECERF, Guy A., ed. 1989. Caméléon vermillon, les usages de la couleur dans la peinture. Textes réunis et présentés par Guy Lecerf, préface de Philippe Fagot. French (Angers, France: Musée des Beaux-Arts). {painting}.
LEE, Jin-Sook [1960-]. 1989. Ohfisu shoumei kankyou no hyouka ni kansuru kenkyuu [A study on the evaluation of office lighting]. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Institute of Technology, PhD dissertation). {architecture, interior design, environment}.
LICHTENSTEIN, Jacqueline. 1989. La couleur éloquente: rhétorique et peinture à l’âge classique. French (Paris, France: Flammarion).
English translation by Emily McVarish, The eloquence of color: rhetoric and painting in the French classical age (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1993).
Portuguese translation, A cor eloqüente (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Siciliano, 1994).
LLOYD, R. E. 1989. Color sensations and the realizations of color on exterior architecture: an archival and experimental study of color perception. English (Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: UMI, dissertation). {psychology, color perception, architecture}.
LOOS, H. 1989. Farbmessung, Grundlage der Farbmetrik und ihre Anwendunsbereiche in der Druckindustrie. German (Itzehoe, Germany: Verlag Beruf + Schule). {colorimetry}.
MARVULLO, Joe. 1989. Color vision. A photographer’s guide to understanding and using color. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill, AMPHOTO Books). {photography}.
MARX, Ellen [1939-]. 1989. Méditer la couleur. French (Paris, France: Le Temps Apprivoisé).
MOSSI, Alberto Facundo. 1989. El color de los sonidos de instrumentos musicales. Planteamientos sinestésicos y didácticos aplicados en EGB. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, doctoral thesis). {color-music}.
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 1989. [Colour design]. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: Ministry of Building and Urban Planning).
NEMSER, Cindy. 1989. Ben Cunningham: a life with color. English (Post, Texas, USA: JPL Art Publishers).
NEUGEBAUER, H. 1989. Zur Theorie des Mehrfarbenbuchdruckes. German (Leipzig, Germany: Verlag Beruf + Schule).
PARRAMÓN VILASALÓ, José María. 1989. Color theory. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {general, arts}.
PASTOUREAU, Michel [1947-]. 1989. Couleurs, images, symboles: études d’histoire et d’antropologie. French (Paris, France: Le Léopard d’Or). {history, anthropology}.
RIEDEL, I. 1989. Farben, 7th ed. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Kreuz).
ROCHON, Richard, and Harold LINTON [1947-]. 1989. Color in architectural illustration. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {architecture, drawing}.
ROCKPOTR PUBLISHERS. 1989. Colour sourcebook II. A complete guide to contemporary color schemes. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers).
RZEPINSKA, M. 1989. Historia Koloru iv dziejach malarstiva europeiskiego, 2 vols., 3rd ed.
SAUNDERS, J. D. 1989. Pigments for inkmakers. English (London, England: SITA Technology). {colorants}.
SAYANAGI, Kazuo, ed. 1989. Neugebauer Memorial Seminar on Color Reproduction, Proceedings. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 1184). {reproduction devices}.
SEWALL, Laura. 1989. Determinants of achromatic constancy. English (Providence, Rhode Island, USA: Brown University, doctoral thesis). {psychophysics}.
SHIBUKAWA, Ikuyoshi, and Yumi TAKAHASHI. 1989. Haishoku-Jiten Part 4. Japanese (Japan: Kawade Shobo Shinsha). {aesthetics, harmony}.
English version, Designer’s guide to color, 4 (Japan: Kawade Shobo Shinsha).
SIVIK, Lars [1933-], and Anders HÅRD [1922-2009]. 1989. On studying colour combinations: some reflections and preliminary experiments. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports vol. 19, Nr. 2). {psychology, harmony}.
SIVIK, Lars [1933-], and Charles TAFT. 1989. Semantic variables for judging color combinations and analysis of semantic dimensions. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports vol. 19, Nr. 5). {psychology, semiotics, harmony}.
SLOANE, Patricia. 1989. The visual nature of color. English (New York, USA: Design Press).
STICHTING KLEUR BUITEN. 1989. Leeuwarden, kleurroute. Dutch (Hendrik Ido Ambach, The Netherlands: Stichting Kleur Buiten, Nr. 5). {architecture}.
STODDARD, Alexandra. 1989. Alexandra Stoddard’s book of color. Discovering the joy of color in your everyday life. English (New York, USA:Doubleday). {interior design}.
TINTORI, Leonetto. 1989. Antichi colori sul muro. Esperienze nel restauro. Italian (Prato, Florence, Italy: Comune di Prato, Assesorato alla Cultura, Opus Libri).
TOSCA, Theano Fanny [1955-]. 1989. Arkhitektoniko khroma. Theoria kai skhediasmos [Architectural color: theory and design]. Greek (Thessaloniki, Greece: Editions Kyriakidis Bros). {architecture}.
VALLIER, Dora [1921-1997]. 1989.Du noir au blanc: les couleurs dans la peinture. French (Caen, France: L’Échoppe).
ZELANSKI, Paul, and Mary Pat FISHER. 1989. Color. English (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall). {general, arts, design, architecture}.
ACTON, David A. 1990. Spectrum of innovation: color in American printmaking, 1890-1960. English (New York, USA: Norton). {printing industry}.
BANG, Molly. 1990. Picture this. Perception and compositions, with a foreword by Rudolf Arnheim. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Little, Brown & Co., a Bulfinch Press Book).
BANN, David, and John GARGAN. 1990. How to check and correct color proofs. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing). {graphic arts, printing industry}.
Spanish translation by Eugeni Rosell i Miralles, Cómo corregir pruebas en color (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1992).
BARTOLOMEIS, Francesco de. 1990. Il colore dei pensieri e dei sentimenti. Italian (Scandicci, Florence, Italy: La Nuova Italia).
Spanish translation by Daniel Chavarría, El color de los pensamientos y de los sentimientos. Nueva experiencia de educación artística (Barcelona: Octaedro, 1994).
BECOM, Jeffrey. 1990. Mediterranean color. English (New York, USA: Abbeville Press).
BERNASCONI, Walbo. 1990. Cromoterapia. Italian (Italy: La Casa Verde). {health, chromotherapy}.
BRILL, Michael H., ed. 1990. Perceiving, measuring, and using color: Proceedings, SPIE. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering).
CAPILLA PEREA, Pascual [1960-]. 1990. Estudio de la respuesta del sistema visual al parpadeo heterocromático rojo-verde con estímulos cuadrados modulados luminosa y temporalmente. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad de Valencia, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento Interuniversitario de Óptica, doctoral thesis).
CARDON, Dominique, and G. du CHATENET. 1990. Guide des teintures naturelles. French (Paris, France: Delachaux et Niestlé). {colorants}.
CHARNAY, Yves. 1990. La couleur des dieux, documentary film, 52 minutes. French (France: La Sept-FR3 Production). {architecture}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1990. CIE 1988 2° spectral luminous efficiency function for photopic vision. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 86). {vision}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1990. Colorimetry of self-luminous displays – A bibliography. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 87). {colorimetry, bibliography}.
CLARK, Nick, Julia KING, Penny DAWES, John GRAIN, Phil STARLING, and Nick BUZZARD. 1990. Mix & match. Designer’s colors. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing). {graphic arts, graphic design, charts}.
Spanish version by Gemma Salvà, Quartet Traductores, Cómo combinar y elegir colores para el diseño gráfico (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1991). New ed. (México City: Gustavo Gili, 1995).
COLTHUP, Norma B., et al. 1990 (before). Introduction to infrared and Raman spectroscopy. English (Academic). {spectroscopy}.
CONNOLLY, Christine. 1990. Image segmentation from colour data for industrial applications. English (Huddersfield, England: Polytechnic of Huddersfield, PhD thesis). {colorimetry, instruments, video, imaging}.
CUMMING, Robert, and Tom PORTER. 1990. The colour eye. English (London, England: BBC Books). {general}
DA POS, Osvaldo [1943-]. 1990. Trasparenze. English, Italian (Milan, Italy: Icone).
DORDET, Yves. 1990. La colorimétrie: principes et applications. French (Paris, France: Eyrolles). {colorimetry}.
DUCKWORTH, H. E. 1990. Mass spectroscopy. English (Cambridge). {spectroscopy}.
EISEMAN, Leatrice, and Lawrence HERBERT. 1990. The Pantone book of color. English (New York, USA: Harry N. Abrams).
EPPERLEIN, Hans-Henning, and Jan LÖFBERG. 1990. The development of the larval pigment patterns in Triturus alpestris and Ambystoma mexicanum. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer).
ESPEJO, María del Mar. 1990. Los nombres de los colores en español. Estudio de lexicología estructural. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada). {linguistics, philology, terminology}.
FRIDELL ANTER, Karin [1950-], ed. 1990.Forkarfärgdagen 1989 [A day for color researchers 1989]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute).
GUILLERM, Jean Paul. 1990.Coleurs du noir: le journal de Delacroix. French (Lille, France: Presses Universitaires de Lille).
GUINEAU, Bernard, ed. 1990. Pigments et colorants del’Antiquité et du Moyen Âge (teinture, peinture, enluminure, études historiques et physicochimiques), Colloque International du CNRS. French (Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). {paints, dyes, history}.
HÅRD, Anders [1922-2009]. 1990. Färgpercept eller färgskillnadspercept – är det någon skillnad? Tankar kring en studie av ljushetsskalor [Color percepts or color difference percepts – Is there any difference? Thoughts regarding a study of lightness scales]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F38).
HOPE, Augustine, and Margaret WALCH [c.1940-2013], eds. 1990. The color compendium. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
KOBAYASHI, Shigenobu [1925-2010]. 1990. [Color image scale]. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha). {aesthetics, harmony, psychology}.
English translation by Louella Matsunaga, Color image scale (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1991).
LAND, Edwin H. [1909-1991]. 1990 (before). Edwin H. Land’s essays. English (Washington DC, USA: Optical Society of America).
LANGE, B. 1990. I colori di Roma. Italian (Rome, Italy: Edizioni d’Europa).
LIN, S. Y. 1990.Chromatics. English (Taipei, Taiwan, China: San Ming Publishing Co.).
MATSUOKA, Masaru [1942-]. 1990. Infrared absorbing dyes. English (New York, USA: Plenum Press). {dyeing}.
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 1990. Színdinamika. Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary: Akadémiai Kiadó).
English translation by G. Nagy, Colour dynamics: environmental colour design (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1993).
OGAWA, Yoko, Junko YAMAMOTO, and Ei KONDO. 1990 (circa). Color in fashion: a guide to coordinating fashion colors. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {dress, fashion}.
OHTA, Y., and K. SHIMIZU. 1990. Normal and defective color vision. English (Tokyo, Japan: Kanehara & Co.). {vision, color vision defects}.
OHTA, Y., ed. 1990. Proceedings, International Research Group on Color Vision Deficiencies Symposium, Tokyo. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Kugler & Ghedini {vision, color vision defects}.
RUSSELL, Dale. 1990. Colorworks. The blue book. The designer’s ultimate guide to working with color. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
Spanish translation by Emili Olcina i Aya, Biblioteca del color. El libro del azul. La guía definitiva para el diseñador gráfico (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1990).
RUSSELL, Dale. 1990. Colorworks. The red book. The designer’s ultimate guide to working with color. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
Spanish translation by Emili Olcina i Aya, Biblioteca del color. El libro del rojo. La guía definitiva para el diseñador gráfico (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1990).
RUSSELL, Dale. 1990. Colorworks. The yellow book. The designer’s ultimate guide to working with color. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
Spanish translation by Emili Olcina i Aya, Biblioteca del color. El libro del amarillo. La guía definitiva para el diseñador gráfico (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1990).
RUSSELL, Dale. 1990. Colorworks. The pastels book. The designer’s ultimate guide to working with color. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
Spanish translation by Emili Olcina i Aya, Biblioteca del color. El libro de los colores pastel. La guía definitiva para el diseñador gráfico (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1990).
RUSSELL, Dale. 1990. Colorworks 5. The black and white book. The designer’s ultimate guide to working with color. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing; Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: North Light Books). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
Spanish translation by Emili Olcina i Aya, Biblioteca del color 5. El libro del blanco y negro. La guía definitiva para el diseñador gráfico (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1990).
SEROV, Nikolai Viktorovich [1945-]. 1990. Chromatism mytha [Chromatism of myth]. Russian (Leningrad, Russia: Vasilyevsky Ostrov).
SHAH, H. S., and R. S. GANDHI. 1990. Instrumental colour measurement and computer aided colour matching for textiles. English (Ahmedabad, India: Mahajan Book Distributors).
Spanish translation, Medida e igualación del color en textiles (Paterna, Valencia: AIDO, IMPIVA, 1993).
SHIBUKAWA, Ikuyoshi, and Yumi TAKAHASHI. 1990. Designer’s guide to color, 5. English (Japan: Kawade Shobo Shinsha). {aesthetics, harmony}.
SHORE, John, ed. 1990. Colorants and auxiliaries: organic chemistry and application properties, 2 vols. Vol. 1, Colorants. Vol. 2, Auxiliaries. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists). {dyeing, colorants}.
SIMONDO, P. 1990.Il colore dei colori. Italian (Scandicci, Florence, Italy: La Nuova Italia).
SMITH, Neville S. 1990. A colour notation conversion program. English (Middlesbrough, Cleveland, England: University of Teesside, PhD thesis). {order systems}.
STICHTING KLEUR BUITEN. 1990. Rotterdam, kleurroute, sociale woningbouw. Dutch (Hendrik Ido Ambach, The Netherlands: Stichting Kleur Buiten, Nr. 6). {architecture}.
SYKTYVKAR UNIVERSITY PRESS. 1990. Tsvet i svet v khudozhestvennom proizvedenii (mezhvuzovskiy sb.nauchn.trudov) [Color and light in art (collection of scientific papers from educational institutions)]. Russian (Syktyvkar, Russia: Syktyvkar University Press). {art, aesthetics}.
THORELL, L. G., and W. J. SMITH. 1990. Using computer color effectively. English (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA: Prentice-Hall). {computers, reproduction devices}.
VALLEJOS, Concepción G. del Río. 1990. Los tejidos y la magia de los colores. Spanish (Medellin, Colombia: Sala Ceriani / Amtex). {textiles}.
VARGAS, Davide. 1990. Colore e arredo urbano: progetto globale di transformazione interna a Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Italian (Naples, Italy: CLEAN).
VOGELSAG-EASTWOOD, G., ed. 1990. Resist-dyed textiles from Quseir al-Qadim. English (Paris, France). {dyeing, textiles}.
VÖLZ, Hans G. 1990.Industrielle Farbprüfung. German (Weinheim, Germany: VCH).
English translation by Ben Teague, Industrial color testing. Fundamentals and techniques (Weinheim, Germany: VCH, 1995). New ed. 2001.
WARING, David R., and Geoffrey HALLAS, eds. 1990. The chemistry and application of dyes. English (New York, USA: Plenum Press). {dyeing}.
WHITE, Jan V. 1990. Color for the electronic age. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {computers, reproduction devices}.
YEFIMOV, A. V. 1990. Koloristika goroda [Colors of the city]. Russian (Moscow, Russia: Stroyizdat). {architecture}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1991. Proceedings, Colour & Light 91, Sydney, June 25-28, 1991. English (Sydney, Australia: The Colour Society of Australia).
BARBERIS, Maurizio. 1991. Teorie del colore. Frammenti per un’analisi fenomenologica. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Società Editrice Esculapio).
BERRY, Susan, and Judy MARTIN, eds. 1991. Designing with color. English (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: North Lights Books).
Spanish translation, Diseño y color (Barcelona: Blume, 1994).
BRINO, Giovanni. 1991. Colori di Liguria: introduzione ad una banca dati sulle facciate dipinte liguri. Italian (Genoa, Italy: Sagep). {urban planning, architecture, restoration}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1991. Proceedings of the 22nd Session, Melbourne, 1991. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 91). {general, lighting}.
CORCUERA, Ruth. 1991. Azul sagrado. Cuadernos del Sahara. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: CIAFIC).
DARLING, Nana. 1991. Il colore delle cose, illustrated by Flavio Ghiringhelli. Italian (Italy: Dami). {general, for children}.
DAVIDOFF, Jules. 1991. Cognition through color. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press).
DRUM, B., J. D. MORELAND, and A. SERRA, eds. 1991. Colour vision deficiencies X. English. {vision, color vision defects}.
FOSTER, D. H., ed. 1991. Inherited and acquired colour vision deficiencies: fundamental aspects and clinical studies. English (MacMillan). {vision, color vision defects}.
GANGAKHEDKAR, Narendra Shriniwasrao. 1991. Understanding computer colour matching. English. {computers}.
GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Rock-color Chart Committee. 1991. Rock-color chart: with a genuine Munsell color chips. English (Boulder, Colorado, USA: Geological Society of America).
GOURAS, Peter, ed. 1991. The perception of color. English (Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press).
GREGORY, Peter. 1991. High-technology applications of organic colorants. English (London, England: Plenum Press). {applied chemistry, colorants}.
HALSTEAD, Margaret B., and J. G. HOLMES, eds. 1991. The advancement of colour: a history of the first fifty years of the Colour Group (Great Britain) 1941-1991. English (London, England: Colour Group of Great Britain).
HUTCHINGS, John B. [1932-], and Juliette WOOD, eds. 1991. Colour and appearance in folklore. English (London, England: The Folklore Society, University College). {folklore}.
IRTEL, Hans. 1991. Psychophysische Invarianzen in der Farb und Helligkeitswahrnehmung. German (Heidelberg, Germany: Springer).
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1991. PCCS harmonic color charts 201-L, revised ed. English-Japanese bilingual edition (Tokyo, Japan: Japan Color Enterprise Co., Ltd.). {order systems, harmony}.
JIMÉNEZ, Ariel. 1991. La primacía del color. Spanish (Caracas, Venezuela: Monte Ávila Editores). {arts, painting}.
KIERAN, Michael. 1991. Desktop publishing in color. English (New York, USA: Bantam Books).
LAMBERT, Patricia. 1991. Controlling color. English (New York, USA: Design Press).
LASSELIN, Dominique, comp. 1991. Représentation des couleurs: travail dirigé. French (Toulouse, France: GDTA, Les Cahiers Pédagogiques, B3).
LECLAIR, Charles. 1991. Color in contemporary painting. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill). {painting}.
LINTON, Harold [1947-]. 1991. Color consulting: a survey of international color design. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {arts, architecture, design, interior design}.
LUZZATTO, Lia, and Renata POMPAS. 1991. Leggi la tua personalità giorno per giorno, colore per colore. Italian (Milan, Italy: Il Castello).
MARMION, Daniel M. 1991. Handbook of US colorants. Foods, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices, 3rd ed. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {colorants, food industry, cosmetics}.
PANTONE, Inc. [1962-]. 1991. Pantone color selector. English (Moonachie, New Jersey, USA: Pantone, Inc.). {order systems, atlas}.
RIAL, Odilo, and Raymonde RIVIÈRE. 1991. La couleur, CD-ROM. French (France: Éditions de la Boyère).
ROBINS, Ashley H. 1991. Biological perspectives on human pigmentation. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Cambridge University Press). {genetics}.
RUSSELL, Dale. 1991. Colour in industrial design. English (London, England: The Design Council).
SILVERSTEIN, R. M., et al. 1991. The spectrometric identification of organic compounds. English (Wiley). {spectroscopy}.
SLOANE, Patricia, ed. 1991. Primary sources. Selected writings on color from Aristotle to Albers. English (New York, USA: Design Press). {general}.
STRAMIGIOLI, Celestina [1950-]. 1991. Teñido con colorantes naturales, recuperación de una técnica tradicional. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ayllu). 2nd ed. (Buenos Aires: Galerna, 2000). {dyeing}.
TÁBOAS VELEIRO, María Teresa. 1991. El color en arquitectura. Spanish (La Coruña, Spain: Ed. Do Castro). {architecture}.
TORRESI, Antonio P. 1991. I colori della peste: tecnica dei dipinti del Seicento. Italian (Ferrara, Italy: Liberty House).
TRAVIS, David. 1991. Effective colour displays – Theory and practice. English (London, England: Academic Press). {reproduction devices}.
TROUVÉ, Alain. 1991. La mesure de la couleur: principes, technique et produits du marché. French (Paris, France: AFNOR). {colorimetry}.
VALBERG, Arne, and Barry B. LEE. 1991. From pigments to perception. English (New York, USA: Plenum Press). {vision}.
WALKER, Morton. 1991. The power of color. English (New York, USA: Avery). {health, chromotherapy}.
Spanish translation by Francia Obregón, El poder del color. El arte y la ciencia de utilizar los colores para la curación, el éxito y el bienestar (Madrid: Arkano Books, 1998).
WESTPHAL, Jonathan. 1991. Colour: a philosophical introduction, 2nd ed. English (Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell). {philosophy, vision}.
WU, Xiaolin. 1991. Efficient statistical computation for optimal color image quantization, graphics gems II. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Academic Publishers).
ALVA MARTÍNEZ, Ernesto, and Sara SCHARA ICKOWICZ. 1992. Color en la arquitectura mexicana / Color in Mexican architecture. Spanish, English (Mexico City, Mexico: Comercial Mexicana de Pinturas). 2nd ed. 1993. 3rd ed. 1994. 4th ed. 1995. 5th ed. 1996. {architecture}.
BAKER, Kim, and Sunny BAKER. 1992. Color publishing on the Macintosh. From desktop to print shop. English (New York, USA: Random House). {computers, graphic arts}.
BANDERA, Camila de la [1915-]. 1992. Manual de plantas que tiñen en Uruguay. Spanish (Montevideo, Uruguay: Fundación Textil, and Manos del Uruguay). {dyeing}.
BARES, Jan, ed. 1992. Color hard copy and graphic arts, Proceedings, San Jose, California, February 11-14, 1992. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 1670). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BOMFORD, L. 1992. Camouflage and colour. English (London, England: Boxtree).
BRAS, Ana María [1947-], and Cristina MANGANIELLO [1946-]. 1992. Índice de nombres populares del color en la Argentina. Spanish (La Plata, Argentina: The authors).
BRIDGEWATER, Peter, and Gerald WOODS. 1992. Halftone effects. A complete visual guide to enhancing and transforming halftone images. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing). {graphic arts, printing industry}.
Spanish translation by Eugeni Rosell i Miralles, Efectos en fotograbados tramados (Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1993).
BRINO, Giovanni. 1992. I colori di Noli. Italian (Genoa, Italy: Sagep). {urban planning, architecture, restoration}.
CATALANO, Espósito. 1992. Todas las mezclas de colores para pintar todo. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: The author).
CFC (Centre Français de la Couleur) [1976-]. 1992. Couleur et design. Cycle de conférences organisées au Centre G. Pompidou, Paris, 1991-1992. French (Paris, France: Centre Français de la Couleur).
COLLOT D’HERBOIS, Liane [1907-c.2000]. 1992. Licht, Finsternis und Farbe in der Maltherapie. German (Dornach, Switzerland: Verlag am Goetheanum). {philosophy, arts, chromotherapy}.
English translation, Light, darkness and color in painting therapy (Dornach, Switzerland: Verlag am Goetheanum, 1992). New ed. (Floris Books, 2000).
French translation, Lumière, ténèbres et couleur. Thérapie par la peinture (EAR, Éd. Anthroposophiques Romandes, 1997). New ed. 2001.
FRENCH, Chris N. 1992. The computer book of color. English (Manchester, England: UMIST, University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology).
GALLARDO I., Francisco, Luis E. CORNEJO B., José Luis MARTÍNEZ C., and Pedro MEGE R. 1992. Colores de América. Spanish (Santiago, Chile: Museo Chileno de Arte Precolombino).
GUILD, Tricia. 1992. Tricia Guild on colour. Decoration. Furnishing. Display. English (London England: Conran Octopus). Reprinted 1993, 1994. {interior design}.
HALL, Marcia B. 1992. Color and meaning: practice and theory in Renaissance painting. English (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press). {painting}.
KAUFMAN, Donald, Taffy DAHL, Tina FREEMAN, Laurel GRAEBER. 1992. Color: natural palettes for painted room. English (New York, USA: Clarkson Potter Publications).
KOLLERT, Günter. 1992. O cosmo das cores: um compêndio da teoria das cores segundo Goethe baseado em textos originais. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Edições Religião & Cultura). {philosophy, arts, aesthetics}.
LEWIS, David Malcolm, ed. 1992. Wool dyeing. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists). {dyeing}.
MATLIN, Margaret W., and Hugh J. FOLEY. 1992. Sensation and perception. English (Allyn & Bacon). {sensation, perception, sight}.
Spanish translation by Marcela Ramírez Escoto, Sensación y percepción (Mexico: Prentice Hall Hispanoamericana, 1996).
MILLER, Marc D., and Randy ZAUCHA. 1992. The color Mac. Design production techniques. From basics to brilliance. The complete color guide for artists, designers, photographers, printers, and video producers. English (Carmel, Indiana, USA: Hayden). {graphic arts}.
ORTIZ HERNÁNDEZ, Georgina [1944-]. 1992. El significado de los colores. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Trillas). 2nd ed. 2004. {general, psychology, semiotics}.
OSA (Optical Society of America) [1916-]. 1992. Advances in color vision technical digest. English (Washington DC, USA: Optical Society of America, Technical Digest Series vol. 4). {vision}.
PASTOUREAU, Michel [1947-]. 1992. Dictionnaire des couleurs de notre temps. Symbolique et société. French (Paris, France: Christine Bonneton). New ed. 1999.
Portuguese translation, Dicionário das cores do nosso tempo: simbólica e sociedade (Lisbon: Estampa, 1993).
PECKETT, A. 1992. The colors of opaque minerals. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
PERKAMPUS, H. H. 1992.UV-. VIS spectroscopy and its applications, with translations by H. Charlotte Grinter and Terry L. Threlfall. English, German (Germany: Singer). {spectroscopy}.
RATLIFF, F. 1992. Paul Signac and color in Neo-Impressionism. English (New York, USA: The Rockefeller University Press). {painting}.
ROTH, KORMANN, SCHWEPPE. 1992. Färbepflanzen – Pflanzenfarben. Botanik, Färbemethoden, Analytik, Türkische Teppiche und ihre Motive. German (Lech, Austria: Ecomed). {dyes, colorants}.
SAUNDERS, Barbara A. C. 1992. The invention of basic colour terms. English (Utrecht, The Netherlands: Interdisciplinary Social Science Research Institute). {terminology}.
SHINOMORI, Keizo [1963-]. 1992. Kuukannteki-kuromi-yuudou ni okeru iro, kido channeru no kiyo ni kansuru kenkyuu [Research for contribution of achromatic and chromatic channels to spatial blackness induction]. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Graduate School, Department of Information Processing, PhD dissertation). {psychology, color perception, vision}.
SIVIK, Lars [1933-], and Charles TAFT. 1992. Färgcombinationer och associerade betydelser: semantiska dimensioner och olika färgackord. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F41). {psychology, semiotics, harmony}.
English translation, Colour combinations and associated meanings: semantic dimensions and colour chords (Gothenburg: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports vol. 22, Nr. 1, 1992).
SUN, Howard, and Dorothy SUN. 1992. Colour your life. English (London, England: Piatkus). {health, chromotherapy, psychology}.
TAFT, Charles, and Lars SIVIK [1933-]. 1992. Cross-national comparisons of color meaning. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Göteborg Psychological Reports vol. 22, Nr. 3). {psychology, semiotics}.
TARRANT, Arthur W. S., ed. 1992. Twelfth Easter School on Colour in Visual Displays. English (Surrey, England: University of Surrey).
TAVERNE, E., and C. WAGENAAR, eds. 1992. Colour of the city. English (Laren, The Netherlands: V&K Publishing).
WADA, Yoshiko Iwamoto, Mary KELLOGG RICE, and Jane BARTON. 1992. Shibori, the inventive art of Japanese shaped resist dyeing, new edition. English. New ed. 1999. {dyeing}.
WIDDEL, Heino, and David L. POST, eds. 1992. Color in electronic displays. English (New York, USA: Plenum Press). {computers, reproduction devices}.
WILLIAMS, John. 1992. Projects with color and light. English (Gareth Stevens Children’s Books). {general, for children}.
WYLER, Siegfried. 1992. Colour and language: colour terms in English. English (Tübingen, Germany: Gunter Narr).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1993. AIC Colour 93, Proceedings of the 7th Congress, Budapest, June 13-18, 1993, 3 vols., edited by Antal Nemcsics and János Schanda. English (mainly), French, German (Budapest, Hungary: Hungarian National Colour Committee). {psychology, education, colorimetry, order systems, vision, lighting, technology, arts, urban planning, architecture, painting}.
ASHOK, Roy, ed. 1993. Artists pigments. A handbook of their history and characteristics, vol. 2. English (Washington DC, USA: National Gallery of Art, distributed by Oxford University Press). {pigments}.
BARES, Jan, ed. 1993. Color hard copy and graphic arts II, Proceedings, San Jose, California, February 11-14, 1992. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 1912). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BARTECKI, A. 1993. [The color of metal compounds]. Polish (Wroclaw, Poland: Technical University of Wroclaw). {colorimetry, metals}.
BEERLI, Conrad André. 1993. Poétique et société des couleurs: essai sur la vie des couleurs entre elles et dans l’histoire. French (Geneva, Switzerland: Georg International).
BIRCH, Jennifer. 1993. Diagnosis of defective colour vision. English (London, England: Oxford University Press). {vision, color vision defects}.
BLAY, Michel, et al. 1993 (circa). La couleur. French (Brussels, Belgium: Ousia).
BURGER, R. E. 1993. Color management. English (Berlin, Germany: Springer). {computers, reproduction devices}.
BUXBAUM, Gunter. 1993. Industrial inorganic pigments. English (Weinheim, Germany, VCH; Chichester, England: Wiley). 2nd revised ed. 1998. {pigments}.
CHRISTIE, Robert M. 1993. Pigments: structures and synthetic procedures. English (London, England: Oil and Colour Chemists Association). {applied chemistry, colorants}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1993. Parametric effects in colour-difference evaluation. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 101). {colorimetry}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1993. Proceedings of the CIE Symposium on Advanced Colorimetry, Vienna, June 8-10, 1993, edited by János Schanda and C. Hermann. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. X007). {colorimetry}.
CLARK, Brian J., Tom FROST, and M. A. RUSSELL, eds. 1993. UV spectroscopy, techniques, instrumentation and data handling. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). {spectroscopy}.
COULOUBARITSIS, Lambros, and Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER, eds. 1993. La couleur. French (Brussels, Belgium: Ousia).
COOTE, Jack Howard Roy. 1993. The illustrated history of colour photography. English (Surrey, England: Fountain Press). {photography}.
DITTELBACH, Thomas. 1993. Das monochrome Wandgemälde: Untersuchen zum Kolorit des frühen 15. Jahrhunderts in Italien. German (Hildesheim, Germany: G. Olms).
DRUM, B., ed. 1993. Colour vision deficiencies XI. English (Dordrecht, The Netherlands). {vision, color vision defects}.
ELIE, Maurice. 1993. Lumière, couleurs et nature. French (Paris, France: Vrin).
EMERY, Richard S. 1993. Color on color. How overprinting two colors creates a new third color. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {graphic arts}.
FELDMAN, U. 1993. Quantifying the dimensions of color experience. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD thesis). {psychology, psychometry}.
FERRARI, M. 1993. Camouflage in nature. English (London, England: Prion Books).
GAGE, John. 1993. Color and culture: practice and meaning from antiquity to abstraction. English (London, England: Thames and Hudson). {painting}.
German translation, Kulturgeschichte der Farbe – Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart (1994).
Spanish translation by Adolfo Gómez Cedillo and Rafael Jackson Martín, Color y cultura: la práctica y el significado del color de la antigüedad a la abstracción (Madrid: Ediciones Siruela, 1993).
GIMBEL, Theo. 1993. The colour therapy workbook. English (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England: Element). {health, chromotherapy}.
GOLD, I. 1993. Color and other illusions: a philosophical theory of vision. English (New Jersey, USA: Princeton University, PhD dissertation).
GROPP, Louis Oliver, Margaret KENNEDY (eds.), and Sally CLARK (texts). 1993. House beautiful color. English (New York, USA: The Hearst Corporation). {interior design}.
HERBST, Willy, and Klaus HUNGER. 1993. Industrielle Organische Pigmente. Herstellung, Eigenschaften, Anwendung. German (Weinheim, Germany: VCH). {organic pigments}.
English translation, Industrial organic pigments: production, properties, applications (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993). 2nd revised ed. (Weinheim: VCH, 1997).
HUTCHINGS, John B. [1932-]. 1993. Food colour and appearance. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall). New ed. (London: Blackie Academic & Professional, 1994). 2nd ed. (Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen, 1999). {food industry, appearance}.
INGAMELLS, W. 1993. Colour for textiles. A user’s handbook. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists). {dyeing, textiles}.
INSTITUT D’ARTS VISUELS. 1993. Portrait de la couleur. French (Orléans, France: Institut d’Arts Visuels).
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 1993. Proceedings IS&T/SID 1st Color Imaging Conference: Transforms and Transportability of Color, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 7-11, 1993. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
KLINKER, Gudrun J. 1993.A physical approach to color image understanding. English (Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA: A. K. Peters).
MATUMOTO, M. 1993. Nihon shikisai taikan, 4 vols. Japanese (Japan: Kawade Shobo Shinsha).
MILLER, David L. 1993. An investigation of elemental basic, and categorical color perception. English (Providence, Rhode Island, USA: Brown University, doctoral thesis).
MOEYES, Marjo. 1993. Natural dyeing in Thailand. English. {dyeing}.
MONTAGNA, Giovanni. 1993. I pigmenti: prontuario per l’arte e il restauro. Italian (Florence, Italy: Nardini Editore).
MURASHIMA, Kumiko. 1993. Katazome: Japanese paste-resist dyeing for contemporary use. English. {dyeing, textiles}.
OSA (Optical Society of America) [1916-]. 1993. Light and color in the open air. Summaries of papers presented at the Topical Meeting, State College, Pennsylvania, June 16-18, 1993. English (Washington DC, USA: Optical Society of America, Technical Digest Series vol. 13). {optics, daylight}.
PALAZZI, Sergio. 1993. Colorimetria. La misura del colore nell’arte e nella tecnica. Italian (Florence, Italy: Nardini Editore). {colorimetry}.
PARKS, J. 1993. Instrumental colour formulation: a practical guide. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists).
PARRAMÓN VILASALÓ, José María. 1993. El gran libro del color. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Parramón Ediciones SA). {general}.
PÉLISSIER, C. 1993. Vision des couleurs. Traité théorique. French.
PORRETTA, S. 1993.Il colore dei prodotti alimentari. Principi e tecniche di valutazione. Italian (Milan, Italy: Tecniche Nuove).
SANZ, Juan Carlos. 1993. El libro del color. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Alianza).
SEROV, Nikolai Viktorovich [1945-]. 1993. Lechenie zvetom. Moda i garmonia. Russian (Saint Petersburg, Russia: Liss).
SHAPIRO, A. E. 1993. Fits, passions, and paroxysms: physics, method, and chemistry and Newton’s theory of colored bodies and fits of easy reflection. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Cambridge University Press).
SMITH, Ray. 1993. [Title not available]. English (London, England: Dorling Kindersley). {painting}.
Spanish translation, El color en la acuarela (Buenos Aires: Sudamericana, 1994).
SONG, Jian Ming. 1993.Les couleurs en Chine. French (Paris, France: Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, doctoral thesis). {architecture}.
STARK, Josephine F. 1993.Los colores de la vida. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Selector).
STICHTING KLEUR BUITEN. 1993. Heerlen Maastricht, kleurroute. Dutch (Hendrik Ido Ambach, The Netherlands: Stichting Kleur Buiten, Nr. 7). {architecture}.
SWAN, Alan. 1993.El color en el diseño gráfico. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Gustavo Gili).
TRAVIS, Anthony Selwyn [1932-]. 1993. The rainbow makers: the origins of the synthetic dyestuffs industry in Western Europe. English (Bethlehem and London, England: Lehigh University Press, Associated University Presses). {dyeing, history}.
VAN STRALEN, Trudy. 1993. Indigo, madder & marigold: a portfolio of colors from natural dyes. English. {dyeing}.
WELLEJUS, Grethe. 1993. [original title unknown]. Danish. {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
English translation, Shibori, resist dyeing techniques. A handbook on tying, sewing, folding and dyeing fabrics to create fascinating patterns (Orbaek, Denmark, 1996).
German translation, Shibori reservierungstechniken. Ein Handbuch über das Binden, Nähen, Falten und Färben von Stoffen zu faszinierenden Mustern (Tommeliden, 1997).
WILLIS, P. 1993. Colour therapy. English (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England: Element). {health, chromotherapy}.
AUMONT, Jacques. 1994. Introduction à la couleur: des discours aux images. French (Paris, France: Armand Colin).
AVES, Melanie, and John AVES. 1994. Interior designers showcase of color. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {interior design}.
Spanish translation, El color en el interiorismo (Barcelona: Naturart SA, 1994).
BALZANI, Marcello. 1994. I componenti del paesaggio urbano: colore. Dal rilievo al progetto del colore per la scena urbana. Italian (Rimini, Italy: Maggioli). {urban planning}.
BARES, Jan, ed. 1994. Color hard copy and graphic arts III, Proceedings, San Jose, California, February 7-10, 1994. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2171). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BERESNIAK, Daniel. 1994 (before). [original title unknown]. French (Jacques Grancher). {psychology, health, interior design}.
Spanish translation by Vilma Pruzzo, ABC de los colores. Su influencia en la vida diaria (Madrid: Tikal, 1994).
BERGER-SCHUNN, Anni. 1994.Practical color measurement: a primer for the beginner, a reminder for the expert. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {colorimetry}.
CFC (Centre Français de la Couleur) [1976-]. 1994. Couleur et monde vivant. French (Paris, France: Cité des Sciences de la Villette).
CHALAVOUX, Robert. 1994. Le nouvel outil des couleurs. French (Marseille, France: Chalagam). 2nd ed. 1995. 3rd ed. (Chalagam-DésIris, 1997).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1994. A method of predicting corresponding colours under different chromatic and illuminance adaptations, including a computer program. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 109, text; D007, computer program on disk).
COLE, A. 1994. Cor. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Manole).
COMITÉ ESPAÑOL DEL COLOR [1965-]. 1994. Actas del III Congreso Nacional del Color, Granada, Spain, September 12-13, 1994. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Comité Español del Color, SEDO). {colorimetry, vision, technology, food industry, arts, architecture}.
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 1994. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 1994. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
DEAN, Jenny. 1994. The craft of natural dyeing. English (Search Press, Ltd.). {dyeing}.
Spanish translation, Cómo hacer y utilizar tintes naturales (Madrid: Celeste Ediciones, 1998).
DEREFELDT, Gunilla, and U. BERGGRUND. 1994. Färg som informationsbärare [Color as a conveyor of information]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Defense Research Establishment, FOA).
DRUSTVO KOLORISTOV SLOVENIJE (Slovenian Colorists Association). 1994. Proceedings, 4th International Symposium on Color and Colorimetry, Maribor, Slovenia, September 29 – October 1, 1994. English (Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor, Faculty of Technical Sciences).
DUVAL, Loïc. 1994. Colorimétrie appliquée à la télévision, 2nd ed. French (Bry sur Marne, France: INA). {television, colorimetry}.
EMERY, Richard S. 1994. Type & color 2. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {printing industry, graphic arts, typography}.
Spanish edition, Tipo y color 2. Cómo elegir y especificar blends de colores y combinaciones de tipografía y color (Buenos Aires: Documenta; Mexico City: Somohano Eds., 1994).
GAC (Grupo Argentino del Color) [1980-]. 1994. ArgenColor 1992, Actas del Primer Congreso Argentino del Color, Buenos Aires, October 20-22, 1992, edited by José Luis Ricardo Caivano, Gustavo Adrián Defeo, and Roberto Daniel Lozano. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color).
GILCHRIST, Alan L., ed. 1994. Lightness, brightness, and transparency. English (Hillsdale, New Jersey, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates). {psychophysics, vision}.
GIMBEL, Theo. 1994. The book of colour healing. English (London, England: Gaia Books, Ltd.). {health, chromotherapy}.
Spanish translation by Alejandro Pareja, El libro de la terapia de los colores (Madrid: Edaf, 1994).
GOLOB, Vera. 1994. Fotoakusticna spektroskopija v racunalniskem receptiranju z disperznimi barvili. Slovenian (Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, doctoral dissertation). {spectroscopy}.
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 1994. Proceedings IS&T/SID 2nd Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 15-18, 1994. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
JACKSON, Richard N., Lindsay W. MacDONALD, and Ken FREEMAN. 1994. Computer generated color – A practical guide to presentation and display. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {computers}.
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1994. Japanese color aptitude test. English (Tokyo, Japan: Japan Color Research Institute). New ed. 1995. {color vision defects}.
JIMÉNEZ MARTIN, Eloisa. 1994. El color y su expresión plástica. Estudio de la mezcla de pinturasacrílicas de forma cubriente y homogénea. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada).
JUNOD, Philippe, and Michel PASTOUREAU [1947-], eds. 1994. La couleur: regards croisés sur la couleur du Moyen Âge au XXe siècle, Proceedings of the Colloquium, University of Lausanne, June 25-27, 1992. French (Paris, France: Le Léopard d’Or, Cahiers Nr. 4).
LAMMENS, J. M. 1994.A computational model of color perception and color naming. English (Buffalo, USA: State University of New York, PhD dissertation). {psychology, philology, terminology}.
LIEGL, Gudrun. 1994. Studien zur Farbraumkonzeption in der Malerei des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts: von der philosophischen Fakultät der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Technischen Hochschule Aachen zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Philosophie genehmigte Diss. German (Aachen, Germany: Shaker).
LINTON, Harold [1947-]. 1994. Color forecasting: a survey of international color marketing. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold).
MANZELLI, Valentina. 1994. La policromia nella statuaria greca arcaica. Italian (Rome, Italy: L’Erma di Bretschneider). {sculpture}.
MARBERRY, Sara O. 1994. Color in the office. Design trends from 1950-1990 and beyond. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). {interior design}.
MARTIN, Judy. 1994. Color. How to see it. How to paint it. English (London, England: Quarto Publishing).
Spanish translation by Andrea Navajas Ergüin, Color. Percepción y uso en la pintura (Barcelona: Blume).
MILNER, Ann. 1994. Handbuch der Färbetechniken. German.
MINOLTA. 1994. Precise color communication. English (Ramsey, New Jersey, USA: Minolta Camera, Ltd.).
MONCHAUD, Robert. 1994. La couleur et ses accords. French (France: Fleurus).
POGACAR, Vojko [1950-]. 1994. Zastrte vizije barvnega. Barvna ciklomatika [Hidden vision of the colors. Color ciclomatics]. Slovenian (Maribor, Slovenia: Soros Center for Contemporary Arts). {psychology, harmony}.
RONCHI, Lucia Rositani [1927-], and Maurizio CETICA. 1994. Appunti di colorimetria. Italian (Florence, Italy: Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, vol. 67). {colorimetry}.
ROSSBACH, Sarah, and Lin YUN. 1994. Living color: master Lin Yun’s guide to Feng Shui and the art of color. English (New York, USA: Kodansha).
Spanish translation, Feng Shui y el arte del color (Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1999).
SANDBERG, Gösta. 1994. The red dyes: cochineal, madder, and murex purple. English. New ed. 1997 {dyeing, colorants}.
SEEFELDER, Matthias. 1994. Indigo, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Technik, 2nd ed. German (Lech, Austria: Ecomed). {dyeing, colorants}.
THEROUX, A. 1994. The primary colors: three essays. English (New York, USA: Henry Holt & Co.).
THOMPSON, Evan. 1994. Colour vision: a study in cognitive science and philosophy of perception. English (London, England: Routledge). {philosophy, psychology}.
WEYANDT, Barbara. 1994. Farbe und Naturauffassung im Werk von August Macke. German (Hildesheim, Germany: G. Olms).
WHELAN, Bride M. 1994. Color harmony 2. A guide to creative color combinations. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {aesthetics, harmony}.
Spanish translation, La armonía en el color. Nuevas tendencias. Guía para la combinación creativa de colores (Mexico City: Somohano; Buenos Aires: Documenta, 1994).
XU, W. 1994. Chinese colour semantics. English (Australia: Australian National University, PhD dissertation).
ZENDER, Mike. 1994. Getting unlimited impact with limited color. Techniques for using 1, 2 or more colors to create effective, exciting designs. English (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: North Light Books, an imprint of F & W Publications, Inc.). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
AGUILAR RICO, Mariano [1923-], and Vicente BLANCA GIMÉNEZ. 1995. Iluminación y color. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia).
ALIJANDRA (Adrienne Claire) [1953-]. 1995. Healing with the rainbow rays: the art of color energy therapy. English (San Jose, California, USA: Emerald Star Publishing). {health, chromotherapy}.
Portuguese translation by Norberto de Paulo Lima, A fonte de cura dos chakras e das cores (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Madras Editora, 1998).
ARNKIL, Harald, and Esa HÄMÄLÄINEN, eds. 1995. Aspects of colour. English (Helsinki, Finland: University of Art and Design).
ARTIGAS VERDE, José M. [1952-], Pascual CAPILLA PEREA [1960-], Adelina FELIPE, and Jaume PUJOL [1959-]. 1995. Óptica fisiológica. Psicofísica de la visión. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: McGraw-Hill and Interamericana). {vision, psychophysics}.
AUMONT, Jacques, ed. 1995.La couleur en cinéma. French (Paris, France: Cinémathèque Française).
BARES, Jan, ed. 1995. Color hard copy and graphic arts IV, Proceedings, San Jose, California, February 6-10, 1995. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2413). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BERRY, Susan Laura Ashley. 1995. The colour book: using colour to decorate your home. English (London, England: Ebury). {interior design}.
BONNEFOY, Yves. 1995.Dessin, couleur et lumière. French (Paris, France: Mercure de France).
BUCHANAN, Rita. 1995. A dyer’s garden (from plant to pot, growing dyes for natural fibers). English. {dyeing, gardening}.
BURGESS, Chris, and D. G. JONES. 1995. Spectrophotometry, luminescence and colour; science and compliance. English (New York, USA: Elsevier).
BURKINSHAW, S. M. 1995. Chemical principles of synthetic fibre dyeing. English (Glasgow, Scotland: Blackie Academic & Professional). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
BUZZARD, Nick. 1995. The complete process color finder (for desktop publishers and graphic designers). English (London, England: Rockport Publishers). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
CAIVANO, José Luis Ricardo [1958-]. 1995. Sistemas de orden del color. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, UBA, Secretaría de Investigaciones, Serie Difusión Nr. 12).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1995. Industrial colour-difference evaluation. English, with summary in French and German (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 116). {colorimetry}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1995-1996. Proceedings of the 23rd Session, New Dehli, November 1-8, 1995, 3 vols. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 119-1995, 120-1996, X011-1996). {general, lighting}.
COHEN, Josef B. [1921-1995]. 1995 (before). Visual color and color mixture. The fundamental color space, posthumous edition. English (Urbana, Illinois, USA: University of Illinois Press, 2001). {colorimetry}.
COLOMBO, Luciano. 1995. I colori degli antichi. Italian (Florence, Italy: Nardini Editore).
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 1995. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 1995. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
DIN (Deutsches Institut für Normung). 1995. DIN-Fachbericht 49: Verfahren zur Vereinbarung von Farbtoleranzen. German (Berlin, Germany: Beuth Verlag). {colorimetry}.
DRUM, B., ed. 1995. Colour vision deficiencies XII. English (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers). {vision, color vision defects}.
FÄLT, E. 1995. Snövit och de sju färgord, särskilt i slaviska språken. Swedish (Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala Slavic Papers 22).
GARCÍA CODOÑER, Ángela [1944-]. 1995. Color: teoría básica. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Servicio de Publicaciones). {general}.
GARCÍA CODOÑER, Ángela [1944-], Jorge LLOPIS VERDÚ, J. V. MASIÁ LEÓN, Ana TORRES BARCHINO, and R. VILLAPLANA GUILLÉM. 1995. El color en el centro histórico: arquitectura histórica y color en el Barrio del Carmen de Valencia. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Ayuntamiento de Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana). {architecture}.
GROUPE D’ÉTUDE DU XVIIIe SIÈCLE (Roland Mortier, and Hervé Hasquin, eds.). 1995. Autour du père Castel et du clavecin oculaire. French (Brussels, Belgium: Université de Bruxelles, Études sur le XVIIIe siècle, XXIII). {color-music}.
HÅRD, Anders [1922-2009], and Åke SVEDMYR [1948-]. 1995. Färgsystemet NCS. Tanke, tillkomst, tillämpning [The color system NCS. Idea, development, application]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Council for Building Research, BFR T4 1995). {order systems}.
HÅRD, Anders [1922-2009], Rikard KÜLLER [1938-2009], Lars SIVIK [1933-], and Åke SVEDMYR [1948-]. 1995. Upplevelse av färg och färgsatt miljö [Experience of color and colored environment]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Council for Building Research, BFR T5 1995).
HAWKYARD, Cristopher John, ed. 1995. Colour communication UMIST 1995, Proceedings of the Colour Communication Conference, Manchester, England, April 19-21, 1995. English (Manchester, England: UMIST, University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology).
HILLIER, Malcom. 1995. Colour garden. English (London, England: Dorling Kindersley). {gardening}.
Spanish translation by Alicia Sánchez Vera, with technical revision by Ana Zahonero and María Goula, Guía práctica para combinar el color en el jardín (Buenos Aires: La Isla, 1996).
HOLTZCHUE, Linda. 1995. Understanding color: an introduction for designers. English (New York, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold). 3rd ed. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2006).
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 1995. Proceedings IS&T/SID 3rd Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 7-10, 1995. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
JARMAN, D. 1995. Chroma. English (London, England: Vintage).
KAZUO, Jou. 1995. [Cosmology of the color]. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan).
LACOMME, Daniel. 1995. La couleur dans le dessin et la peinture. French (France: Bordas).
LAMB, Trevor, and Janine BOURRIAU, eds. 1995. Colour: art & science. The 1993 Darwin lectures. English (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press). {general, arts, psychology}.
LANG, Heinwig. 1995. Farbwiedergabe in der Medien Fernsehen Film Druck. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). {colorimetry, reproduction devices}.
English translation, Colour and its reproduction, 2 vols. Vol. 1, Colorimetry (Göttingen: Muster-Schmidt, 2002).
LENCLOS, Jean-Philippe [1938-], and Dominique LENCLOS. 1995. Couleurs de l’Europe. Géographie de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Le Moniteur). {architecture}.
LEUNG, Tin Wah William. 1995. High precision camera-based colour inspection of industrial products. English (Huddersf (Ield, England: Polytechnic of Huddersfield, PhD thesis). {colorimetry, instruments, video}.
LO, Mei-Chun. 1995. The Llab model for quantifying color appearance. English (Loughborough University, PhD thesis). {colorimetry, appearance}.
LÜSCHER, Max [1923-]. 1995. Die Farben der Liebe. Verliebtheit und echte Liebe. German (Munich, Germany: Herbig). {psychology}.
Spanish translation by Ana Rodriguez Domínguez, Los colores del amor. Enamoramiento y amor verdadero (Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica, 1997).
LYNCH, David K., and William LIVINGSTON. 1995. Color and light in nature. English (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press).
MARBERRY, Sara O., and Laurie ZAGON. 1995. The power of color: creating healthy interior spaces. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {interior design}.
MARTÍNEZ, Juan Antonio. 1995. Estudio de la influencia de las funciones de mezcla sobre la determinación de diferencias de color. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada, doctoral thesis). {colorimetry}.
MAUND, Barry. 1995. Colours: their nature and representation. English (New York, USA: Press Syndicate, University of Cambridge).
MAUSEL, Paul W., ed. 1995. Fifteenth Biennial Workshop on Videography and Color Photography in Resource Assessment. English (Bethesda, Maryland, USA: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing). {photography}.
RILEY, Charles A. 1995. Color codes: modern theories of color in philosophy, painting and architecture, literature, music, and psychology. English (Hanover, Massachusetts, USA: University Press of New England).
SACKS, Oliver W. [1933-]. 1995. An anthropologist on Mars. English. {anthropology, vision, color vision defects}.
Dutch translation, Een antropoloog op Mars (Meulenhoff).
French translation, Un anthropologue sur Mars (Paris: Seuil).
German translation, Eine Anthropologin auf dem Mars (Rowohlt).
Italian translation, Un antropologo su Marte (Adelphi).
Portuguese translation, Um antropólogo em Marte (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Companhia das Letras, 1995).
Spanish translation, Un antropólogo en Marte (Anagrama).
SANTARSIERO, Hugo Máximo. 1995. La producción gráfica: una nueva dimensión. Spanish (Buenos Aires: Comunicación Gráfica, Edición, Diseño). {graphich arts}
SEROV, Nikolai Viktorovich [1945-]. 1995. Antichnyi chromatism. Russian (Saint Petersburg, Russia: Liss).
SISEFSKY, Jan. 1995. Om Färg. Uppleva, förstå och använda färg [On color. To experience, understand and use color]. Swedish (Västerås, Sweden: ICA Bokförlag).
SLOAN, Annie, and Kate GWYNN. 1995. Colour in decoration. English (London, England: Frances Lincoln). New ed. 2001. {interior design}.
Italian translation, I colori nella decorazione (Tecniche Nuove, 1996).
Spanish translation by Ursel Fischer, El color en la decoración (Buenos Aires: La Isla, 1996).
STARK ADAM, Pegie. 1995. Color, contrast, and dimension in news design, understanding the theory of color and its applications. English (St. Petersburg, Florida, USA: The Poynter Institute for Media Studies).
TONNQUIST, Gunnar [1925-]. 1995. Färgsystemanalys [Color system analysis]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Council for Building Research, BFR T6 1995). {order systems}.
URAL, Sibel Ertez. 1995. [Effects of color dymamics on coloring artificial enviroments]. Turkish (Trabzon, Turkey: Department of Architecture, Karadeniz Technical University, unpublished dissertation).
WALCH, Margaret [c.1940-2013], and Agustine HOPE. 1995. Living colors: the definitive guide to color palettes through the ages. English (San Francisco, USA: Chronicle Books).
WANDELL, Brian A. 1995. Foundations of vision. English (Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA: Sinauer Associates). {vision}.
WELLING, Manfred S. 1995.Wörterbuch Farben, Klebstoffe und Dichtungsmittel / Dictionary of paints, adhesives and sealants. German and English (Weinheim, Germany: VCH). {paints}.
WRIGHT, Angela [1939-]. 1995. The beginner’s guide to colour psychology. English (London, England: Kyle Cathie, Ltd.). New ed. 1998 (London: Colour Affects, Ltd.).
ADAMS, Ron [1947-]. 1996. Science in colour. English (Cheltenham, England: Thornes).
AGUILAR RICO, Mariano [1923-], and Felipe MATEOS. 1996. Óptica fisiológica, vol. 3. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Departamento Interuniversitario de Óptica). {ophthalmology, vision}.
ÁVILA, María Mercedes [1944-], and Marta Raquel POLO [1940-]. 1996. Color urbano: indagaciones en ámbitos de la ciudad de Córdoba. Spanish (Córdoba, Argentina: Eudecor).
AVOTIE, Annikki. 1996 (before). Gastronomic colour theory and composition. English.
BARES, Jan, ed. 1996. Color imaging: device-independent color, color hard copy and graphic arts, Proceedings, San Jose, California, January 29 -February 1, 1996. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 2658). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BERTON, William. 1996. Couleur energie: un nouveau langage pour percer les secrets de la vie. French (Paris, France: Éditions Clair de Terre).
BRISTOW, Ian C. 1996. Architectural color in British interiors 1615-1840. English (London, England: Yale University Press). {architecture, interior design}.
BRISTOW, Ian C. 1996. Interior house-painting colours and technology 1615-1840. English (London, England: Yale University Press). {interior design}.
CANAL, Fernanda, dir. 1996. Mezcla de colores 1. Acuarela. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Colección Manuales Parramón). {painting}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1996. Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium ‘96 on Colour Standards for Image Technology, Vienna, March 25-27, 1996. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. X010). {reproduction devices, computers}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1996. The relationship between digital and colorimetric data for computer-controlled CRT displays. English, with summary in French and German (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 122). {colorimetry, computers}.
CLERMONT, Pauline. 1996. Le langage des couleurs. French (France: Marabout).
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 1996. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 1996, Chiba, September. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
DÜCHTING, Hajo. 1996. Farbe am Bauhaus: Synthese und Synästhesie. German (Berlin, Germany: Gebr. Mann).
ESPEJO, María del Mar. 1996. Los nombres de color en la naturaleza. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada). {linguistics, philology, terminology}.
ESSERS, Volkmar. 1996. Matisse, master of color. English (New York, USA: Barnes and Noble). {painting}.
FORTNER, Brand, and Theodore MEYER. 1996. Number by colors. A guide to using color to understand technical data. English (New York, USA: Springer). {sciences of the organization, classification}.
FRIDELL ANTER, Karin [1950-], and Åke SVEDMYR [1948-]. 1996. Colour scales of traditional pigments for external painting. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute).
FRIDELL ANTER, Karin [1950-]. 1996. Nature’s colour palette. Inherent colours of vegetation, stones and ground. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute).
GAC (Grupo Argentino del Color) [1980-]. 1996. ArgenColor 1994, Actas del Segundo Congreso Argentino del Color, La Plata, Argentina, September 26-28, 1994, edited by José Luis Ricardo Caivano and Roberto Daniel Lozano. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color).
GALLEGO ROCA, ed. 1996. Revestimiento y color en la arquitectura. Conservación y restauración. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada, Monográfica -arquitectura, urbanismo y restauración). {architecture, building materials, restoration}.
GARAY, L. 1996. Le coquillage a pourpre. French (Paris, France). {dyeing}.
GARCÍA ALFARO, Ernesto. 1996. Análisis digital del color en la obra del pintor J. Sorolla durante el período 1907-1918. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, doctoral thesis). {arts, painting, computers}.
GELSOMINO, Luisella, ed. 1996. Recupero edilizio 10: il colori dell’ambiente construito. Italian (Florence, Italy: Alinea, Centro Studi Oikos). {architecture, restoration}.
HENDRY, G. A. F., and J. D. HOUGHTON, eds. 1996. Natural food colorants. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall, and Blackie Academic & Professional).
HUTCHINGS, John B. [1932-], Munehira AKITA, Noriko YOSHIDA, and Geraldine TWILLEY. 1996. Colour in folklore with particular reference to Japan, Britain and rice. English (London, England: The Folklore Society, University College). {folklore}.
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 1996. Proceedings IS&T/SID 4th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 19-22, 1996. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
JAMES, Liz. 1996. Light and colour in Byzantine art. English (Oxford, England: Clarendon Press). {arts}.
JAPAN COLOR RESEARCH INSTITUTE. 1996. Apparel color. English (Tokyo, Japan: Japan Color Research Institute). {dress, fashion}.
KIENSCHERF, Barbara. 1996. Das Auge hört mit: die Idee der Farblichtmusik und ihre Problematik, beispielhaft dargestellt and Werken von Alexander Skrjabin und Arnold Schönberg. German (Frankfurt am Main, Germany: P. Lang). {color-music}.
LANCASTER, Michael [1928-2004]. 1996. Colourscape. English (London, England: Academy Editions).
MAHNKE, Frank H. [1947-]. 1996. Color, environment and human response: an interdisciplinary understanding of color and its use as a beneficial element in the design of the architectural environment. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {psychology, architecture, interior design}.
Italian translation, Il colore nella progettazione: l’uso del colore come elemento di benessere nella progettazione dell’ambiente architettonico (Utet, 1998).
MARCHAND, Pierre, et al. 1996.Secrets de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Gallimard Jeunesse). {general, for children}.
Spanish translation by Andrés Molina, Secretos del color (Barcelona: Ediciones B, 1997).
MORENO RIVERO, Teresa. 1996. El color: historia, teoría y aplicaciones. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Ariel). {general}.
MURPHY, Pat, and Paul DOHERTY. 1996. The color of nature. An exploratorium book. English (San Francisco, USA: Chronicle Books).
NÓ, Javier [1961-]. 1996. Color y comunicación. La estrategia del color en el diseño. Spanish (Salamanca, Spain: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca).
PORTER, Tom. 1996. Colour in the looking glass. Colour in architecture. English (London, England: Academy Editions). {architecture}.
REIFE, A., ed. 1996. Environmental chemistry of dyes and pigments. English (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons). {chemistry, dyes, pigments}.
RICHTER, Klaus [1940-]. 1996. Computergrafik und Farbmetrik. Farbsysteme, postscript, geräteunabhängige CIE-Farben, including a CD-ROM. German (Berlin, Germany: VDE-Verlag). {colorimetry, order systems, computers, reproduction devices}.
English translation, Computer graphics and colorimetry. Color system, postscript, device-independent CIE colors (Berlin: VDE-Verlag, 1996).
SAMUELS, Robert, Harry STEPHENS, and Ron BECKETT. 1996. Colour and light in schools. English (Sydney, Australia: Building Research Centre, Unisearch and the Scool of Architecture, Faculty of the Built Environment, University of New South Wales). {interior design, architecture}.
SÈVE, Robert [1924-]. 1996. Physique de la couleur: de l’apparence colorée à la technique colorimétrique, with a preface by Lucia Rositani Ronchi. French (Paris, France: Masson). {optics, colorimetry}.
STOEVA-HOLM, D. 1996.Farbbezeichnungen in deuchen Modetexten: eine morphologischsemantische Untersuchung. German (Uppsala, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Uppsaliensis, PhD dissertation).
STROMER, Klaus, and Urs BAUMANN. 1996. Color systems in art and science. English (Konstanz, Germany: Regenbogen). {order systems}.
THEROUX, A. 1996. The secondary colors. English (New York, USA: Henry Holt & Co.).
TORNQUIST, Jorrit [1938-]. 1996. Colore-luce, teoria e applicazione. Italian (Milan, Italy: Istituto del Colore). {general, lighting}.
TOY, Maggie, ed. 1996.Colour in architecture. English (London, England: Academy Editions). {architecture}.
TRSTENJAK, Anton [?-2000?]. 1996. Psihologija barv [Color psychology]. Slovenian (Ljubljana, Slovenia: Institut Antona Trstenjaka). {psychology}.
TURNER LUKE, Joy. 1996. The Munsell color system. A language for color. English (New York, USA: Fairchild Publications).
WHITE, Jan V. 1996. Color for impact. English (Berkeley, California, USA: Strathmoor Press).
WU, Wenming. 1996. The video image’s colorimetric characterization measurement and study. English (Zhejiang, China: Zhejiang University, PhD thesis). {video, colorimetry}.
YGLESIAS, Magenta. 1996. The little raindrop that lost its rainbow, a fairy tale. English (Riverdale, Maryland, USA: Pyramid Atlantic). {general, for children}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1997. AIC Color 97, Proceedings of the 8th Congress, Kyoto, May 25-30, 1997, 2 vols. English (Kyoto, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1997. Colour and psychology. From AIC Interim Meeting 96 in Gothenburg, June 15-18, 1996, edited by Lars Sivik. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, Colour Report F50). {psychology}.
ALLANACH, Jack. 1997. Colour me healing. English (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England: Element). {health, chromotherapy}.
ASPLAND, J. R. 1997. Textile dyeing and coloration. English (North Carolina, USA: American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists). {dyeing, textiles}.
BALLAS, Guila. 1997. La couleur dans la peinture moderne: théorie et pratique, translated from the Hebrew by Simone Bitton. French (Paris, France: A. Biro). {painting}.
BARKER, P., and K. BRIGHT. 1997. A design guide for the use of colour and contrast. English (Slough, Berkshire, England: ICI, Imperial Chemical Industries). {architecture, interior design}.
BECOM, Jeffrey, and Sally Jean ABERG. 1997. Maya color, the painted villages of Mesoamerica. English (New York, USA: Abbeville Press).
BERETTA, Giordano B., and Reiner ESCHBACH, eds. 1997.Color imaging: device-independent color, color hard copy and graphic arts II, Proceedings, San Jose, California, February 10-14, 1997. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3018). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BIGGAM, C. P. 1997. Blue in old English: an interdisciplinary semantic study. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Rodopi).
BILLINGS, Jan. 1997. The healing power of colour and astrological signs. English (Glastonbury, England: New Avalonia). {health, chromotherapy}.
BOURGES, Jean. 1997. Color bytes. Blending the art and science of color. English (Forest Hills, New York, USA: Chromatics Press).
BRUNS, Margarete. 1997. Das Rätsel Farbe: Materie und Mythos. German (Stuttgart, Germany: Reclam).
BURNS, P. D. 1997. Analysis of image noise in multi-spectral color acquisition. English (Rochester, New York, USA: Rochester Institute of Technology, PhD thesis). {computers, reproduction devices}.
BYRNE, Alex, and David R. HILBERT, eds. 1997. Readings on color, 2 vols. Vol. 1, The philosophy of color. Vol. 2, The science of color. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: The MIT Press).
CARTER, Roy. 1997. Working with computer type 3, color & type. English (Crans, USA: RotoVision). {graphic arts, typography}.
Spanish translation, Diseñando con tipografía: color y tipografía (Barcelona: Index Book, 1997).
CAVONIUS, C. Richard, ed. 1997. Colour vision deficiencies XIII. English (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers). {vision, color vision defects}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1997. CIE collection in colour and vision. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 124). {colorimetry, vision}.
COMITÉ ESPAÑOL DEL COLOR [1965-]. 1997. Actas del IV Congreso Nacional del Color, Jarandilla de la Vera, Spain, June 4-6, 1997. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Comité Español del Color, SEDO). {colorimetry, vision, technology, food industry, arts, architecture}.
CREAM, Penelope, ed. 1997. [Title not available]. English (London, England: Mitchell Beazley). {interior design}.
Spanish translation by Gerardo Di Masso, El libro del color (Buenos Aires: La Isla, 1998).
DÍAZ, José Antonio. 1997. Estudio de los efectos de integración espacio-temporal en los fenómenos de detección cromática en vision central y periférica. Spanish (Granada, Spain: Universidad de Granada, doctoral thesis). {vision}.
DICKINSON, Christine M., Ian J. MURRAY, and David CARDEN, eds. 1997. John Dalton’s colour vision legacy. English (London, England: Taylor & Francis). {vision}.
DONG, Wei. 1997.Color rendering: a guide for interior designers and architects: concept, exploration, process. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). {interior design, architecture}.
DYRENFORTH, Noel [1936-]. 1997. The technique of batik, new ed. English. {dyeing, textiles}.
ESCHBACH, Reiner, and Karen BRAUN, eds. 1997.Recent progress in color science. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: Society for Imaging Science and Technology). {colorimetry}.
FITZHUGH, E. W., ed. 1997. Artists pigments. A handbook of their history and characteristics, vol. 3. English (Washington DC, USA: National Gallery of Art, distributed by Oxford University Press). {pigments}.
FRIDELL ANTER, Karin [1950-], and Kristina ENBERG [1949-]. 1997. Utvändig byggnadsfärgsättinig. Förutsättningar, arbetssätt, exempel [Exterior color design. Preconditions, methods, examples]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, BFR T1 1997).
GUIMARÃES, Luciano [1967-]. 1997. Cor, corpo & cultura: interferência biofísica na percepção cultural. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica, PUC-SP, unpublished thesis).
HA, Young-Duk. 1997. Korean traditional color and psychology of color. English (Seoul, Korea: MyungJi Publisher). {folklore, psychology}.
HARDIN, Clyde Larry, and Luisa MAFFI, eds. 1997. Color categories in thought and language. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: Cambridge University Press). {philology, terminology, anthropology}.
IMAI, Francisco Hideki [1967-]. 1997. Color reproduction of facial pattern and endoscopic image based on color appearance models. English (Chiba, Japan: Chiba University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, PhD thesis. In: {color perception, psychophysics}.
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 1997. Proceedings IS&T/SID 5th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 17-20, 1997. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
JOHNSTON, Ann. 1997. Color by accident: low water immersion dyeing. English. {dyeing, textiles}.
INNES, Jocasta [1934-2013]. 1997. Around the house: color, with photographs by Marie-Louise Avery and Sue Baker. English (Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Little, Brown & Co., a Bulfinch Press Book). {interior design}.
KANG, Henry R. 1997. The color technology for electronic imaging devices. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering). {computers, reproduction devices}.
KIT (Kyoto Institute of Technology). 1997. Microsymposium on Color Chemistry and Dyeing, Proceedings, Kyoto, Japan, March 18-19, 1997. English (Kyoto, Japan: KIT). {applied chemistry, dyeing}.
KIM, Chang-Soon [1952-]. 1997. Da-chae-nul bun-kwang-kwang-do-gel i-young-han jul-dea-ban-sa-yul cheek-jung [Measurements of the absolute diffuse spectral reflectance factors, using a multichannel array detector]. Korean (Daejeon, Korea: KAIST, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
KIM, Dong-Ho. 1997. The influence of parametric effects on the appearance of small colour differences. English (Leeds, England: University of Leeds, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
KUEHNI, Rolf G. [1938-]. 1997. Color: an introduction to practice and principles. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {general}.
LE RIDER, Jacques. 1997. Les couleurs et les mots. French (Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France).
LOEWEN, E. G., and E. POPOV. 1997. Diffraction gratings and applications. English (New York, USA: Marcel Dekker, Inc.). {optics, diffraction}.
LUZZATTO, Lia. 1997.Il colori del vestire. Variazioni, ritorni, persistenze. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli). {dress, fashion}.
MacLAURY, Robert E. [1944-]. 1997. Color and cognition in Mesoamerica: constructing categories as vantages. English (Austin, Texas, USA: University of Texas Press). {philology, terminology, anthropology}.
MAROTTI, M., ed. 1997.Le piante coloranti. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Edagricole).
MARTÍN MARCOS, Alfonso. 1997. Colorimetría aplicada a la televisión. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación). {colorimetry, television}.
MILLER, Mary C. [1921-2013]. 1997. Color for interior architecture. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {interior design, architecture}.
NASREEN, Askari, and Rosemary GRILL. 1997. Colours of the industry, costume, textiles of Pakistan. English (London, England: Victoria & Albert Museum).
NCCA (National Coil Coaters Association). 1997. Prismatic II: a visual display of measured color difference. English (Chicago, USA: National Coil Coaters Association). {colorimetry}.
PILE, John F. 1997. Color in interior design. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). {interior design}.
RETALLACK, Gregory John. 1997. A colour guide to paleosols. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
RONCHI, Lucia Rositani [1927-]. 1997. Talking about color. English (Florence, Italy: Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, vol. 69). {vision}.
ROQUE, Georges, Bernard BODO, and Françoise VIÉNOT, eds. 1997.Michel-Eugène Chevreul. Un savant, des couleurs!. French (Paris, France: Museum d’Histoire Naturelle).
ROQUE, Georges. 1997. Art et science de la couleur: Chevreul et les peintres, de Delacroix à l’abstraction. French (Nimes, France: Éditions Jacqueline Chambon). Revised and enlarged ed. (Paris: Gallimard, 2009).
ROSENTHAL, Odeda [1934-], and Robert H. PHILLIPS. 1997. Coping with color-blindness: sound helpful information for those who must deal with inherited or acquired color vision confusion. English (New York, USA: Avery). {vision, color vision defects}.
SACKS, Oliver W. [1933-]. 1997. The island of the color-blind and cycad island. Book I, The island of the color-blind. Book II, Cycad island. English (New York, USA: Alfred A. Knopf). {anthropology, vision, color vision defects}.
Dutch translation, Het eiland der kleurenblinden (Meulenhoff).
French translation, L’ile en noir et blanc (Paris: Seuil).
German translation, Die Insel der Farbenblinden (Rowohlt).
Italian translation, L’isola dei senza colori (Adelphi).
Portuguese translation, A ilha dos daltônicos (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Companhia das Letras).
Spanish translation by Julio Paredes Castro, La isla de los ciegos al color y la isla de las cicas (Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Norma, 1999).
SEROV, Nikolai Viktorovich [1945-]. 1997. Aesthetica zveta. Methodologischeskie aspecty chromatisma [Aesthetics of color. Methodological aspects in chromatism]. Russian (Saint Petersburg, Russia: FPB-Bion).
SEROV, Nikolai Viktorovich [1945-]. 1997. Lechenie zvetom. Mirskoe i religioznoe. Russian (Saint Petersburg, Russia: Krismas+).
SKELTON, Helen. 1997. The application of statistical and neural network methods of analysis to colour appearance modelling. English (Leeds, England: University of Leeds, Department of Colour Chemistry, PhD thesis). {colorimetry}.
STRATHMORE PAPERS. 1997. Marketable aspects of color. English (East Granby, Connecticut, USA: Strathmore Papers, Series Aspects of Color, Nr. 4). {marketing}.
TAFT, Charles. 1997. Generality aspects of color naming and color meaning. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: University of Göteborg, Department of Psychology). {psychology, philology, terminology}.
WELLS, Kate. 1997. Fabric dyeing & printing (London, England: Conran Octopus). {textiles}.
German translation, Textilien Färben & Bedrucken (1998).
Spanish translation by Margarita Kirchner, Teñido y estampación de tejidos (Buenos Aires: La Isla, 1998).
WILCOX, Michael. 1997. The artist’s guide to selecting colors. English (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: F & W Publications, Inc.). {arts}.
WILLS, Pauline. 1997. Working with colour, a beginner’s guide. English. {psychology, health, interior design}.
Spanish translation by Joana Claverol, Todo lo que necesita saber sobre los colores (Barcelona: Grupo Editorial Ceac, 1997).
ZOIDO, Jesús Manuel [1964-]. 1997. Distancia estadística generalizada. La métrica del color. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, doctoral thesis). {colorimetry}.
AUSTIN, Sandra. 1998. Color in garden design. English (Newtown, Connecticut, USA: Taunton). {gardening}.
BACKHAUS, Werner G., Reinhold KLIEGL, and John S. WERNER, eds. 1998. Color vision: perspectives from different disciplines. English (Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter). {vision, color perception}.
BALFOUR-PAUL, Jenny. 1998. Indigo. English (London, England: British Museum Press). {dyeing, colorants}.
BERETTA, Giordano B., and Reiner ESCHBACH, eds. 1998. Color imaging: device-independent color, color hard copy and graphic arts III, Proceedings, San Jose, California, January 28-30, 1998. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3300). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BERGER, Dorit. 1998. Färben mit Naturfarben. Farbepflanzen, Rezepte, Anwendungsmoglithkeiten. German (Ulmer). {dyes, colorants}.
BIGGAM, C. P. 1998. Grey in old English: an interdisciplinary semantic study. English (London, England: Runetre Press).
BORDILS, Xavier, and Susy SEVA. 1998. El color en la arquitectura tradicional valenciana. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Fundación Bancaja). {architecture}.
BUCKLEY, Robert R., ed. 1998. Recent progress in color management and communications. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: Society for Imaging Science and Technology). {computers, reproduction devices}.
BUNTING, Fred. 1998. The ColorShop color primer: an introduction to the history of color, color theory, and color measurement. English (USA: Light Source Computer Images, Inc., X-Rite Company). {general}.
CALLET, Patrick. 1998. Couleur-lumière, couleur-matière: interaction lumière-matière et synthèse d’images. French (Paris, France: Diderot Multimédia).
CHIAZZARI, Suzzy. 1998. The complete book of colour: using color for lifestyle, health, and well-being. English (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England: Element). {health, psychophysiology, interior design, dress, cosmetics}.
Spanish translation by Remedios Diéguez Diéguez, Color: utilizar el color como estilo de vida, para la salud y el bienestar (Barcelona: Blume, 1999).
CHRISMENT, Alain. 1998. Couleur & colorimétrie. French (Paris, France: 3C Conseil).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-], and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) [1947-]. 1998. Joint ISO/CIE Standard: CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry. English-French (Vienna, Austria; Geneva, Switzerland: CIE, Pub. S 005; ISO 10526:1999). {colorimetry}.
German translation (CIE, Pub. S 005/G, 1998).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1998. Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium ‘97 on Colour Standards for Imaging Technology, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 21-22, 1997. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. X014).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1998. The CIE 1997 interim colour appearance model (simple version), CIECAM97s. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 131).
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 1998. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 1998, Tokyo, November 10-12. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
DEDRICK, D. 1998. Naming the rainbow. English (London, England: Kluwer Academic Publishers).
DI RENZO, Magda. 1998. Il colore vissuto (le trasformazioni dei colore nel processo analítico). Italian (Rome, Italy: Edizioni Scientifiche Magi).
DRUSTVO KOLORISTOV SLOVENIJE (Slovenian Colorists Association). 1998. Proceedings, 5th International Symposium on Color and Colorimetry, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, September 10-12, 1998. English (Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). {colorimetry, printing industry, dyeing, textiles}.
EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS. 1998 (before). Color schemes for your home. English (Eaglemoss Publications). {interior design}.
Spanish translation by Gloria Mengual, El color: grandes ideas decorativas (Madrid: Ágata, 1998).
EICP. 1998. Proceedings of EICP ‘98 Electronic Imaging: Processing, Printing, and Publishing in Color. English (Zurich, Switzerland: EICP). {computers, reproduction devices, printing industry}.
EISEMAN, Leatrice, and Robert HICKEY. 1998. Colors for your every mood: discover your true decorating colors. English (USA: Capital Books). New ed. 2000.
FAIRCHILD, Mark D. 1998. Color appearance models. English (Reading, Massachusetts, USA: Addison-Wesley).
FRANÇA, Rosa Alice. 1998. La sistematización cromática y la ordenación del paisaje. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, doctoral dissertation). {architecture, landscape design}.
GAC (Grupo Argentino del Color) [1980-]. 1998. ArgenColor 1996, Actas del Tercer Congreso Argentino del Color, Huerta Grande, Córdoba, Argentina, May 20-22, 1996, edited by José Luis Ricardo Caivano, María Mercedes Ávila, and Patricia Marina Doria. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color).
GAGE, John. 1998. Colour and meaning. Art, science and symbolism. English (London, England: Thames and Hudson). New ed. (California: University of California, 1999). {general, arts}.
German translation, Die Sprache der Farben – Bedeutungswandel der Farben in der bildenden Kunst (Ravensburger, 1999).
GARCÍA CODOÑER, Ángela [1944-], Jorge LLOPIS VERDÚ, J. V. MASIÁ LEÓN, Ana TORRES BARCHINO, and R. VILLAPLANA GUILLÉM. 1998. El color en el centro histórico II: arquitectura histórica y color en el Barrio de Velluters de Valencia. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Generalitat Valenciana, Ayuntamiento de Valencia). New ed., El color en el barrio Velluters (Valencia: Trasgos Grupo de Comunicación, 2000). {architecture}.
GIORGIANNI, Edward, and Thomas E. MADDEN. 1998. Digital color management -Encoding solutions. English (Reading, Massachusetts, USA: Addison-Wesley). {computers, reproduction devices}.
GÖTZ, Veruschka. 1998. Color & type for the screen. English (New York, USA: Rotovision). {reproduction devices, typography}.
GUILLEMARD, Colette. 1998. Le dico des mots de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Seuil). {philology, terminology}.
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 1998. Proceedings IS&T/SID 6th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 17-20, 1998. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
KIM, Young In [1957-]. 1998. Recherche sur une méthode de communication par la couleur dans la création vestimentaire -Pour une couleur écologique liée aux quatre élements. French (Paris, France: Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, doctoral thesis). {dress, costume design}.
KIM, Young-Sun. 1998. Korean basic color-names and their representation in color space. English (Seoul, Korea: Korea University, PhD dissertation). {philology, terminology}.
KOBAYASHI, Shigenobu [1925-2010]. 1998. Karaarisuto. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha). {aesthetics, harmony, psychology}.
English translation by Keiichi Ogata and Leza Lowitz, Colorist: A practical handbook for personal and profesional use (Tokyo: Kodansha, 1998).
KOSTKOWSKI, Henry J. 1998.Reliable spectroradiometry. English (La Plata, Maryland, USA: Spectroradiometry Consulting). {radiometry}.
LEVINE, Melinda. s.d. Colors for living: living rooms. English (Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {interior design}.
LOZANO, V. 1998. Contribution de l’analyse d’image couleur au traitement des images textiles. French (Saint-Étienne, France: Université Jean Monnet, PhD thesis). {reproduction devices, textiles}.
MacDONALD, Lindsay W. 1998. Colour in computer graphics: lecture notes, a set of 108 slides with accompanying lecture notes. English (Derbyshire, England: MacColour, Ltd.). {computers}.
MEERWEIN, G., B. RODECK, and Frank H. MAHNKE [1947-]. 1998. Mensch – Farbe – Raum. Grundlagen der Farbgestaltung in Architektur, Innenarchitektur, Design und Planung. German (Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser). 4th revised ed. 2007.
English translation by Laura Bruce, Matthew Gaskins and Paul Cohen, Color – Communication in architectural space (Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser, 2007).
MOLLARD-DESFOUR, Annie. 1998. Le dictionnaire des mots et expressions de couleur du XXe siècle: le bleu, with a preface by Michel Pastoureau. French (Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). {philology, terminology, history}.
NASSAU, Kurt, ed. 1998. Color for science, art and technology. English (Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier).
NCAD (National College of Art and Design, Institute of Colour). 1998. Colour between art and science, Proceedings of the Oslo International Colour Conference, Oslo, October 8-11, 1998. English (Oslo, Norway: National College of Art and Design). {psychology, arts, architecture, cinema}.
NORDLUND, James J., Raymond E. BOISSY, Vincent J. HEARING, et al., eds. 1998. The pigmentary system: physiology and pathophysiology. English (New York, USA: Oxford University Press). {physiology}.
OLEARI, Claudio, ed. 1998. Misurare il colore: spettrofotometria, fotometria e colorimetria, fisiologia e percezione. Italian (Milan, Italy: Hoepli). {colorimetry}.
PENDER, Ken. 1998. Digital color in graphic design. English (Oxford, England: The Focal Press). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
PILAROSCIA, Jill. s.d. Colors for living: kitchens. English (Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {interior design}.
PONIATOWSKA, Elena (text), and Amanda SEVILLE HOLMES (photographs). 1999. Color en México. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Revimundo SA). {architecture}.
English translation by Aurora Camacho de Schmidt (New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1998).
PUGH, Jennie L., and Sandra RAGAN. 1998. Colors for living: baths. English (Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {interior design}.
PUGH, Jennie L. s.d. Colors for living: bedrooms. English (Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {interior design}.
RONCHI, Lucia Rositani [1927-], Sergio VILLANI [1939-], Margherita ABBOZZO HEUSER [1960-], and Gabriella TOMBELLINI [1934-]. 1998. I nomi dei colori. Italian (Fornaccette, Pisa, Italy: Mariposa Editrice, Associazione Ottica Italiana).
SANGWINE, S. J., and R. E. N. HORNE, eds. 1998. The colour image processing handbook. English (London, England: Chapman & Hall).
SEROV, Nikolai Viktorovich [1945-]. 1998. Semantica zveta v traditionnyck culturack [Semantics of color in traditional culture]. Russian (Saint Petersburg, Russia: Saint Petersburg State University, doctoral thesis).
SILVESTRINI, Narciso, Ernst Peter FISCHER, and Klaus STROMER. 1998. Farbsysteme in Kunst und Wissenschaft. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont). {order systems}.
SÖLCH, Reinhold. 1998. Die Evolution der Farbe. Goethes Farbenlehre im neuen Licht. German (Germany: Ravensburger).
TRESTAIN, Eileen Jahnke. 1998. Dating fabrics. A color guide. English (Collector Books).
TRUCCO, Terry. 1998. Color: details and design, with a foreword by Carol Prisant. English (Glen Cove, New York, USA: PBC International, Inc.). {interior design}.
VAN WYK, Gary Neville. 1998. African painted houses: Basotho dwellings of Southern Africa. English (New York, USA: Harry N. Abrams). {architecture}.
YENDRIKHOVSKIJ, Sergej N. 1998. Color reproduction and the naturalness constraint. English (Eindhoven, The Netherlands: Eindhoven Technical University, PhD thesis).
ADAMS, Il., and R. REINERTSON. 1999. Digital color reproduction in newspapers. English (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA: GATF Press). {printing industry, reproduction devices}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 1999. AIC Midterm Meeting “Applications of Colorimetry in Industry and Design”, Proceedings, Warsaw, June 22-23, 1999. English (Warsaw, Poland: Central Office of Measures, Optical Radiation Laboratory).
BERETTA, Giordano B., and Reiner ESCHBACH, eds. 1999.Color imaging: device-independent color, color hard copy and graphic arts IV, IS&T/SPIE Conference, Proceedings, 1999. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3648). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
BILLGER, Monica [1961-]. 1999. Colour in enclosed space. Observation of colour phenomena and development of methods for identification of colour appearance in rooms. English (Gothenburg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology, PhD dissertation). {architecture, psychology}.
BOMFORD, David, and Roy ASHOK. 1999. Colour. English (New Haven, Connecticut, USA: Yale University Press, Pocket Guides). New ed. 2000.
BORG, Alexander, ed. 1999. The language of color in the Mediterranean: an anthology on linguistic and ethnographic aspects of color terms. English and French (Stockholm, Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm Oriental Studies 16).
CABARGA, Leslie. 1999. The designer’s guide to color combinations: 500+ historic and modern color formulas. English (USA: F & W Publications, Inc.).
CARDON, Dominique, ed. 1999-2000. Teintures précieuses de la Méditerranée: pourpre, kermès, pastel / Tintes preciosos del Mediterráneo: púrpura, quermes, pastel. French-Spanish bilingual edition (Terrassa, Spain: Musée des Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne, Centre de Documentació i Museu Tèxtil de Terrassa). {dyes}.
CARLSON, Jeff, Toby MOLINA, and Glen FLEISHMAN. 1999. Color. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers).
Spanish ed., Color: las mejores webs (Mexico City: Gustavo Gili, 1999).
CHIJIIWA, Hideaki, ed. 1999. Encyclopedia on color cognition of the world’s youth. English (Tokyo, Japan: Kawade Shobo Shinsha).
CHO, E. K. 1999.The evaluation of CIELAB-based colour-difference formulae using a new colour-difference data set. English (Seoul, Korea: Seoul National University, thesis). {colorimetry}.
CHRISTIE, Robert M., R. R. MATHER, and R. H. WARDMAN. 1999. The chemistry of colour application. English (London, England: Blackwell). {chemistry, applied chemistry}.
CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY [1917-], and CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 1999. International Conference: Use of Color from Fundamentals to Applications for the 21st Century, Proceedings, Bangkok, April 2-3, 1999. English (Bangkok, Thailand: Chulalongkorn University, Department of Imaging and Printing Technology). {general, colorimetry, printing industry, reproduction devices}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1999. CIE collection in vision and colour and in physical measurement of light and radiation. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 135). {colorimetry, vision}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 1999-2000. Proceedings of the 24th Session, Warsaw, June 24-30, 1999, 3 vols. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. 133-1999, X017-2000). {general, lighting}.
COLOR GROUP OF BULGARIA [1981-]. 1999. Bulcolor ‘99, International Color Conference, Proceedings, Varna, October 8-10, 1999, compiled by Todor Ivanov Kehlibarov. English, Bulgarian, German (Sofia, Bulgaria: Color Group of Bulgaria).
COLOUR AND IMAGING INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF DERBY. 1999. Proceedings of the International Colour Management Forum, Derby, March 24-25, 1999. English (Derby, England: University of Derby, Colour and Imaging Institute). {computers, reproduction devices}.
COMITÉ ESPAÑOL DEL COLOR [1965-]. 1999. Actas del V Congreso Nacional del Color, Terrassa, Spain, June 9-11, 1999. Spanish (Terrassa, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Departamento de Óptica y Optometría). {colorimetry, vision, technology, food industry, arts, architecture}.
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 1999. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 1999, Tokyo, November 9-11. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
DELAMARE, François, and Bernard GUINEAU. 1999. Les matériaux de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Gallimard).
EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS. 1999 (before). Choosing a colour scheme. English (Eaglemoss Publications). {interior design, textiles}.
Spanish translation by Alberto de la Guardia, Esquemas e ideas. Aplicaciones prácticas del color (Madrid: Ágata, 1999).
EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS. 1999 (before). Choosing a colour scheme. English (Eaglemoss Publications). {interior design}.
Spanish translation by Alberto de la Guardia, Esquemas e ideas. El lenguaje del color (Madrid: Ágata, 1999).
EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS. 1999 (before). Choosing a colour scheme. English (Eaglemoss Publications). {interior design}.
Spanish translation by Alberto de la Guardia, Decoración básica con color (Madrid: LISBA, 1999).
FERRER, Eulalio. 1999. Los lenguajes del color. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica).
FIELD, Gary. 1999. Color and its reproduction, 2nd ed. English (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA: GATF Press). 3rd ed. 2004. {reproduction devices}.
GARCÍA BELCHÍN, Roberto. 1999. Guía de reproducción digital del color. Spanish (Spain: The author). {printing industry, reproduction devices, computers}.
GEGENFURTNER, K. R., and Lindsay T. SHARPE, eds. 1999. Color vision: from genes to perception. English (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press). {vision}.
GOLDING, Mordy. 1999. Guia de cores para web designers – Pantone web color. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Quark). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
GREEN, Phil [1953-]. 1999. Understanding digital color, 2nd ed. English (Sewickley, Pennsylvania, USA: GATF Press). {computers, reproduction devices, graphic arts}.
GRIFFITHS, John, ed. 1999. Colour Science ‘98, Proceedings of the International Conference and Exhibition, Ciba Specialty Chemicals Dye and Pigment Chemistry Symposium, Harrogate, April 1-3, 1998. Vol. 1, Dye and pigment chemistry. English (Leeds, England: University of Leeds, Department of Colour Chemistry). {applied chemistry, dyeing, paints}.
HARDEBERG, Jon Y. [1971-]. 1999. Acquisition and reproduction of color images: colorimetric and multispectral approaches. English (Paris, France: École Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, doctoral dissertation). 2nd ed. 2001, available at {computers, reproduction devices}.
HILLS, Paul. 1999. Venetian colour. Marble, mosaic, painting and glass 1250-1550. English (London, England: Yale University Press).
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 1999. Proceedings IS&T/SID 7th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 16-19, 1999. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
KANG, Henry R. 1999.Digital color halftoning. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering).
KLOTSCHE, C. 1999. Color medicine: the secrets of color / vibrational healing. English (Sedona, Arizona, USA: Light Technology Publishing). {health, chromotherapy}.
KULLBERG, Ann. 1999. Colored pencil portraits step by step. English (USA: F & W Publications, Inc.).
LENCLOS, Jean-Philippe [1938-], and Dominique LENCLOS. 1999. Couleurs du monde. Géographie de la couleur. French (Paris, France: Le Moniteur).
LINTON, Harold [1947-]. 1999. Color in architecture: design methods for buildings, interiors and urban spaces. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). {architecture, interior design, urban planning}.
LÜBBE, Eva [1950-]. 1999. Empfindungsgemässe Farbbeschreibung unter Berücksichtigung des Umfeldes. German (Aachen, Germany: RWTH, dissertation, Shaker Verlag).
MacDONALD, Lindsay W., and Ming Ronnier LUO [1958-], eds. 1999. Colour imaging: vision and technology, papers from the 1st International Conference on Colour Imaging in Multimedia, Derby, England, March 26-27, 1998. English (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons). {vision, computers, reproduction devices}.
MacDONALD, Lindsay W., ed. 1999. Colour imaging in multimedia. English (London, England: John Wiley & Sons).
MENDES, Valerie. 1999. Black in fashion. English (London, England: V & A Publ.).
MUSEO NACIONAL DE BELLAS ARTES. 1999. Shibori. El arte de teñir con amarras / The art of tying and dyeing. III Simposio internacional de Shibori. Spanish and English (Santiago de Chile, Chile: Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes). {dyeing}.
PERAZZO, F. L., et al. 1999. Elementos da cor. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Senac). {general}.
RASK, Raima. 1999. On the phenomena of rainbows. Goethe’s method of science. English (Helsinki, Finland: Snellman College).
RITBERGER, Carol. 1999. What color is your personality? Red, orange, yellow, green… English (USA: Hay House, Inc.).
ROCKPORT PUBLISHERS. 1999. Color harmony workbook. A workbook and guide to creative color combinations. English (Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {aesthetics, harmony}.
ROJA, José Manuel de la. 1999. Sistema de reintegración cromática asistido por medios transferibles obtenidos por procedimientos fotomecánicos. Aplicación en la restauración de pintura de caballete. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, doctoral thesis).
SCHWARZ, Andreas. 1999. Die Lehren von der Farbenharmonie, Eine Enzyklopädie zur Geschichte und Theorie der Farbenharmonielehren. German (Göttingen, Germany: Muster-Schmidt). {aesthetics, harmony, order systems}.
SOCIETY OF MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING OF JAPAN. 1999. Proceedings, International Symposium on Multispectral Imaging and Color Reproduction for Digital Archives, Chiba, Japan, October 21-22, 1999. Japanese, English (Chiba, Japan: Chiba University). {reproduction devices, computers}.
ZAUNSCHIRM, T., ed. 1999. Die Farben Schwarz. German (Vienna, Austria: Springer).
ZOLLINGER, Heinrich. 1999. Color: a multidisciplinary approach. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
ADAMS, R. M., and J. B. WEISBERG. 2000. The GATF practical guide to color management. English (Sewickley, Pennsylvania, USA: GATF Press). {computers, reproduction devices}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2000. Proceedings of the AIC Interim Meeting “Colour & Environment”, Seoul, Korea, November 6-7, 2000. English (Seoul, Korea: Korean Society of Color Studies). {urban planning, architecture, design}.
ALBRIGHT, Rose. 2000. La magia de los colores. Cómo influye el color en la personalidad, la salud y el hogar. Spanish (Buenos Aires: Planeta, 2000). {psychology, health, chromotherapy}.
ANDREWS, Ted. 2000. How to heal with color. English (St. Paul, Minnesota, USA: Llewellyn). {health, chromotherapy}.
ARNALDO, Javier. 2000. Yves Klein. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Nerea). {painting}.
BATCHELOR, David. 2000. Chromophobia. English (London, England: Reaktion). {philosophy}.
BERNS, Roy S. 2000. Billmeyer and Saltzman’s Principles of color technology, 3rd ed. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {colorimetry, technology}.
BUCKLAND, Ray. 2000. Practical color magick. English (St. Paul, Minnesota, USA: Llewellyn).
CAMGÖZ, Nilgün [1971-]. 2000. Effects of hue, saturation, and brightness on attention and preference. English (Ankara, Turkey: Bilkent University, PhD dissertation). {psychology}.
CHENCINER, Robert. 2000. Madder Red. A history of luxury and trade-plant dyes and pigments in world commerce and art. English (Richmond, England: Curzon). {dyeing, colorants}.
COLOUR AND IMAGING INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF DERBY. 2000. Colour Image Science Conference, Proceedings, Derby, April 10-12, 2000. English (Derby, England: University of Derby, Colour and Imaging Institute). {reproduction devices, computers}.
COOPER, M., and A. MATHEWS. 2000. Color smart: how to use color to enhance your business and personal life. English (New York, USA: Pocket Books).
CROVARA, Francesca. 2000. Bianco & nero come… Italian (Italy: La Coccinella). {general, for children}.
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 2000. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 2000, Tokyo, November 16-17. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
DOBIE, Jeanne. 2000. Making color sing. English (New York, USA: Watson-Guptill).
ELGER, Dietmar. 2000. Donald Judd colorist, catalog of the exhibition at Sprengel Museum of Hannover. English (Hannover, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag). {arts, painting}.
EISEMAN, Leatrice. 2000. Color: guide to communicating with color Pantone. English (Florida, USA: Grafix Press).
ESCHBACH, Reiner, and Gabriel G. MARCU, eds. 2000. Color imaging: device-independent color, color hard copy and graphic arts V, Proceedings, San Jose, California, January 25-28, 2000. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 3963). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
FEDERICI, Paola. 2000. Il tuo bambino lo dice con i colori: guida al gioco-test e alle fiabe colorate per insegnanti, educatori e genitori. Italian (Italy: Franco Angeli). {psychology}.
FEHRMAN, Kenneth R., and Cherie FEHRMAN. 2000. Color: the secret influence. English (Prentice-Hall). {general, psychology, health, interior design, architecture, landscape design, advertisement, marketing, costume design, textile design, anthropology, order systems}.
Spanish translation by Javier León Cárdenas and Saúl Díaz Godinez, Color: el secreto y su influencia (Mexico: Pearson Educación, 2001).
FRIDELL ANTER, Karin [1950-]. 2000. What colour is the red house? Perceived colour of painted facades. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Department of Architectural Forms). {architecture}.
GAC (Grupo Argentino del Color) [1980-]. 2000. ArgenColor 1998, Actas del Cuarto Congreso Argentino del Color, Oberá, Argentina, August 3-6, 1998, edited by José Luis Ricardo Caivano and Rodrigo Hugo Amuchástegui. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color). {arts, architecture, design, colorimetry, technology, vision, psychology}.
GARNETT, Oliver. 2000 (before). Colour, a social history. English (The National Trust).
GRAHAM, Helen. 2000. Healing with colour. English (Dublin, Ireland: Dublin, Ireland). {health, chromotherapy}.
GROUPE FRANCAIS DE L’IMAGERIE COULEUR. 2000. Proceedings of CGIP 2000: 1st International Conference on Color in Graphics and Image Processing, Saint-Etienne, France, October 1-4, 2000. English (France). {reproduction devices, computers, graphic arts}.
HÅRLEMAN, Maud [1953-]. 2000. Färg i norr och södervettande rum [Color in north and south facing rooms]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: KTH Architectural Forms, Royal Institute of Technology).
HIBI, Sadao. 2000. The colors of Japan. Background, characteristics, creation. English.
HOMANN, J. P. 2000. Color management: principles & practical application. English (New York, USA: Springer). {computers, reproduction devices}.
HORIZONS MAGHRÉBINS. 2000. Les couleurs de l’échange: du Maroc à l’Orient. French (Toulouse, France: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, Horizons Maghrébins, Le droit à la mémoire 42).
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 2000. Proceedings IS&T/SID 8th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science, Systems and Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 7-10, 2000. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
JOHNSTON-FELLER, Ruth M. [?-2000]. 2000. Color science in the examination of museum objects. Nondestructive procedures. English (Los Angeles, USA: The Getty Conservation Institute). {colorimetry}.
JUAN, Lu-Yin Grace. 2000. Verification of colour appearance models using magnitude estimation data. English (Derby, England: University of Derby, Color and Imaging Institute, PhD thesis). {psychophysics, colorimetry}.
KIT (Kyoto Institute of Technology). 2000. Microsymposium on Colour Research and Application, Proceedings, Kyoto, Japan, November 11-12, 2000. English (Kyoto, Japan: KIT). {colorimetry, psychology, textiles, appearance}.
KOBAYASI, Mituo [1941-]. 2000. Shikisaibi no suriteki-bunseki no kenkyu [Study on mathematical analysis of color aesthetics]. Japanese (Tokyo, Japan: Tokyo University, Faculty of Engineering, PhD dissertation). {aesthetics, painting}.
KOCEVAR, Tanja Nusa. 2000. Vpliv parametrov konstrukcije in kompozicije tkanine na opticno mesanje barv na njeni povrsini. Slovenian (Ljubljana, Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, doctoral dissertation). {textiles}.
MILLER, Judith, and Tim CLINCH (photographer). 2000. Judith Miller’s color. English (New York, USA: Crown Publishers).
MOLLARD-DESFOUR, Annie. 2000. Le dictionnaire des mots et expressions de couleur du XXe siècle: le rouge, with a preface by Sonia Rykiel. French (Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). {philology, terminology, history}.
MÜLLER, Wolfgang, ed. 2000.Handbuch der Farbenchemie, Grundlagen, Techniken & Anwendungen. German (Lech, Austria: Ecomed).
NICHOLLS, C. A. 2000. Visual and instrumental characterisation of special effect colours. English (Leeds, England: University of Leeds, PhD thesis).
OHTSUKI, M. 2000. A cognitive linguistic study of colour symbolism. English (Tokyo, Japan: Daito-Bunka University, Institute for the Research and Education of Language).
PASTOUREAU, Michel [1947-]. 2000. Bleu, histoire d’une couleur. French (Paris, France: Seuil).
English translation, Blue. The history of a color (Woodstock: Princeton University Press).
Italian translation, Blu. Storia di un colore (Ponte alle Grazie, 2002).
PETERSON, L. K., and Cherryl Dangel CULLEN. 2000. Global graphics: color. Designing with color for an international marketing. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {graphic arts, graphic design}.
PRING, Roger. 2000. http://www.colour. Effective use of colour for web page design. English (Cambridge, England: The Ilex Press; London, England: Cassell & Co.). {graphic design}.
Spanish translation by Joan Escofet and Camila Enrich, http://www.color. 300 usos de color para sitios web (Mexico City: Gustavo Gili, 2001).
RAUZIER, Marie Pascale. 2000. Couleurs du Maroc. French (Paris, France: Flammarion).
SHAKESPEARE, Tarja. 2000. Colorant modelling for on-line paper coloring: Evaluations of models and an extension to Kubelka-Munk model. English (Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology, PhD thesis).
SMEDAL, Grete. 2000. Longyearbyen i farger- og hva nå? Longyearbyen in colour- Status and challenges. Norwegian-English (Bergen, Norway: Eide forlag).
SOCIETY OF MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING OF JAPAN. 2000. Proceedings, 2nd International Symposium on Multispectral Imaging and High Accurate Color Reproduction, Chiba, Japan. Japanese, English (Chiba, Japan: Chiba University). {reproduction devices}.
SWIRNOFF, Lois. 2000. The color of cities. An international perspective. English (New York, USA: McGraw-Hill). {urban planning}.
TILLEY, Richard. 2000. Colour and the optical properties of materials: an exploration of the relationship between light, the optical properties of materials and colour. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons).
TORRES BARCHINO, Ana. 2000. El color en la arquitectura religiosa del siglo XVIII en Valencia. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, doctoral thesis). {architecture}.
TYE, Michael. 2000. Consciousness, color and content. English (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT). {philosophy, psychology}.
VAN WYK, Helen. 2000. Color mixing the Van Wyk way. English (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: F & W Publications, Inc.).
VAN WYK, Helen. 2000. Helen Van Wyk’s favorite color recipes. Still lifes, portraits, flowers, landscapes. English (Art Instruction Associates).
VARICHON, Anne. 2000. Couleurs. Pigments et teintures dans les mains des peoples. French (Paris, France: Seuil). {dyes}.
VERNER-BONDS, Lilian. 2000. Colour healing: a complete guide to restoring balance and health. English (London, England: Anness). {health, chromotherapy}.
WILLS, Pauline. 2000. Colour healing. English (London, England: Piatkus). {health, chromotherapy}.
Italian translation, I colori della salute (Pan, 2001).
WORKMAN Jr., Jerry, and Art SPRINGSTEEN, eds. 2000 (circa). Applied spectroscopy: a compact reference for practitioners. English (Academic Press). {spectroscopy}.
BALL, Phillip. 2001. Bright earth: art and the invention of color. English (New York, USA: Farrar, Straus and Giroux). {colorants, dyes, history}.
BARROIS, Barbara, and Mathieu BARROIS. 2001. De la matière à la couleur: une entreprise culturelle en Provence, with photographs by Catherine Gardone. French (France: Edisud). {dyeing}.
BLAY, Michel. 2001. Lumières sur les couleurs. Le regard du physicien. French (France: Ellipses, collection L’Esprit des Sciences). {general}.
BROADBENT, Arthur D. 2001. Basic principles of textile coloration. English (Bradford, York, England: Society of Dyers and Colourists). {dyeing, textiles}.
CALLET, Patrick. 2001. Le transparent, le brillant et l’opaque. Interaction lumière-matière, colorimétrie et apparence visuel. French.
CHRISTIE, Robert M. 2001. Colour chemistry. English (Cambridge, England: The Royal Society of Chemistry). {chemistry, applied chemistry}.
Spanish translation by Ana Cristina Ferrando Navarro and Miguel Angel Usón Finkenzeller, La química del color (Zaragoza, Spain: Acribia, 2003).
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 2001. International recommendations for colour vision requirements for transport. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE). {vision, color vision defects}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 2001. Proceedings of the CIE Expert Symposium 2000 “Extended Range Colour Spaces”, November 11, 2000. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. X021). {colorimetry, order systems}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 2001. Standard on colours of light signals. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE, Pub. S 004/E). {lighting, signals}.
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 2001. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 2001. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
CUKLLEN, Pennie, and Carolin WARRENDER. 2001. Your colours, your home. Decorating with the colours that reflect your personality. English (London, England: Frances Lincoln). {interior design}.
DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges. 2001. L’homme qui marchait dans la couleur. French (France: Éditions du Minuit). {arts}.
DI RENZO, Magda, and Claudio WIDMANN, eds. 2001.La psicologia del colore. Italian (Rome, Italy: Edizioni Scientifiche Magi). {psychology}.
FANTETTI, Simona, and Claudia PETRACCHI. 2001. Il dizionario dei colori: nomi e valori di quadricromia. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Zanichelli). {graphic arts}.
FAZENDA, Carla Maria Arantes. 2001. O sentido da cor: uma investigação interdisciplinar. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, doctoral thesis). {arts, architecture, philosophy, psychology, general}.
FEISNER, Edith Anderson. 2001. Colour – How to use colour in art and design. English (London, England). {general, arts}.
FEISNER, Edith Anderson. 2001. Colour studies. English (New York, USA: Fairchild Publications).
GALTON, Jeremy. 2001. Choosing & mixing colours for painting. English (London, England: Quantum). {painting}.
GOLOB, Vera. 2001. Barvna metrika [Colorimetry]. Slovenian (Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor, Faculty of Technical Sciences). {colorimetry}.
GÓMEZ, Mariano. 2001. La degradación del color. Estudio estadístico y ensayo de tipificación. Spanish (Alicante, Spain: BIMICESA, Instituto de la Cinematografía y de las Artes Audiovisuales, Filmoteca Española. In:
GUIMARÃES, Luciano [1967-]. 2001. A cor como informação: a construção biofísica , lingüística e cultural da simbologia das cores. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Anna Blume).
HARRISON, Cynthia L., and Amy J. WATSON. 2001. The Fred W. Billmeyer color science collection: a catalog of the special collection at the Edward H. Wadewitz Memorial Library of the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation. English (Sewickley, Pennsylvania, USA: GATF Press). {general, bibliography, catalogs}.
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 2001. Proceedings IS&T/SID 9th Color Imaging Conference: Color Science and Engineering: Systems, Technologies, Applications, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 6-9, 2001. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
JAKAB, Zoltán. 2001. Color experience: empirical evidence against representational externalism. English (Ottawa, Canada: Carleton University, doctoral thesis. In: {philosophy, psychology}.
JELER, Stanislava (Slava), and Marko KUMAR, eds. 2001. Interdisciplinarnost barve. Vol. 1, V znanosti [Interdisciplinarity of color. Vol. 1, In science]. Slovenian (Maribor, Slovenia: Drustvo Koloristov Slovenije (Slovenian Colorists Association)). {general, optics, colorimetry}.
JOHNSTON, Sean F. 2001. A history of light and colour measurement, science in the shadows. English (Institute of Physics). {photometry, colorimetry, history}.
KATEMAKE, Pichayada. 2001. Colour matching in printing ink systems. English (Leeds, England: University of Leeds, Department of Colour Chemistry and Dyeing, PhD thesis). { colorimetry, reproduction devices, printing industry}.
KAY, Paul. 2001. Color naming in human languages. English (Chicago, USA: The University of Chicago Press). {philology, terminology}.
KOOLHAAS, Rem [1944-] / OMA, Norman FOSTER [1935-], and Alessandro MENDINI [1931-]. 2001. Colours, with a foreword by Gerhard Mack. English (Blaricum, The Netherlands: V+K Publishing). New ed. (Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser, 2001). {architecture, design}.
LUZZATTO, Lia, and Renata POMPAS. 2001. Il colore persuasivo. Grafica, pubblicità, comunicazione, new media. Italian (Milan, Italy: Il Castello).
MARTIN, Judy. 2001. Drawing with colour. English (London, England: Quantum). {drawing}.
MARTÍNEZ VERDÚ, Francisco Miguel [1970-]. 2001. Diseño de un colorímetro triestímulo a partir de una cámara CCD-RGB. Spanish (Barcelona, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Departamento de Óptica y Optometría, doctoral dissertation. In: {colorimetry, instruments}.
OJA, V. 2001. Linguistic studies of Estonian colour terminology. English (Tartu, Estonia: Tartu University Press, PhD dissertation).
RIEDEL, Ingrid. 2001. Colori, nella religione, nella società, nell’arte e nella psicoterapia. Italian (Rome, Italy: Edizioni Scientifiche Magi). {religion, arts, psychology}.
SANZ, Juan Carlos, and Rosa GALLEGO, eds. 2001. Diccionario Akal del color. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Akal). {general}.
SEROV, Nikolai Viktorovich [1945-]. 2001. Sveto-zvetovaia therapija. Smysl i znachenie zveta: informatija zvey intellect [Light-color therapy. Sense and meaning of color: information-color-intellect]. Russian (Saint Petersburg, Russia: Rech). 2nd ed. 2002. {chromotherapy, psychology, semiotics}.
SPIE. 2001. Color imaging: device-independent color, color hard copy and graphic arts VI, Proceedings, San Jose, California, January 2001. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
VAGNI, Marcelo. 2001. El laboratorio del color. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: M. Vagni). {atlas}.
VERNER-BONDS, Lilian. 2001. The complete book of colour healing. English (Devon, England: Godsfield). {health, chromotherapy}.
WATT, Mélanie [1975-]. 2001. Leon the chameleon. English (Toronto, Canada: Kids Can Press). {general, for children}.
ZUPPIROLI, Libero, and Marie-Noëlle BUSSAC. 2001. Traité des couleurs, with photographs by Christiane Grimm. French (France: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes). {general}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2002. AIC 2001, Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International Colour Association, Rochester, New York, June 24-29, 2001, edited by Robert Y. Chung and Allan B. J. Rodrigues. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 4421). {psychology, education, physics, colorimetry, vision, technology, arts, architecture}.
ARTIGAS VERDE, José M. [1952-], Pascual CAPILLA PEREA [1960-], and Jaume PUJOL [1959-], eds. 2002. Tecnología del color. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad de Valencia). {colorimetry, technology}.
BÖHMER, Harald. 2002. Kökboya – Naturfarben. Eine Farbenreise von der Türkei nach Indien und weiter. German. {dyeing}.
English translation, Koekboya, natural dyes and textiles. A colour journey from Turkey to India and beyond.
CAPILLA PEREA, Pascual [1960-], José M. ARTIGAS VERDE [1952-], and Jaume PUJOL [1959-], eds. 2002. Fundamentos de colorimetría. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad de Valencia). {colorimetry}.
CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY [1917-]. 2002. International Conference on Colour Emotion Research and Application, Proceedings, Bangkok, July 5-7, 2002. English (Bangkok, Thailand: Chulalongkorn University). {psychology, color perception}.
COLOR GROUP OF BULGARIA [1981-]. 2002. Balkancolor 2001: Colors in all directions, Proceedings of the International Conference. Bulgarian, English (Sofia, Bulgaria: Visia Design Studio). {general}.
COMITÉ ESPAÑOL DEL COLOR [1965-]. 2002. Actas del VI Congreso Nacional del Color, Sevilla, September 11-13, 2002. Spanish (Sevilla, Spain: Universidad de Sevilla, Área de Nutrición y Bromatología). {colorimetry, vision, technology, food industry, arts}.
CSAJ (Color Science Association of Japan). 2002. Proceedings, Color Forum Japan 2002. Japanese, English (Tokyo, Japan: Color Science Association of Japan).
FINLAY, Victoria. 2002. Color: a natural history of the palette. English (New York, USA: Ballantine Publishing Group).
Spanish translation by Eva Acosta, Colores (Barcelona: Océano, 2004).
FLORIO, Emmanuel [1955-]. 2002. Le guide de la couleur et de l’image imprimée. French (Méolans-Revel, France: Atelier Perrousseaux). {printing industry, graphic arts}.
GAC (Grupo Argentino del Color) [1980-]. 2002. Color: arte, diseño y tecnología. ArgenColor 2000, Actas del Quinto Congreso Argentino del Color, Mendoza, Argentina, May 15-18, 2000, edited by José Luis Ricardo Caivano and Rodrigo Hugo Amuchástegui. Spanish (mainly), English (some) (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color, and Editorial La Colmena). {arts, architecture, design, colorimetry, technology, vision, psychology}.
GIAUME, Maria Grazia. 2002. Il colore come terapia: cura ed esperienza artistica. Italian (Italy: Edup). {arts, chromotherapy, psychology}.
GILABERT, Eduardo J. 2002. Medida del color. Spanish (Valencia, Spain: Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). {colorimetry}.
GREEN, Phil [1953-], and Lindsay W. MacDONALD, eds. 2002. Colour engineering. Achieving device independent colour. English (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons). {computers, reproduction devices}.
IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology), and SID (Society for Information Display). 2002. Proceedings IS&T/SID 10th Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, November 13-15, 2002. English (Springfield, Virginia, USA: IS&T/SID).
KAAP STUDIUM GENERALE HOGESCHOOL VOOR DE KUNSTEN ARNHEM, comp. 2002. Kleur [Color, compilation from various authors]. Dutch (Arnhem, The Netherlands: KaAp Studium Generale Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Arnhem). {general, psychology, anthropology, arts, architecture, painting, color-music, semiotics}.
KERTTULA, Seija. 2002. English colour terms: etymology, chronology, and relative basicness. English (Helsinki, Finland: Société Néophilologique, Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, Tome LX). {linguistics, philology, terminology}.
KOREAN COLOR STUDIES ASSOCIATION. 2002. It’s for color. English (Korea: Kuk-Je Publishing).
MacDONALD, Lindsay W., and Ming Ronnier LUO [1958-], eds. 2002. Colour image science. Exploiting digital media, papers from the Colour Image Science 2002 Meeting, Derby, England, April 2002. English (Chichester, England: John Wiley & Sons). {vision, computers, reproduction devices}.
MacDOUGALL, Douglas B., ed. 2002. Colour in food: improving quality. English (Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing). {food industry}.
MALACARA, Daniel. 2002. Color vision and colorimetry: theory and applications. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering). {vision, colorimetry, instruments}.
McINTYRE, Donald [1938-]. 2002. Colour blindness: causes and effects. English (Chester, England: Dalton Publishing). {vision, color vision defects}.
MILER, E. G. 2002. Shades of meaning: The effects of color and flavor names on purchase intentions. English (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, PhD dissertation). {psychology, terminology}.
MOLLARD-DESFOUR, Annie. 2002. Le dictionnaire des mots et expressions de couleur du XXe siècle: le rose, with a preface by Bernard Cerquiglini. French (Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). {philology, terminology, history}.
NIEMETZKY, Gérard. 2002. Gestion de la couleur: calibration & profils ICC. French (Paris, France: Eyrolles). {computers, reproduction devices, graphic arts}.
PPG Industries, PPG Training Center. c.2002. Color theory for automotive coatings, interactive computer-based course, CD-ROM. English (Cleveland, USA: PPG Industries). {general, coatings}.
ROMANELLO, Isabella. 2002. Il colore: espressione e funzione. Guida ai significati e agli usi del colore in arredamento, architettura e design. Italian (Milan, Italy: Rizzoli). {architecture, interior design}.
SAUNDERS, Barbara A. C., and Jaap VAN BRAKEL, eds. 2002. Theories, technologies, instrumentalities of color: anthropological and historiographic perspectives. English (Lanham, Maryland, USA: University Press of America). {philosophy, psychology, anthropology}.
SENINI, G., and Inga SIGURTÀ. 2002. L’enigma del colore. Italian (Bologna, Italy: Pitagora Editrice).
SIRACUSANO, Gabriela Silvana [1960-]. 2002. Polvos y colores en la pintura colonial andina (siglos XVII-XVIII). Prácticas y representaciones del hacer, el saber y el poder. Spanish (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, doctoral thesis). {arts, painting, history}.
STEINVALL, Anders. 2002. English colour terms in context. English (Umeå, Sweden: Umeå Universitet). {linguistics}.
STROMER, Klaus. 2002. Farbsysteme. German (Cologne, Germany: DuMont). {order systems}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2003. AIC Color 2002, Color & Textiles, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting, Maribor, Slovenia, August 29-31, 2002, edited by Vera Golob, Stanislava (Slava) Jeler, and Zoran Stjepanovic. English (Maribor, Slovenia: Drustvo Koloristov Slovenije (Slovenian Colorists Association), and University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering). {textiles, colorimetry, education, design, architecture}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2003. AIC 2003 Bangkok, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting “Color Communication and Management”, Bangkok, August 4-6, 2003, edited by Aran Hansuebsai. English (Bangkok, Thailand: The Color Group of Thailand). {reproduction devices, colorimetry, vision, psychology, architecture}.
BERETTA, Giordano B. 2003. Understanding color. English (Palo Alto, California, USA: Hewlett-Packard Company, Publishing Automation and Integration Technologies. In: {general}.
BARROIS, Mathieu, Barbara BLIN-BARROIS, and Séverine LEJEUNE. 2003. Couleurs à boire couleurs et à manger. French (France: Edisud). {food industry}.
CARDON, Dominique. 2003. Le monde des teintures naturelles. French (Paris, France: Belin). {colorants}.
English translation, revised and enlarged, Natural dyes: source, tradition, science(London: Archetype Publications, 2007).
CARRER, Chiara [1958-]. 2003. Tomi e il colore. Italian (Milan, Italy: Carhusia). {general, for children}.
CIE (Commission Internationale de l’Éclairage) [1913-]. 2003. Proceedings of the 25th Session, San Diego, USA, June 25 – July 2, 2003. English (Vienna, Austria: CIE). {general, lighting}.
DYRENFORTH, Noel [1936-]. 2003. Batik: modern concepts and techniques. English (London, England). {dyeing, textiles}.
ESCHBACH, Reiner, and Gabriel G. MARCU, eds. 2003. Color imaging: device-independent color, color hard copy and graphic arts VIII, Proceedings. English (Bellingham, Washington, USA: SPIE, The International Society for Optical Engineering). {reproduction devices, printing industry, graphic arts}.
FEREDAY, Gwen. 2003. Natural dyes. English (London, England). {dyeing, textiles}.
FRANÇA, Rosa Alice. 2003. As cores do Bonfim (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: Governo da Bahia, Secretaria da Cultura e Turismo). {architecture}.
FRIDELL ANTER, Karin [1950-], and Åke SVEDMYR [1948-]. 2003. Färgen på huset [The color on the house]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Formas). {architecture, interior design}.
GUIMARÃES, Luciano [1967-]. 2003. As cores na mídia: a organização da cor-informação no jornalismo. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Anna Blume).
HUTCHINGS, John B. [1932-]. 2003. Expectations and the food industry. The impact of color and appearance. English (New York, USA: Kluwer Academic Publishers). {food industry, appearance, perception, advertisement, architecture}.
ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries), Ltd. [1926-]. 2003. Colour futures. International colour trends. English (Slough, Berkshire, England: ICI Paints, International Marketing Department). {marketing, design, paints}.
KINNERSLY-TAYLOR, Joanna. 2003. Dyeing and screen-printing on textiles. English (London, England). {dyeing, textiles}.
KOENIG, Becky [1954-]. 2003. Color workbook. English (Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education). {general, arts}.
KUEHNI, Rolf G. [1938-]. 2003. Color space and its divisions: color order from antiquity to the present. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {order systems}.
NEMCSICS, Antal [1927-]. 2003. The laws of Colourland 4. Color harmony and the visual message. English (Budapest, Hungary: International Foundation of Colour and Light). {aesthetics, harmony}.
RAMOS, Osny. 2003. Tratado de ontologia das cores, 2nd ed. Portuguese (Curitiba, Brazil: Jomar Editora). {psychology, color perception}.
RONCHI, Lucia Rositani [1927-], and Silvia RIZZO. 2003. La ricerca di avanguardia vista dall’AIC nel terzo millennio: Seoul (2000), Rochester (2001), Maribor (2002), Bangkok (2003). Parte I: L’uomo e l’ambiente. Italian (Florence, Italy: Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, vol. 78). {psychology, vision, urban planning, architecture}.
ROQUE, Georges, comp. 2003. El color en el arte mexicano. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas). {arts}.
SCHWEPPE, Helmut. 2003. Handbuch der Naturfarbstoffe -Vorkommen, Verwendung, Nachweis. German. {dyeing, textiles}.
TILLBERG, Margareta. 2003. Coloured universe and the Russian avant-garde. Matiushin on colour vision in Stalin’s Russia, 1932. English (Stockholm, Sweden: The author). {arts, history}.
VV.AA. (Various Authors). 2003. Color: reflexiones. Spanish (Bogotá, Colombia: Facultad de Bellas Artes, Universidad de Bogotá, Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Cuadernos Temáticos 4). {general}.
BROWN, Leslie Geddes. 2004. Colour essentials. English (London, England: Ryland Peters & Small). {general}.
BUENO, Patricia. 2004. Minimalism and color. Architecture & interiors & furniture. English (London, England: Conran Octopus). {architecture, interior design}.
FRASER, Tom, and Adam BANKS. 2004. The complete guide to colour. English (Cambridge, England: The Ilex Press). {arts, design}.
Spanish translation by Carme Franch, Color: la guía más completa (Cologne: Taschen, 2005).
GAC (Grupo Argentino del Color) [1980-]. 2004. Color: arte, diseño, tecnología y enseñanza. ArgenColor 2002, Actas del Sexto Congreso Argentino del Color, Rosario, Argentina, September 9-12, 2002, edited by José Luis Ricardo Caivano, Rodrigo Hugo Amuchástegui, and Mabel Amanda López, including a CD-ROM. Spanish (mainly), English (some) (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color, and Editorial La Colmena). {arts, architecture, design, colorimetry, technology, vision, education, psychology}.
HASSON, Rachel. 2004. Ikat – kaleidoscope of colors. Silk fabrics from central Asia. English (Jerusalem, Israel). {dyeing, textiles, ethnology}.
ITTEN, Christian. 2004. Colore e comunicazione, translated from the English. Italian (Milan, Italy: Ikon Editrice).
ISSET, Ruth. 2004. Color on cloth. Create stunnings effects with dye on fabrics. English (London, England: B. T. Batsford). {dyeing, textiles, textile design}.
LOZZA, Raúl [1911-]. 2004. Teoría estructural del color. Spanish (Buenos Aires: The author). {arts, painting}.
OLSSON, Gertrud [1960-]. 2004. Färgperspektiv -kunskap och forskning om färg i arkitekturen [Color perspectives: knowledge and research in architecture]. Swedish (Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, licentiate thesis). {architecture}.
ORTIZ HERNÁNDEZ, Georgina [1944-]. 2004. Usos, aplicaciones y creencias acerca del color. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Trillas). {psychology, ethnology}.
PHILLIPS, Charles. 2004. Color for life. Emotional, spiritual and physical well-being through colour. English (London, England: Ryland). {psychology, health, chromotherapy}.
RONCHI, Lucia Rositani [1927-]. 2004. La ricerca di avanguardia vista dall’AIC nel terzo millennio: Seoul (2000), Rochester (2001), Maribor (2002), Bangkok (2003). Parte II: Colore e linguaggio. Italian (Florence, Italy: Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, vol. 81). {psychology, vision, philology, terminology}.
SUTTON, Tina, and Bride M. WHELAN. 2004. The complete color harmony. A workbook and guide to creative colour combinations. English (Switzerland: Olms). {aesthetics, harmony}.
SUTTON, Tina, and Bride M. WHELAN. 2004. The complete color harmony. Expert color information for professional color results. English (Rockport, Massachusetts, USA: Rockport Publishers). {aesthetics, harmony}.
TREMAIN, Rose. 2004 (before). The color. English. {general}.
Italian translation by Lidia Perria, Il colore (Milan: Marco Troppa Editore, 2004).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2005. AIC Colour 05, Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Colour Association, Granada, May 8-13, 2005, 2 vols. and CD-ROM, edited by Juan L. Nieves and Javier Hernández Andrés. English (Granada, Spain: Comité Español del Color). {psychology, education, physics, colorimetry, vision, technology, arts, architecture}.
CASTAÑEDA, Walter. 2005. Color. Spanish (Manizales, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Caldas, Artes y Humanidades). {general, design}.
HORNUNG, David. 2005. Colour – a workshop for artists and designers. English (London, England). {design, arts}.
LESLIE, Esther [1964-]. 2005. Synthetic worlds: nature, art and the chemical industry. English (London, England: Reaktion). {applied chemistry, dyes, history}.
STROMER, Klaus, and Ernst Peter FISCHER. 2005. Die Natur der Farbe. German (Cologne, Germany).
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2006. AIC 2006 “Colour in Fashion and Colour in Culture”, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association, Misty Hills, South Africa, October 24-27, 2006 (Johannesburg, South Africa: The Colour Group of South Africa). {dress, fashion, architecture, arts}.
GAC (Grupo Argentino del Color) [1980-]. 2006. Color: ciencia, artes, proyecto y enseñanza. ArgenColor 2004, Actas del Séptimo Congreso Argentino del Color, Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 9-12, 2004, edited by José Luis Ricardo Caivano and Mabel Amanda López, including a CD-ROM. Spanish (mainly), English (some) (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Grupo Argentino del Color, and Nobuko). {arts, architecture, design, colorimetry, technology, vision, education, psychology}.
GALLEGO, Rosa, and Juan Carlos SANZ. 2006. Armonía cromática. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: H. Blume). {aesthetics, harmony}.
MILLER BARROS, Lilian Ried. 2006. A cor no processo criativo: um estudo sobre a Bauhaus e a teoria de Goethe. Portuguese (Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editora Senac). 2nd ed. 2007. {arts, theory, aesthetics}.
ORTIZ HERNÁNDEZ, Georgina [1944-]. 2006. El color de los candidatos. Spanish (Mexico City, Mexico: Asociación Mexicana de Investigadores del Color, and Toma y Lee). {psychology}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2007. AIC 2007, “Color Science for Industry”, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, July 12-14, 2007, edited by Guanrong Ye and Haisong Xu. English (Hangzhou, China: Color Association of China). {technology, colorimetry, textiles, architecture}.
COMITÉ ESPAÑOL DEL COLOR [1965-]. 2007. Actas del VII Congreso Nacional del Color, Madrid, Spain, September 19-21, 2007. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: Comité Español del Color, SEDO). {colorimetry, vision, technology, food industry, arts}.
DESCAMPS-LEQUIME, S. 2007. Peinture et couleur dans le monde grec antique. French (Cinq Continents, Collection Archeologie). {archeology}.
HÅRLEMAN, Maud [1953-]. 2007. Daylight influence on colour design. Empirical study on perceived colour and colour experience indoors. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Axl Books, PhD dissertation). {architecture}.
RUBY, Christian. 2007. Devenir contemporain?: la couleur du temps au prisme de l’art. French (Editions du Félin, Collection Les marches du temps). {arts}.
SCHANDA, János. 2007. Colorimetry: understanding the CIE system. English (New York, USA: John Wiley & Sons). {colorimetry}.
SÈVE, Robert [1924-], Michel INDERGAND, and Philippe LANTHONY. 2007. Dictionnaire des termes de la couleur. French (Avallon, France: Editions Terra Rossa). {dictionary, terminology}.
WALRAVENS, Daniel. 2007. De la peinture en général et de la couleur en particulier. French (La Lettre Volée). {arts, painting}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2008. AIC 2008, “Colour – Effects and Affects”, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, June 15-18, 2008, edited by Iman Kortbawi, Berit Bergström, and Karin Fridell Anter. English (Stockholm, Sweden: Scandinavian Colour Institute, 2008). {psychology, education, vision, architecture, arts}.
BERNHARDT, Michele. 2008. Colorstrology: scopri cosa dice di te il colore corrispondente alla tua data di nascita. Italian (Novara, Italy: De Agostini). {psychology}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2009. AIC Colour 2009, Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International Colour Association, September 28 – October 2, 2009, edited by Dianne Smith, Paul Green-Armytage, Margaret A. Pope, and Nick Harkness.English (Sydney, Australia: The Colour Society of Australia). {psychology, education, physics, colorimetry, vision, technology, arts, architecture}.
GIUDICE, Franco. 2009. Lo spettro di Newton: la rivelazione della luce e dei colori. Italian (Roma, Italy: Donzelli). {theory, general}.
SANZ, Juan Carlos. 2009. Lenguaje del color: sinestesia cromática en poesía y arte visual. Spanish (Madrid, Spain: H. Blume). {psychology, arts, aesthetics}.
SPILLMANN, Werner, ed. 2009. Farb-Systeme 1611-2007: Farb-Dokumente in der Sammlung Werner Spillmann, with foreword by Karl Gerstner, and texts by Verena M. Schindler, Stefanie Wettstein, Isabel Haupt, Lino Sibillano and Werner Spillmann. German (Basel, Switzerland: Schwabe Verlag). {order systems}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2010. AIC 2010, “Color and Food: From the Farm to the Table”, Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the International Color Association, October 12-15, 2010, edited by José Luis Caivano and Mabel Amanda López. English (Buenos Aires: Grupo Argentino del Color). {food industry, colorimetry, appearance, psychology, vision, arts, design}.
AIC (Association Internationale de la Couleur) [1967-]. 2011. AIC 2011, “Interaction of Colour and Light”, Proceedings of the Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, June 7-10, 2011, CD-ROM, edited by Verena M. Schinler and Stephan Cuber. English (Zurich, Switzerland: pro/colore). {appearance, psychology, vision, colorimetry, arts, design, architecture}.
CAIVANO, José Luis Ricardo [1958-], and María del Pilar BUERA [1955-], eds. 2012. Color in food: technological and psychophysical aspects. English (Boca Raton, Florida, USA: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis). {food industry, appearance, colorimetry}